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God vs Money Satan and the World
God vs Money Satan and the World
God vs Money Satan and the World
Ebook254 pages4 hours

God vs Money Satan and the World

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Your Actions Speak Louder than Your Words: Hell Is Waiting for You!

About This Book:

This book will tell you and teach you everything that you need to know about God and his Son and also about Satan and his son.

This world has always been dark, and many of us have spent our whole lives walking and living in the dark, because we refuse to turn on that light inside of us. This book will remind many of you where you are headed if you don't open your eyes, and let your light shine so you can see what's in front of you.

This book will tell you why Satan is here and why God put us here with Satan. It will tell you why God allows all these good things and bad things to happen to us, or what we think is good but may be bad. And what we think is bad may not be as bad as what we think. This book will tell you and everyone who reads it the reason we treat people the way we do when it comes to hurting someone or helping someone, and why we should love everyone. It will tell you why your husband, your wife, your family, your friends, and everyone you love treat you so bad when you're trying so hard to be good to them, or why they are so good to you no matter how bad you treat them.

This book will also show and tell you what to do when you don't know what else to do, and what you should think about when you have nothing but bad thoughts.

This book will tell you why the people of this world will try taking everything you got until there's nothing left. It will also tell you why family, friends, and loved ones kill themselves. This world is not what you think it is! It's a fantasy land for the ones who are blind, but it's a death trap for the ones who can see. This book will tell you why 90 percent of the people in this world serving Satan and why only 10 percent truly serve God, it will also tell you everything you need to know about the law, God's laws and Satan laws. And why the people who live by God's laws suffer, and why the ones who obey Satan laws live so well.

This book will tell you why our flesh will never heal, and why our Spirit will never die.

This book has all the answers to life that you can think of or need to know while living here on earth.

But a lot of you may not like the answer that will be given to you, because it's the truth, and a lot of you can't handle the truth because Satan will not let you. It's only because you were not told the truth, which means this world is lost and a lot of you don't really know God. You just think you do!

A about This Book:

The reason that I choose any title for my books is that the truth will set you free, and also because there's nothing great about no book in the whole wide world if God is not a part of that book. Anyone who writes about God or tells anyone anything about God but does not live for God themselves, there's nothing in this world great about them either.

And they all will pay a very heavy price for telling and living a lie.

And no one, no matter who you are, no one can spread the good news about God and his Son and receive Money, glory, or praises for their works if it's a gift from God, who lives in heaven. Not even a nation leader who serve the gods of this world, no matter what religion you are, and especially a church leader whom Jesus calls the kings of the earth, who chose to become the enemies of God. And no one can say that they love and honor God if they're living by the evil laws, rules, and regulations of this world. The Bible teaches us that if anyone who has received the gift of God has been chosen by God, all the schools in the world can't teach us anything about God unless he wanted them to know about him. You can't pay for a gift that only God can give, which comes from heaven.

Because we are taught by the Holy Spirit, not by man! That's why we give all glory, praises, and honor to God, and our reward is in heaven, not on earth! Satan shouldn

Release dateMay 4, 2022
God vs Money Satan and the World

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    God vs Money Satan and the World - Bonnell Leon Patrick


    God vs. Money

    Bonnell Leon Patrick

    Copyright © 2017 Bonnell Leon Patrick

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    New York, NY

    First originally published by Page Publishing, Inc. 2017

    ISBN 978-1-63568-195-6 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-63568-197-0 (Digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    A Summary

    About This Book

    The reason that I chose this title for my book is because the truth will set you free; and also because there’s nothing great about no book in the whole wide world if God is not a part of that book. Anyone who writes about God or tells anyone anything about God but does not live for God themselves, there’s nothing great about them either.

    It only proves that they don’t believe anything that they’re telling other. Because no one, no matter who you are, No one can spread the word about God and his Son and receive Money, glory, or praises for their works if they say it’s a gift from God, who lives in heaven. Not even a nation leader no matter what religion they are, and especially a church leader whom Jesus calls the Kings of the earth, who chose to become the enemies of God. Everything we do in this life is a free will battle between God’s children and Satan children.

    And no one can say that they love and honor God if they’re living by the evil laws, rules, and regulations of this world.

    The Bible teaches us that if anyone who has received the gift of God has been chosen by God, all the schools in the world can’t teach us anything about God unless he wanted them to know about him. The world shouldn’t be paying you and praising you for Money, with Money, and Money for something that God gave you to tell the world. But the world now has many Unfaithful Servants who are condemning many of you, every day. You can’t be rewarded with Money and the material things of this world for doing God’s will that many of you can’t understand, which comes from heaven.

