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Spirit Realm
Spirit Realm
Spirit Realm
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Spirit Realm

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In a world of unseen things, the ancient reality of the immortal, invisible intersects with the physical realm of earth and time. Hidden there are mysteries of cosmic birth, eternal wonders, and a story of friendship, love, and betrayal that spawned the clash of the ages.

Reeling from a war that saw a third of Michael's forces side with one of his most respected friends, who is now the enemy, how will this Archangel protect the most precious life in all creation when he insists on this horrifying mission?

Release dateMar 20, 2023
Spirit Realm

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    Book preview

    Spirit Realm - Cynthia Allen Thomas

    Table of Contents



    Part One: The Spirit Realm

    1: The Disruption

    2: Prince of the Power of the Air

    3: Maker of Heaven and Earth

    4: Time and Choices

    5: Sin, Death, and Separation

    6: Expulsion

    7: The Devil Has Come Down to Earth

    Part Two: The Seed of the Woman

    8: Cain and Abel

    9: Progeny

    10: After the Flood

    11: Bloodline Part 1

    12: Bloodline Part 2

    13: Son of the Promise, Son of the Slave

    Part Three: Search and Destroy

    14: Defending Dominion

    15: I AM the Lord

    16: Hide and Seek

    17: Brotherly Deception

    18: Clues

    Part Four: The Revelation

    19: The Virgin

    20: Heaven Has Come Down to Earth

    21: Son of God and Son of Man

    22: The One Foretold

    23: The Kingdom of Heaven Is at Hand

    24: Ears to Hear

    Part Five: The Alpha and Omega

    25: The King of Glory

    26: Battle Lines

    27: Showdown

    28: Legalities

    29: Show and Tell

    30: Ascent to The Throne

    Chapter Notes

    About the Author

    ISBN 978-1-68526-997-5 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-68526-998-2 (Digital)

    Copyright © 2023 Cynthia Allen Thomas

    All rights reserved

    First Edition

    All Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version)

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Covenant Books

    11661 Hwy 707

    Murrells Inlet, SC 29576


    I wrote this biblically based novel in the hopes of helping people envision the invisible reality of our existence. If the Bible is true (and I believe that it is), then the spirit realm of human existence is as real, or more real, than this physical realm we all see and experience with our senses. I realize we cannot know for sure what is happening beyond what our physical eyes can see. But I do know that nothing happens in a relational, emotional vacuum, and the Bible gives us many clues as to the intensity of emotion that the angelic beings are capable of experiencing. In this book, Spirit Realm, we will follow the archangel Michael as he recalls events of the warfare with Satan while he, Gabriel, and the host of heaven witness the crucifixion and await the third day.

    This book tells the big-picture story from the creation to Pentecost in a way that I hope will open up the spirit realm and draw people into the truths of the Jesus story, making biblical learning entertaining and engaging. At the end of the book, each chapter has a list of references that biblically follow the story so people can check for themselves to answer the question Is that really in the Bible?

    I tried to write this book with the middle school and high school audience in mind, hoping that the fictional action and drama would capture their imagination and draw them into the factual story of Jesus. I also hope that the two years it took to research and write along with the hours spent consulting my theological advisor, and all the people praying for me, make this book scripturally sound and educational as it awakens our awareness to the spiritual domain of life.

    Even though I understand that there may be theological differences in some of the details, I think the integrity of the overall biblical story stays intact. It is my prayer that audiences of all ages will come to know and understand who Jesus is and enjoy anew this ancient story told once again—but this time from what might have been the angel’s point of view in the Spirit Realm.

    Finally, I would like to thank all my family, friends, and my Freedom Rains Ministries family for their prayers and the very many ways that they supported me through this endeavor. I would especially like to thank my mom, Judy, who is a retired teacher with a master’s degree in education, for meticulously going over each chapter as I wrote it to address the story flow as well as the grammar and punctuation needs.

    I would like to thank my friend and theological consultant Rev. Mark Quigley, who has a bachelor’s degree in Bible and a master of arts degree in religion with over forty years of ministry experience, for all the hours he spent reviewing theological integrity, asking me questions, answering my questions, and helping me with hours of research.

