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Feeding Time
Feeding Time
Feeding Time
Ebook241 pages4 hours

Feeding Time

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About this ebook

A bloodthirsty woman with an appetite for flesh takes revenge on her unfaithful husband and anyone she seeks out as prey. A graphic tale, full of blood, suspense, and gore that will grip you by the teeth until an unexpected end.


This book contains mature and graphic content that may be disturbing or offensive to some readers. It is not recommended for children or individuals sensitive to violence and sexual themes. 


This is the story of Natas, a woman who indulges in cannibalism and sexual deviance. The content may be challenging to read, it is intended to provoke thought and discussion around the themes of morality, depravity, and the human psyche.


The content may be unsettling it is a work of fiction, and the author does not condone or endorse any of the actions or behaviors described in this work. It is intended to entertain and challenge readers to confront their assumptions and beliefs about human nature.


Reader discretion is strongly advised.

Release dateNov 10, 2022
Feeding Time

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    This sh*t was horrible, don’t quit ur day job sir

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Feeding Time - Matthew Bunner

Feeding Time

Matthew Bunner

Published by Matthew Bunner, 2022.

This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


First edition. November 10, 2022.

Copyright © 2022 Matthew Bunner.

ISBN: 979-8215922521

Written by Matthew Bunner.

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Feeding Time

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Dedicated to all those who said I could do it and dedicated to all you motherfuckers who laughed 

The flies were becoming rampant. Maggots were starting to feast, and the latest meal was ready for disposal. Leroy still needed to fulfill his duties and dispose of the inedible remains of flesh. He usually would have been finished by now. The remains would be ashes, but this time the entree held on a little longer. Time had taken its toll on whatever she left of the carcass. The stench was escaping the airtight chamber where the feast had been. Blood that was weeks old and decaying rot was filling the house.

Natas arose from a deep sleep. What she had promised the night before simply became a snack. What was once a man now lay next to her with his manhood shredded into last night's appetizer. He had bled to death. All that is now a waste. I should’ve kept him alive, Natas said to herself, disgusted for passing out. Since he was no longer fresh and breathing, he was no longer suitable for consumption. And he wasn’t worth a good fuck, plus my fucking bed is ruined, she said.

She went to the shower calling for Leroy to take out her trash. After repeatedly washing her strawberry-tinted golden locks, there were still clots in tangles. It took more than an hour to get the dried blood and sticky clots from her body. Damn, I can't believe I slept in that shit. I guess I drank too much, talking to herself.

After finally stepping out of the burgundy-colored stained wash pit, Natas felt revived.

Attempting to summon Leroy again, she throws on her robe without bothering to tie it and heads down the hallway with her plump perky breasts happily bouncing with every move. Leroy!! Le-e-e-e-ro-o-y!!!  Several times she yelled on her way to his room. After shaking him and beating him, he finally responded.

Leroy turned over and his first vision of the day was Natas’ beautiful breasts staring him straight in the eye. Not a bad thing to wake up to, he thought. But looking was as far as Leroy would go anymore. Many nights he had spent pounding her into oblivion, he was grateful he hadn't become part of the digestive tract. He couldn't help but stare at her perfectly shaped rack and then lowers his eyes to a revealing patch of freshly trimmed stubble. His thoughts lingered. Stop staring at my tits and cunt and get your ass outta bed, she yelled. You know you have to get rid of that shit. What the fuck are you doing still asleep? Why the fuck am I paying you? The fucking smell is starting to get out. Get the fuck up!! Leroy removed his earplugs and tried to explain, I didn't hear the alarm. I couldn’t sleep because of the screaming. It sounded like you were killing him, he said, Why? she asked because he was yelling, my dick, my dick, YOU BIT OFF MY FUCKIN DICK, Natas said, with a chilling grin. Well yeah, that was part of it. Then screaming that you were eating his dick while he was bleeding to death, Leroy told her. And you wonder why I won't fuck you anymore, he said, That's evil,

Come on now, Leroy, you know I wouldn't bite your dick off. Besides, that thing will barely fit in my mouth. I couldn't bite it if I wanted to. And you know I don't eat dark meat. I only fuck it, she said with begging, needful eyes.

Anyway, get your ass out of bed and get the fuck to work. Start in my bedroom with that dickless slab. I want my breakfast first, Natas demanded in a bitchy tone.

