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Constants and Variables
Constants and Variables
Constants and Variables
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Constants and Variables

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For thousands of years, the Old Testament prophecies have lain dormant. For thousands of years, the prophecies in the book of Revelation have gone uninterpreted. This was God's design. God told the Prophet Daniel that the end day prophecies were sealed until the end. Man, in blindness and arrogance, dismissed what was told to us by our Creator. Man has constructed false narratives on these prophecies. These narratives have made their way into the collective consciousness of our Christian organizations through its established doctrine. They are false.
The prophecies in Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Zechariah, and Revelation are now unsealed. This is the third book in a series which have correctly decrypted the end day prophecies. Few have listened. Why?
The false narratives of end day prophecies have done a disservice for those who seek the truth. They have hidden the truth. The false narratives need to be overcome by those who have been indoctrinated into them from the beginning. As the end day events unfold and the sequence of judgments starts, they are going unrecognized because of the indoctrination of these false narratives. People have been blinded.
Billions of men on this planet will now die. This was foretold to us thousands of years ago. Why did our leaders not see this? Revelation 9 tells us in extreme detail of the Covid virus and of the Covid vaccine. It is the end day plague. The scorpion sting is the injection from the vaccine shot. The fire, smoke, and sulfur are the three common Covid vaccines. Two thousand years ago, we were given an exact description of the depiction of the Covid molecule. Red, blue, and yellow. The Covid virus is the locust which will not harm the trees and the grass. It is a virus. It will only affect people. The vaccine will kill 1/3 of the planet. We were told.
The sequence of end day events has started.
Release dateMar 31, 2023
Constants and Variables

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    Constants and Variables - Stephen Haskell


    Constants and Variables

    © 2023 Stephen Haskell

    New International Version

    Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.

    The NIV and New International Version are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™

    The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®)

    Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Front Cover Constants and Variables

    Istock photo ID 498117640

    Upload date December 12, 2022

    Paperback ISBN: 978-1-66789-543-7

    eBook ISBN: 978-1-66789-544-4


    Intro. As it was in the Days of Noah

    Chapter 1. Revelation 9: The Covid 19 Vaccine Plague

    Chapter 2. Isaiah 54: The Plague aftermath for the Females

    Chapter 3. Isaiah 57: Plague aftermath for the Males

    Chapter 4. Isaiah 4:1 The Demographic Gender Shift

    Chapter 5. The Warning: In little more than a Year

    Chapter 6. The Korah Dynamic

    Chapter 7. The Lie of Thessalonians

    Chapter 8. Constants and Variables

    Chapter 9. The Basket with the Female in it

    Chapter 10. The Key to the Shaft of the Abyss

    Chapter 11. Roe V Wade

    Chapter 12. Satan gets thrown from Heaven

    Chapter 13. The Four Horsemen

    Chapter 14. Prophecy Ties

    Chapter 15. Jeremiah 50: The Destruction of New York City

    Chapter 16. Jeremiah 51: The Mystery of Leb Kamai

    Chapter 17. Revelation 17: The Great Prostitute

    Chapter 18. Revelation 18: The Jeremiah 50 Tie

    Chapter 19. My God my God why have You Forsaken Me

    Chapter 20. What is Salvation?

    Chapter 21. The Thieves on the Cross

    Chapter 22. Salvation by the Numbers

    Chapter 23. With a Word They will turn away the Truth


    As it was in the Days of Noah

    Luke 17:26 Just as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the days of the Son of Man. 27 They were eating and drinking and marrying and being given in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. 28 Likewise, just as it was in the days of Lot--they were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building, (ESV)

    In the days of Noah all the humans on the planet were killed except for Noah and his family. Millions of people died. Why did they not listen to Noah? Why did they not heed the warning? What are the similarities to today?

