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Your Unique Consciousness: The Eternal Path of Life
Your Unique Consciousness: The Eternal Path of Life
Your Unique Consciousness: The Eternal Path of Life
Ebook366 pages4 hours

Your Unique Consciousness: The Eternal Path of Life

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About this ebook

The story of consciousness describes the mystery we are; where we come from before birth and where we go after death; and the thinking both in our body mind and subconscious and beyond it. It is the dimensions of rational awareness of mind and heart we use for our ego and creative life on earth, and in other dimensions around us. Imagine that you have an all-pervading higher intelligence within in your many layered consciousness. How we employ it for this dynamic life with love, and the ways it works, make you the self you are. Consciousness is an energy which comes into the brain of the embryo to activate the mind for this life; it functions at many levels. The level we call the heart is an influence emotionally with love and loving. Consciousness radiates, and the way it relates in us and beyond is the story of our lives. We can use this to great effect with certain techniques. We are alive in several levels of consciousness.
Release dateMar 20, 2023
Your Unique Consciousness: The Eternal Path of Life

Dr. Anthony J. Emmett

Anthony J Emmett (MB, BS, FRCS, FRACS) studied medicine and aspects of knowing, with its conscious levels; our subconscious associated story, and the way this related to disease and its cure. As a child in a medical family, Emmett observed the effect of the mind. He became a doctor and then a reconstructive plastic surgeon, repairing bodies and minds, and fixing deformities of many different kinds. A deep interest in life effects with levels of conscious awareness, and the power of the subconscious mind, led to this book. Emmett was a practising surgeon and teacher, a clinical professor of surgery at University of Queensland, Australia, and a plastic reconstructive surgeon at Wellington Hospitals, New Zealand, Royal Children’s Hospital, Brisbane, the Mater Adult and Children’s Hospitals, and the Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, Australia. He was formerly a member of the editorial board of the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery. He retired from active surgery at age sixty-one but continued to lecture and write. He then retrained as an artist and sculptor over a five-year period, during which he became a student of Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, studying deeper consciousness in spirit levels. As an active scholar of history, philosophy, spirituality, and mysticism, he lectured, wrote, and amassed an extensive library. He has also written books on history, philosophy, spirituality, surgery, and sociology. Currently, Emmett is a sculptor, philosopher, artist, author, and patron of the Bowral District Art Society, New South Wales, Australia; his art can be found at

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    Your Unique Consciousness - Dr. Anthony J. Emmett

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    You know yourself through your conscious levels; you think, therefore you are. We are each a unique part of the invisible world of consciousness, where the real meaning of life lies hidden. Think of consciousness as a phenomenon which comes into your life; it is not generated by your nervous system but rather enters into it.

    Consciousness radiates, and the way it relates in us and beyond is the story of our lives. We can use this to great effect with certain techniques. We are alive in several levels of consciousness. We know ourselves in our body waking state but depend on sleep, and we use our subconscious all the time. As a reconstructive plastic surgeon, I studied the conscious and subconscious effects in people I treated. We run our bodies with our unconscious nervous system, which controls our brain, heart, and nervous systems, and influences we rely on. After retiring from surgery, I retrained as an artist for five years, simultaneously spending two years with weekly sessions in deep guided meditation, looking at the higher conscious levels of life and the unconscious in our everyday life.

    The story of consciousness describes the mystery we are; where we come from before birth and where we go after death; and the thinking both in our body mind and subconscious and beyond it. It is the dimensions of rational awareness of mind and heart we use for our ego and creative life on earth, and in other dimensions around us. Imagine that you have an all-pervading higher intelligence within in your many layered consciousness. How we employ it for this dynamic life with love, and the ways it works, make you the self you are. Consciousness is an energy which comes into the brain of the embryo to activate the mind for this life; it functions at many levels. The level we call the heart is an influence emotionally with love and loving.

