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Mischievous Morgan the Marvelous: The Merlin Program, #1
Mischievous Morgan the Marvelous: The Merlin Program, #1
Mischievous Morgan the Marvelous: The Merlin Program, #1
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Mischievous Morgan the Marvelous: The Merlin Program, #1

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As a seasoned storyteller, I am drawn to the tale of Morgan. She was born in the 26th century Oberend, but I encountered her during the age of swords and magic in the 6th century. With a brilliant mind and an immense talent for magic, Morgan stood out as a prodigy. Yet, she was mischievous. She tended to justify her actions as being for the greater good. Even when they served her own interests. Above all, Morgan desired to be Marvelous.

From a young age, Morgan strove to bring her aspirations to fruition. Despite the challenges she faced, she persevered. Honing her skills and knowledge with unwavering dedication. Her resolve was unshakeable, her goal clear: to earn the title of Merlin's marvelous pupil.

However, the journey to become Marvelous was a difficult one. To achieve this title, Morgan needed to be the best, surpassing all others. She remained undaunted, determined. She believed that this title would grant her success. Morgan was well on her way to realizing her dream. Thanks to her tireless effort, dedication, and a bit of luck.

I am Merlin the Djinn, and this is the story of my pupil Morgan.



Travel through time and space with Morgan, a young woman caught between two worlds. In a future where magic and technology are one, the social classes are sharply divided. Noble classes have access to the power of arcana. While lower classes must make do with enchanted technology. But an attack on the planet sets Morgan on a dangerous path. She finds herself questioning the very foundations of this society.

From the mythical past of King Arthur and the Merlin trials to the terraformed world of Europa in the 26th century, Morgan navigates through time and space to protect a boy caught in the middle of a class war. Along the way, she meets fascinating characters and battles fierce enemies. All while struggling to make sense of her place in this world.

Join Morgan as she fights to find balance in a society with an unbalanced social class system. Read as she uncovers the secrets behind arcana. This thrilling science fiction fantasy adventure will leave you on the edge of your seat. Eager to discover what happens next.

Release dateMar 26, 2023
Mischievous Morgan the Marvelous: The Merlin Program, #1

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    Book preview

    Mischievous Morgan the Marvelous - Brennien Coker

    Mischievous Morgan the Marvelous

    By B. L. Coker

    Dedicated to my beloved daughter Eden.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    The End?

    What Next?

    From The Author

    Chapter 1

    Morgan studied the dragon. Its wings blotted out the sun and cast a shadow over the battlefield. Her palms were slick with sweat as she tightened her grip on her wand. She felt her heart beating in her chest, and her breaths came in short gasps. To defeat the dragon and pass Merlin’s test, she needed to be both clever and brave. The dragon bellowed a thunderous roar as it flew over the battlefield. Morgan knew that failure was not an option.

    She rooted herself planting her feet on the ground. Morgan drew the zigzag shape of a lightning bolt in the air with her wand as if it were coming down from the sky. The air hummed with energy as the wand passed through the air. With a flick of her wand, a bolt of lightning shot toward the red dragon. The bolt's bluish-white light illuminated her face as it shot from her wand. Crackling and burning the air as it traveled horizontally toward the dragon. The scent of ozone filled the air. The bolt hit the dragon with a thunderous crack, sending sparks and smoke into the air. The dragon roared in fury, turning towards Morgan with blazing eyes. Well, that should bring him my way, she said to herself.

    She drew her wand back, holding it as a lance. Then with a sharp thrust, she flung her wand toward the dragon. Instead of releasing the wand she shouted Ice. This motion sent a volley of ice lances hurtling toward the dragon. The moisture in the air froze with the cold energy as the spears of ice soared through the air. The dragon rolled in the sky. Evading the first few spears, but as it neared, the dragon struggled to avoid them all.

