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Once Upon a Kiss: Once Upon a Sweet Romance, #1
Once Upon a Kiss: Once Upon a Sweet Romance, #1
Once Upon a Kiss: Once Upon a Sweet Romance, #1
Ebook258 pages2 hours

Once Upon a Kiss: Once Upon a Sweet Romance, #1

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About this ebook

From author Carina Rose comes a love story about new beginnings.

"Hi, I'm Lacey Winters. Are you single?"

The woman at the island resort had one thing in mind when she asked that question: making her cheating ex-boyfriend jealous. And Drew Mitchell was all too happy to oblige. But in a million years he never could have imagined that one kiss with a beautiful stranger would change the remainder of his vacation--and the rest of his life.

Drew knew he'd done Lacey a favor. Ill fortune had her facing the prospect of a week alone and in full sight of her ex frolicking with the woman he'd jilted her for. So agreeing to be her fake boyfriend seemed like the least Drew could do. But he hadn't anticipated being so taken with her. And he never could have predicted falling in love.

Now Drew had questions of his own: Can he prove to Lacey that what they have is real? Can he convince her to trust in her heart again? Drew didn't have any answers. It seemed that what happened once upon a kiss was anything but predictable.


*Stand-alone Romance

PublisherCarina Rose
Release dateOct 13, 2020
Once Upon a Kiss: Once Upon a Sweet Romance, #1

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    Book preview

    Once Upon a Kiss - Carina Rose

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28



    About the Author

    Stay Connected to Carina!

    Chapter 1

    Lacey gave her best smile to the flight attendant before scanning the numbers and letters below the overhead baggage compartments, looking for her seat. She trudged past the rows of passengers in first class, some already enjoying a cocktail. She felt a stab of envy, regretting that she hadn’t splurged and upgraded her ticket.

    Trying not to bump into anyone already stowing their bags, she finally found her seat and let out a sigh of relief. Her seatmate hadn’t arrived yet, and Lacey hoped that no one would be her neighbor for the four-plus-hour flight.

    She grabbed her phone, e-reader, and earbuds before stowing her belongings and settling in. Glancing up at the passengers still making their way down the narrow aisle, she couldn’t help but feel a bit melancholy. It appeared everyone had a travel companion—everyone but Lacey.

    A happy couple that she assumed were newlyweds approached. The way the man looked at his companion with such admiration as they walked toward their seats made Lacey’s gut twist. It wasn’t that she resented them, but she could think only that they could have been her and her boyfriend, Kevin—well, her ex-boyfriend.

    Only a few moments passed before an older couple approached. The woman sat next to Lacey, and the man took the aisle seat across from her. They exchanged a brief smile, and for a second Lacey wondered if she should give up her seat to the man, but when she glanced at his seatmate and saw a young, fidgeting boy and a woman she assumed was his mother next to him, she decided to keep her mouth shut. It was bad enough being alone on what was supposed to be a romantic getaway—sitting next to a squirming toddler would take it a step too far. She did have her limits.

    The woman beside Lacey turned to her and smiled.

    Good morning. Lacey smiled back.

    Flying alone? the woman asked, tucking her purse under the seat in front of her.

    Yes. The corner of the woman’s lips angled down. Lacey added, "It’s been a crazy year, so this is a me trip. A vacation for the soul, so to speak." She repeated the line she had rehearsed all morning, just in case anyone asked her that very question.

    The woman nodded and gave her a tight smile before snatching the airline’s magazine from the seat pocket and flipping it open. Lacey held back a sigh, put in her earbuds, set her phone in airplane mode, opened her favorite playlist, and stared out the window. A man with orange flashlights prepared to guide the plane down the runway amid snowflakes falling from the gray New York sky.

    Was a solo vacation really the right decision? Her best friends, Grace and Janine, encouraged her to go, to the point that any argument Lacey could come up with was met with an immediate counterattack. Before she knew it, she was packed and taking an Uber to the airport.

    Deep down, Lacey knew they were right. According to Grace, Just because this trip was originally planned with romance in mind, that doesn’t mean you won’t enjoy yourself. The sun will be just as warm and the beach just as fabulous. Not wanting to dwell on it any longer, Lacey let out a long breath and decided to enjoy her flight, her friends’ encouragements still ringing in her ears.