Leroy was muscle made of muscle. His ebony bald head shined from the beaming sunlight glaring through the window. He rolled out of bed, knowing he had fucked up. Now he had to take another day off to dispose of another festering heap of remains, he would be busy with a few more disposals to add to the pile. It didn't matter since Natas kept him in business. Leroy still wanted to stay caught up.  Natas tries to keep them alive to feast on as long as they can hold on. But like anything else, all good things must come to an end.


Now, Leroy had begun his day. Natas’ breakfast of a left thigh steak and an ice cold bloodweiser is served.  Nearly complete and balanced. Full of protein if you like red meat and can stand the smell.

With his first chore finished and on a mission for what was waiting in what she considered a bedroom. Not as bad as some, but it wouldn’t be a picnic. Natas already had one by herself.

The mattress was covered and soaked up most of the thinning milk-like river of red. With minimal splatter on the walls and splashes on the floor, Leroy was thankful the flow had stopped, and this one had bled out.

The first thing to do was uncuff the lifeless lump of flesh and remove the carcass from the room where so many had met their fate. The stench of death lingered. Stains of blood that once flowed through the souls that had passed through and into their demise. So much blood, so little time. The poor bastard had no idea it was coming. He thought he was gonna get a good suckin’ off. Instead, he got it bit the fuck off. He said to himself. He was thinking of the horrid screams from the night before. He wondered if any of them ever got any pussy. He didn't think so. A hell of a way to go, Leroy said. Dick hard and in a warm wet mouth one minute, then she bites the motherfucker off and eats it in front of you. What an evil bitch,

Being a bitch was natural for Natas. At least, it was when it came to Leroy. Since he’d moved in with her and quit fucking her even though she couldn’t handle what he had to offer.

Natas had first introduced herself to Leroy after she had to find a way to dispose of the remaining parts of what once was her husband.

Once he had discovered she had been eating dick, literally, he went ballistic. Natas couldn't let her husband loose to tell and wouldn't let him go to waste.

Willing to pay any price Leroy would name. Money wasn’t a problem, nor was any act she may have to perform. The fact that Natas had castrated her husband and eaten him alive was. Until now, Natas had left her remains where she had dined. Now this one was too close to home.

Natas visited Leroy in his crematorium on a hot September afternoon. Walking in as seductively beautiful as she could look. Now, what can I do for you, Ms. or is it Mrs.? Leroy asked Mrs. Reficul, but please call me Natas, O.k. Natas, it is. What can I do for you? Natas didn’t know where to start. How do you ask a stranger to help dispose of a dead body? But she knew she was beautiful, and she knew how to use it. I’m not sure where to start, exactly. You see, I have this problem I need to dispose of, and I’m willing to pay any price or do anything to get it taken care of, she says. Natas takes a lollipop from Leroy’s desk and begins rubbing it around her lips and tongue slowly with needful eyes. I do mean anything, she says as she notices he can’t take his eyes off her. She thinks, This will be easier than I thought, What sort of problem do you have? Leroy asks her politely and professionally as he offers her a seat and reclines back in his big comfy office chair. Natas remains standing. Leroy needed to sit down as he began to stiffen in his pants, gazing at the seductive temptress. Well, you see, it’s my husband. He has passed on, and I need what's left of him cremated. I don’t want anyone else involved. Just you and I. I'd like you to pick him up as soon as possible, she says, begging him. Hmmm, Leroy says, rubbing his chin. Well, what do you mean by what’s left of him? Well, let’s just say he’s all eaten up. That’s about the only way I can put it, Natas says with her stomach full of what used to be her husband. She was now waiting to shit out.  Well, I’m not sure I can do that. You must go through certain steps before you have someone cremated, Leroy tells her, knowing it would be no problem. Just this one time, he thinks. Oh please, there must be something you can do, Natas begs him as she moves closer to him, bending to her knees on the royal blue carpet in front of Leroy. I’m willing to do anything for your help, and money is not a problem, She assures him. Leroy is a simple man and does not have much of a life. He practically lived at his funeral home and crematorium. In his early 40s, he didn’t worry about much else. Just working to survive. He’d been married and divorced twice. Kids that never call and have no idea if they are still where he left them or even if they are still alive. He was content with his life now. An inherited business from his family is known as King's funeral home and crematorium. Natas, on her knees in front of him, Leroy would say yes to anything, Now, just what did you have in mind? Leroy asked as he was ready to explode, hoping for what he had in mind. Natas drops the cherry red lollipop into the trash can next to the desk. She reaches up and begins unzipping his pants. With a seductive smile, she unbuckles his belt and asks him to raise himself just a little to get his pants past his waist. She slides them down to his ankles, removes one of his shoes, and takes one leg out of the pant leg to give her better leverage. She was going to need it. Then with her eyes gazing upon his massive member, she attempts to fit it in her mouth. This is like a beer can, she thinks to herself. As she stretches her jaws and lips to the fullest capacity that nature will allow. She knows she must find a way to make it fit. What else would she do with her husband? She had already consumed all there was to be eaten. There was simply nothing left. With the help of Leroy's hand on the back of her head, pushing her to stretch even further, she finally gets past the head. Barely. With her mouth full and stretched beyond physical limitations, she gives it her best talent. Natas knew she was good but hoped it wouldn’t take long because she didn’t know how long she could keep her mouth open that wide. Finally, Leroy exploded. Just as she wasn’t ready for his massive trunk, she wasn’t prepared for the eruption that volcanically shot down her throat. Natas imagined a hose from a milk truck shoved in her mouth. She tried to back off but to no avail. Leroy’s huge hand would not allow her to let up. His backed-up explosion ran out the sides of her mouth, breaking the seal that had tightly formed. Her eyes filled with water, and she could no longer see. After he finished unleashing his fury-filled shaft, only then did he allow her to remove his engorged cock from her throat. Still, the remains of his explosive eruption filled her mouth. More than she could swallow at once, it ran out of the sides, saturating her blouse. Both of them apologized to each other, but she refused to let him apologize, blaming herself for not being able to handle what she had received. Natas continued stroking him with her hands to ensure she drained every drop. Knowing she had to do very well to make sure her husband's carcass would disappear. Her eyes overflowed from the straining her throat had endured. She now had black streaks pouring down her beautifully proportioned face. She carefully applied a mask of painted beauty, not that she needed any, but it was now a mess.

