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Gleam Over The Horizon .
Gleam Over The Horizon .
Gleam Over The Horizon .
Ebook72 pages36 minutes

Gleam Over The Horizon .

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Terrorism is direct threat to the world stability and security. It has no borders, nationality or religion and is a challenge that the international community must tackle together to confront. World countries work on counter-terrorism focuses on improving early awareness of the threat, developing capabilities to effective respond, and enhancing engagement with partners from the social community.
Radicalization is a process where a person starts to embrace and believe in extreme political, religious, and social views and through these - he might involve in violence. The people most likely to be radicalized very commonly are young people, they come across extreme individuals who groom them into embracing radical views. These people manipulate the young person by using emotional triggers to associate with them, often during a time of hardship.
Radicalization and extremism is the first phase and the main motive for terrorism, this plague, which has become the main threat to security and stability, it is not limited to place or state or society, it has become a transboundary threat mainly through the internet which is available for every one and can’t be restricted or even controlled.
It is the time to carry out our moral and social duties to confront those murders who use our youth for their cause and it is the time to protect ourselves and our society from the threat from terror by having better knowledge about the methods of extremist recruitment and understand how to detect the signs of radicalization.
Release dateDec 30, 2022
Gleam Over The Horizon .

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    Book preview

    Gleam Over The Horizon . - Khalid Marshoud

    Gleam over the horizon

    Khalid Marshoud


    All rights reserved

    The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

    The Deposit Number at the National Library


    Book design by the author

    The greatest jihad (struggle/striving) is to battle your own soul, to fight the evil within yourself.

    Prophet Muhammad

    (Peace be upon him)


    The generations to come

    "We are sorry. We had no choice.

    I hope you do"



    Chapter 1

    Factors and Features

    Terrorist extremism

    Detect extremism

    Tenor of radical ideology

    The phenomenon of radicalization

    Features and aspects of Islamic extremists:

    Chapter 2

    Causes and Signs

    Causes of radicalization are:

    Social causes.

    Political causes:

    Drivers of Violent Extremism

    Radicalization mechanisms

    Signs of Radicalization


    Terrorism future strategy

    Daesh women and children

    Lone wolves terrorism

    Chapter 3

    Action and Roles

    Behavioral Models

    The role of religious components in combating radicalization and terrorism:

    Educational curricula

    Radicalization and extremism in school

    Social media and radicalization

    Intervention strategy

    Recommended intervention processes

    Family role to curb extremism

    Dealing with child radicalization




    Terrorism is direct threat to the world stability and security. It has no borders, nationality or religion and is a challenge that the international community must tackle together to confront. World countries work on counter-terrorism focuses on improving early awareness of the threat, developing capabilities to effective respond, and enhancing engagement with partners from the social community.

    Radicalization is a process where a person starts to embrace and believe in extreme political, religious, and social views and through these - he might involve in violence. The people most likely to be radicalized very commonly are young people, they come across extreme individuals who groom them into embracing radical views. These people manipulate the young person by using emotional triggers to associate with them, often during a time of hardship.

    Radicalization and extremism is the first phase and the main motive for terrorism, this plague, which has become the main threat to security and stability, it is not limited to place or state or society, it has become a transboundary threat mainly through the internet which is available for every one and can’t be restricted or even controlled.

    It is the time to carry out our moral and social duties to confront those murders who use our youth for their cause and it is the time to protect ourselves and our society from the threat from terror by  having better knowledge about the methods of extremist recruitment and understand how to detect the signs of radicalization.

    Chapter 1

    Factors and Features

    Let us not seek to satisfy your thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred

    Radicalization happens when a person's thoughts and behavior become fully different from how most of the members of his community view social issues and engage politically. The difference between radicalization and extremism is becoming very precise. Radicalization refers to a process in which people are introduced to extreme views and clear ideological messages, sometimes in connection with expressing of religious

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