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The Protector's Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to Close Protection
The Protector's Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to Close Protection
The Protector's Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to Close Protection
Ebook215 pages1 hour

The Protector's Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to Close Protection

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Introducing "The Protector's Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to Close Protection" - the ultimate guidebook for anyone interested in the field of close protection. Whether you are a seasoned professional or just starting out, this book will provide you with a wealth of information and practical tips to help you succeed in this challenging and rewarding career.

Written by experienced close protection specialists with decades of combined experience in the field, "The Protector's Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to Close Protection" covers a wide range of topics, from threat assessment and risk analysis to defensive driving techniques, tactical medical training, and much more. The book is designed to be a comprehensive reference guide, providing readers with all the information they need to excel in the world of close protection.

One of the standout features of "The Protector's Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to Close Protection" is its focus on real-world scenarios and exercises. The authors understand that no two situations are the same, and that the ability to adapt and think on your feet is essential in the world of close protection. To that end, the book includes a wide range of case studies and exercises that will help readers develop the critical thinking and problem-solving skills necessary to succeed in this challenging field.

In addition to its practical focus, "The Protector's Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to Close Protection" is also a great resource for anyone looking to learn more about the legal and ethical considerations of close protection. The book includes detailed information on use of force laws and regulations, privacy and confidentiality issues, and criminal and civil liability, among other topics. This information is essential for anyone looking to provide close protection services in a safe, responsible, and ethical manner. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, "The Protector's Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to Close Protection"  is sure to provide you with the knowledge, skills, and inspiration you need to succeed in the world of close protection.

Release dateMar 20, 2023
The Protector's Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to Close Protection


Melvyn is no ordinary name in the world of security; he's an achiever whose memorable journey spans four remarkable decades. Armed with a plethora of certifications including Certified Security Professional, Certified Security Assessor, Certified Security Training Officer, and Licensed Private Detective, he has become the embodiment of unwavering commitment and expertise. But it's not just the certifications that define him; it's his resilience that sets him apart. Melvyn has triumphed over three ambushes, multiple assassination attempts, and the harrowing challenges of death threats and bomb scares. His life story is a testament to courage and an unwavering spirit that refuses to bow down in the face of adversity. As a security consultant and private detective, Melvyn's contributions are nothing short of extraordinary. He's offered invaluable security assessments, consulted for international NGOs, and helped multinational manufacturing corporations navigate complex security issues. His detective work reads like an adventure novel - orchestrated heartwarming reunions, helping missing children find their way back to their families, and aiding an American executive in exposing an online criminal syndicate. He has also extended a compassionate hand to those grappling with infidelity, providing support and resolution to both male and female victims of cheating partners or spouses. Melvyn's influence extends far beyond his security expertise. He's a trailblazing trainer, with his innovative methods revolutionizing productivity, efficiency, and crisis response for numerous multinational corporations. But there's more to this versatile professional than meets the eye. Melvyn is a licensed Franklin Covey coach and a master life coach. He's also a prolific author with over 40 published book titles. His Authoblish™ method has empowered over 20 aspiring writers to see their literary dreams come to life. Melvyn resides in the Philippines with his spouse, living a fulfilled and inspiring life. His journey serves as a vivid reminder that with resilience, expertise, and a dash of courage, you can overcome any challenge and emerge stronger on the other side.

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    Book preview

    The Protector's Handbook - MELVYN C.C. VALENZUELA

    I. Introduction to Close Protection

    Definition of close protection

    Close protection, also known as executive protection, is a security practice designed to protect individuals who may face potential threats due to their profession, social status, or political affiliations. The practice involves providing specialized security services to high-profile individuals such as celebrities, corporate executives, political figures, and diplomats.

    Close protection is a proactive security approach that involves identifying potential risks and vulnerabilities and developing strategies to mitigate them. The objective of close protection is to prevent potential threats from materializing, and if a threat does occur, to respond quickly and effectively to minimize the impact. Close protection agents work in teams and are trained in various aspects of security, such as threat assessment, risk management, protective operations, surveillance detection, driving, and emergency response.