    Because we are taught by the Holy Spirit, not by man! That’s why we give all glory, praises, and honor to God, and our reward is in heaven, not on earth! Because if you didn’t know, all talents come from God! And when God gives anyone or has given anyone any kind of talent it’s all good, but the evil and sinful desires of this world have taken that talent that God has given us to serve Satan.

    Anything that’s not good comes from the world; everything that we learn in school about the world comes from the holy spirit, but everyone who chooses to live for the world will become one with the world, and everyone who becomes one with the world are the ones who are caught in the traps of lust and desire to get the best of everything in the world. The best school that money can buy, the best Jobs so they can live a wonderful life here on earth, which brings destruction. They are the ones who were told by others (The best way through life is being able to afford everything you want in life). But I got news for you and everyone who think just like you. That’s a terrible lie, not life! Never has been!

    Life doesn’t begin until the time and date that God has already planned for us.

    This sinful life is temporary; we are only here to choose the one we want to live our eternal future with. But many of you have chosen this life, to honor and obey a different master, because many of you choose to serve Satan and his Son and the world! And the reason that so many of you have chosen to serve them is because we took God out of the schools, out of the church buildings, and out of the world a long, long time ago. Everything we learn about God is a gift from God, which comes from heaven. This is why we can’t serve God, for Money, and we can’t serve God with Money, and we can’t serve God and Money.

    But there will be very many in hell with Satan because God showed me that this world is very much in love with Money. Everywhere I go, the people are calling out Satan’s son name all over the world.


    The church leaders of this world are now using God and his Son Jesus as a front to make all kinds of Money from the people who are lost, but why! When some of them want very much and trying very hard to find God and his Son’

    So if someone receiving Money to make a living by telling you something good or bad that they say God gave them to give to the world to make their life better might not have come from God, who’s in heaven. Because there’s nothing to laugh or smile about when someone discovers the truth. If the Holy Spirit tells or shows someone that everyone is doing what Satan wants instead of doing what God wants, that along is devastating. How do you explain to your Creator that you love and need Money to live in this world, which are his enemy? If you were told something that you didn’t know or were shown something that others can’t see will bring tears to anyone eyes, if only they knew the truth. Every time I leave my house, I walk around with tears in my eyes all day long because I hardly see anyone out there or on TV living for God.

    I even see church leaders and church goers who should be close to God but are now very far from God than anyone; it’s because Satan has blinded them all and leading them down the wrong road. It doesn’t take an educated person or a lot of books with a lot of educated words to tell the ones who are lost and unfaithful to God where they’re headed if they don’t turn back to God.

    It just takes the truth! It takes a true servant that was chosen by God to tell the ones who are lost the truth. The whole truth and nothing but the truth! I am your servant, who was chosen by God, not by man! And I write nothing but the truth to help everyone get through the narrow gate that leads to God.

    That’s more love than anyone can ever give to one another or to anyone in the whole wide world. It’s because he’s the only way to heaven.

    This world is now filled with all kinds of temptation that it’s almost unstoppable to the flesh. What that means is; if the people of this world are already lost, so will the ones who are coming into the world be lost also, because it will be hard for them to see, hear, or understand anything with all this garbage that Satan’s people keep coming up with.

    God said it himself that if he doesn’t send his Son soon, Satan will have more followers than there are grains of sand along the beach.

    And now until this day; Satan has more followers than man can count. But God knows every last one by name.

    And if you or your family, friends, and loved ones choose to live for the world, most likely the names of everyone you love may be among that list.

    This book will give you the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding of true life, a life that only a few have ever experienced outside the flesh here on earth.

    But to get this gift, you will have to give up the world and everything that belongs to the world for God, the greatest love of all.

    So please, before you read this book, I would like to ask you to go somewhere private in your home or somewhere that you won’t be interrupted, because you will need to focus on the gift that the Holy Spirit gives you to fight Satan, get down on your hands and knees, and from the bottom of your heart, I want you to ask God to give you the wisdom, knowledge, and the understanding of his will. It may not come right away, but it will come. And also, take a Bible with you that you can understand; we are not here to prove to anyone how smart we are by reading big words that we can’t understand. Believe or not, 90 percent of the people in this world can’t understand the Bible as it is. If they did, the world wouldn’t be in the shape it’s in today.

    People with all the knowledge of the world can’t understand the Bible, only the ones that are chosen, to get the Word out. So if you claim to be one of the chosen ones, or a follower of Christ, then do your job! Give up this world and give God your heart.

    So to all who call themselves a servant of God who’s in heaven?

    Please quit changing, adding, and taking away what’s in God’s will. All I ask is for you to correct the ones who do wrong and help the ones who need our help. I write what a lot of people can’t see, hear, or understand yet, but the time will come when all shall know God. Sometime it’s best to get piss off than to get piss on, I know who you are! Be very careful Satan!