    This planet is about to undergo an enormous pain. One third of the planet is about to die. We are told this. God has told us this. From prophecy we can make the determination that the majority of these deaths will be the males. The Covid vaccine was the lie, the great deception of Thessalonians. It will also bring about the plague of Revelation 9.

    The truth was available for all of us to see. It was. Many chose not to see. Why?

    As in the days of Noah, few have listened.

    John 3:19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. (NIV)

    As in the times of Noah, all are living for idols. They are living for the status and standing they have in their environments, all environments including their church organizations. They live for their material idols. They live for their idols of lust. They have replaced God with idols. Our church leaders have absolved their guilt in the tribe of these organized church organizations. They have whispered the salvation prayer and joined organizations. Tribes. They have worshiped God with their lips. Worshipped in man’s truth, but their hearts are far from God.

    Jesus told us;

    Matthew 7:21 "Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ (NIV)

    Have the people who will say Lord, Lord not whispered the salvation prayer? Have they not affiliated with a Christian church? A Christian doctrine? Yes, they have, but they do not belong to Jesus. We have been told. Nor have they heeded the warnings. Many will die because the end day sequence of judgment has started. The prophecies will not be stopped. This planet will now go into judgment while our Christian church leaders absolve the guilt of their members and support our quest for their idols.

    Our Christian leaders have led the entire population of church people astray. We were told that as well.

    2 Timothy 4:3 For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. (NIV)

    As in the times of Noah. Today, our world is wicked. It is evil. Man’s nature is now on full display. Without God man could have never ruled himself. We have proven that repeatedly for many generations. From the beginning we have proven that. It is why we are here on this planet. God knew, we did not.

    Today’s Christian church is corrupt. They teach Laodicea doctrine. Today’s Christian doctrine conflicts with God’s Word and God’s nature. In today’s church, God is either mean, incompetent or unloving. After all, why would a loving God create a planet of billions of people He knew long ago, before the foundation of the Earth, that He would sentence to eternal Hell? The prophecies He had given us are coming true, so He knew, in great detail, what was going to happen on this planet long ago. But He still allowed it? Why?

    Today’s church, all denominations have corruption in them. They have watered down the truth, it is they who are the lukewarm church. They teach man’s truth. The leaders have exalted themselves; their doctrine lowers God to our level. We have this all wrong. The great number of teachers is the entire Christian church organizations. They are the ones tickling the ears of their members. Their established Christian doctrine has led the planet astray. This is why the warning was not heeded.

    This planet will now go into Judgment. Billions of men are about to die. If our churches were telling us the truth, this would not be happening.

    This book sheds light on what is about to happen. The aftermath of the plague of Revelation 9. Reconciliation is still offered to those who have eyes, they will see. Those who don’t will go to the destruction they asked for before the creation of the planet. It will not matter if you say Lord, Lord. It will not matter how many times you have whispered the salvation prayer. If you worship idols, if you have replaced God with your idols, even with the blessing of those who have tickled your ears, you made your own path. The shepherds have indeed devoured their sheep. On the strength of their dreams, they have polluted their bodies. We were warned.

    This is my third book. The theme will be the same as the previous two. People are not listening and the institutional church (the IC) cannot support its’ doctrine. Its’ Laodicea doctrine. Our entire institutional Christian organization is the Laodicea church we were warned of in the book of Revelation. They have lulled the parishioners to sleep. But things have now changed. People are now dying. They will continue to die; 2.6 billion men will soon be dead. As in the times of Noah they did not listen.

    What have they not heard? As a brief recap of the prophecies listed in the first two books;

    The Covid 19 vaccine is described in detail in Revelation 9. It will cause a prion disease and kill billions of men.

    When God spoke to the serpent in Genesis 3, He was not speaking to the Archaios serpent. The original leader of the rebellion, that ancient serpent, Satan. God was speaking to us. We are the ones who did not have our names written in the book of life before the foundation of the planet. We had lost that when we rebelled against God before He made this planet for us. And Satan will not get thrown out of Heaven until the end.

