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The Grand Meaning of Royalty and Nobility
The Grand Meaning of Royalty and Nobility
The Grand Meaning of Royalty and Nobility
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The Grand Meaning of Royalty and Nobility

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Royalty would be an age old institution born of ancient ages.  It was invented and consecrated to focus a state, to provide for government, and to maintain the order.  It would thrive for ages but decline due to democracy and dictatorship.  It survives on in many states as a legacy of national heritage, a link to the past, history come alive.  Here in this book, we will explore the nature of royalty and its place in history and the world.

PublisherTim Voigt
Release dateApr 4, 2023
The Grand Meaning of Royalty and Nobility

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    The Grand Meaning of Royalty and Nobility - Thomas Jonesmith

    To students of royalty, political science, history, and government theory.


    'In ancient times, society was largely illiterate, tribal, barbarian, and struggling to become a civilization.  It needed a government that could uplift its age and rule the people as well.  Since society is illiterate it is also superstitious as well.  It won't understand voting, protest, writing congressman, and social activism like democracy.  It wants a government that is strong, in charge, and commanding of the people.  The people are like sheep and the government is the shepherd.  Society is told what to do and the people's place is to obey.  In a situation like this, a tribe would elevate a tribal chief to rule it all, being vested with all power of the state.  He would be made glorious above everyone, distinguished in so many ways like a throne, a crown, a coat of arms, heraldry, and a scepter.  Here he makes all decisions of state, laws, judgments, and decrees.  He rules by his own will and the people accept what he says as law.  Out of this, a tribal chief would get honored, empowered, and glorified.  He would be cease to be a chief, he has now become a king.'    -talk on monarchy

    "A king is in reality just any other man, but he also not really.  He is a personality vested with power, rank above society, wealth, pomp, and authority over the state.  Societies would create the king to rule over the state, coordinating it, and guiding the people.  He is like a great father, someone no one is equal to, and made important in so many ways out of tradition, politics, history, and a state's need for a shepherd over the human flock.'  -talk on politics

    'In the beginning, royalty was like anyone else, being no one special at all.  However society needed a government and a ruler.  It chose people to act the role of lawgiver, powerbroker, and authority itself.  Out of this would come a creation called a king.'      -talk on kings


    Royalty would begin out of ancient ages.  It would start as tribal chiefs made into kings, where a tribe would evolve into a monarchical state.  In time it would become a form of government sweeping the world and ruling many ages.  Its a kind of government that would manifest in ages as diverse as:

    -the Inca empire -the Aztec empire -ancient Egypt -Rome -the Middle Ages -Napoleonic France -Russia -the Holy Roman Empire -Germanic principalities

    -Polynesian kingdoms and tribes -Asiatic kingdoms -India -ancient empires like the Assyrians, Babylonians, Sumerians, Persians, and more.

    It would see the appearance of royal institutions, royal houses, thrones, kingdoms, and the like.  Its reality would manifest in many ages as an effective form of government, being instituted as tradition and heritage.  With the rise of democracy, monarchy would largely decline but not altogether disappear.  Many nations would retain monarchy as a vestige of its past, a simpler era, or something midieval.  It may not go extinct totally.  For now it clings to existence in nations that value it and seek to preserve it as well.

    Overall this book is dedicated to students of royalty, it is a study found in political science, sociology, government theory, and many other sciences.

    'True the king is only a man, but he is like no one else.  Society would create him, endow him with power, heap upon him privilege, and try to love him as well.  Both the king and the people would form a bond and a relationship.  The people love and respect the king, supporting him in tax money, consecration, and obedience.  The king should love and respect the people, listening to them, working for their good, using his power for their benevolence.' -talk on kings

    'Government is an institution to rule the people.  It is here to order the state, to identify civilization, to establish law, and much more.  Man creates government to lead him and organize his nation.  It is there, above the people, commanding them, showing what civilization is and means.'  -talk on politics

    Preface:  Government

    There would form a kind of institution made to rule peoples.  It would engage in all manner of activity like:

    -establish leaders -make laws -establish a nation or state -build an empire -consecrate a religion -establish norms -establish offices -confer titles

    -found a judiciary -establish military -create identity and identifiers -establish citizenship -punish criminals -establish ambassadors -found councils

    -establish inferior organs like states and municipalities -establish departments and agencies -found cemeteries, tribunals, and more.

    It would form in all manner of age like:

    -primitive tribes -kingdoms -principalities -empires -city states -democratic nations -communist nations -dictatorships -theocracies, and more.

    It is born of tribes wanting to and evolving into civilizations, kingdoms, and nations.  It would form an institution known as leaders.  They are consecrated to rule the state, to establish law, to regulate commerce, and order the affairs of the people and its entity the state.  It would manifest in many ages in many forms and realities.  Its function is to identify the people, to order it, and uphold law, morality, and independence among states.