    What your life meaning is, what you are beyond your human body, is there for you to find. Look outside the square. Where do you go from here in your life and consciousness, your thoughts, heart, and mind? Consciousness is a complex process we use without understanding its enormous potential. You are a space traveller; you just don’t know that because you do it in your other level of consciousness. Your eternal soul is more powerful than you can know in your everyday conscious life, for it is in the province of your unconscious mind, out of concept for much of this human lifetime. In other dimensions, a higher energy consciousness holds your future.

    Your consciousness came to experience and enjoy this bodily life’s ongoing education, with old friends of many lives, arranging higher conscious levels of related existence, connecting to all that is, God the central power of the universe from beginning of Creation. Your consciousness is the eternal part of you; your body will age, sex will disappear, but you remain as the self, in the higher conscious levels you occupied previously.





    Divine Bliss

    The Human Mind

    The Power of Consciousness

    Our Extended Life Connection

    Energies Beyond

    Faith Inspires


    The Subconscious

    The Silva Method

    Self-Image and Disease

    A Filing System for Everyday Life

    Patterns of Thinking

    Filed Beliefs

    Editing Function at the Subconscious Level of Mind

    Taught Values and Pleasures

    Patterns of Seeing

    Editing the Mirror Image

    You Invert and Interpret the Image Coming from the Eye

    Self-Image Effects

    Your Real Self

    Extrasensory Perception (ESP) and Telepathy



    Mother and Child

    This World




    Reincarnation and Past Lives

    Your Higher Self

    You Are an Eternal Spirit Soul

    We Participate in Our Destiny

    Spirituality and Science

    Infinite Riches



    Conscious Reality, Matter, and Worlds

    The Golden Age

    Paramahansa Yogananda

    Sri Aurobindo

    The Sai Baba Trilogy, Prema Sai Baba


    Life Force Ethic


    Explorations of Atma


    The Multiverse

    The Spirit Soul

    The Path of the Soul


    Consciousness Effects


    The Meaning of Human Life


    Deeper Influences Come


    Sri Sathya Sai Baba

    In the Subtle Form

    Make a Friend of God

    CHAPTER 10







    Astral Travel

    Consciousness Is the Energy of the Universe

    The Heart Is the Power of Love

    CHAPTER 11

    Conscience: A Voice Within


    Dr Eben Alexander

    From My World to Yours


    Interface of Dimensions

    Your Thoughts Are Open

    CHAPTER 12

    Cellular Consciousness

    You Become What You Eat

    Karma and Luck

    CHAPTER 13

    The Teachings of Seth

    Laughter and the Law of Attraction

    The Aura

    Near-Death Experience (NDE)

    Betty J Eadie

    CHAPTER 14


    Gaia: This Living Planet

    Your Life on Earth



    Electricity: Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla

    CHAPTER 15

    Discourses of Ramesh S Balsekar

    Ruth Montgomery and Her Important Books


    CHAPTER 16


    Noel Jordan Writes about Dowsing and Consciousness

    Body Brain Level of Conscious Awareness

    CHAPTER 17

    Chakras, Energy Centres, and Meridians

    Intuitive Children

    The Energy Field

    The Energy Dimension around Us

    CHAPTER 18

    Spiritual Healing

    John of God

    Healing Walter Cowan

    Edgar Cayce

    Recoveries with Treatment from Dr Brian Weiss, Using Hypnosis

    CHAPTER 19

    Civilisations Past

    The World Is Changing

    Thought Energy and Consciousness

    Mind Conscious Usage

    Choices and Forgiveness


    References and Further Reading


    We live this life in our Body Level Consciousness, a unique one-off-code, which comes into the body as it develops in its mother’s uterus and serves for the duration of the body’s life. This connects into our other conscious levels operating at different frequencies or wavelengths. The sleep level we know well, it gives daily advice and helps us to correct our mistakes by seeing the other side of things.

    The Subconscious Level we use every day, a backup system for everyday conscious thinking and doing, it contains your Self-Image which forms from early childhood and before, and guides what you want to be.

    The Higher Consciousness is there in your conscious mixture, but its frequency is too high, and you must let it come to you, in response to seeking or prayer. It contains the Divine Energy we call God.