    I needed a teenager’s point of view, and I would like to thank my sixteen-year-old grandson, Evan Thomas, who is a science-fiction writer and is currently writing the fifth book of his Lloyd Salt series, which you can find on, if you’re interested. (I have to say it’s a series that would be exciting for your teen to read and includes very age appropriate relationships going on! It does have some descriptive battle scenes in it. I’ve enjoyed reading his series, and it’s been a blessing to watch Evan’s growth as an author. I know, I know, proud grandma talking!)

    Evan was in charge of reading the manuscript, advising me on some of the action scenes, and telling me if he thought teenagers might like it. He reported the manuscript held his interest and that he likes the action scenes, the behind-the-scenes activities involving Satan and the demonic realm, and how God always outmaneuvers Satan. So that was encouraging!

    And of course, I’d like to thank Covenant Books for final edits and walking me through this publishing process.

    Part One

    The Spirit Realm


    The Disruption

    His body tensed as the anguish of inaction held him. Yet Michael stood obedient and resolute at the head of the legions he now commanded. One word from The Throne and He could move. Every eye was on him, waiting for the signal. He could feel every essence of their created beings pulsating with agony at what they were now witnessing. The partially restrained gasps of horror from his troops made his own war of emotions all the more difficult to battle. Michael was created to love, obey, and defend The Word¹ of The Throne, yet there He was, being brutalized so badly that this physical form he had taken was now hardly recognizable as human²…but The Throne was silent. No command came. His thoughts went back to when the earth soldiers had originally come to get The Word. A skirmish had occurred as one from His group had tried to defend Him with a sword.

    The Word had rebuked the action, however, declaring so all could hear, Put your sword away. All who take up the sword will perish by the sword. Do you think I cannot call on my Father and He will immediately send me more than twelve legions of angels? But how then should the Scriptures be fulfilled concerning the things that must happen?³

    The things that must happen…why must they happen? Michael watched the Roman guard, the chief priests, the scribes, and several cynical passers-by deride and taunt The Word as His body hung on the cruelest form of execution there was, crucifixion. He watched the earth soldiers take His clothes and gambled for who would get them.

    Why does He love them so much? Michael marveled in bewildered sadness. And what is this kind of love that He can take the betrayals, the beatings, and the scourging whip that has ripped the flesh from his back, and then be hung on a Roman cross to suffer this way? Yet in the midst of it all, He still wants them.

    The Word raised His voice toward The Throne, Father, forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing.

    I try so hard to understand what You’re doing, Michael whispered as though speaking to The Word directly.⁶ He knew The Word could hear him; He hears everything He’s created. He knew that all the angelic beings were intimately connected with their creator in ways that were beyond their understanding. Even the breath they breathe is not mere air, but the very essence of their creator.

    I am here my Lord Commander, he whispered again, as a deep sense of sorrow and love consumed him. We are all here.

    In the sixth hour of the day, a thick darkness engulfed the whole land. Michael and his troops continued their heartrending vigil over The Word, witnessing the blood oozing from wounds on every part of His swollen body and listening to the grim sounds of His lungs losing their fight for air. They could see the fear that began gripping the humans around Him as the untimely blackness seemed to press in with ominous peril. Sin was being attached to the sacrificial Lamb of God.

    At the ninth hour, the dreaded moment came. The emotions of His humanity were overwhelming Him as The Word cried out in tortured anguish, Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani? (My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?)

    His precious voice was filled with an overwhelming desolation, an aloneness that Michael had never heard from Him. In the spirit realm, Michael could see a thick black slime slithering up from the base of the cross to envelop The Word. Michael knew it was him, their enemy. The master of the demon horde was here in person for this.

    As Satan moved up Jesus’s body like a boa constrictor, he hissed, You thought I could not win, didn’t you, Son of God! Yet where is your Father now? Why is your host of heaven impotent before my horde? he asked as the demonic realm went into convulsions of hilarity and celebration.

    Continuing his slow ascent, Satan fully wrapped himself around Jesus’s body. The last thing you will experience and hear on this earth is The Throne turning away from you and my voice in your ear. You took a big risk, Son of God, seed of the woman, and it did not pay off, did it? I AM the god of this realm, and you became flesh to dwell among these pathetic Image Bearers. By your own Word, I have dominion over flesh. Now I take my dominion over your flesh, so you die and I win, Satan hissed as he squeezed down hard.

    Father! came Jesus’s heartbreaking cry of tortured resignation, into Your hands I commend My spirit!

