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The Love of the Forgotten
The Love of the Forgotten
The Love of the Forgotten
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The Love of the Forgotten

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Mae has settled into the palace as Prince Cadel's future wife. The prince is not happy about the arrangement, wanting to protect Mae by sending her home. Mae spends her time trying to find ways to protect the prince and the king, feeling they are still in danger. She researches the Holy High Council and the history of the royal family while spen

PublisherC Tarkington
Release dateApr 6, 2023
The Love of the Forgotten

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    Book preview

    The Love of the Forgotten - C Tarkington


    Copyright ©2023 by C Tarkington

    All rights reserved.

    No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.


    1. A winter’s morning in Adaria

    2. Chapter 1

    3. Chapter 2

    4. Chapter 3

    5. Chapter 4

    6. Chapter 5

    7. Chapter 6

    8. Chapter 7

    9. Chapter 8

    10. Chapter 9

    11. Chapter 10

    12. Chapter 11

    13. Chapter 12

    14. Chapter 13

    15. Chapter 14

    16. Chapter 15

    17. Chapter 16

    18. Chapter 17

    19. Chapter 18

    20. Chapter 19

    21. Chapter 20

    22. Chapter 21

    23. Chapter 22

    24. Chapter 23

    A winter’s morning in Adaria

    Seeing that Jon was well occupied by his toy as he played on the rug before her, Lady Diedre Llewelyn looked out the parlor window. She waited a moment before one of her guards turned and nodded, meaning he had seen the temple guards that morning. They were always there, just out of sight. It didn’t matter if she was in the house or walking to the village; the temple guards followed her. She sometimes caught a quick glimpse of them. Felix had seen them since he returned and even tried to talk to one. All they would say was they were there to see to the safety of the future queen’s family. Lady Llewelyn knew that wasn’t the truth.

    She looked down at Jon one more time before sitting down and taking an envelope out of her pocket. It had come just after breakfast, and Lady Llewelyn was anxious to read it. She opened the message from her daughter. Let’s see what your sister has to say, Jon.


    I am very well settled here at the palace and am starting to feel at home. It is not Adaria, of course, but there is much to like about the place. The king has done everything to see me comfortable and welcome. I spend at least some time every day speaking to the dear man. He is clever and kind, though a little melancholy. He smiles and laughs a little easier each time I meet him, and I find every day liking him more and more.

    You should see the library here. I could spend every day of a long life here and not even scratch the surface of the information available. I like to go as often as I can, and Lord Aimon usually accompanies me. He has been very helpful in getting to know the city and some of the higher lords of Brighan. I think I would be very lost without him. I hope you can meet him sometime as I think you would like him.

    I know you want to know more about my intended, and I wish I knew what to write to ease your fears. I am not unhappy with my position. As time goes by, I am sure I will get to know the prince better and him me. I will reassure you and tell you he is not a cruel man and would never mistreat me. He is a little withdrawn and quiet, but his life has not been easy. I think we can have a successful marriage, and I will do all I can to make it so.

    I hope you are being careful. I worry for you and Jon constantly. The Highest One told me he sent guards for your protection, but I do not trust his motives. Please watch yourself. I have written Felix to keep an eye on you, but I haven’t heard back from him yet. I can only hope he is home by now and that all his business was concluded successfully. I hope he is helping you with your duties. I am to meet with the Highest One soon and will do all I can to see that you are safe.

    I miss you terribly. Several times I have wished for one of your gentle hugs or words of reassurance. Please make sure to speak to Jon about me. I am afraid he will not know me when we finally see each other. I hope it is not as far off as I fear. Write to me when you can and reassure me of your well-being.

    Your Loving Daugther,


    Lady Llewelyn put down her letter and shook her head. Oh, Mae, what’ve you gotten yourself into? I should never have let Howell take you to that awful place. She read the letter again, sensing that her daughter was more melancholy than she let on. There was plenty bothering Mae, and she wished she could speak to her daughter face to face to figure it out.

