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The Third Dimension
The Third Dimension
The Third Dimension
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The Third Dimension

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The understanding of times and seasons is very crucial in maximizing our lives and acquiring our full redemption rights. Insight into God’s times and seasons for our lives enables us to live effectively and purposefully. Using biblical insight, prophecy and contemporary events, Sunday Popoola lucidly examines scriptural truths that will help you to understand what God is doing today, locate where you fit into God’s program, live purposefully and with the right priorities, stay at the cutting-edge of what God is doing in this season by His Spirit and help you to contribute in making this world a better place in a meaningful and tangible way.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateMar 28, 2023
The Third Dimension

Sunday A Popoola

Sunday A. Popoola is a servant of God commissioned with an apostolic ministry and involved in mass evangelistic outreaches and frontier breaking crusades. He mobilizes and trains believers to recognize and harness their potentials, develop distinctions and get strategically placed appropriately on the seven mountains of cultures for tangible impact. He is the founder and set-man of Word Communication Ministries and the coordinator of the Apostolic Mentoring Network (AMEN). He is the founding pastor of Christ Family Assembly Churches with Headquarters in Ibadan, Nigeria. He has a ministry which reaches out to build strong marriages and homes globally (The Bone of my Bone Marriage Enrichment Campaign). A much loved conference speaker, Sunday A.Popoola is noted for his fiery messages of faith and power and notable miracles are experienced in his meetings. He is married to Omowumi, a solicitor and they are blessed with children.

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    The Third Dimension - Sunday A Popoola

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    ISBN: 978-1-6642-8859-1 (e)

    WestBow Press rev. date: 01/05/2023


    I dedicate this book to Omowunmi Popoola, my companion in destiny; and to the new generation of the champions of faith who are crying out for more that is available, accessible, and obtainable in God; who are pressing into the higher calling of the Governor among the nations; who refuse to be satisfied with the mundane and temporal; who strongly crave, yearn, and aspire to see His kingdom come and His will done across the earth.

    I pray this book will spark an enduring fire in you.




    CHAPTER 1     Life Is Essence

    CHAPTER 2     The Third Day

    CHAPTER 3     The Dimensions Of God

    CHAPTER 4     The Human Dimensions

    CHAPTER 5     The Third Day Church

    CHAPTER 6     The Earth Is The Lord’s

    CHAPTER 7     The Mountain Of The Lord’s House

    CHAPTER 8     The Mountains Of Social Impact

    CHAPTER 9     Discerning Territories



    A man’s perception on issues determines his dimension in life. No man can operate beyond the level of his revelation. The truth is that the level of your revelation determines your stratum and height in life.

    There is a sphere in which a man can live life at its best, a level that is supernatural and a realm where his full potential is realized. There is a dimension in God where the flawlessness of God’s work in man is reached. That is what this book is all about.

    Man was created in the image and likeness of God. He was meant to bear the nature of God and operate like Him on earth. He was made as God’s regent to administer the earth on His behalf:

    Then God blessed them, and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth’ (Genesis 1:28).

    Man was given the mandate to have dominion over the earth. The word translated dominion is from the Hebrew root word mamlakah, which means sovereign rule, kingdom, reign, or royal power. Adam walked in this realm and had the earth in total subjection until sin crossed his threshold through Satan’s deception. He violated God’s instruction not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Influenced by his wife, he went on to eat the fruit and consequently lost the authority to rule the earth.

    Man thus became depraved and subdued under the forces he was meant to rule over. Death, sickness, suffering, poverty, affliction, disasters, wars, wickedness, and the like became the outcome of man’s rebellion against God. As the rebellion or rejection of God increased on earth, man’s troubles also abounded.

    World leaders and world bodies like the United Nations are working relentlessly to bring solutions to global problems. These efforts usually end in disappointment and failure. Until man rediscovers his roots in God and is properly connected to Him and His purpose, he is condemned to failure and malfunction.

    After the fall of man, God committed Himself to man’s redemption through the seed that was to come from the woman. In the fullness of time, Jesus Christ came in man’s image through the woman and laid down His life, thus paying the full penalty for man’s sin. He redeemed man and restored him to his original state. However, man’s redemption cannot be said to be complete until he begins to function once more in the same realm of life in which Adam lived and operated before he sinned and fell.

    Jesus came in the form of man and literally walked in that realm of dominion, signifying that the door is open again for us to enter in and walk in the same dominion. As the first man to walk in that realm after the fall of Adam, Jesus has presented this dimension and facet of life to all who come to God through Him. This is the realm of life where we can enjoy fullness, completeness, and total dominion through Jesus Christ.

    While the delivery of redemption by God was made once and for all through Christ’s death on the cross, the attainment of it by man takes a process. Presently, we have yet to see man walk in the realm of life and dominion in which both the first Adam and the last Adam (Jesus) walked.

    Many who profess to be genuinely redeemed definitely have made great advancements in the transformation of their lives, but none of us can truly claim to be living in the realm of life that the first Adam lived in before the fall and, ultimately,

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