    After liftoff, she finally started to relax, her eyes growing heavy. She opened them hours later and stared out the window. A wide smile grew across her face. The turquoise-blue water through the small oval window was unreal in its beauty. Though she was thirty thousand feet in the air, Lacey could feel the tranquility of the sea. She could see the waves crest, and she was sure if she squinted, she’d be able to see the life that lived beneath.

    A few dings, an announcement or two later, and the plane began its descent. Lacey tightened her lap belt and said a silent prayer before the tires hit the tarmac. As the plane came to a complete stop, the realization that she’d arrived finally sank in. She joined the mass of disembarking passengers scrambling through customs to get to their destinations.

    Warm island air caressed Lacey’s skin as she stepped out of the resort’s airport shuttle and onto the tropical property. The gentle breeze flirted with the fabric of her sundress, tickling her knees. Just this morning, she’d been wearing the dress as she stepped out of her front door to get into the Uber, only to be greeted by harsh winds and snow. She was glad she’d resisted the urge to run back into her apartment and change into a pair of jeans and a sweater. New York’s dreary weather was now a distant memory.

    With her luggage resting beside her, she peeled off her lightweight sweater, inhaled the salty, humid air, lowered her sunglasses, and smiled at the bag porter stationed outside the resort’s main entrance.

    Good afternoon, miss. Welcome to the Spero Resort. I’m Walter. Are you checking in?

    Walter was an older man and, based on his graying hair, had to be in his sixties. But his golden sun-kissed face was devoid of any lines or wrinkles. Lacey surmised it was due to lack of stress. That even though he was at work, every day must have felt like a vacation.

    Hello, Walter. I’m Lacey. They exchanged a handshake. Yes, I’m checking in.

    He offered to take her bags, but Lacey politely declined and paused to revel in the atmosphere. Palm trees created a shady awning, and the welcoming music of steel drums surrounded her. There was something so soothing when the rubber-tipped mallets struck the concave metal pans, creating beautiful melodies. It was as if with every tone, another worry dissipated.

    Lacey stood in place, watching the trio of men move their mallets with carefree precision. One of the men nodded at her. His smile was as warm as the Caribbean sun that soaked into her skin. It was then she knew she had made the right decision; this trip would be precisely what the doctor ordered.

    Her sandal-clad foot tapped in perfect rhythm to the song, and she giggled when she realized it was "Jingle Bells." Lacey’s hands gripped the skirt of her dress and swayed along with the familiar tune. It took everything not to start spinning around Sound of Music style. It was the first time she could remember wanting to dance to a holiday song.

    After the last note was played, she applauded and was thanked with the group nodding happily in unison. She hadn’t smiled this much in weeks, and she had only just arrived. As she strolled inside, Lacey made a mental note to send thank-you cards to her friends for encouraging her to go.

    After checking in, she turned from the main desk to take in the resort’s lobby, which felt as if it were still outdoors. People in shorts and bright clothing milled about smiling, no doubt thanks to where they were. Sunlight shone through the wide windows, ceiling fans circulated the island breeze, and she was confident that the scent of the tropics was piped in through the vents.

    But what really stuck out was the holiday decor that graced the lobby. Lacey had never visited a tropical place so close to the holidays. The festive decorations—Christmas trees, garlands, and a menorah with several candles lit—reminded her that she’d be spending this season soaking up warmth and solitude.

    When she’d found this resort online, she’d been skeptical that it would live up to the pictures, but the Spero Resort was even better in person. Kevin had wanted a sizable, trendy all-inclusive resort, but Spero had called out to Lacey.

    Now, feeling like she were standing in a postcard, she was grateful she hadn’t let memories of Kevin keep her from coming. Even though Lacey hadn’t planned on enjoying the king-size bed and ocean view room on her own, at least she wouldn’t be sharing them with her cheating ex.

    She shook her head, dispelling any thoughts that would weigh her down. All she wanted was to change into her bathing suit, slather on sunscreen, and soak in some much-needed vitamin D.

    A pretty, golden-skinned woman in a flowered sarong held a tray of tropical drinks complete with the obligatory tiny umbrella and an orange wedge speared with a cherry resting on the rim. Welcome to the Spero Resort. Her lightly accented voice was as serene as the breeze that blew outside.