    If only she hadn’t gone to the city. Lady Llewelyn had been so scared of Mae’s power being discovered, but she would do anything to have nothing to worry about except Mae’s gift. She would give almost anything to have her daughter there with her. She wiped a tear from her cheek and took a deep breath.

    There was nothing she could do about it now. Mae was pledged to the prince and would be the next Queen of Gelardia. She knew her daughter would be a good queen, and her late husband had prepared her to expect Mae to move on from Adaria to something greater. Mae was brave and intelligent. She only wished she could be sure the prince deserved Mae and loved her. She wanted Mae to experience what she had with her dear husband. She didn’t want her daughter to live a life of only obligation.

    She looked down at Jon, who had walked over to her. We need to write your sister, dear boy, and your uncle as well. I want to find out all I can about this prince Mae is pledged to. If your uncle won’t tell me all I need to know, we shall sneak away to the city and ask your sister ourselves, temple guards be damned.

    Jon perked up at his sister’s name. Mae? he said excitedly as he looked around.

    No, dearest, she’s not here, sighed Lady Llewlyn before standing up. But we’ll find a way to see her soon. Come with me while I write my letters. You can draw your sister a picture. She held out her hand to her young son, and he took it.

    Lady Llewelyn paused before leaving the room. There may have been nothing at the present that she could do to help Mae with her relationship with the prince, but there were things she could do to ensure Mae was kept safe and her upcoming reign successful. She was not without resources or contacts.

    Jon, I think you will have to suffer through me writing quite a few letters this morning, but we will play in the field behind the house when I am done.

    Lady Llewelyn would do everything she could to help her daughter, and nothing would get in her way of making sure Mae was safe and happy as she deserved.

    Chapter 1

    Mae stretched as she walked down the palace stairs before hopping down the last two. After living there for four months, it was starting to feel a bit like home, even if one of the main occupants wished her away. She stopped in the entry hall and peeked out the window to see the sun shining for the first time in over a week. She smiled, thinking she could finally spend some time outdoors.

    Good morning, Lady Maela, said a voice behind her.

    She turned from the window to see Prince Cadel in front of the stairs, looking at her. Good morning, your highness, she said with a quick curtsy, all friendliness and ease that was once between them gone. I hope you slept well.

    He shrugged. As well as I usually do.

    She half-smiled. And it doesn’t appear as if that is very much. You look tired. Perhaps you should see a healer. She walked closer, seeing his pale skin and the darkness under his eyes.

    You shouldn’t concern yourself with me, he said as he started walking.

    She hurried to join him, staying by his side. I’m to be your wife, so I think your well-being should be one of my main priorities.

    He rolled his eyes. You’re enjoying your position so far, are you?

    She shrugged. There is much in the palace and around it that I enjoy. The food is very good, and having the library within walking distance is a dream. Getting to know the king has been my favorite part, and Lord Aimon has proven a trustworthy friend.

    The prince turned to her, his expression dark. You were so quick to forgive Lord Aimon. Have you forgotten how he treated you?

    He made a mistake, but I forgave him since it was in defense of someone I hold dear. He and I have the same goal now.

    Is that why you spend so much time with him?

    That, and he keeps me entertained. With the way the weather has been, I’ve been dreadfully bored, said Mae. If I don’t keep myself occupied, it is too easy to dwell on my family and home.

    The prince looked at her, his countenance softening. It looks like today will be nice. Perhaps, you can go outside for a bit after your meeting.

    My meeting? asked Mae. Will you not be joining me?

    I have other things to do, and you know your land better than I ever could. You’ll meet with the lords and finalize the details. I trust you can handle them, and they’ll have to start listening to you if you are determined to see this through.

    Mae fidgeted with her hands as she walked. I’ve not met with them without you or the king in attendance. I’m not sure how they will take it, me leading the meeting. Also, it’s not just Adaria that needs help, my prince. Some changes need to be made all over our kingdom.

    He reached over and took one of her hands. They stopped walking as she looked down at where he touched her. After a moment, he took his hand away as though he had been stung. He appeared to gather his thoughts before looking at her.

    We have to start somewhere. You’re to be their queen, so they will have to accept you will have some power over them. You’re wise and passionate about the well-being of your people. I have complete faith in you to do as needed.