    The Lost and the Dead

    My name is not important. But the one who sent me is very important, and he sent me to tell and show everyone who wants peace and true happiness the way through the narrow gate, the road to the truth. So whoever wants to know the truth and choose to live for the truth will be blessed. But for those with little faith, no matter what you believe, he’s the only way! And for any reason, someone came to argue with the truth and call him a lie. Please! Prepare yourself! That’s something Satan himself wouldn’t dare try. I know what some of you are thinking: I know this guy! But we will see, because if you do, it’s only because you have already accepted the truth. But for those of you who can’t accept the truth, you don’t know me. You just think you do.

    But I did meet someone who truly knows me.

    He came up to me in the VA hospital the other day and shook my hand and gave me a hug. He said, How you doing, Leon? You may not remember me, but for years, I have always been a friend of yours! But at that time, you would not accept me as a friend. Then he added, You and all your friends were of the world.

    I was at a loss because I really didn’t have a clue who he was. But when I looked into his eyes, we seemed to connect; I was like a deer frozen by the light, because his eyes were shinning bright.

    He said, I remember the day you received that light. You may not remember, but you, me, and some friends of mine watched a very bad man die on the operating table a long time ago. The world had pronounced him dead, so he was sent to the morgue with all the other lost soul. Do you remember?

    I said no, but he continued and said that we all went down to the morgue with him and prayed for God to forgive him and bless him, and as we prayed, the dead man rose from the table and asked for a glass of water.

    He said, Do you remember?

    Again I said no. But I do believe in miracle! What was his name?

    He said, You got to remember his name. Do you remember what he looked like? It was hard for anyone to recognize him from all the physical and mental abuse the world had put him through. Because all the scars he had on his face and body made it hard for anyone to identify him. He had also been locked up most of his life with hardly a friend in the world except for me, and some friends of mine that he didn’t care to know at that time.

    I just started crying and said, could this person that you’re talking about be me?

    He said, Amen.

    So the person that many of you are thinking about or think you know is dead. He no longer exists. Because my true friends watched the new person who was in me rise to life. And my old friends who were of the world continued to live a lie, because none of them knew God. Therefore, I almost lost my life.

    Have any of you ever tried, or doing this now, living life without God? Sure you have! And many of you still are, every day, it’s because you refuse to pick up your cross and follow Christ, your creator, and now you’re lost! Whether you know this or not, without God in our life we’re walking dead.

    But anyway, that person you once knew has been dead now for a very long, long time. He doesn’t exist anymore.

    This world is now full of bad trees, and when we eat from these trees, we die. The same way Adam and Eve did, who were dead and didn’t even know it. Everyone who eats nothing but the bad food of this world becomes a part of this world; they become evil and produce nothing but bad fruits. Therefore, the gardener cuts away everyone who eats from these bad trees, the same way he did me. Because you become no good to him who sent me, or yourself, or to anyone who may need a strong shoulder to cry on. So everything that you’re about to hear and the one whom you now see was a sinner who revived from a bad tree, and had been resurrected by the true vine, who is the root of all good trees that Satan will not allow to grow in this world. So what you now hear and who you now see is a miracle. Some of you may not believe in miracles, but you’re looking and listening to one right now.

    Because I have been reborn with eternal life! A born again Christian.

    That’s right! I don’t have the same father that many of you have anymore, which means that I am not the person I used to be. I am now the person that my father, who created me, wants me to be.

    And now, as a true servant of Christ, I come in the name of Jesus to tell you only what he gives me to tell you and not anything of my own. I did not come to tell you something that I thought up. What I am about to tell you comes from the one who sent me. So if anyone thinks that I came to show or tell you how to have peace and happiness here on earth, think again. I was sent to bring trouble, not peace or happiness. I was sent to tear families apart. I was sent to turn sons against their fathers, daughters against their mothers, and daughters-in-law against their mothers-in-law. Your worst enemies will be in your own family. Everyone and anyone who love their earthly father or mother, or even their children, sons and daughters, or even themselves more than God, who’s in heaven, is unfit to call themselves a child of God. And unless you are willing to take up your cross and follow him as I did, you’re not even fit to be a follower of his.

    So if you really want to obey God and do the will of God, you first got to do this: You have to open up your heart and listen to the one who’s in you. It’s the only way you will get to know God and his Son and why we’re here. And you will also know that what I am about to give you comes from God, not from me. A liar will honor his own, who is a murderer, a thief, a crook, and a busybody. They’re all liars because neither one knows the truth.

    But a servant of God will rebuke a liar because the Holy Spirit tells nothing but the truth.

    If you have ears, listen.

