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The Peregon Steppes
The Peregon Steppes
The Peregon Steppes
Ebook76 pages1 hour

The Peregon Steppes

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1878 was one of the coldest winters on record.

But that did not stop an Imperial Guard of Tsar of Russia.

A Cossack by birth is on a mission to save his nation from starvation.

Cossing Russia, The Bearing Strait and on in to the Montana Territory of the United States.

To redezvous with a group of Veterans of the Crimea War and now Cowboys.

The risk of death is a constant. Will the men make it?

Will they be able to bring need food to a starving nation?

You will just have to read this, as each page brings you to the trail of the outcome!

Mr. Clay knows the West and you will not be disapointed.~

PublisherRoss D. Clay
Release dateApr 3, 2023
The Peregon Steppes

Ross D. Clay

Mr. Ross D. Clay is season professional in the Entertainment Industry for some 40 years. He brings his expriences and passions as well has his love for fur bearing critters to his writtings. The story, 'The Toe Mittens Christmas'  will bring you good tidings and joy for years to come. Happy Holidays to you all!

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    Book preview

    The Peregon Steppes - Ross D. Clay

    Ross D. Clay

    Peregon in Slavic mean a gathering space, or a large corral.


    Chapter One:

    A Cossack has been called.

    The winter of 1878 was one of the coldest in history. For it was particularly hard for The United States of America. The Civil War ended in 1865, and the country was still in recovery because of that conflict. But across the sea it was even harder for Russia and because of  the famine that was now affecting its people. The Tartar uprising did not help the country's plight. The Tsar needed food for his people, and he knew just what he had to do.  Amongst his elite imperial guards there was one man who spoke English, French, Russian and some Inuit. Vladimir Karnofsky, he was no ordinary man. He was a Don Cossack by birth. He was raised as a soldier since he was a child, an expert at all things military both in the art of defense and offence. Vladimir also is a very gifted horseman and with an uncanny ability to communicate with horses. He had also traveled to the far west territory of Alaska and new that part of the continent well. The Tzar knew Vladimir had served in Crimea in 1854 and had met allied Americans there, thus forming life alliances with those Americans during  that conflict. But this one man, Vladimir could make the arrangement. Food would come to Russian and save its people from starvation. 

    High command gave Vladimir the order to make preparations for this mission and he whole heartily agreed.  He was tending to his horse, Bogatyr (Meaning a warrior hero in Russian.) Saddlebags packed of canned food; water, Vodka, bullets, black powder, grain, and alfalfa cereal would be some  insurance for his quest to the West. Vladimir would have his tools of the trade. His trusted Shashka, or straight sword and his Kindjal, or long dagger. These instruments are his heritage.

    There was no equal to his proficiency with these weapons. He also would carry a rifle and pistol. For he was an expert shot at close and long distances. He also wore prayer capsules, both filled with Black powder and one special capsule with an ancient Cossack prayer enclosed. On this quest Vladimir was to call in a debt that was a matter of life or death for the Russian people.  A sworn  oath had been given in those times past and now would change the history of two continents.  Vladimir with Bogatyr would go and meet the man that Vladimir had saved that fateful day of times past. Captain Seamus McClay, a well-known American Sea Captain, Rancher and Warrior.

    The Tzar came to meet Vladimir and Bogatyr before their departure by the train. The train would arrive at Anadyr, a shipping por. Then embarking by boat to a lone port along the Bering Strait. But, only when the conditions were right Vladimir would then cross the Bearing Strait and on to Alaska that he knew well. Then continue on to the Montana territory.  All of Russian is with you the Tzar spoke, shaking Vladimir right hand, Please be careful on  your Journey, we have prepared your way! Russia needs you now more than ever! The Tzar words  fell heavy upon Vladimir’s ears and heart. 

    At the train Vladimir saw many of his fellow Imperial guards in plain-clothes and with many military on board the train. He and his horse would be well protected on the long train ride. He was now were in the Stable car and no other horses were aboard, only he and Bogatyr. Vladimir would stay with his horse through the ten day train ride as was his custom and nature.  They would be warm and well fed on this section of the mission. Ten days later Vladimir and Bogatyr got off the train at Anadyr the northern port of Russian and under the cover of night boarded a boat to Uelen the sole lonely port that overlooked the Bering Straight. It is winter and the sea already has slurry ice, making this passage slow and difficult.Arriving in Uelen in the early morning Vladimir was aware that, there were spies everywhere. He also knows he and his horse have a price upon their heads. Coming to port and disembarking from their vessel Vladimir is met by one of the mounted Imperial guards. Vladimir knows the guard well and is pleased to see him. The Guard says, Come brother, we must move quickly. Vladimir mounts his horse as the two quickly move at the trot, and go to safe chosen barn.

    Chapter Two: 

    The Polar Bear Man.

    Vladimir while riding, looks over his shoulder at the sea and sees the slurry ice has gotten thicker, that's good sign. Once inside the barn now Vladimir notices his fellow guards as 'the farmer family' with 'helpers' guarding him and Bogatyr. The barn is warm, the stall has a lot of straw for bedding for the horse, and there is a cot in the corner for Vladimir.  There is a beautiful ceramic wood stove in the main part of the barn keeping the structure warm from the Arctic cold of winter. In a few days you will get instructions from one of our people on the passage, listen well Vladimir! his fellow guard tells him.  Several days pass as Vladimir has settled in. Bogatyr stays groomed and exercises

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