After her act of oral persuasion, the two return to collect the husband, not a very big man to begin with and, basically, just a carcass. Tossing him around was child's play for Leroy. Leroy couldn’t help but notice the man had been sliced nearly to the bone from every limb. His castration showed evident teeth marks. Leroy could tell what had happened. What happened to his..... Leroy started to ask. You mean what happened to him? she asked. I’m not sure. He was like this when I found him, she says. Don’t you want to find out how he ended up being sliced to pieces and castrated? Leroy asked her, Of course, I'd like to know, but with the business, I can't have an investigation, she says to Leroy, not telling him about the tons of cocaine she had successfully managed to distribute, making her very wealthy. Tons upon millions. 



The evening was approaching, and Natas was gearing up for a night on the prowl. She made Leroy make sure there were no signs or traces of the many that had become her feast. Natas could quickly come up with an excuse had there been any suspicion from any of her guests. But better to leave well enough alone. If no fear arises, there is none to gain, the way she had to keep it. The more unsuspecting her guests were, the more she enjoyed their horrifying expressions and screams filled with the passion of fear for death.

Natas has arrived at one of her favorite take-out spots, Iffy’s Cannon. As sure as she expected, the place was undoubtedly a buffet for her tonight. So many choices and she is not sure where to start. Natas takes an empty seat at the bar, allowing her prey to come to her. She is dressed to kill. Literally, wearing her shortest black leather skirt that came just past her rounded, plump buttocks, a purple wife beater style a size too small was bursting at the seams from her overly endowed breasts for bait. She was going for the I’m easy fuck me now look, and captured every sense of the word easy.

Four unsuspecting entrees approach simultaneously before she has a chance to get a drink herself. The first stands to her left, wreaking alcohol and dollar store cologne. She knew he had been there every night but always brushed him off. Hi there, your name is Brad, right? she asks. His eyes are filled with surprise, and his mouth drops open before he answers. Yes, yes it is, he says, adjusting his glasses as if he is God’s gift to women.

Eric, Gary, and Ray (aka) Chicken Wing. A motley type of bunch, but it isn’t every day she gets to dine on four at a time. Just as Brad offers her a drink, three patrons at the same time offer a drink as well.