    With that, The Word bowed his head, declaring with His last breath, It is finished.¹⁰ And still, The Throne was silent.

    At the sound of His agony, heaven and earth began shaking as though they were in violent death throes. Rocks split, graves were opened, and in the temple, the thick curtain separating all from the Holy of Holies was torn in two from top to bottom.¹¹ An unprecedented disruption of created order was now convulsing through all of existence like a shock wave.

    Suddenly, Michael’s chest was wracked with an alarming, suffocating pain. He worked to steady himself as he frantically tried to inhale.

    Why can’t I breathe? What was this?

    He had never felt a sensation like this in all of his existence. As he raised his eyes to quickly look around, he saw his troops gasping, struggling, clutching their chests! Swiftly redirecting his attention toward The Throne, his mind called out, How is this even possible? What is Your command?

    Then, as quickly as it had started, it was over. Struggling to regulate his breathing and refocus, he became excruciatingly aware of the earth scene. The Word had breathed His last and was dead.¹²


    Michael watched as an eerie calm draped over the land and the earth seemed to stabilize. Many around the cross were motionless, staring in shock and disbelief. For those who loved The Word, grief hung heavy at the edge of their emotions, waiting to descend and engulf them as their minds began coming to grips with what was in front of them.

    The Roman guards struggled to regain their footing, their panicked eyes quickly scanning back and forth for threats as they surveyed the scene of the execution.

    Truly this was the Son of God! exclaimed the shaken soldiers.¹³

    Michael’s breathing finally normalized, and he turned to his troops.

    Harrell! Tamah! Come forward, he commanded. Still working to steady themselves, two of his most trusted soldiers moved quickly toward the front. Take your units and see that the will of The Throne is carried out and all is done according to the voice of His Word.¹⁴

    With a nod to their leader, and a quick glance toward each other, they swiftly set off on their mission.

    Harrell and Tamah arrived on the scene as the guards were getting their wits about them and focusing on what was to be done next. Even though in earth time it had taken a while for them to get there, in eternity, there is no time and only minutes had passed here since The Disruption. Landing with their units, Tamah looked quizzically at Harrell. How is it the travel to this mission is so unopposed this time?

    I was wondering the same thing, Harrell admitted. Keep alert, active warfare has been going on a long time, and this weird calm in the spirit realm is a bit disconcerting, especially in light of these events.

    You keep your unit here, said Harrell. I will go find Joseph and Nicodemus to make sure they are guarded.

    Tamah nodded as Harrell signaled his unit to follow him, turning his face toward Jerusalem and the next step of the plan.


    Activity at the execution site had commenced with the humans completely unaware of the extra company that had arrived. Today was the day of the Jewish Preparation, and no bodies could be on a cross for the Sabbath celebration which began at sundown. The Centurion barked orders toward his soldiers. We’ve got to get them off these crosses. You know the drill. Break their legs and get them down. Orders are that they are to be taken away.¹⁵

    Tamah’s unit surrounded the center cross where the body of The Word still hung. Above His head was attached a sign in three languages. It read, Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews. But oh… He was so much more than that. They knew there was a plan, yet being so close to His lifeless body and not sensing The Word’s presence, evoked strong emotions in all of them.

    Tamah was keenly aware of their internal struggles.

    Just focus on the mission, he commanded softly. They all nodded.

    There were two others executed on a cross that day, one was on each side of The Word. The soldiers set about their gruesome task and broke the legs of the first in line. His body flinched with pain as he tried to cry out with the remaining air in his lungs, but only a groan of agony escaped with his last breath. As they approached The Word, they paused for a moment. Stopped by a strange resistance they couldn’t understand, their bodies shifted back and forth with apprehension. Angelic beings surrounded the soldiers and spoke to their minds, He’s already dead. No need to break any bones here.

    Glancing at each other with a bit of confusion on their faces, one of the soldiers took his spear and pierced The Word. At once, there poured blood and water from His side. Not a movement or sound of any kind came from the body.

    This one’s already dead, the soldier called to the Centurion. No need to break any bones here.¹⁶

    That’s fine then, just finish the work, came the Centurion’s taut reply. Get them all down and get things cleaned up here. I am going to go inform Pilate.

    He was actually feeling quite relieved that he did not have to add any further damage to this particular body. He had never felt this unsettled with foreboding about an execution before. He was looking forward to concluding his duties here and getting far away from this scene. Mounting his horse, he headed back toward the walls of Jerusalem.

