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For the first time, the stories you never got to see from the author of the Southtown literary universe. Six tales of psychological terror, cosmic horror and suspense available nowhere else, all in one collection. See into the mind of Madi Quinn, where all truths lie NAKED.

PublisherIndy Pub
Release dateMar 31, 2023

Madi Quinn

A lifelong resident of northern Indiana, Madi Quinn began her writing journey at the age of seven, writing a short book called "The Whatchamacallit". Madi's work is a little more adult these days, weaving horror and erotic tales to terrify and titillate. She began her literary universe with the book "Allison's Game" and continues today with such releases as "Naked". Madi is also a staff writer for Double Feature magazine, a publication she both enjoys reading and contributing to.

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    Book preview

    Naked - Madi Quinn

    A Collection of Short Stories

    Copyright © 2023 The House of Everlong

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be

    reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any

    means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the

    prior written permission of the publisher.

    First Edition: 2023

    The Characters and events in this work are fictitious. Any

    similarities to real persons, living or dead, are coincidental and

    not intended by the author.

    I. The Only Fan 7

    II. Fly 29

    III. Nephilim 45

    IV. Creep 71

    V. Sleep 76

    VI. Average Joe 85

    If she wanted to make money, she had to be perfect. Stephanie moved before the click-click-click of the camera. She’d prepared for this shoot for the better part of the day, choosing the exact outfit that looked best stripped off and cast aside, fussing with her makeup to catch the perfect light and contours at all angles, getting her hair in precise order, sheer waves without flyaways. She caressed herself gently, opening her mouth slightly in an expression of feigned pleasure. She knew the clientele liked it when it looked like she was enjoying herself. Faking climax and the real thing were totally different animals, after all. The reality was that she was cold and tired, but she’d promised her clientele new pictures, and was honor bound to deliver.

    When she was confident there were enough good shots to satisfy the demands of her clientele, she climbed down off of the bed, grabbing her soft terrycloth robe. She felt warmer almost immediately and shook off the chill. Stephanie didn’t dislike what she did for a living, but she did dislike doing it in the wintertime, when her house, old and creaky as it was, tended to be a little on the chilly side. Even the space heater she used in the studio couldn’t keep up with the chill. Regardless, the bills had to get paid, whatever the temperature might be.

    She slid into the office chair in front of the computer that sat just off of the studio space and flipped through the shots that she’d taken, deleting the ones that were blurry, funny looking, or otherwise displeasing.. Of hundreds of shots, she would release around twenty. She didn’t put out garbage because the customers would find someone else to fantasize about. After about fifteen minutes making her selections, she narrowed it down to twenty-five that were worth post work. Work that she’d leave for the next day. For now, quick dinner and sleep were in order..

    A notification popped up on her phone as she ate her dinner, which she glanced at. It was from a man who identified himself as TheOnlyFan. He’d subscribed to her service not long before, but in the short time he had been a part of her life, he’d been vociferous in the comments about how beautiful she was, what a big fan of hers he was, and any time someone would say something negative about her, he would verbally destroy them with withering commentary. Tonight, TheOnlyFan said he was looking forward to her new set, and hoped she was well.

    Stephanie smiled a bit and typed back. Doing fine. Hope you like the new pics, they’ll be ready soon. <3

    Typically, one or two exchanges were all TheOnlyFan indulged in, so she pocketed her phone in her robe, finished dinner, and went to bed. Once in her bedroom, she put her phone on the charger on the end table.. She dropped the robe and slid into her satin pajamas, enjoying the feeling of the smooth fabric as it skimmed her skin. She climbed into her real bed (the one she actually slept in) and closed her eyes.

    The phone vibrated. Another notification came across the screen, momentarily filling a part of Stephanie’s bedroom with a white light. She opened her eyes, tapping the screen, and saw it was another message from TheOnlyFan. It can wait, she muttered, and closed her eyes, and almost immediately fell asleep.

    The sun hadn’t yet risen, but Stephanie felt invigorated and well-rested as she woke. Ready to take on the day, she grabbed her phone from its charger and went down into her studio-office to get business done. After a line of inconsequential emails, she switched to the service to check her fan mail. There were a good amount of them, most from horny young men that had, or were going to, jerk off to pictures or videos of her. The pros and cons of being an e-girl–affirmation that she was indeed attractive followed by graphic descriptions of what they’d do to her had they the opportunity–all rolled into one.. What truly amused her is that they likely would do nothing of the sort. They’d probably cum after a few seconds of rubbing against her and then run away in shame. Most of these guys talked big, but couldn’t live up to their own hype. Then there was a message from TheOnlyFan. Have a good night. He never discussed graphic sex acts, and never even got all that inappropriate with her. He was an enigma. His dedication to her made it seem like he saw her as something more than a glorified sex doll. Maybe he wasn’t a creep, but maybe he was. She’d never know.

    Stephanie fired up her photo editor and began tweaking the photos she chose. Some were for little defects like red-eye or bright spots in the background. Others were to filter so-called ‘flaws’, smoothing out lines in her face or body. Even the most beautiful women used filters, because, reality had a terrible habit of making you look human, and no one wanted to pay for human.

    As she finished her editing, she logged into the service and began uploading the winners. Herer phone went off again as her pictures sat in the queue.. Another message notification from TheOnlyFan. She unlocked her phone and read the message.

    I like that color on you.

    Stephanie blinked for a moment. What color??

    Her fingers flew over the screen as she typed a response. What do you mean?

    Just messing with u. Sorry.

    She rolled her eyes and sighed in relief. Please don’t do that. That scares me. Makes me think you’re stalking me.

    A few seconds passed before a reply came. I wouldn’t do that. That would b rude.

    Stephanie put her phone down, setting to work arranging the photos in the order she wanted them. She finished the set and sent out an announcement that the new set had been posted. Satisfied, she logged off and went back upstairs to the kitchen to make herself breakfast.

    As she made herself an omelet, her phone went off yet again, and she found herself rolling her eyes. She knew there would be comments

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