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Finding a Path After Physics College
Finding a Path After Physics College
Finding a Path After Physics College
Ebook167 pages2 hours

Finding a Path After Physics College

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Many young students go to college.  For some they will major in the science of physics.  It would prove a tough and challenging science.  Here in this book, we will explore what its like to major in it and finding a life after gaining a physics degree.

PublisherTim Voigt
Release dateApr 5, 2023
Finding a Path After Physics College

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    Finding a Path After Physics College - Tim Voigt

    To the student physicist.


    'Many will go to college and major in physics.  It is a science that gives you a foundation into math, science, and phenomena.  Once a student has a degree, a kind of shock sets in.  What to do with yourself, where does the young physicist go?  He can explore many paths like the military, grad school, teaching, or what.  There is much more for a physics student to do than this.  Like the universe, there is a universe of possibility open to him.  If he has the intelligence to master this subject, then why not master life?  You only get one, what will your journey be?'    -talk on college


    This book had its outgrowth in studying and discussing physics with college professors.

    Many teachers have noticed students when they get a degree, they then graduate only to be lost in life afterwards.  They have options like going into the military, teaching, going to grad school, or what.  Many will choose such a path and many find a path is unreasonable in some way.

    They may take up other 'careers' like working in restaurants, doing temp  work, driving a truck, or what.  Worse fates befall like going homeless, getting convicted, or perhaps an early suicide.  Many tragedies result from not finding the 'right path'.  It is avoidable to avoid these fates and one should find a good path while still young and one still has time.

    In this book, we will review physics, the plight of the young, new graduate in physics, and paths one can follow.  A student after having the privilege of a college education (sadly for which many do not get), should be able to get himself a 'good life', something reasonable to live, perhaps a joy to have.  In this book, we will review this discussion and suggest paths the young physicist grad can follow if he finds the 'right path' through mentorship, critical thinking, and finding the 'right mind' to make 'good decisions'.  In this book, we will explore the richness of physics and just what is possible for the young physicist graduate.

    'Physics is not so much just a science trying to understand a universe.  It is also a journey, it consumes you, it becomes your destiny.  You walk a path learning this science, but also having to survive, to learn yourself, and discovering yourself in the world as you go.'  -talk on physics

    Preface:  Employment in Physics

    Physics is an exceptional science exploring the mysteries of space, time, matter, and more.

    It would become a labyrinthine domain employing millions of people into serving the science in some way.

    People would work in a variety of domains like being:

    -astronomer -particle physicist -metrologist -physics teacher -professor -lab attendant -tutor -test corrector, and in other positions.

    People who work in physics tend to go to college and study the science.  From there they may gain a graduate degree and then go to work as a teacher or in some other domain.  People who work in physics can make incomes like $30,000 or higher, sometimes lower.  It is a science that rewards in income, learning about Nature, loving this science, and serving its esoteric cause.  It is a fascinating science for all it teaches, mysteries, and more.

    In this book, we will review essays on physics and its various domains.  We will review kinds of career possible in this amazing science.

    I want to know God’s thoughts.  The rest are details."  -Albert Einstein

    Introduction:  The Quest of Einstein

    Albert Einstein, the legendary thinker and titan of 20th century physics had a curious and profound dream he bequeathed to physics.  He dreamt that the universe obeyed a single master theory of physics with its own set of fundamental equations.  This theory would have a single master equation, a basic principle, the ability to derive mathematically any other physics theory, and an explanation for Nature’s laws and diversity.  He sought to find this theory and spent years fruitlessly searching.  However, he had a deep and abiding confidence bordering on physics faith that this theory did exist.  However, he died in 1955 failing to achieve this one last service to physics.

    This mythical physics theory Einstein so feverishly believed existed is today called by many names.  Examples are the master theory, the super theory, the grand unified theory, the one theory, the master theory, the fundamental theory, the unified theory, the unified field theory, the God theory, the theory of everything, the theory of the universe, and last but not least the theory of the universe.  Its existence is a kind of fantasy in physics, a dreamy thing many believe exists, but no one can prove exists.

    Today, physicists the world over are searching for this theory, the grand unified theory.  It is the passion of thousands of thinkers who labor to solve the mystery that even the great Einstein could not solve.  It represents in some sense physics’ equivalent to the Holy Grail, a magical treasure waiting for some hero to stumble upon.  As of now, its issue is discussed in all kinds of places ranging from colleges to corporations.  As of yet no one has found it and it is quite possible it does not exist.  However, this does not stop the worldwide ‘army’ of researchers, hobbyists, and physicists from trying to find it.

