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The Billionaire's Stallion
The Billionaire's Stallion
The Billionaire's Stallion
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The Billionaire's Stallion

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                                                                                   Is she afraid to love? Or, is she ashamed to love him?

As a female billionaire, one of the few, my days are spent growing my empire.
I've put love on hold for so long that I've grown cobwebs. Engine trouble with my private jet found me on a commercial flight, like regular folk. That's when l
meet him. Younger. Hot. Sexy. My loins don't stand a chance. My heart? A hot mess.

I was chosen to replace another rancher on a short trip to London. They had me at the mention of first-class tickets. Yes, women find me attractive, but I'm no playboy. A chance meeting with this curvy, and, oh-so-sexy woman, wiped every other one from my thoughts. I know how l feel, and the age gap makes no difference, but she's the only one who can answer those questions.


If you like billionaires, the age gap, and different class tropes, then this book is for you. Guaranteed HEA with steam.

PublisherKemPress Ltd.
Release dateMar 23, 2023
The Billionaire's Stallion

Vesta Romero

Vesta Romero writes short and sweet romance books featuring curvy women and men who love them. She believes in HEA so everyone gets their happy ending. Always.

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    Book preview

    The Billionaire's Stallion - Vesta Romero



    M om, I gotta go! I yelled into the phone pressed against my ear and rolled my eyes. I was deep in conversation with my mother, one that was going nowhere fast as per usual. The woman never took a breath, l muttered, a little too loudly.

    Did you say something, dear? her voice was snappy, critical, normal for her.

    No. Nothing. I'll eat the damn banana, I replied. Not looking to start an argument, one that l couldn't win. It was always better to just listen, ignore her, and live to fight another day.

    I didn't think so. came the curt reply. She waited for me to speak, and since l didn't, she was at a loss and l seized the chance to cut her off.

    I'll call you as soon as l land. Love you I hung up the phone before she could utter another word as a frustrated sigh escaped me.


    Mine was the queen of reading gossip and bizarre health news, especially ones to do with weight loss, which she would then rant about demanding that l try them all.

    This one was to eat unripe banana peels for breakfast followed by a cup of disgusting herbal tea concoction, which made me shudder at the mere thought.

    Here, l was, an adult woman and my mom still insisted on trying to run my life. My mom was whippet thin and thought everyone should look just like her. As a big-boned girl all my life, she just couldn't accept the fact that l was happy with my plumpness, as she often referred to it, much to my amusement.

    It had only grown worse since my father's death several years ago. Sometimes, l reminded her he hadn't died because of his weight, but because of the stress brought on by an unrelenting and under appreciated work. It always fell on deaf ears and only made her cry.

    I shook my head at the memory of my life and smiled ruefully. Things sure have changed, me having transformed from caterpillar to butterfly. It had taken a lot of years to get there, but today, as one of the few self-made billionaires in the world, I was part of an exclusive club.

    My transformation started out humbly. After a degree in business management, l had ended up in the same firm my dad worked at. For twenty-five years, he had toiled away at the job, looking forward to a retirement that was cut short by a heart attack, while at his desk no less. How much more ironic can life get?

    Yeah, life was shitty like that and l wanted nothing more to do with taking care of other people's money.

    A chance meeting with one client of the firm, one with more money than brains, developed into a partnership that specialised in rescuing dying or badly run companies. My business acumen soon led to an acquisition of an online betting platform purchase that exploded and was soon worth millions, enabling me to buy him out when he requested it. He was eager to spend his daddy's money in other ways. The last l'd heard, he was now invested in the racing world.

    I further propelled the company into the premier platform for online betting and moved into billionaire territory. It amused me sometimes because in my real life, l was not a gambler, but that didn't mean l couldn't make money from people's vices.

    With the milestone age of forty close at hand, I felt satisfied with life. Sometimes, my mother worried because there was no one to inherit my vast fortune and she hated my working so hard to gain more.

    I agreed with her somewhat. My life was complete as is, but sometimes, loneliness snuck in. My last attempt at love had ended many years before, before the money.

    A lone tear slid down my face at the recollection of both my daddy and my lost love. We had been college sweethearts, but as my ambition increased, his had taken a nosedive.

    He could not handle my newfound wealth and eventually, we called it quits, as l could not be the traditional wife he wanted, especially because he wasn't bringing home the bacon, so to speak. Love alone, and a shaky one, was not for me.

    I devoted my time and money to the Casey Brunet Foundation, a nonprofit that fought poverty and disease around the world. It was to be my legacy. Maybe it was also to lessen my guilt. After all, many people lose their life savings on the gambling addiction.

    I stuffed the rest of the filled to the brim with homemade jam and custard doughnut in my mouth and gulped down some coffee with absolute delight. The building concierge was always on alert when l was in London and he made sure there was a daily supply on hand for me. I compensated him handsomely.

    A car was due to pick me up any minute for my flight.

    Much better than fucking banana peels, l muttered to myself.

    Then the phone rang.

    Jeez! It better not be her again.



    My last day

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