    Then I will do you credit as your future wife, your highness, said Mae. She cautiously reached out and touched his arm, making him jump slightly.

    He looked down at her hand before glaring at her. She moved slowly towards him.

    Prince Cadel, Cade, perhaps you might ride out with me today after the meeting. I wish to give Drysi some exercise, and I’m sure your horse would like a long run.

    His expression remained hard, but she would not look away. She gathered her courage and tried to remember how it felt to kiss him. She remembered the gentle look in his eyes that he used to have for her. Please, she whispered.

    He looked down as his arm dropped. I can’t, as there’s too much to do today. You should go, though. I’ll make sure you have plenty of guards to attend you. He walked on, leaving Mae in the hallway with her head down.

    Good morning, my lady, said Lord Aimon as he walked up behind her. Though it doesn’t look like one, according to your expression.

    It gets harder every day, Thad, she said quietly. I didn’t think he would be so cold towards me, even with his disappointment and anger. It makes me think I imagined the feelings he once held for me.

    He walked closer to her. You didn’t imagine them, Mae. He’s hurting as badly as you, even if he won’t admit it. He can’t keep it up forever.

    I’m not sure, said Mae. I don’t want to think I’ve made a mistake, but either way, it’s too late now.

    Thad took her hand. It’ll work out. I know it will. Come on, eating breakfast will help, and then you have your meeting.

    And it will truly be my meeting, said Mae as they walked. Prince Cadel has declared he’s too busy to attend and will leave it all in my hands.

    He’s not going with you? asked Thad. This is the final meeting showing the king has signed the order, and he expects you to handle this alone?

    He told me I’m to be the queen, so I must act like one.

    Thad huffed. You will not go alone to this meeting, Mae. I will see to it.

    They entered the dining room, where the king sat at the head of the table with his son to his left. As Mae walked in, the king stood with a large smile as Prince Cadel slowly rose.

    Good morning, Mae, said the king brightly as Mae approached him.

    Good day, your majesty, said Mae, taking his hand. He squeezed it and let it go as she passed and sat on his right. I’m glad to see the sunshine today.

    I’m sure you are, said the king. I know you’ve felt cooped up this past week. We all have. Perhaps you and Cade could go on a walk later or a ride.

    I’ve already asked the prince, said Mae as she poured some tea. But he’s informed me he’s too busy for such activity today.

    You are? asked the king to his son as Thad sat next to Mae, and she poured him some tea.

    I have too much correspondence to catch up on and someone to meet this afternoon. My day is full, said Prince Cadel.

    But since you’re skipping your meeting this morning, you must have plenty of time to do everything you need and still ride with Lady Maela, said Thad as he passed Mae some bacon.

    You’re not attending the meeting? asked Cade’s father sharply. Why not?

    As I said, I have much to do and someone to see. I trust Lady Maela can attend to everything. It’s about her homeland, after all. She knows it better than anyone.

    But this is your duty and your committee of lords, Cade, said the king. You cannot just abandon it.

    I’m not abandoning it. I’m leaving it in the capable hands of Lady Maela. She is to be queen, and she must learn to do her duty.

    It’s fine, said Mae as she put her hand on the king’s arm. I can handle it, your majesty. I’ll not let you down.

    The king turned to her. I don’t doubt your abilities, my dear, but the prince should at least accompany you to show his support.

    I’m betrothed to her, so that should be enough to show them she has my support and commitment, said Prince Cadel irately. I’m doing as all of you ask, going along with this foolishness.

    Mae gently put her fork down and picked up her cup with shaky hands. She would not be weak and cry at the table. She hadn’t cried in public over the prince or what had happened to her. Only in her room alone had she let any tears fall.

    So you have, your highness. I will lead the meeting and take this burden for you. I won’t allow you to feel any further disappointment because of me.

    The prince mumbled. You’re not the one who’s a disappointment, my lady.

    The king looked between them and sighed. I should accompany you, Mae. There’s no reason I can’t come.