    Two of the ice lances were on a direct collision course with the dragon. The dragon's eyes narrowed as it made a split-second decision. Biting down on one of the spears with a sharp snap of its jaws. The ice shattered, spraying shards in all directions. The other spear of ice was almost upon the dragon. The dragon expelled flame from its nostrils, melting the ice into a cloud of steam. Morgan gritted her teeth in frustration. Merlin would surely deduct a point from her for not hitting the dragon.

    The dragon let out a triumphant roar, confident in its evasion of Morgan's attack. But Morgan wasn't deterred. She knew that fire dragons had a natural strength against ice attacks. Don't just hurl a bunch of random spells, she could almost hear Merlin scolding, use your brain and think!

    Morgan lowered her wand to her waist and tapped it on her fist. She made a quick outward motion as if her fist exploded. She then trained her wand on the nearing dragon and said Plasma. She cast a spell orb with sparkling tendrils from her wand toward the dragon. Moving her wand, she guided the orb toward the dragon.

    The dragon, sensing the danger, soared upward ascending into the sky. The plasma ball followed Morgan's movements. Tracking the dragon as it climbed higher and higher. Morgan gritted her teeth, determined not to let the dragon escape. She pursued the dragon with her wand, the plasma ball still chasing the dragon's tail.

    With a deafening explosion, the plasma ball struck the dragon. Engulfing it in a fiery burst of electricity. The dragon rag-dolled. Its wings faltered as it plummeted toward the ground. For a moment, it was motionless, suspended in mid-air. But then, the dragon came to life again, spinning through the air and unfurling its wings once more. It was still alive and breathing fire and it was coming back for Morgan.

    As the dragon approached, it roared a deafening roar. A plume of fire bellowed from its mouth. She felt the heat of its breath. It was only a matter of seconds before its hellish fire engulfed her. She switched the grip on her wand. Holding it with a hammer grip. She raised it as if an invisible shield was attached to the wand. The action activated an ice shield spell. A shell of ice formed between her and the dragon’s fire. Droplets of melted ice rained down on her, showering her with its cool liquid. Smiling despite the danger, Morgan allowed the droplets to wet her hair.

    The ruby dragon was upon her, its clawed fingers wrapped around her entire body. The beast lifted her off the ground. She shouted, Shrink! The beast’s paw opened and its eyes squinted inspecting its prize. She had vanished, or so the beast must have thought. She had shrunk herself to the size of a scorpion and had crawled up the dragon's paw. When she was on the forearm, she grew back to her normal size. She leaped into the air with a quick thrust from her legs. As she fell, she swung her wand down like a sword. Her movement activated an emerald green plasma blade. The blade severed the dragon's paw from the beast's arm.

    The dragon let out a roar. Its enormous maw only inches from Morgan. The force of its breath blew her wet hair back. She gagged at the smell of the dragon's breath. The odor was a combination of blood and gasoline. Morgan pinched her nose, swatting the stench away with her hand. She dropped her arms and gazed into the dragon's eyes. Is that all you've got? she challenged. She raised her wand, using it like a microphone to amplify her. The sound boomed, surprising even Morgan. The dragon's ears drooped and its head shook in bewilderment. Wincing at the loudness of Morgan's voice. After a final roar, Morgan lowered her wand. Her ears were ringing. She moved her jaw around, attempting to equalize the pressure in her ears.

    Morgan held her wand in front of her activating the plasma blade. The green light of the plasma and the red of reflective scales painted her face with brown light. She aimed the blade at the neck of the dragon and swung. The red devil stood upright, keeping its head out of reach. This revealed the chest of the dragon. Morgan stepped in closer to the chest of the dragon. She plunged the plasma blade deep into the dragon's chest. The blade cut through flesh and bone to the heart beneath. Fire dragons were especially weak against plasma attacks. The dragon fell to the ground, nearly dead. Morgan stood over the dragon, her wand still crackling with energy. She looked passed the dragon and saw the army it came with. Then she had an Idea. She deactivated the plasma blade and faced the dragon. The dragon wasn’t the test. She knew Merlin would be testing her ability to assist King Arthur to

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