    Anyone who says that he or she doesn’t believe in Jesus, God, or Satan is a servant of Satan. That’s the third greatest trick in the whole world that Satan has ever pulled out of his hat. The first and second was when Satan tricked Eve and Eve tricked Adam.

    But still, everybody wants to go to heaven.

    So if everyone wants to go to heaven, how come you won’t do what it takes to get there?

    Before you answer that, let me ask you all this. Take your time. Don’t be so quick to answer. Your life depends on what you say. Your tongue is your sword; it can tell the truth, and it can tell a lie. It can heal, and it can kill. So get a pen or a pencil and listen to every word with all your heart, because this will be the most important test you will have ever taken in your whole life, and everyone in this world will have to take this test. No matter who we are or what we are—rich or poor; slave or free; black, yellow, green, or white; powerful or weak. No one will pass through this world for free. It may be better if you don’t speak while taking this test, because you may lose focus and say or do the wrong thing and give others what may not be in your heart. But God knows everything. So don’t speak. Let the one you’ve been serving answer these questions. Many of you are going to be very surprised, but you can change that. But wouldn’t you like to know if your church is a servant of God or Satan? Which means you will know if what you’ve learned and what you’ve been taught come from this world or from heaven. And if you’re one of those people who claim to not know what to believe or which way to go, this message will tell you what you do believe and which way you are headed. It may help you change your mind. So listen very closely and write what’s in your heart. Remember, a liar is always a liar! But the truth will set you free.

    First question, "Is it easy for you to tell a lie or the truth? Do you lie all the time? Do you make a living putting down others or talking about other to make yourself look good by lying to yourself and to other like some comedians do to make someone laugh to make Money, or to make someone your friends, or just to get what you want? Does it feel good to lie? Do you think its okay to lie even if it’s to help someone who did something wrong? Do you think everyone tell lies? Do you think Jesus ever told a lie? Did you know that Satan is the inventor and the king of all evil and lies which is everything that we the people do wrong to one another here on earth? Do you think God love a liar? Who do you love more than anyone in the world? To you, what is the most important thing in the world? To you, what is the most expensive food in the world? To you, what is the most expensive drink in the world? To you, what is the most expensive book in the world? Who do you think love you more than anyone in the world? What do you love more than anything in the world? How many of you love this world? How many of you love your country? If so, why? How many of you love your country but live in a different country because it has more to offer and you want to enjoy everything it has to offer? How many of you have food, clothes, and a roof over your head but hope to profit more out of life than what you already have? How many of you love your life? How many of you hate your life? How many of you will do anything to save your life? How many of you will give up your life for that person standing or sitting or lying next to you? How many of you love Money? How many of you wish that you were rich? How many of you are rich and feel that you are living the life that God wants you to live? How many of you love power, the power of someone fearing you as if you were a gun with the upper hand on someone else, the power of controlling others by telling them what they can or cannot do?

    How many of you think women should have Power over men, the power to Rule and Control by telling a man what he can and cannot do? Who thinks women should have the Power to lead God’s People through a world that Satan controls with evil laws, rules, and regulations? How many of you love drugs? Not the way it’s meant to heal, but in the way it makes you want to hurt or maybe even kill something or murder someone? I mean, in the way that it messes with or takes control of your mind by the way it makes you feel and relax you? Or the way it makes you say things or do things that you wouldn’t normally say or do? How many of you are married? What about married and happy? How many of you think by getting married, that life will be easy and will bring you and your family closer to God? How many of you got married because you were in love? How many of you got married for world security, Money? Or for the material things a person got? Or for the way someone looks? Or where they come from?

    How many of you love sex? What about having sex when not married? What about having sex with someone else no matter if they’re married or not? What about having sex with anyone because you just love having sex? What about a man with another man? What about a woman with another woman? What about both? What about with animals? How many of you men feel that God should have made you a woman? How many of you women feel that God should have made you a man?

    How many of you feel that God did not make you at all?

    How many of you love shopping and buying all this material stuff of the world? How many of you like or love buying this worldly stuff for others? Do you love buying this worldly stuff for others because you love them? Or hate them? Or want something from them? How many of you love luxury? Love buying all that expensive stuff? I mean, love having the best of everything and wanting the best of everything. How many of you want to live that beautiful, luxurious lifestyle that only a few can afford?

    So tell me, how many of you love Satan and everything that belongs to Satan?

    Beauty really is the beast!

    And the way people are carrying on today, I will say almost everyone loves this beast. I tell you the truth; I’ve done almost everything the Holy Spirit just asks you. And I tell you all this because the Bible says you cannot be the slave of two Masters. God and his Son are the ones we all need, but Satan and his Son are the ones you all want. God and his Son are the ones you all despise, but Satan and his Son are the ones you all are loyal to. God and his Son are the ones whom you all hate, but Satan and his Son are the

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