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A Royal Engagement
A Royal Engagement
A Royal Engagement
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A Royal Engagement

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I have always been in the palace of Adolandia, just an invisible maid. but when a potential fiance for the crown prince arrives, I am thrown into the grandest adventure... love, heartbreak, and romance lead this tale of rags to riches.

Release dateApr 2, 2023
A Royal Engagement

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    A Royal Engagement - Veronica Maye Griffin

    Chapter 1

    I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN in the palace of Adolandia. I was born noble and had a place in court alongside the princess. When my father was stripped of all his titles, I was taken to the kitchen to be a maid. I grew up with the royal children, and I served them after I was turned into a maid. The queen always had an attitude towards me that I can only describe as confusing. One minute she’s nice to me and the other she’s mean. Or she smiles at me and then yells. The king tried to make me sleep with either one of his two sons a few times since I’ve reached sexual maturity, but I always found a way to avoid actually doing that, despite faking an interest to him. the royal children, the princes and princess, were always the most confusing. Princess Catherine, the youngest, always treated me like an older sister. I am 2 years older than her and she always stuck me as a child. The second born, prince Andrew, is my age and we have been friends since we met for the first time at merely a few months old. Prince William, the oldest, is four years older than prince Andrew and me, and has been busy learning how rule Adolandia for as long as I can remember. I never saw much of him before I became a maid, and saw even less of him after I did. The queen and prince William have light brown hair, but she shared her green eyes with her other children. William’s eyes are grey, like his father’s. Andrew and Catherine share his original hair color, black, though now it’s grey as well. William is the handsome royal, Andrew is the fun one and Catherine is the spoiled one. Overall, they are like any other normal family, the only difference is that they are being watched all the time by others. They always have to seem perfect; they rule us all.

    I have nothing much to say about me. my name is Isabella, I am 19 years old. I have chestnut brown hair and blue eyes. I work as a maid in the palace, and I love prince William. Yes, I love the man who will soon be king. Nothing will come of this, of course, because I have no title and he has to marry a grand duchess at the very least, if not a princess. In fact, I have a better chance of marrying prince Andrew than marrying prince William, since prince Andrew will likely not have to rule Adolandia one day like prince William will. despite having those feelings for the prince, I cannot ever act on them. Prince William has a habit of sleeping around with maids and other ladies of the court, despite being engaged to a grand duchess. She doesn’t live here in the palace so he doesn’t see her often. His sexual prowess is rumored to be greater than his father was at his age. For some reason there are maids prince William avoids sleeping with, I’m among them. Prince Andrew says that it’s because he values me, but I think it’s because he doesn’t know that I exist.

    My daily routine is quite constant. Every day I wake up, wear my uniform, and go to the kitchen for a quick breakfast before I go to wake the princess. After the princess is awake, I help her dress up, along with two other maids. Dresses now are quite complicated to wear and every day I thank god in my mind for giving the maids dresses that are easy to wear. After the princess is ready and leaves her room the other maids and I clean it up and make the bed. After that we go to wake up prince Andrew. He loves sleeping in and even his father gave up on waking him up early. Prince Andrew wakes up quite quickly and we clean his room while he gets dressed. I know for a fact that some maids have crushes on him and many want to replace maids who no longer wake him up for whatever reason. After waking prince Andrew up and cleaning his room I leave to clean prince William’s room. He isn’t there by the time I get there, he wakes up very early. I allow myself to smell his pillows and blankets once in a while, since I clean his room alone. After that I have a break and eat lunch, often what the royals will have for lunch, so I also work while eating, taste testing for them. After that I go do all sorts of odd jobs, mostly those requested by the royals. That often means going to town and buying various things for princess Catherine, clothes mostly, or for prince Andrew, always books. After I’m done with those odd jobs it is time for the royals to change to their evening attire to attend whatever dinner party they must, there’s one every evening. I go back to princess Catherine’s room and help her change her dress, it

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