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Save a Cat, Bag a Boyfriend: Of Psychics & Vampires - A Paranormal Romance Novelette
Save a Cat, Bag a Boyfriend: Of Psychics & Vampires - A Paranormal Romance Novelette
Save a Cat, Bag a Boyfriend: Of Psychics & Vampires - A Paranormal Romance Novelette
Ebook52 pages38 minutes

Save a Cat, Bag a Boyfriend: Of Psychics & Vampires - A Paranormal Romance Novelette

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About this ebook

Maisie is psychic. This is often a pain in her behind, but no matter how innocuous her visions may seem, they always have a reason. When the universe sees fit to guide her to rescuing a cat, it leads her into a situation that not only might gain her a boyfriend, but one which contains a rock band and vampires as well. Romance and excitement await but so does danger.

Check out this story and more on my narrated fiction YouTube channel - Tales with Tasha.

Release dateMar 31, 2023
Save a Cat, Bag a Boyfriend: Of Psychics & Vampires - A Paranormal Romance Novelette

Natasha Duncan-Drake

Natasha is a British author with Wittegen Press and has been publishing genre fiction since 2011. Her work includes everything from horror to young adult fantasy and she has never met a genre she didn’t like. A prolific producer of short stories and novels alike, Natasha currently has over twenty five titles in her back catalogue with further releases always imminent.Natasha has been writing since she was a young girl ever since she read The Hobbit at Primary School. She is a big fan of science fiction, fantasy and horror in all their forms and is a big advocate of fanfiction as a great tool for writers to polish their skills in a welcoming and supportive community.Before establishing Wittegen Press with her twin sister, Sophie Duncan, Natasha was a database and systems consultant. She combines these skills with her writing to create and manage her career in the bold new eBook market.

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    Save a Cat, Bag a Boyfriend - Natasha Duncan-Drake



    A Paranormal Romance Novelette

    Natasha Duncan-Drake

    Save a Cat Bag a Boyfriend Copyright © 2023 by Natasha Duncan-Drake. All Rights Reserved.

    Smashwords Edition

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

    Cover designed by Natasha Duncan-Drake

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Natasha Duncan-Drake

    Visit my website at

    This Edition: Mar 2023

    Wittegen Press

    To vampire lovers everywhere, whether your favourite fanged fiend is evil, sexy, sparkly, or something else entirely, may your bloodsuckers of choice always bring you joy.


    Chapter 1 –Save a Cat, Really?

    Chapter 2 – The Realities of Touring

    Chapter 3 – Invitations

    Chapter 4 – How to Win Friends

    Chapter 5 – Official Business

    Join Our Newsletter

    Also By Natasha Duncan-Drake

    Tales with Tasha - YouTube

    About the Author

    Chapter 1

    Save a Cat, Really?

    THE SPLINTERING SOUND of plastic hitting tile snapped Maisie back to the real world. She looked down and swore at the broken top of her bottle of conditioner.

    Thanks, she bit out, you couldn’t have waited until I had finished my hair?

    She glared up at the ceiling before leaning down to pick up the beyond repair haircare product.

    Now I’ll have to find a new bottle to put this in, she said to the empty bathroom, and all for what, a cat!

    Of course, she knew no one was listening, but sometimes it helped to complain at the universe in general. After all she had no idea what it was that made her psychic, just that she was. Washing off her hair quickly, she climbed out from under the water and grabbed her bathrobe. It wasn’t like she had time to waste. The vision that had barrelled into her head felt urgent. She didn’t get exact timings, but she could feel how close it was.

    It took her ten minutes to get dressed and push her hair under a hat before she slipped on some shoes and headed out the door. She knew exactly where she was going because she’d walked past the bookshop with its cat café, appropriately titled Cats & Creations, at least three times. She’d been meaning to go in since it had opened a couple of months previously, but her projects had been kicking her behind. Being a freelance illustrator meant she took all the work she could get when she could get it.

    The town wasn’t huge, and she’d lived there her whole life, so she knew all the back ways through to the high street. In fact, she was so efficient that she stepped into the side street with the shop a decent amount of time

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