    The antichrist as portrayed by institutional Christian doctrine is completely false. The antichrist mentioned in the letters of John was a reference to today’s Christian church leaders. There are many antichrists today. Many Diotrephes.

    The 4th beast in Daniel, the greatly divided nation, is the beast of Revelation 13. It is the United States.

    God told us of the enmity between the serpent and the woman. The serpent is not Satan, the Archaios serpent. The woman is not Israel. That is false doctrine. The enmity is between male and female, driven by a difference in the natures. Specifically, the difference in our sexual natures.

    The serpent crawling on its’ belly. It was never an animal which had its legs removed. That is a fable and is false doctrine. Crawling on our belly’s was a sexual reference. An acknowledgment by our Creator of our preoccupation in our nature. A concept not touched by our shallow and superficial Laodicea leaders.

    We existed before the foundation of the planet. It was in that time we rebelled against God. It was for that rebellion in which we need reconciliation for. It is for that sin we are on this planet. God did not create us to send the majority to Hell. We did that on our own.

    These above statements are true. They are supported in Scripture. They are not taught. The established Christian doctrine through commonality of the spirit will not teach them. They are derogatory to the human race therefore they are not allowed to be spoken. Man has always been wrong.

    Before we continue with this book, we need to look at two more passages. From the book of Isaiah.

    Isaiah 32:5 No longer will the fool be called noble nor the scoundrel be highly respected. 6 For fools speak folly, their hearts are bent on evil: They practice ungodliness and spread error concerning the LORD; the hungry they leave empty and from the thirsty they withhold water. (NIV)

    Read this carefully. Spread error concerning the LORD…. These men are not secular men. These are the religious leaders. We were told they would teach myths and fables; we were told they would tickle their ears, tell them what they want to hear. This is our Christian established doctrine of today. Our church organizations are not the body of Christ. Not the invisible church. They are religious tribes. Man’s tribes. They are far from God as is their doctrine. A doctrine which has been twisted to adhere to today’s culture. A doctrine which will maximize a business model, to maximize participation. They justify this. How many of our church leaders call the female the weaker vessel? Or read any of those verses in the book of Proverbs describing the female nature. No, those passages are off limits. Off limits are also any translation of end day prophecies which conflict with today’s false doctrine. Doctrine borne in the violations of Daniel. False narratives which are accepted by today’s tribes.

    Isaiah 32:3 Then the eyes of those who see will no longer be closed, and the ears of those who hear will listen. 4 The fearful heart will know and understand, and the stammering tongue will be fluent and clear. (NIV)

    This is a remarkable passage. Amazingly remarkable. Our Creator. Almighty God just gave us His promise. This will happen. It will.

    So. What is it? What will happen? An action will happen. No longer be closed Will listen these are actions. The eyes were closed, the ears were closed. For those who have eyes, for those who have ears, will see and hear. Something happens. It has not happened yet and your institutional church leader will not shed light on this passage. It impugns them. These passages tell us they are misleading us and not telling us the truth. They are not. For if they were telling us the truth there would be nothing to see, the ears would not have to be open. They would already see. They would already hear. There would be no need for this action.

    In the times of Noah, they did not listen. Today, as of now, very few have listened.

    Billions of men on this planet are dying. Is that what it takes? For those who have eyes, yes, they will see. Many will not. We are told this as well.

    Revelation 9:20 The rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood—idols that cannot see or hear or walk. 21 Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts, their sexual immorality or their thefts. (NIV)

    Even after all these deaths. Even after the sequence of end day prophecies begins. Even after the judgments begin. They will still live in their rebellion. They will not reconcile. They will live in that motivation of the fall (the MOTF) for which caused the rebellion in the first place. In that time before the foundation of the planet.

    If you have eyes. If you have ears. Wake up. It is raining.