    Don’t trouble yourself, your majesty. I want to do this as my future husband has requested. I know what’s required, said Mae.

    I’ll go with you, Lady Maela, said Thad.

    You? asked the prince. You’ll go with her to the meeting on Adaria?

    I’m the highest lord in the land, and I know all it faces. I’ve been to Adaria and have seen the issues there. I’m sworn to help and guard your family, and Lady Maela will soon be a Callagan. I will serve my future queen by attending this meeting with her and any other way she needs me.

    Do you want him to go with you, Lady Maela? asked the prince.

    She looked at Thad, who nodded at her. What he says makes sense. I appreciate his support and will be happy to have his assistance.

    Do as you wish, then, said Prince Cadel as he looked down and started eating.

    Perhaps you would like to ride out with me after lunch, my lord? asked Mae as she turned to Thad. It’s the first nice day we have had in ages, and I’m anxious to get outside.

    A long ride sounds perfect, and I’ll be happy to join you.

    I think you should go as well, Cade. said the king. Whatever duties you have can wait one afternoon.

    They cannot, father, said Prince Cadel as he stood. In fact, I need to start seeing to them now. I look forward to hearing how the meeting went, Lady Maela.

    I will have a full report, your highness.

    Cade, I want you to come to my study in an hour, said the king. I won’t keep you long, but you must come to speak to me.

    I’m very busy, father, started Prince Cadel.

    This is not a request of your father. It’s a command by your king. You will be in my study in an hour, said the king with authority.

    The prince nodded. I’ll see you in an hour. He walked away as Mae sighed.

    The king reached out and took her hand. I know it’s difficult, Mae, but please give him more time.

    She held the king’s hand. He’s worth it, your majesty.

    After breakfast, Mae walked with Thad to the room usually used for the king’s council meetings. As they came to the door, she could hear talking in the room. She adjusted the scroll in her hand and stopped.

    You’re very capable of this, Mae, said Thad as he put his hand on her shoulder. I’m only here for support. It’s not that I doubt you.

    I know, she said after taking a deep breath. I appreciate it more than you know.

    Even if you do wish I were someone else.

    She turned her head to look at him. I don’t wish you were someone else. I only wish he were here with us. I thought this was what he wanted as well. It meant so much to know he cared enough to do this with me.

    He does care about Adaria and you, said Thad.

    I hope you’re right, she said before she opened the door and walked into the room.

    The long wooden table was over half full of important lords from the city. Their talking and laughter stopped as Mae entered the room. They all stood as she moved to the head of the table with Thad following her. She nodded to the two guards behind the table as she took her place at the head chair.

    After setting down her scroll, she looked down the table at the lords. Thank you all for being here today. May our goddess, Aurulia, watch over our time together, reminding us that we are all her children. Thad pulled out her chair for her, and she sat down. Everyone settled into their chairs, Thad sitting to her right.

    I have here today the final order signed by the king that will lay out the reduction of resources coming from Adaria to the rest of the kingdom over the next several years. It also…

    Excuse me, my lady, said an older man, two chairs down, interrupting her.

    Yes, Lord Gibbens, what is it?

    Is Prince Cadel not joining us?

    No, said Mae. He had prior business and asked me to oversee this meeting for him.

    Should we not meet when the prince can be here? asked another man not much older than Lord Aimon. He had red hair and smatterings of freckles on his face.

    Lord Andrews, we will go on with this meeting not only because it’s what the king and prince wish but because it’s what I want as well. As your future queen, I will have some authority over the council.

    You will when and if you are the queen, said Lord Gibbens.

    You doubt your prince’s word, my lord? asked Thad angrily. He has pledged himself to Lady Maela.

    The man shrugged. They aren’t officially united by the goddess, and from what I hear, the prince might not prefer the lady. I mean no disrespect, Lady Maela. We all know you did not come to this position exactly by your own choice.

    I made a choice, said Mae. And when I did, I knew this was a possibility. I’m not unhappy with my future position, and you shouldn’t assume you know Prince Cadel’s thoughts either.

    I’m just trying to decide if this meeting is worth our time, said Lord Gibbens. If an official member of the royal family is not in attendance, what good will any word that comes from it be?