    A government forms around itself a state.  It is a domain either small or vast in territory, airspace, seaspace, coasts, and more.  It will have qualities like a capital, territory, borders, citizens, government institutions, police, judiciary, a national language, a military, roads, and more.  Its entity supports the government and gives a place for the people to dwell and make their lives.  Here establishes a national identity, a people, and groups.  Conveniences to identify the state include a flag, banners, motto, constitution, leaders, anthems, bands, emblems, symbols, heraldry, and the like.  Together all this makes the state, identifies the state, and defines the state to itself, the people, other leaders, and to the world at large.

    A leader is a person either male or female.  He assumes power, either taking it or being given it.  He can make laws, commission officials, has causes, pontificates, say things, and works to manipulate the government to serve himself, the people, elite, and more.  He can manifest as anything like a pontiff, king, president, prime minister, dictator, chief, or whom.  His reality depends on the state he leads, crises, issues, culture, era, and realities far and wide.

    Elite are people above the common people.  It refers to a vast reality of businessmen, military leaders, high officials, nobility, the rich, upper class, state leaders, high judges, and landed gentry.  They serve as the inner sanctum of a society just below the leader.  They serve, represent, and uphold society mainly for themselves and those of their clique.  They are born of people who rise in rank to control, rule, and occupy the upper class.  They have vested interests, are mainly concerned with their caste, and look to control the state influencing and manipulating leaders to their causes, goals, and beliefs.

    Society as it evolved would split into classes like the upper, middle, and lower.  The lower class live lives of poverty, struggle, living in apartments or anyway they could.  They work in menial jobs cooking, cleaning, serving, tending farm, and the like.  Much of a nation is this class.  They struggle to live, pay taxes, attend church, and live quiet lives with family, unassuming and largely silent as a nation's masses.  They watch government, but generally are indifferent to it, at times politicking, but in general being deferent to the leaders.  People of this class consist of slaves, homeless, convicts, servants, farmers, serfs, workers, etc.  The middle class has more power and own homes.  They are not rich nor desperately poor.  They work in roles like teacher, lawyer, doctor, nurse, and manager.  They are somehow in between defined by wealth, being deferent to leaders but not being desperate like the poor.  The upper class is the world of the rich, powerful, high society, influential, etc.  It consists of royals, nobles, millionaires, billionaires, political elite, military elite, and indeed all the elite of society.  They can afford excess like mansions, expensive cars, exotic food, jewelry, gold and silver, wine and caviar, and the like.  They associate with those like themselves, being snobbish over the other classes.  Because they got so rich, they hoard it for themselves also so at the expense of the lower classes.

    Common people are the vast reality of a state of people.  There would be farmers, workers, managers, teachers, lawyers, doctors, factory laborers, ranchers, cooks, housekeepers, hospitality workers, bus drivers, librarians, criminals, homeless, clerics and more.  They are the vast masses of a society.  They live, own property, function, and work for their own welfare and also society as well.  They form the people, the citizens of the state making for its masses and why there is a state after all.

    Military and police serve to protect the society from threats.  Threats can include:

    -crime -insurrection -invasion -rebellion -spies -international wars and spillover -intrusions into airspace -drug runners along the coast -revolutionary groups

    -paramilitary -unrest -looters -religious conflict -vigilantes -attacks -incursions across a border -violence with natives -riots -organized crime -militias

    Government would practice a 'theory' of how to rule the state.  This can mean anything like ruling in the name of God, being an intermediary with the gods,  ruling it for the elite, for business, for the military, or nobility,  or ruling it in the name and welfare of the people.  In each kind of vision, the state is administered according to habits and customs to satisfy someone, for its welfare for its pleasure, ensuring peace and goodwill.

    Culture defines a people in their dress, habits, laws, arts, sciences, foods, manners, and the like.  They engage in culture to define themselves, to uplift, to celebrate civilization, to identify themselves, to honor tradition, and respect law.  It is there to get the people to be civilized, upright, good, and benevolent to others and themselves.  Culture is defined by language, customs, clothes, art, houses, decor, esthetics, and the like.

    Government will generally be lead and discussed according to beliefs and ideologies.  They serve to discuss government, how it is to function, what is it for, what are its goals, and what philosophy it would follow.  There would be created with such beliefs in history going by names like:

    -fascism -Naziism -communism -monarchism -democracy -theocracry -plutocracy -rule by councils -rule by the military -capitalism and democracy united.

    They serve to focus the study of government, shaping the rulers, giving it an ideology, and guiding on how to administer the state.