    With death of our body, we change the frequency and dimension of our consciousness, as we move on in spirit energy levels or planes, described by many who have written on Near Death Experience.


    We each have an intuitive awareness that we are more than just the person we live as in our human life, guided by the upbringing given through family, society, and religious teaching. As we think, so we are. This is an invitation to look further, beyond the confines of what we are taught we can believe, outside the square, into the invisible world of consciousness. You are more than the living body, that lives and dies so quickly, and this becomes more apparent as we study the illusion of life here. Science is increasingly interested in consciousness, but much lies beyond what can be proved or scientifically analysed.

    What you are lies in your deeper consciousness from before birth and after death, but it comes to you in sleep and in other ways, and it will comfort and guide you. The reality of your true self is eternal, beyond this human identity you wear for a life on earth. As the earth’s instability becomes a worry with climate change and other disruptions, knowledge of your eternal self becomes important for your guidance and serenity. The power of your soul is real, beyond this life now, and is there for you to find beyond traditional acceptance. You are that face and body you see in the mirror, but you are much more, as we will show in the invisible world of consciousness.

    Consciousness is the meaning of life for us and the connection to creation of everything we are, the visible and the invisible, the other dimensional, but our understanding is limited by what we can see, comprehend, and measure. We live this conscious life, but in our unconscious mind lies the answer to that eternal mystery of what we are and where we come from and go to after the body dies. We are surrounded by invisible energies that make body life work—from higher levels of our own consciousness, connecting our subconscious mind to the eternal self that we are simultaneously, to the computers and phones, satellite communication, and more in our modern world.

    There are many schedules in our development as a human body forming in the uterus, and once born, we have many more. We need to learn about love in our first two years of bodily life—our first important lesson, for love is the spice of life, the influence that shapes us. Our first seven years include teaching beliefs and values, which are filed subconsciously and will influence us for life.

    The way we use our levels of consciousness will regulate the way we grasp life and death, and how we influence healing the body and balancing the mind to control our fate and destiny. The self-image we construct consciously and subconsciously is a guide for this life, controlling how we create life experiences and resolve choices.

    Our waking level of consciousness is put together as our bodies grow in our mother’s uterus during the nine months preparing for human life—connecting brain and nerves to body, creating identity. But this is a small part of who and what we are. Our eternal spirits and souls guide our journeys through worldly experiences. Each family, society, and religion teaches a wider meaning to each child. We construct ourselves and our destinies as knowledge develops, especially from that first seven to ten years. Beliefs are powerful influences when filed subconsciously from that early period, and they influence choices we make in life.

    Connecting through sleep and dreams, the subconscious is a wider world we inhabit but don’t know while in our human bodies. The unconscious power of our eternal souls is kept hidden in our deeper subconscious levels of mind in order to not reduce the unique wonder of this life’s destined experiences, with their lessons, joys, and loves. The body is here, but the spirit soul is here and beyond, at a higher level of conscious energy, a different plane or dimension of life, very real and active but beyond most human understanding. These connections give you great but invisible power.

    As Pasteur discovered diseases caused by bacteria, so we are able to uncover the subconscious mind-relating diseases with patterns of thinking. As you think, so you will be, for your individual living cells respond to the outlook you maintain in your consciousness. Laugh and the whole world laughs with you, and so do the millions of conscious living cells within your body, creating a climate of health—for you have more control than you know. So be careful what is held in your mind; it creates body influence. You create your own health by thoughts, conscious and subconscious. Never underestimate the power of a thought.

    You are an eternal spirit, a soul with a human body; for this time on earth, you are manifesting the destiny you came for in this lifetime, adding to your depth, furthering your eternal character. We are each born with a program in the unconscious mind, which you can add to by your efforts, unfolding as a destiny through this human life, ultimately becoming part of yourself in the higher dimensions of life around. The true meaning of your experience, gained through this human life, is added into your deeper conscious record in higher dimensions, where all is relevant. You take with you what you have created in spirit while here on Planet Earth, the riches beyond the gold of this world.