    Chapter 1

    Revelation 9: The Covid 19 Vaccine Plague

    In my first two books, you were told of the myths and fables. Ones in which you have been taught your entire life from the institutional church (the IC). This book will not differ from them. In this book we will take a much closer look at the dynamic of the IC. Before we do, we need to explain exactly what is happening on this planet at the present time. A new disease. Not the Covid 19 virus but the disease caused by the vaccine for this virus. The plague. It was spelled out in detail in the book of Revelation. Revelation 9. People did not see it because they were not taught it. Our leaders taught this chapter in the Bible as they have taught most of the Bible. Incorrectly.

    Let us now put the truth to Revelation 9.

    One third of the planet is about to die. Men. 2.6 billion of them.

    This is why:

    Revelation 9:1 The fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth. The star was given the key to the shaft of the Abyss. (NIV)

    For most of my life I had assumed this star was Satan. As most likely all have made this assumption. It is, after all, what most of us were taught. Some have taught this star may be an angel of God. As it turns out, I do not think it will matter who the star is. What will really matter is what the keys to the shaft of the Abyss represents. Satan, the original serpent, the Archaios serpent, the devil, will not get thrown from Heaven until the end days. We will speak of this Archaios serpent again in this book as I have in the others. That Satan has never been on our planet in the flesh. Never. That Satan has no power, no authority and no influence on this planet. Most references to Satan in Scripture are a reference to our nature. A nature in opposition to God. Us.

    The key to this verse and the key to understand what is happening on this planet at this very minute is to understand the phrase given the key to the shaft of the Abyss.

    For a brief recap of something in the previous books;

    In the time before the foundation of the planet, we lived with God, all in harmony and love. Ephesians 1:4 tells us this. God tells us this. God’s created beings had no knowledge of what life would be like without Him. The entity of Satan, the Archaios serpent, the original rebel, thought of an existence better than that of living in the embodiment of God. In this other existence we could live as our own gods. We could live free from God’s authority and pursue an independent existence. In this existence we could be free to pursue things we were not allowed in our life with God. It would be a more satisfying and fulfilling existence. Satan was wrong. We were wrong. We fell. We rebelled against our Creator and rejected Him. God knew what existence would be like without Him. Now we know, we live in it. God knew how vile and evil His created being could be not under His control, living as our own gods. We are all free to pursue this existence. This self-centered existence is one in which we live in, one in which we are free to pursue the thing which motivated us to fall. Our motivation of the fall (our MOTF). It is one in which we put ourselves at the center. God has let us be. As He told us, He would remain silent. He told us this. Why? In order for us to understand existence without Him, He had to exert very little interference in our pursuit. He had to so we would know. The entity of Satan, the Archaios serpent, the leader of the rebellion also has had little to no influence on the human race. This is contrary to what the established Christian doctrine tells us. Never the less it is true. We were told this. Satan will not even be on the planet until the very end.

    Not only did God tell us He would be silent, we were also told He would hide His wisdom from us. Not salvation or the ability to reconcile to Him, that has never been blocked from us. Reconciling to Him through Christ is available through faith and not knowledge. That is what this verse in Corinthians is telling us.

    1 Corinthians 1:21 For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe. (NIV)

    The foolishness is the doctrine from our IC. People reconcile with God despite the foolishness of man. We are in the end days; the foolishness of religious man has never been more prevalent than it is today.