The men argue over who was there first and who was buying the lovely Natas a drink. Seductively Natas says, Now, now boys, you don't have to argue. There is plenty of me to go around. You can all have a turn if you are nice and play it right, She orders a triple shot daiquiri followed by two longneck Budweiser’s and another triple shot that was her favorite. ‘Jager bombs for everyone. Allowing the alcohol to take effect and do its job. Natas leads the group to the dance floor. Allowing the sex-crazed hands to have their way, she knew she was in for a treat tonight. She would playfully swat away each hand as it tried to go beneath what little there was for a skirt. She bent over for each one allowing them to slip a finger into drenching succulent sweetness. After all, the men feel their prize as they comment on what they want to do. They all mention returning to their private love shack, except for Brad, who mentions a motel. Natas cheerfully says, No need to worry. I have my driver waiting. We can all go to my place and bring you back to your car later. I have it all taken care of, You already planned on taking someone home. I love a woman who knows what she wants, Eric says. I was looking for someone, but now I have four, so it’s even better. I’m hungry tonight. I'm going to eat you all up. If one gets worn down, I can snack on the other. I can hardly wait. Let's get out here, she says as she playfully rubs each one between their legs and kisses them one by one.

Leroy, waiting in the driver seat of Natas’ white stretch limo, sees the group approaching and opens the door for the intoxicated group. As they get closer to Leroy, Brad begins racial slurs directed at Leroy, getting laughs from Eric and Chicken Wing. Gary was busy trying to find his way into Natas’ skirt and paid no mind. Although Brad has a severe lack of intelligence, naturally, Leroy becomes infuriated. For the sake of her plans, Natas has to control Leroy. Easy, easy, he didn’t mean anything by it, besides I can’t wait to eat them up. Just let it go, for now, please, She tells the massive mountain of muscle. Yeah, she’s going to eat us up, right? Brad says with a slap on her ass. Leroy, knowing what the night holds, allows the comments to pass. He laughs it off with everyone else.

On the twenty-minute ride on the deserted country roads, Natas breaks out her stash. You boys wanna get high? she asks, passing around the mirror and straw after blasting three lines herself. Each one takes turns blasting lines up their nose as Natas takes off her top for the men. Exposing her playfully prominent companions of joy. Gary joins Chicken Wing in what she has to offer while Eric and Brad pack their noses full. Until Natas eagerly moves to trade them to trade her tits for the pile of cocaine. With fingers slipping in and out of her love tunnel, all grabbing anywhere they can. She doesn’t know who has the straw or is rubbing her clit. Nearly smothering Brad, she snatches him by the back of the head, forcing his face between her legs and holding him still as she grinds herself to climax. A means of pleasure and instant ecstasy. While Brad is gasping for breath, she lets up with his face covered in her glaze. I’ve never done that before, he says, stuttering. She slaps him in the face and says, Get used to it and quit fucking bitching, She is now satisfied as Leroy turns onto the grounds of the awaiting palace of the temptress. Still, topless Natas leads the group through her front door, directing her found friends to the sanctuary and giving orders to shed their clothes. You boys go in here and get comfortable. Go ahead, take it all off, don’t be shy, get ready for me. I'll eat you all up shortly, she tells them. With a lick of her lips, she smacks Brad on the ass. Listening to the men about how high they are and Brad's comments about Leroy and owning him, Natas returns to the men wearing her knee-high leather boots with a six-inch heel. A crotchless leather strap around her waist and legs, and black gloves to match. She remained topless. Her blonde locks clamped back so as not to interfere.

Seductively marching across the room with her whip in hand, she gives a sudden CRACK, slapping Brad across the chest. AAHHH  WHAT THE FUCK? he shouts painfully. If you can’t handle a little crack from a whip, what are you going to do with me? she asks. Get up and follow me, she tells him, leaving the other three to guzzle beer. I’ll be back for you one at a time then. We can all have fun together."

Leading the unstable mess through the hall with her whip around his neck, she takes him to her lair. She turns him so his back to the plastic-covered wall. The entire room is covered in plastic and sealed airtight. There are wrist straps with locks on the walls and ankle locks to match. She guides him backward, raising his arms one at a time, strapping him to the wall. She lowers herself to her knees, taking him in her mouth for a moment as she spreads his legs apart, securing his ankles. She goes back to teasingly sucking his limp member. Let me guess, and you snorted a bunch of coke. You can’t get it up, huh? she says scornfully. No, no, I’ll get it up. Don’t stop. Just give me a minute, he promises. She continues to stroke his genitalia, in and out, up and down. Still limp and still nothing. Ok, she says, I’ll give you a rest while I bring the others in here. Maybe you’ll come around, She raises herself, giving the head a flick with her finger, and shoves her tongue down his throat. Backing away with her whip, she cracks him again across the chest. Don’t yell. Hold it in,'' she whispers grimly, chilling him to his testicles. There is more where that came from; besides, if you can’t get it up. I’ll beat you till you do!"

Leaving him alone, Natas marches back to the other three

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