    Lady Maela is as good as a Callagan, and she speaks for them now, said Thad. I am the highest lord of this land, and her word is good enough for me. That should be enough for you.

    I also have a signed directive from the king that I will show you. Does that satisfy you, my lord? asked Mae.

    Lord Gibbens looked at Thad and then her before nodding.

    Then let us truly begin, said Mae as she unrolled the scroll.

    She read over the king’s decision to lower the resources provided by Adaria by a third the next year and then another third two years after that. There was a heated discussion about what other lands would do, but Mae showed them that with just a few changes, all would be well with very little inconvenience in all other lands.

    Furthermore, said Mae. This order signed by the king agrees to send supplies, medicine, and healers out to all lands that request it during the coming winter. It also guarantees a representative from all lands on the king’s council.

    You aren’t serious, my lady, said Lord Andrews. That cannot be possible.

    It is, and the king has agreed to it and signed it, said Mae. Read it for yourself.

    Lord Andrews took the scroll and read it with a few others lords gathering around him to read over his shoulder.

    This is impossible, said Lord Andrews.

    It’s not, and it should have been done ages ago. Each land provides Bevins and the city with resources we cannot find here. Without Calder, Morven, Glynston, and Adaria, Gelardia would fall. We must start to take better care of our people and resources. Each land deserves representation on the council, and within the next year, each will have it, said Mae.

    I can’t believe our king would do this, said Lord Gibbens. This is madness.

    It’s not, said Lord Aimon. It’s a wise and just decision and one that is long overdue. It’s one my father would agree with. I have spent more time outside of Bevins than any of you. Our people and lands are suffering. We are obligated by our positions and the goddess to care for what we’ve been given. Lord Aimon glanced at Mae. Lady Maela is right. If we do not take care of all our people and lands now, our kingdom will fall sooner than you can believe.

    By the time they finally finished, it was lunch, and Mae was very ready to leave the room. She dismissed them, and they all rose from the table. She heard the whispering and grumbling of the men, some calling her a puffed-up false queen under their breath. Others said they look forward to the day she was sent back to Adaria, and her mysterious influence over the king gone. Mae ignored them all as a few lords bowed to her on their way out. One gave her an encouraging smile that she returned. Thad huffed next to her, staring at those who spoke harshly.

    She put her hand on his arm. Let them grumble, my lord. What can they really do?

    You will be their queen, and you saved their king and prince, said Thad. You deserve their respect and loyalty, Mae,

    Then I shall have to work harder to earn it.

    He crossed his arms. You could have warned me about the additions you recently made. When did this happen?

    Yesterday in the king’s study. I was waiting for word from Lady Walsh and Lord Wellford that they had spoken with the other lands. All agreed this was a good place to start, and the king thought so too.

    You’ve been busy.

    I’ve been doing the work of a future queen, my lord. I take my position seriously.

    Thad grinned. You deserve a break. He glanced out the window before looking at her. What do you say to doing lunch a little differently today?

    What do you have in mind?

    I’ll ask for some food to be packed up, and you and I can ride out to the fields outside the city. There are some rocks by some trees and a good-sized stream where we can sit and eat before making our way back. You can ride as fast as you want on your pretty mare.

    She smiled, thinking it would be nice not to have to sit in the dining parlor watching Prince Cadel ignore her or give her dark looks. I think it sounds perfect as long as you aren’t cross with me for keeping the changes from you.

    He raised an eyebrow before laughing. Then I shall arrange it while you prepare.

    Mae hurried to her room, where she put on her boots for riding and grabbed her black cloak. She threw it on as she went down the stairs to meet Thad by the side door of the palace. At the bottom of the stairway, she found Prince Cadel looking out the window.

    Are you waiting for someone? she asked, making him turn around.

    I was just seeing if it were still nice outside. I know you’re looking forward to your ride. He noticed how she was dressed. Are you not coming to lunch first?

    Thad and I have decided to ride out with some food. We will eat in the fields by the stream.