    For the time being, the quest to find the grand unified theory represents a kind of scientific treasure hunt.  Its prize is none other than the discovery of the basic laws of the universe and insight into why Nature is what she is.  The journey to find this theory goes on and nobody knows how it will end nor with whom.  It represents an achievement that may forever remain unsolved and if that is so, represents a kind of futility that scientists for ages will dwell upon.  However this adventure finishes, it represents in some sense a last, great, and ultimate fantasy journey to end the journey begun by our primitive ancestors ages ago.  For now, the grand unified theory remains just a fantasy, somewhere in the netherworld of the unknown of science waiting for its champion to find this prize.

    To whosoever solves this greatest of physics mysteries, a special place in the science of physics will go.  Such a person will join the ranks of Newton and Einstein as some of physics’ greatest thinkers.  Nobody knows who will live this future chapter of physics, but it is sure to be one of the great stories of history and perhaps the greatest story of physics history.

    'Can the physicist solve the riddle of the universe?  Many have tried like Einstein himself, for now no one has done so.'  -talk on physics

    'Physics is not a religion, it is a science.  It shares with religion a cause to know the universe and also to find oneself.'    -talk on life

    Introductory comments:

    Physics is an amazing science.

    It is a science that is a journey and quest to understand the universe of phenomena.  Gaining a college degree in it is tough, an exceptional challenge it is.  It will take four years of study, income, and effort to take its classes, pass them, and gain its degree.  It is a challenge and this would defeat many.  However if one is tough and has the fortitude to do it, it gives a good foundation in math, science, and life.

    What to do with a college degree in it?  Good question.  Many don't know this answer, and perhaps do not find it.  There are many possibilities.  As to what one does with it is a personal choice and up to oneself.

    In this book, we will review what the young physicist grad can do with it.  It can open a world of possibilities and lead to an interesting life.  Here in this book, we will review essays on this epic science, its education, and what to do with its education.  Much is possible, but its yours to find.  Enjoy the read.

    We begin with introductory essays for the student.


    'Physics is for anyone and everyone, you just need to learn it though.'  -talk on science


    The World of Physics (Physical Reality)

    There is a branch of science that studies the nature of the physical universe.  Called physics, it has been described as the most fundamental of sciences.  It is in reality a vast labyrinth of related sciences all interrelated under the word physics.  Physics as a science studies the properties of Nature like heat, light, electricity, gravity, mass, space, time, events, processes, effects, sound, radio, vibration, and many related subjects.  It is today a complex subject taught in virtually all colleges and requires years of schooling to get a career in. 

    Before Physics (of physis)

    Physics today is a mature science which is a very specialized profession.  However, this science had its origins in ancient superstitions and occult practices.  Ages ago, various thinkers took to asking questions about Nature like Why do things fall down? and Why does the Sun shine?  Thinkers who posed such questions were called natural philosophers and they often acted as court physicians, astrologers, and as priests in ancient societies.  They were among the first thinkers who asked questions of Nature and sought answers that did not involve magic or superstition.  Physics in some sense had its origins in superstitious practices like astrology, alchemy, and the occult.  Along with the writings of Greek philosophers, medieval Muslim thinkers, and other philosophers that physics thinking had a kind of origin.  Its from these occult beginnings that physics took shape and would become the modern science of today.


    Nature is a word that stands for universe, cosmos, and indeed all reality.  It is the sum total of universe, Sun, Earth, planets, stars, Man, life, and all things of existence.  Physics seeks to analyze Nature’s many effects and qualities.  It seeks to study and learn the secrets of natural qualities.

    What is Physics?

    Physics is the study of physical reality in all its ways and its secrets.


    This subject is known from ancient Greece.  It it the discussion into speculations on the nature of matter, fundamental substance, space, Nature, and many related issues.  Aristotle, an ancient Greek philosopher is credited with being a major thinker in it as well as others.  It has gone hand in hand with physics through time evolving and expanding of its discussions.  An education in metaphysics enhances a physics education immensely.  Please read about this and Aristotle’s writings outside of this book.

    Ancient Debates

    Thinkers for ages have wanted to explain the natural world.  They took to discussing and questioning Nature and devised issues that would become classic in later physics and philosophy discussion.  Presented here are a range of issues to explore and discuss in class:

    -The nature of space –What is time –The nature of atomos (or atoms) –The nature of energy –The nature of mass –Discussion on ether –The nature of force (or forces) –The nature of substance –The nature of order and chaos

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