    Divine Bliss

    Imagine being contacted within by a higher intelligence, an all-pervading experience of complete joy that is within you, knows you intimately, is on your side in such a way that for the rest of your life, you need never feel alone or out of touch. A flash of wisdom and love with insight as powerful as an electric shock, but prolonged and pleasant, something desirable, but outside our worldly experience. Well, that happened to me at one time in my life as a surgeon while preparing material for a surgical meeting in southern Australia.

    I had put up a poster display before for this large Australian meeting of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons to show our new book Malignant Skin Tumours, a multiauthored book I had edited with a friend, the first book of its kind from Australia. It dealt in detail with the cause and treatment of skin tumours and cancers and with the growing epidemic of such cancers in our sunny island continent. This was the day before the meeting began. After talking to friends, I went outside for a break under some trees there. I was walking, feeling relaxed and thoughtful, when this intense feeling began.

    The bliss that came into my consciousness was a unique feeling for me, overwhelmingly powerful; it was from outside this world I was in, not felt before or since. I felt amazing love and bliss, defying description. I was on no drugs, had not even had a coffee, and did not suffer from epilepsy; it was energy of great power, coming from within my consciousness. My higher conscious was in direct communication, almost like a near-death experience (NDE).

    I was happily married with four children, and I was in the middle of my career as a successful surgeon, advising and restoring many, treating and repairing deformities of all kinds, often in children. My life was full and happy, and this book writing was an extra project I had taken on as a result of a perceived need.

    I was used to intuitive knowings from childhood; my voice within came to me with understandings when needed, and I thought everyone had that. But this experience was different. I had felt my guides within at difficult moments, but this was a more powerful and intense love, as if the boss was speaking. It was a new development in my life; a new understanding was coming to me with strength, vigour, and intense love, invisible to the world around. I was being reminded that I am never alone, that I am part of something larger and more important, something within my consciousness, from the unconscious dimension that normally stays out of sight by day. It was like a divine gift of intense power yet full of the rarest, most refined love. It came like a gentle, intense love in a higher voltage than our human consciousnesses can normally sustain, beyond description with existing English language. It lasted for what seemed like an indefinite time as I walked among the trees; you just have to figure this out yourself.

    I was, well, I had been given a display of power, and it was years later I decided it had been showing me nondualism, unity with God within—the idea that you are already that which you seek. Years later, when I met Sai Baba, I would see more of this high-energy love, but for now, it was a rare jewel of exquisite character, carrying deeper meanings.

    This phenomenon has been reported over the centuries by religious figures and monks and nuns when meditating deeply. But it is difficult to describe or believe. Such divine bliss is an experience beyond human expectation, unbelievable until it happens to you yourself. It is a form of intense powerful pleasure mixed with joy, excitement, tranquillity, fulfilment, and satisfaction beyond words. It is generally a reminder that you are more than just a human body in life and have a higher purpose.

    I told none of my surgical colleagues at the meeting of my experience; they would have found it unbelievable. It was outside medical knowledge. As students, we had dissected the body, nerves, and brain and studied nervous energies, but this was different, an energy coming in, a consciousness of immense power, revealing love and purpose, all beyond conventional understanding or acceptance.

    After that divine bliss experience in 1984, I felt there was some type of need or discovery waiting, and in 1986, I took a year of sabbatical leave and began a search. In Brisbane, a friend took us to lectures channelled from Lazaris on life beyond, in realms of other dimensions and energies; he was the friend who later in Bowral told us of Sai Baba. I needed to overcome my medical disbeliefs by proving to myself the reality of the spirit soul in life. My father, who had been my role model, had been an agnostic doctor and surgeon; he once said to me, his nine-year-old son, that there was no such thing as God; he meant as portrayed by the religions he knew. Even as he spoke, my voice within advised differently.

    I had been working hard for years, teaching, writing, consulting, doing operations, some of great complexity. My blood pressure was raised, I developed a hand tremor, and I had headaches and was dreadfully tired; so at age sixty, in 1992, I gave up active surgery but continued to teach and write. I then retrained as an artist and became a sculptor in the cooler south of the country, and my health steadily returned.