    You’re going on a picnic with Lord Aimon? he asked, raising his eyebrows.

    I wouldn’t call it that. We’re just taking some simple foods to stop and eat during our ride. She looked away. You could come with us. I would like it if you would.

    He moved closer to her, making her look at him. Would you really like it, Mae?

    She nodded. I would like it very much, my prince.

    He continued to stare down at her with intensity. He even leaned down a bit, making Mae almost close her eyes as she shivered in anticipation of his kiss. Instead, he backed away. As I said, I cannot, but I wish you a pleasant day. I have some guards ready to go with you.

    I don’t think that’s necessary, said Mae. I won’t be alone.

    I will not leave you unprotected with a man who not very long ago caused you pain. It’s proper that you have a royal escort, said the prince.

    She nodded and turned, walking away from him, wondering how much more she could take living in the same place as the prince.

    Chapter 2

    Cade paced by the stables stopping to look off into the field behind the palace every so often. It would be dark soon, and they should have been back at least an hour ago. He looked at the stables again, wondering if he should call for his horse to go find them. Surely something awful had happened for them to be gone this long. What if her horse had thrown her somehow, or someone with malicious intent had gotten to her? He should have sent three times as many guards. How could he let her go so unprotected?

    She was also out there with Thad. He hated the thought of the two of them together, laughing as they rode over the fields. He closed his eyes, imagining them by the stream, sharing food and maybe even a wineskin. Their hands would brush, or Thad would reach forward to wipe something off her soft cheek.

    He opened his eyes and shook his head. Such thoughts would do him no good, and they were unthinkable. Thad would never do it to him, nor would Mae, no matter what his father warned. He had gone to his father’s study an hour after breakfast just as he was told, thinking he knew what his father had to say, but he was still surprised by some of the conversation.

    Cade sat heavily in a chair before his father’s desk. His father put down the message he was reading and stared at Cade. The seconds turned into minutes until Cade could take it no more.

    What is it you want, father?

    His father leaned forward. I want to know how you could be so foolish.

    Foolish? asked Cade as he sat back.

    Yes, you’re a fool, Cade, and it’s past time that I told you. I know it’s a burden not to be able to choose your own wife, but our goddess has blessed you with one of the best young ladies in this kingdom falling into your lap.

    I don’t question her worthiness if that’s what you think, said Cade.

    I should hope not. That poor girl has done more for you than should be required of her. She’s left all she knows and loves to come here. She faces ridicule by many, including people in this palace, and she almost died saving you. You owe her your respect and attention. I can’t make you love her, but you will give her the respect owed to her as your future wife.

    You think I don’t care for her?

    I thought you did. The way you ran to her that day in the field and how you fretted over her when she was ill made me think you might have feelings for her, but now seeing how you treat her with contempt, I don’t see how you could.

    Cade was quiet as his father shook his head. If only I could help her in some way. I wish I could release her from being tied to one who cannot value her as he should, even if he is my own son, but I know it’s impossible. Selfishly, I don’t want her to go. This place seems so much lighter now. I think the best part of my day is when I’m able to speak with her. How can you not see her worth, Cade?

    I do see it, and I do have feelings for her. He ran his hands over her face. I love her. I think I started to love her the moment I saw her, and then I fell deeper in love with her every second I spent with her. I fought against it, but it was impossible. I should’ve kept away from her. I thought I was only hurting myself. I didn’t think she could ever grow to feel for me as I do her.

    But she does, Cade. For some reason, I think she could love you if you let her. I see the hurt on her face whenever you ignore her or deny her your time and care. She has told me she’s willing to wait for you, but everybody has their breaking point. I am afraid she’s going to reach hers soon.

    Good, said Cade loudly. She should forget about having any feelings for me and move on.

    His father looked at him in confusion. How can you want it to be that way? You just told me you love her, and now you wish to throw that away?

    "I must throw it away and find a way to send her far from here. You know what the Holy Council will do to her, especially the Highest One. They will use her and demand things of her until there’s nothing left. The pressure they’ll put on her will crush her, just like my mother. I cannot do it, father. I see how you have suffered all these years because of

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