    When the Centurion arrived, he was met at the entrance and told that Pilate was calling for him. Hurrying in, he quickly acknowledged his superior. Pilate was surrounded by his usual guard and seemed focused on a discussion with a particular individual in front of him.

    The events of the earthquake seemed not to have affected them at all. The Centurion marveled as he surveyed the scene.

    Everyone was used to occasional shakings, he thought, but they had not been there at the site, they had not witnessed what I had. That had been no ordinary earthquake.

    Tell me, said Pilate refocusing to address the Centurion. Is the King of the Jews indeed dead?¹⁷

    Yes, he is, answered the Centurion. It was a bit surprising how fast he died, but he had lost a lot of blood prior to the crucifixion. He is indeed dead, my lord.

    Harrell and some from his unit were maneuvering through the room completely unnoticed by its human occupants. Others from his unit had gone to watch over Nicodemus. Harrell stood near Pilate and spoke words of peace to him. It’s over. The Jew is dead, he is no longer the threat that the Pharisees feared. Joseph can take the body.

    Pilate turned again to Joseph of Arimathaea. Having a bit of surprise on his face at the news he’d just heard, he said, Well, then most honorable counsellor, it seems there is no longer any potential threat here. I will grant your request. You may go now and take the body to dispose of as you see fit.¹⁸

    Thank you, Joseph said, as he bent his head forward and backed his way out of the room. Rushing to collect some fine linen for burial cloths, he then hurried to the site of the crucifixion to retrieve the body.¹⁹ Unbeknown to him, he had company in tow, making sure all things were being done according to the will of The Throne. Harrell had put Kapriel in charge to send his troops ahead with Joseph while he had stayed behind with Pilate to monitor what he might do next.

    Jakim had been given charge of the group that left to find Nicodemus. As they arrived at their destination, they found him busy collecting about a hundred pounds of myrrh and aloes to go prepare the body for burial. Jakim scanned his surroundings, shaking his head.

    I don’t get it, he mused, this place is usually crawling with enemy activity. What is this quiet absence we have here?

    Jakim went over to Nicodemus who was now standing by his supplies with a lost kind of scowl on his face, his eyes intently staring at nothing particular. Jakim lightly touched his shoulder and whispered, Be at peace, take courage, it’s time to go meet Joseph.

    Nicodemus blinked his eyes and shook his head just a bit. Taking a deep breath and collecting his supplies, he hurried on his way. He knew Joseph would go to Pilate for the body just as he’d told Nicodemus he would. He hoped and prayed that Pilate had granted his request so they could take the body for honorable burial.


    Joseph and Kapriel’s company were already at the crucifixion site with Tamah’s unit when Nicodemus showed up. Tamah met Jakim and the rest of Harrell’s unit as they arrived.

    Greetings, Jakim, Tamah said, Kapriel informs me that Harrell has had guidance from The Throne and is staying with Pilate a while longer. Go ahead and join your unit.

    Kapriel’s group dispersed as ordered, but he noticed Tamah had been watching the sky behind him. He turned to see what was taking the leader’s attention.

    We’ve got company coming. Tamah called out to the troop, Look sharp, everyone! Take your positions.

    With that, the group divided up making a hedge of protection around Joseph, Nicodemus, John, Mary, and the other women who had stayed to the end. They circled around the body of The Word and watched as a black swarm moved toward them through the now cloudless sky. The closer it got, the heavier the atmosphere seemed to get and the stench of decay permeated the air. As the dark cloud got closer, Tamah could see the forms separating and the outlines of the individual creatures now coming into focus.

    Hitting the ground with great force and indignation, the horde huddled together, hissing and cursing as they glared at Tamah and his soldiers. Their leader pushed his way from the center of the group to face Tamah. He was a gigantic, heavy creature that looked like black slime with an upright form somewhere between human and dragon. He had two huge horns that protruded from each side of his head and then arched toward each other over his skull. His face showed a hideous pattern of distortion between human and beast, and his breath spewed forth wreaking of sulfur.

    Ahriman, Tamah said as he and his troops took out their swords. He had done business with this demon before.

    We became aware that a company of the heavenly host had arrived, Ahriman hissed. You have interrupted our festivities. What are you doing here, Tamah? You are too late, he’s dead. Even he admitted that it is indeed finished.