    A state is an artificial political entity.  It will have identifiers like flags, a government, a military, police, agencies, departments, a religious infrastructure, people, territory, domain or dominion, a canon of laws, norms, schools, and more.  It is nebulous, complicated and bewildering.  It is there to rule the state, to order the people, to declare it to a world of nations, and to take its place among nations.

    States use all manner of government types to rule it.  It may commission a monarchy, councils, a dictator, a democratic body, a political party, or something else to lead it.  It will need people to act its positions.  It will create positions and titles like leader, vice leader, legislators, judges, officers, high officials, inferior officers, ambassadors, police, military, and more to act as its officials and functionaries.  They gain their position by the leadership, they act the commands of the leaders, and they serve their functions working to maintain and uphold the state.

    Law refers to a collected body of beliefs like a legal code, ordinances, norms, decrees, proclamations, court rulings, legislative decisions, and more.  Its collective effect is to rule the state, to compel people to obey, to establish morality, and to command the nation.  It can be changed by leader decision and also so it can stay in place for ages.  Law makes for the state, decreeing its reality, embodying what the people believe and should be.

    Government is staffed by people and it overall a human reality.  It will suffer problems like:

    -incompetence -crime -corruption -despots -bribery -conflict of interest -treason -nepotism -cronyism -racism and discrimination -snobbery -waste -abuse -fraud -indolence -elitism -injustice -perversion -scandal -betrayal -heresy -sensationalism -panic -depression -recession and more.  Problems are born of people making mistakes, not understanding, using power for elites and excess, committing crimes, and perverting the state to their own ends.  Cancers of all kinds riddle governments making for abuse, costly wars, injustice, extremism, scandals, and disasters.  If cancers cannot be controlled, disaster can ensue that goes on to destroy the state.

    Government is a reality society needs and commissions.  If it abolishes it gets anarchy, rioting, wanton crime, murder and eventual collapse.  However it is a human reality and so the people must tolerate it exists.  People will attempt to influence it, manipulate it, and also live in deference to it.  It is a tragic but needed reality.  It serves to focus the state and maintain its order but it is also a reality needing people suffering from human error.  It is there it functions, it shapes its age and it is something that keeps the state together, functional and also existent as well.

    Overall its reality and history are studied in subjects like:

    -political science -sociology -psychology -military science -economics -government theory, and many other domains.

    'Nation is the idea of a people having a culture and identity, a government, a territory, a mission and a fellowship.  It can be anything like a tribe, empire, kingdom, and anything else.  It is there to identify a people, to create a people and to establish it in the world.'  -talk on government

    'The king may seem like a mere man, but he is not a mere nobody.  He is cherished by the state, uplifted by the people, made important above all and also powerful too.  Its said all men are created equal, but in a monarchy that is not so.  The king has no equal and all men are below him.  He is made important, above and everything else is below him in custom, tradition and power.'        -talk on kings

    Introduction:  Royalty

    Ages of history would create a kind of government called monarchy.

    Overall it is the creation of a personality called the monarch with his family, the royal family.  It is so created as to establish an elite to preside over, to rule, and to represent a state called by names like kingdom, principality, empire, and other dominions.

    Its function is to be a elite presiding over the state ruling the state, guiding it, influencing and manipulating.  It oversees the government being its highest rank.  They are people of a family unit made sacred, consecrated by law, established by tradition, being something of the heritage of the state.

    A monarch is a monarchy's foremost person, either male or female.  He is made above society, a focus figure, an ultimate highest, someone ritualistically superior, where everyone else is ritualistically inferior.  He can be decorated in elitist clothes, crowns, jewelry, and symbolism of his rank.  He enjoys perks like privilege, power, deference, palaces, courtiers, throne, etiquette, and high privilege and excess wherever.  He is supreme above all, holding highest rank, commanding all below, lording over anyone.  He is the focus of government, its highest representative, its greatest champion of the state.

    A monarch commands the highest power of the state.  He can declare war, conclude peace, make laws, proclaim, levy tax, order arrests, inflict penalty, order the court, and overall influence the state.  He is supreme in charge of all wings of government, ordering through royal decree.  In time as societies became more democratic, power would be withdrawn from him and tranferred to bodies like parliament, judges, cabinets, officials, inferior officers, nobles, and the like.  He still retains his presence and power, someone above, a royal person lurking always known, a celebrity to the people.

    Monarchs can hold roles like theologian, moral leader, pontiff, law giver, and so.  In many states there would be a state religion united with the throne.  Here the monarch acts a role both a king and also a pontiff.  He commands clerics, directs religion, preaches, and also rules the state.  In ancient civilizations, a monarch would be seen to be a 'god', an imaginary being of superhuman power.  He would be venerated in temple, idol, prayer, ritual, and custom.  Though this belief would die out, today monarchs are seen as people, being mistake prone, mortal, and all too human.

    When a monarch passes, it has been history that a power struggle,

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