    Let’s stop here for a second. Before my critics go crazy and misunderstand what I am saying, and I have been accused of not being clear about something. God does hear and answer our prayers. He told us He would. God does choose to speak to some. When He spoke to the prophets like Ezekiel, we were told He spoke on this month in this year on this day. That was a direct communication from God. God said He would remain silent, but not totally silent in that He does speak to some, for His glory, not ours. Never ours. And yes, God has exerted control on this planet in as much as needed to ensure its existence. Other than that, we do not have a direct two-way communication with God. We do not. Yes, man has been claiming that from the beginning. Our leaders claim this every Sunday. But remember, the leaders in the time of Ezekiel did the same thing. They would say, God says and God said no, God did not say, God told us they delude themselves with their imagination. As did Eliphaz when he told Job he was given a vision from God. Eliphaz lied. The leaders in the time of Ezekiel lied. And our leaders today lie. Many followers are also deluding themselves with this non-existent direct and constant communication with God. When God speaks to man, there is no doubt. Not even a little. Does God lead us through providence in our lives? Yes of course I believe this to be the case. Does God answer us when we call out in distress? Yes. Does God intervene in our life? Yes, for His purpose and for compassion for us in those times of pain when we call out. Yes, He answers our prayers. No, we do not have a direct two-way line of communication with God. If that is what you are being told, if that is what you are being taught, you are being lied to.

    Something else directly relating to this, is Satan. The true Satan. Not the one you have been taught by those teaching you myths and fables. Yes, Satan is real. But not the one you have been taught. The real one we meet in Job. In the spirit. He came with the angels. In the Gospel when he tempted Jesus, he was in the spirit. We meet him again in Revelation 12 when he gets thrown, unwillingly out of Heaven. This Satan has been on the sidelines from the beginning. As had God, with the exceptions listed above. Satan has had no influence on us at all. None. I believe his influence on us in the end days will be very limited.

    As we had spelled out in the last book, the Jews have taught the references to Satan correctly. As references to that spirit which opposes God, which would be our spirit. Most Biblical references to Satan are not to this Archaios serpent, they are to us. When Jesus said to Peter, get behind me Satan he was making a reference to Peter’s nature. When Jesus told the leader he belonged to his father Satan it was a reference to his nature. When Satan said to God I go to and fro on the planet and walk up and down on the face of it it was a reference to the humans on the planet who lived in their rebellion to God. Not to himself.

    Contrary to established Christian doctrine, the entity of Satan does not influence us. Again, the references to Satan in the Bible are to our own natures, not the original rebel who has been on the sideline from the beginning, as has God.

    The star that was thrown from Heaven is told to us in Revelation 12. Later in that chapter Satan gets thrown down.

    The meaning of that key to the shaft of the Abyss has never been taught correctly.

    Contrary to established doctrine, the Abyss is not a direct reference to Hell, of which Satan has no authority. The Abyss is a reference to the Leviathan which has now gripped this planet as it did in the times of Noah. It is driven from the Satan nature of which we have all been a part of since the rebellion before the foundation of the planet. The Abyss is mankind.

    The key to the shaft is the control of our information. It has many names. Tribalism. Leviathan. It is the congealment of the human spirit. Mass Formation Psychosis. It is a control of a society by controlling the information it receives. It is a control of the narratives. It is the nature of man congealing the spirit. The Satan spirit. Our nature. It is the tribalism of the Leviathan.

    Satan does not have any authority over the Abyss. God would never abrogate His authority to Satan.

    The Abyss is mankind. The keys to the shaft is the control of our communication and the control of our information. Every facet of our communication is being controlled.

    A short time ago a reporter made a terse remark on her social media. In her remark she likened the brown outfit of our Democratic Vice President to that of a UPS driver. She was fired for that remark.

    A college football coach covered a Black Lives Matter sticker pasted to the outside of his office window with an All Lives Matter sticker. He was fired.

    This is how the congealment works. This is how the information flow works. The very perception that this coach did not endorse a vile, violent racist organization cost him his job. This congealment is effective. It will force people to accept an ideology they will not otherwise accept. Possibly beyond the point of remaining silent. If people are thought not to endorse the congealment of the woke ideology, they will suffer the consequences. This is the keys to the shaft of the Abyss, congealing the spirit through the control of the information and communication. This is the Leviathan. Had the reporter remarked on the appearance of Melania Trump, she would have not been fired. Had the coach covered an All Lives Matter sticker with Black Lives Matter

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