    Then what are you worried about? Tamah challenged.

    Who said I’m worried about anything? Ahriman bellowed. But you wouldn’t be here unless you were up to something.

    This is the body of our Lord, stated Tamah, his voice taking on a quiet, gentle respect. We will dispose of it with honor, and you will not interfere, he stated with an authority in his voice that threatened a greater intervention than what Ahriman saw standing in front of him.

    Ahriman glared at the group as the black ooze of overwhelming hatred seethed from his body. He wanted a fight, but he knew the authority in that tone. His company continued their hissing and cursing, waiting for the next command of their leader.

    Take your corpse, Ahriman mocked, it is of no use to us. Then he raised himself to his full height and gave a taunting smile. We have done the bidding of our master, and this day, we celebrate our victory.

    With that, he signaled his group to follow him and the black blasphemous cloud rose from the ground and headed for the city.

    Tamah put his sword away, shaking his head as he watched them go.

    And that’s why The Throne signaled Harrell to stay with Pilate, he commented aloud to no one in particular. I wonder what strife they are planning to stir up now.

    Still shaking his head, Tamah turned toward his company and the activity that was going on at the cross. The hedge of protection the host had provided had kept the heaviness of the demonic presence away from the mourners. The heaviness in their own hearts was enough for them to bear this day.

    Joseph and Nicodemus carefully and gently brought The Word’s body down from the cross. As he was laid softly on the ground, His mother, Mary, knelt beside her firstborn, tears streaming down her face. Grief suddenly overwhelmed her as she put her arm under his shoulders and drew her son close. Holding Him tightly, her heart broke as sobs of grief shook her body, the blood of her son soaking into her clothes, and her soul.²⁰ The rest stood back in respect. They would give her a few moments. This would be a long, sad night.

    After some time had passed, John gently touched Mary’s shoulders.

    My mother, he whispered, oh, so lovingly, let us go rest. The Sabbath is upon us and Joseph and Nicodemus will take good care of our Lord.

    With John’s help, Mary slowly rose to her feet. She turned to Joseph and Nicodemus, looking at them with eyes of pain and gratitude. She, more than any other human on earth, knew exactly who her firstborn was. But even knowing the truth and trusting in all that He had said, it did not make this journey through the valley of the shadow of death any less agonizing.

    We honor your son, Mary. We’ll take good care of him, Joseph whispered. Mary nodded as she steadied herself on John’s strong arm, and they, along with most of the accompanying women who were still there, moved in saddened silence away from Golgotha.

    Jakim! Tamah called. Take your company and stay with John and Mary.

    As you command, Jakim answered. He and his company kept the hedge of protection around the little group as they descended from Golgotha toward Jerusalem’s gates.

    Tamah turned his attention toward those at the cross. There were some women that had stayed and not gone back with John and Mary, among them Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joses.²¹

    The Sabbath is upon us, said one of women. We need to return home.

    I know, replied another. But I can’t leave just yet.

    They followed Joseph and Nicodemus and watched as the two men gently, yet swiftly, carried the body to Joseph’s tomb. Nicodemus was grateful that it was only a short distance away as sunset was rapidly descending when no work can be done.²² The Jewish Sabbath rest was about to begin.

    We must get the body safe and secured, Joseph said with grief and tension engulfing his words. Nicodemus nodded with a sad smile.

    As the women followed, one said, After the Sabbath, we will bring more spices and ointments for the body.

    Her friends slowly nodded, staring blankly at the work going on. They watched as Joseph and Nicodemus finished preparing the body, laying Him in the tomb, and laboring together to move the great stone into the doorway.

    That does it for now, Joseph said, brushing off his clothes and breathing heavily.

    The little group stood in silence a few moments as they faced the tomb. The women huddled together, comforting one another. Joseph looked at Nicodemus and nodded in gratitude for his help, and then one by one, they turned away and all departed.²³

    Standing guard, Tamah and the rest of his company were aware of the two shadows that had been in the background, causing slight visual distortions as they moved from place to place, being careful to stay out of reach and concern of the host of heaven. They all knew the enemy scouts were taking notes to report back to their superiors. Tamah sent a guard with each of the departing mourners as they headed for the city.

    I wonder how things are going with Harrell, he thought. Then he and his troops moved to set up a perimeter and guard the tomb.