    Lacey glanced at her name tag, accepting a glass. Hello, Fiona, and thank you. She sipped the drink, barely containing a moan as the tangy, sweet concoction slid down her throat. It was a blend of pineapple and what tasted like mango and coconut rum. Wow, this is delicious.

    Fiona nodded. They’re delightful. Enjoy your stay, and please let us know if there’s anything we can do to make your visit more pleasurable.

    She walked away, leaving Lacey to sip her drink, wishing she had called ahead to extend her stay into her entire two-week vacation. She’d asked the man at the main desk about the possibility while checking in, but the only available room was an extravagant suite, which she reluctantly declined. At least the original reservation had been in her name and not Kevin’s.

    Still sipping her drink and with her room key in hand, Lacey headed toward the elevator. Glancing to her left, she noticed two men. The older gentleman was chatting away while the younger, very handsome one listened intently. She smiled as she pressed the button for the elevator. Lacey had a feeling getting away would be just what she needed.

    But for now she would appreciate the peace, quiet, and all that the island had to offer.

    Every year Drew Mitchell looked forward to his holiday vacation. He loved the hustle and bustle of city life and his fast-paced job, but even he needed to unwind every now and again. That was why for the past several years Drew had traveled to the Spero Resort to relax.

    It wasn’t like when he was younger and his mission was to meet a beautiful woman… or on occasion, women, to enjoy himself. Now he used the time to appreciate the beauty of the water and the island—and to hang out with his friend Ethan, whose parents owned the property. Not that if someone caught his eye he wouldn’t strike up a conversation or buy her a drink; it just wasn’t his primary goal anymore. And his intentions never went beyond a drink.

    The past year had been hectic, and his financial clients were demanding. He loved what he did, but he knew taking time for himself was just as important as making money.

    As Drew stepped into Spero’s lobby, Ethan’s father, Jackson, greeted him with a firm handshake. It’s good to see you, son.

    Drew smiled at the older man. Jackson and his wife, Hanna, were like an extended family to him.

    Thank you, it’s good to see you too. As always, the weather… He lost his place in their conversation as a dark-haired woman, coming from the direction of the front desk, breezed past. His heart stuttered. Even Jackson glanced around, searching for what had made Drew’s attention waver. She must have just checked in, because he definitely would have noticed her before.

    Enjoy yourself, Jackson said with a knowing grin as he patted Drew on the shoulder. All Drew could do was nod, suddenly speechless. Who was the last woman who had done that? Drew could have racked his brain for days trying to formulate an answer, but it would be… no one. No one had ever affected him so much.

    As Drew watched her, his chest expanded with a breath that caught in his throat. He had never seen anyone so beautiful. Her bright smile further illuminated the already sunlit lobby, and her blue eyes reminded him of the sea, though with just one glance, he knew that, if given the choice, he’d take gazing at this woman over the gentle turquoise waves caressing the shore. Her floral-patterned dress floated around her long bare legs like the hibiscus blooms in the hotel’s fountain.

    Drew made his way toward the beauty, ready to introduce himself, but stopped when Fiona approached her with a tray of Spero’s signature drinks. The mystery woman wrapped her perfect rose-colored lips around the straw, and every coherent thought flew from his mind.

    Before he could acknowledge the tug he felt in his rib cage, like a tether pulling him toward her, she stepped into the elevator and disappeared behind the sliding brass doors. Knowing he would make a point of meeting her, he turned and walked out the back exit to the purity of the white sandy beach, her blue eyes still flashing through his mind.

    Vacationers stretched out on lounge chairs, uninhibited by whatever stresses they had before their arrival, which was also Drew’s ultimate goal—to leave the pressures of the city behind him.

    When Ethan’s family bought the once run-down resort and transformed it into a haven of tranquility and beauty, they put all their energy into creating a place where people could escape, where they could leave their troubles behind and get a new lease on life. It was wonderful to see them achieve their goal.

    Drew took his time greeting the Caribbean water. There was nothing like the island’s soft sugar-white sand. It was worlds better than the pavement his feet pounded back home in the city. He stood, staring at the waves, appreciating the wonder of it all and breathing in the warm salty air before heading back toward the resort to see his friend.

    Ethan was behind the outdoor bar, working his mixing magic while joking with a few of the guests. Even though Drew missed seeing his friend back home, he knew this was where Ethan belonged. Part of Drew wondered if he should follow suit and give up the hustle of Chicago’s financial district, but he knew he’d miss the excitement of city life too much. Luckily, Drew’s salary gave him the means to spend most of his off time flying back and forth to the island.

