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Spitting Distance
Spitting Distance
Spitting Distance
Ebook60 pages47 minutes

Spitting Distance

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About this ebook

Matthew has given his Mistress carte blanche over his life. But she takes him deeper than he ever expected, whisking him away on a vacation to Belize and enlisting the aid of a disgraced doctor. Then Matthew's fate is sealed and he's just along for the ride as these two ladies embark on a quest to find out what makes him tick so they can take away his orgasms forever!


This book is just shy of 6,500 words (across five chapters), and also includes a complimentary "1st person" version of the story, for readers who like to imagine themselves as the star of the action.

Release dateMar 21, 2023
Spitting Distance

Sierra M. Dawson

Sierra M. Dawson is a communications professional turned novelist, and a lifelong BDSM aficionado. She lives in New York with her husband Mark, their two children, and their two golden retrievers, where she enjoys hiking and gardening with her family, and of course writing erotic fiction :)

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    Book preview

    Spitting Distance - Sierra M. Dawson

    Chapter 1

    So here Matthew was. On vacation!

    That still had not yet sunk in fully. It was only yesterday that Mistress had broke the news to him. (And even then it was only when he inquired about an unexpected purchase for two flight tickets, charged on the credit card he had given her several months back.)

    Oh, no! It was supposed to be a surprise, she had insisted! But she said he could make it up to her by packing himself a travel bag for a few nights, and be ready at sunrise when the driver (also charged to his account, naturally) arrived to take them both to the airport.

    And what an adventure that had been, going through the airport.

    Carrying Mistress’s three full suitcases while everything Matthew had brought fit into a single backpack.

    Getting pulled aside by security when the body scanner flagged his chastity belt as suspicious.

    Dropping his pants for two men and a woman to inspect the inescapable steel cage locked on his cock.

    Forcing himself to snicker along with them when he explained that he wasn’t the one who held the key.

    Even once the plane had touched down in Belize and a cab had driven him and Mistress to the house (ten or twelve miles inland from the beach resorts, oddly), Matthew could have sworn that the owner Miss Asha smirked at him as Mistress made introductions.

    But that was all in the past. And now he was officially on vacation. Lying back and relaxing in the most literal sense!

    He was nude, as he often was in Mistress’s presence.

    And secured in a spread eagle to the queen size bed in Miss Asha’s guest room. Atop some weird plastic sheet that felt like a shower curtain.

    Did Miss Asha put this down for everyone who rented her house? Or had Mistress perhaps requested that she put it down, knowing the bodily fluids she expected to exchange with him this weekend?

    Matthew blushed at the thought of Miss Asha knowing even a small fraction of the parameters of his relationship with Mistress. The things she made him do for her. The things he let her do to him.

    But he couldn’t exactly ask either way.

    With considerable effort, Mistress had managed to stuff her panties and both socks into Matthew’s mouth for the first time ever. (This ensured that he would keep extra quiet since they were guests in Miss Asha’s home, Mistress explained.)

    Mistress wound a dozen layers of duct tape over Matthew’s mouth and around his head to help him keep her unmentionables in his mouth for her. Then she gave his wrist and ankle cuffs a once over, gave him a few test tickles on his feet and his rib cage to make sure he was good and secure, and then suddenly cleared her throat.

    Miss Asha? she called. We’re ready for you!

    Yayss Mah’m, a voice responded from outside. And then Miss Asha opened the door and entered the room.

    Oh! she laughed at Matthew’s wide eyes. He looks surprised. I gayss you deed not tell heem?

    I did not, Mistress confessed. He may have found out about the trip earlier than I had wanted, but I knew I could keep our little threesome secret until the very last second!

    A threesome!

    So that was why Mistress had rented a house so far from the beach!

    She must have spent weeks scouting potential candidates for someone who seemed like she would match well with their respective kinks.

    And Miss Asha certainly had her appeal, in her own modest way. She was probably late thirties, and certainly a bit on the chubbier side. But certainly nothing to scoff at!

    As Matthew’s cock struggled against the confines of its metal prison, he silently prayed that he would not spend the entire vacation locked up. Of course Mistress would put him through his paces and encourage Miss Asha

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