    Close protection services may include providing security during travel, public appearances, meetings, events, and other activities. Close protection agents may also provide personal protection to individuals by escorting them to and from various locations, monitoring their surroundings, and responding to potential threats.

    Close protection services may be provided by private security firms, law enforcement agencies, or government agencies. Close protection agents must be licensed, trained, and experienced in various aspects of security. They must also possess strong communication, problem-solving, and decision-making skills, as well as the ability to work well under pressure.

    Overall, close protection is a crucial security practice for individuals who face potential threats due to their profession, social status, or political affiliations. It provides a proactive approach to security by identifying potential risks and vulnerabilities and developing strategies to mitigate them. Close protection agents play a vital role in ensuring the safety of their clients and their team members.

    History of close protection

    Close protection can be traced back to ancient times when rulers, kings, and emperors would use bodyguards to protect themselves from harm. However, the modern practice of close protection, as we know it today, emerged during the 19th century.

    The British government formed the first modern bodyguard unit, known as the Special Irish Branch, in 1883. The unit was created to protect British diplomats and officials during their assignments overseas. The Special Irish Branch was later renamed the Special Branch, and its duties expanded to include providing security to political figures and other high-profile individuals in the UK.

    During World War II, close protection became more specialized as intelligence agencies started to use it to protect their operatives. The US Secret Service, for example, was created in 1865 and was responsible for investigating currency counterfeiting. After the assassination of President William McKinley in 1901, the Secret Service's mandate expanded to include providing close protection to the US president.

    In 1950, the Israeli government created the Shin Bet, a security agency responsible for providing close protection to high-profile individuals, including political figures and diplomats. The agency was later renamed the Israel Security Agency and is still responsible for providing close protection in Israel today.

    In the United States, the practice of close protection continued to evolve throughout the 20th century. In 1962, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, prompting the US government to increase its efforts to protect the president and other high-profile individuals. The Presidential Protective Division was established within the Secret Service to provide close protection to the president and his family.

    In the 1970s, the practice of close protection became more widespread as private security firms began offering their services to high-profile individuals. These firms provided close protection services to corporate executives, celebrities, and other high-profile individuals. Today, close protection is a mainstream security practice used to protect high-profile individuals all over the world.

    In conclusion, the history of close protection can be traced back to ancient times, but the modern practice of close protection emerged during the 19th century with the formation of the Special Irish Branch in the UK. The practice continued to evolve throughout the 20th century, with the creation of the US Secret Service, the Israel Security Agency, and the establishment of private security firms offering close protection services. Today, close protection is an essential security practice used to protect high-profile individuals all over the world.

    Types of close protection assignments

    Close protection is a specialized security practice that is used to provide personal protection to high-profile individuals who may be at risk of harm due to their public profile, occupation, or other factors. Close protection agents, also known as bodyguards or executive protection specialists, are trained professionals who provide a range of security services to their clients, including threat assessment, risk mitigation, and physical protection.

    Close protection assignments can vary widely depending on the specific needs of the client. In this article, we will discuss some of the most common types of close protection assignments and provide real-life examples of each.

    Celebrity protection

    Celebrity protection is one of the most common types of close protection assignments. Celebrities, such as actors, musicians, and athletes, are often at risk of harm due to their high public profile and the intense scrutiny that comes with fame. Close protection agents who specialize in celebrity protection are tasked with ensuring their clients' safety and security, both in public and in private settings.

    Real-life example: In 2016, Kim Kardashian was robbed at gunpoint in her Paris hotel room by a group of thieves who stole millions of dollars' worth of jewelry. The incident highlighted the need for heightened security measures for high-profile celebrities, especially when traveling to foreign countries.

    Executive protection

    Executive protection is another common type of close protection assignment. Executives, such as CEOs, high-level corporate executives, and entrepreneurs, may be at risk of harm due to the nature of their work, the sensitive information they handle, or their public profile. Close protection agents who specialize in executive protection are tasked with protecting their clients from physical harm, as well as ensuring the security of their workplace and travel

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