    Couples, singles, and locals surrounded the teak wood bar. A few of the twosomes appeared to be on their honeymoon and lost in each other. One pair barely came up for air to enjoy the fruity beverages in front of them.

    Drew sat next to George, one of the locals who owned a condo less than a mile away. George had a deep-sea fishing charter that Spero contracted to take guests on excursions.

    Good afternoon, George. How were they biting this morning?

    Ethan smiled at Drew and set down a cold glass of lemonade in front of him while George tipped his captain’s hat toward his friends. Not too bad. It would have been better if one of the men didn’t get queasy when the boat anchored. He let out a laugh. You know the saying, the bigger they are, the harder they fall. After another hearty chuckle, he looked at Ethan’s worried face and added, Don’t worry. The only thing the man injured was his ego.

    The three of them shared an enthusiastic laugh. Drew looked up to ask Ethan how the day had been going, but his friend’s attention was no longer on the pineapple he had been slicing. Following his line of sight, Drew found what had distracted his pal… stepping out of the resort was the same woman who had rendered him stupid only thirty minutes earlier.

    Drew slipped on his aviator sunglasses before flipping his baseball hat around; he didn’t want anything to impede his view. Ethan let out a whistle, and Drew was ready to call dibs right then and there as if they were still in college and vying for the same girl. But not wanting to tip his hand, he remained silent.

    George finished his beer, glancing in the mystery woman’s direction. Well, gentlemen, duty calls. I’ll leave you two to duke it out. After a hearty chuckle, a pat on Drew’s back, and a handshake with Ethan, he was gone.

    The woman walked to the beach stand, smiled at the young man who looked as though he’d swallowed his tongue after she thanked him, and grabbed two of the resort’s fluffy white towels. Like fools, Ethan and Drew watched her head down the few stairs that led to chaise lounges.

    Wow. Ethan let out a breath as they watched her peel off her lavender cover-up, revealing a white-and-purple-striped string bikini. The triangular piece of fabric covering her backside had Drew shifting on his stool. She looks thirsty, Ethan added.

    Drew knew his buddy was prepared to woo her with his mixology genius. Sorry, brother. Remember your father’s rule? When Ethan graduated and moved to the island to run the resort with his parents, Jackson was adamant about Ethan not fraternizing with guests. Be friendly, but not too friendly, was his dad’s mantra. Drew had never been happier to not be working at the resort.

    Ethan glared at him. Really? When Drew’s gaze floated back to the beauty, his friend grinned. I have a feeling you’ll be thanking your lucky stars you didn’t join us in this business venture. It’s been a while since I’ve seen you look like this.

    Like what?

    Remember Debbie Kearney?

    Creases formed on Drew’s forehead. Debbie, the TA in our accounting class?

    Ethan smirked. "One and the same. Whenever she called on you, the A student, you couldn’t even explain the difference between a credit and a debit."

    Drew hadn’t thought about Debbie in a very long time, but back in college, whenever she’d walked into the classroom, his baseball hat had gone right to his lap as if he was a hormonal teenager. No one could. She looked like a centerfold. Drew shook his head. "Plus, if I’m not mistaken, you were the one who ended up getting an A in that class, and you hated accounting. It must have been all of that late-night tutoring."

    Ethan smirked. Sue me. My point is, you’re looking at that chick the same way.

    That was the last thing Drew needed to hear. Drew was a confident man, but Ethan wasn’t half-wrong about what he had been feeling. Something about her made Drew think he wouldn’t be able to string together a coherent sentence when they were finally face-to-face. Forget the fact that Drew had a degree from Northwestern University; anything beyond introducing himself would tie his tongue into a sailor’s knot. Then again, like a true sibling, Ethan loved getting under Drew’s skin and over the years had made it an art form. Despite his pal’s words, Drew knew he didn’t have an issue with the ladies. If anything, he reminded himself, it was usually the opposite.

    Ignoring his friend’s comments, and without much hesitation, Drew rose off the stool. He brushed his shirt, smoothing it out, or maybe it was to wipe the beads of sweat that had formed in the life lines of his palms.

    Good luck, Ethan said with a tilt of his chin.

    Drew’s white

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