    Back in Jerusalem, Harrell stood quietly and watched as Pilate ordered food and drink. Pilate’s mood had relaxed some, and he seemed relieved that the ordeal with this Jewish carpenter was over. His wife had joined him for some refreshment and company. Her mood was not so relaxed. Pilate found her stiff and tense as he approached her.

    See there, he whispered reassuringly as he took his wife’s hand to kiss it. He smiled warmly at her. The ordeal is over, and we can relax now. You need not fear your dream anymore.²⁴

    She smiled meekly as she held his hand to her cheek and closed her eyes. She had suffered much because of the dream about this King of the Jews. She believed he was a righteous and innocent man and that her husband was in peril because of this event. She had sent word during the trial to warn her husband of the dream, but she dared not say anything further to him now, as the deed was done. Pilate led her to recline with him to eat, and she willingly, yet quietly, went with him.

    As the chief priests and the Pharisees settled in for the Sabbath, they were resting securely in the fact that the dissident Jewish carpenter would no longer be a problem. They knew that the town would be unsettled about events that day, but they also knew all the good Jewish people would be focused on the Sabbath with the details of its strict regulations to obey. They hoped by the Sabbath’s end, the town would be focused on something else.

    As the evening continued in its routine manner, one of the Temple guards unexpectedly appeared and seemed very urgent in his request to speak to the chief priests and the Pharisees. After a few minutes, he was brought in to them. Caiaphas saw the concern on his face and asked, What news do you have?

    High Priest, he said a bit breathless from his hurry, I have news from my connections in the Roman guard. It concerns the Jewish insurgent.

    Caiaphas stood and moved toward the temple guard, a look of exasperation yet concern was on his face. What news? he demanded.

    The guard continued with hesitancy in his voice. He knew this would not be welcomed news. It seems that the insurgent’s legs were not broken, as is the normal course of events, because he was already determined to be dead. Instead of disposing of his body in the pit with the others executed that day, someone who had authority to claim his body came forward and was granted his request by Pilate. That body is now alone in a garden tomb near Golgotha.

    What! bellowed the high priest.

    He turned and quickly signaled to be alone with his council. The high priests and Pharisees gathered together to discuss this disturbing turn of events.

    I can’t believe it! I just cannot believe it! Caiaphas roared. What has happened here?

    Annas, Caiaphas’s father-in-law²⁵ and the one the Jewish people considered the true high priest for life before Rome’s interference, heard the commotion and came into the room.

    What vexes you so my son? he asked.

    Tell him! barked Caiaphas.

    The guard turned to Annas; he’d been practicing this speech all the way there and gave it again verbatim, It seems that the insurgent’s legs were not broken, as is the normal course of events, because he was already determined to be dead. Instead of disposing of his body in the pit with the others executed that day, someone who had authority to claim his body came forward and was granted his request by Pilate. That body is now alone in a garden tomb near Golgotha.

    This is not good, agreed one of the Pharisees. We have been told that this man made statements that he would rise from the dead after three days.²⁶

    Yes, said another. Do you remember when he came into the temple and made such a scene with the merchants and money changers? He said to us that if we destroyed the temple that in three days, he would raise it up? Was he talking about himself after his death?

    Yet another raised his voice, saying, This man’s body is alone in a tomb! What prevents his followers from stealing the body and saying he is risen? Do you have any idea what chaos would happen then? He would become a legend and his followers would increase!

    Caiaphas was gripped with fear as his mind swirled with what all this could mean. He found himself suddenly unable to think clearly. Working to hold his composure, he said, What day do they say he rises then?

    There seemed to be a commotion as the teachers of the law discussed the issue.

    He said after three days, one replied.

    I heard him, said another. "He also said just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.²⁷ He clearly implied he would rise on the third day."

    The group shifted nervously as they contemplated what they were hearing. The teacher of the law continued, He died in the ninth hour on the Passover day. That means the day of his death was day one because he passed before the evening began our new daily cycle. So now would be the beginning of day two. If my calculations are correct, then starting the evening after the conclusion of the Sabbath would be the third day. But we have no way of knowing the hour in that day he claimed to rise.²⁸

    Much chaotic conversation ensued among the chief priests and Pharisees. Harrell stood in the corner silently observing events. Annas and Caiaphas could feel the fear growing within the room. It was a very real fear, not only for the security of their positional status, but for the safety of their population. If Rome saw this insurgent’s followers as a threat, they could dismantle their beloved temple and destroy the Jewish people. Rome would not allow social chaos. This is exactly what they had been trying to prevent by killing this insurgent!