    Then I wanted to prove to myself the existence of my spirit soul by exploring past human lives of the eternal entity I am. By chance, I was told about Sai Baba and a medium who worked with him in a village nearby, who would take clients, and when I phoned, said she had been told to keep time for me. That happened in 1994, which I describe here and elsewhere. My sessions of guided deep meditation began then, and so I had known Sai Baba in meditation for three years before going to see him at his ashram in India in 1997. I was taught deep meditation by Beryl, who interpreted the visions of former lives which would come to the inner screen of my mind during these deep meditation experiences, and met Sai Baba, who assisted the process in higher dimensions of consciousness, producing material from the other side.

    People going to Sai Baba have described the intensity of love he gives up close as a form of bliss which brings tears to the eyes and numbs the brain with joy. Just being in the ashram with Sai Baba was an enlightening experience which lifted consciousness and produced greater knowing. We visited India three times to go to the ashram of Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba at Puttaparthi, north of Bangalore, and each was a memorable experience of learning and exploring what lies beyond in realms of higher consciousness. Communication through dreams came, as well as seeing the miraculous events I describe later, observing the whole dynamic of the place and the people. I approached it as a clinical researcher wishing to record and give a valid description of events and feelings, and thought about it as I would a surgical operation.

    Many people have described meditating into higher planes of knowing, close to the God experience, with feeling all types of joy and bliss, which is a reason they do it for long periods of time.

    People who die for a time and later report near-death experiences when they return to life describe the intensity of love in that next dimension of spirit. Getting close to God is remarkable with its love intensity. Many have described that in various ways as they have perceived it and later wrote of it in words. Of course in those higher conscious levels, it is more as feelings and visions, than as words, that express and communicate. Dr Eben Alexander, Betty J Eadie, Jason Swain, and others have carefully reported their unique experiences in books and through words, on the love in the next life.

    So my study of consciousness began in this manner and has gone on with many revelations and much reading and research, over many years. In this text, I will describe many others who have written of these things, of bliss experiences connected with divine energy, difficult to bring to life with words. Unconscious typing served Ruth Montgomery well in her deeper unconscious communications with guides on the other side; we’ll see her descriptions of these things later.

    The Human Mind

    Consciousness comes into the brain and mind to create awareness at many levels, and we think and remember with it, but there is more, for it links us to higher energies of more advanced consciousness in other dimensions around the one we live in here. We will discuss more of these later in the book.

    Consciousness is everything we are. We think at different levels, conscious and unconscious, and have access to levels of higher consciousness beyond. Its brilliant complexity enables us to manage our conscious and unconscious lives simultaneously.

    Everything has its own form of consciousness: atoms, worlds, trees, animals, birds, fish, humans. The cells of our bodies, bacteria, fungi, and viruses are all independently conscious. Yet each conscious level is different, and we think in the one we know, being unaware of the others, how they work, and the levels at which they function.

    In this age where so much of what we use is invisible, as with radio waves, electricity, X-rays, computers, mobile phones, satellite navigation, magnetism, and gravity, we are used to depending on and trusting the nonvisible. Consciousness is another of those nonvisible energies we think we know but don’t really understand. Computers are able to expand and change the way we think in this dimension on Planet Earth, in this time with our human lives.

    Greetings to you now in your conscious mind, your reality, as you prepare to consider our exciting multidimensional consciousness which enables us as personalities in this world and dimensions beyond. Consciousness is one of the great mysteries. It has been defined as a state of awareness, the ability to appreciate sensory stimuli such as sight, sound, touch, and taste, and to conduct and control the process of thought. It is the universal awareness that is in all of nature and in us, but there is more, for it powers the universe and multiverse. Consciousness shines in everyone as that form of mental capability which creates knowledge, awareness, appreciation of self and surroundings, and much more. It is awareness or perception of inward psychological and spiritual fact, the intuitively perceived knowledge of one’s inner self. There are different levels of this

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