    Annas and Caiaphas moved to the side of the group and quietly conferred with each other.

    This is not good, Caiaphas lamented as ran his hand down over his beard. What is to be done now, Annas?

    As Annas contemplated their situation, Harrell moved closer to the two. Then he spoke quietly into Annas’s ear, Putting a guard at the tomb would prevent anyone from trying to steal the body.

    After planting that thought, Harrell backed away and watched.

    Annas’s face brightened a bit as he drew near to Caiaphas. I know what we must do. Let us go to Pilate and tell him of this treachery and get a guard put at the tomb. That will stop any attempt to take the body, and we will be safe from resurrection rumors.

    We must go to Pilate quickly! Caiaphas announced as he hurriedly returned to the group, who were still in contentious debate. There is no time to waste. We must get protection from any rumors that this man has risen from the dead as he said he would.

    But the Sabbath is on us, High Priest. They all lamented. We cannot defile ourselves on the Sabbath by going into a Roman palace.

    We must protect ourselves! exclaimed Caiaphas, "We must protect the temple and our people! Do you know what the Romans will do to us if this gets out of hand?

    As the group grievously readied themselves and headed toward their discussion with Pilate, Harrell moved along with them.


    Pilate was seated at his table, leaning forward and scowling at some documents in front of him when the Centurion came in. After the customary greeting, he paused and waited for Pilate to acknowledge him.

    Yes, what is it? Pilate asked in an already patience-tested tone as he continued, in the dim lighting of the room, to focus on the documents in front of him.

    It’s the Jews, the Centurion said.

    Before he could go on further, Pilate raised his eyes and with the look of resigned annoyance growled, What do they want now? Placing both hands on the table in front of him, he rose glaring at the Centurion.

    They are asking to see you, the Centurion replied.

    It’s their Sabbath! Pilate exclaimed in exasperation. I thought they were supposed to be somewhere resting, and I’d have at least one day without their insufferable complaints and requests.

    Yes, sir, I understand. But there seems to be something of great importance, enough so Annas and Caiaphas are both here with some of the chief priests and Pharisees.

    Understanding the politics that were going on in this region and the assignment of Caesar for him to keep peace, Pilate closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. I suppose they are asking me to come to them since it is their Sabbath and they would be defiled to enter a Roman building, he stated with mocking disgust in his tone.

    Defiled, he mused to himself, rubbing his hands together as though he was trying to get something off them. They had not felt right somehow since he had ritually washed them, proclaiming he was innocent of the blood of Jesus’s execution.²⁹ These hypocrites were plenty defiled long before they even got here.

    Sir, they’ve just asked to see you. They did not give any conditions, the Centurion answered.

    Pilate went out to the outer rooms and told the Centurion to bring them in. The entire group came in with no complaints about being defiled.

    What is this? thought Pilate. All of a sudden, they can defile themselves, on their Sabbath no less.

    Caiaphas, Pilate said, what brings you here? Don’t you have everything you want? Your King of the Jews is dead, today is your Sabbath, and yet here you are.

    Caiaphas winced at Pilate’s reference to the insurgent being their king and to the obvious rebuke of breaking their own Sabbath, but said nothing of those things. The subject they were there to discuss was too important to allow other arguments.

    Sir, he began. We remember when that imposter and deceiver was alive, one of the things he said was that after he died, he would rise again in three days. We have serious concerns that his disciples might steal the body and claim that he has in fact risen! If that happens, the final deception could be worse than the first. The public peace would be threatened if multitudes believed such a lie. Therefore, we are here with a most urgent request that you secure this tomb he has been buried in, at least until the third day has passed.

    Pilate turned his back to the group, rolling his eyes in exasperation and looking at his guard.

    Right, he sighed. Now the dead are going to rise.

    The guards snickered quietly.

    As Pilate contemplated the request, he came back to the fact that this threat was sufficient enough for these Jewish leaders to break their stringent Sabbath rituals. It was within the realm of possibility that followers of this Jewish King could steal his body and claim he had risen. That could have an unsettling effect on the Roman peace in

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