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HUMAN RELATIONS: Building Meaningful Connections in a Digital Age (2023 Guide for Beginners)
HUMAN RELATIONS: Building Meaningful Connections in a Digital Age (2023 Guide for Beginners)
HUMAN RELATIONS: Building Meaningful Connections in a Digital Age (2023 Guide for Beginners)
Ebook134 pages1 hour

HUMAN RELATIONS: Building Meaningful Connections in a Digital Age (2023 Guide for Beginners)

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In this book, author explores the importance of human relations in our digital age, where social media and other forms of technology have created new ways of communication, but also contributed to a sense of disconnection and isolation. The author shares insights and practical strategies

PublisherKyla Santiago
Release dateApr 6, 2023


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    Book preview

    HUMAN RELATIONS - Kyla Santiago


    You've probably heard the adage No one is an island, which emphasizes the value and importance of human relationships. Regardless of your level of self-sufficiency, cultivating the right relationships with people is critical because it is how a connected world thrives.

    Unfortunately, far too many people struggle with the formation and maintenance of healthy relationships. Some people, for example, do not know how to cultivate a personal relationship with their co-workers in addition to working relationships. Others struggle with interpersonal skills and seek ways to improve their interpersonal relationships.

    These issues have multiple layers, and we will unravel solutions to these challenges with this book. I'll help you discover ideas you can implement to improve your people skills through the chapters and sections below. I'll show you how to use your communicative skills and other resources to stay connected with others.

    Over the years, I've dedicated my life to assisting people in becoming the best versions of themselves, and I've done so through a variety of platforms. I will share my wealth of knowledge and experience with you as a professor, motivational speaker, and author with two degrees in psychology and neuroscience.

    This material was inspired by my background in behavioural sciences and developmental psychology, as well as my commitment to helping others. As a family man who has raised amazing sons and been married to my adoring wife for twenty years, I will share my experiences while also leveraging other experts' ideas on the subject.

    As someone who has had healthy relationships outside of my family, I am dedicated to showing you how to maximize the value of people in your life.

    I want you to think about this book as you would a road trip; have you ever been on one? If you have, you will agree that if you are looking forward to the journey, everything you see along the way will pique your interest. That is the word intrigue. This book will captivate you with the idea of being a people person to the point where you will no longer feel awkward when intentionally cultivating relationships.

    So, on this trip, you will learn how to be happy with yourself because only a happy, positive-thinking person can radiate such expressions to others. If you used to think you were unlikeable, get ready to learn how to be a highly likable and charismatic person. These keywords: happiness, likeability, and charisma are essential traits you must cultivate in order to achieve greater heights in your interpersonal relationships.

    But our journey does not end with those three words because this is a comprehensive manual for reaching new heights in all aspects of life's relationships. Perhaps you have a great relationship with your spouse but struggle with your extended family. It is possible that you are a wonderful friend to others but are unable to connect with your co-workers.

    Whatever your peculiar relationship problem is, please understand that there is a solution in this book. Why does John Ward sound so confident, and how can he offer solutions to my peculiar interpersonal challenges? you may wonder.

    The answer is that I have dedicated myself to this subject for years, and it has been a privilege to assist people in finding solutions. With this realization, I interpreted the value of this book based on the plethora of cases solved. As a result, even if your relationship problem is unusual, you will find solutions.

    We will embark on this journey together, and before we seek out relationships with others, we will first explore the kind of relationship you have with yourself. If you can get things with yourself and make progress in how you relate to yourself, you will be able to accomplish a lot with others.

    However, I must offer some advice at this point in order for you to get the most out of this experience (journey). To begin, you must recognize that life is finite; you do not have an infinite amount of time to perfect your relationships. I wish we could manipulate or control time, but we can't, so we only have a limited amount of time to cultivate healthy relationships with others.

    This realization implies that you must read, comprehend, and apply everything you learn right now, using this book as a guide. Second, we are not dealing with a vague or passive concept: we will be dealing with people; thus, I cannot emphasize enough the importance of acting quickly. If this were a recipe book, you could choose to make special meals for a special occasion such as Christmas or a birthday. But this is a book about life, people, relationships, and experiences, not about waiting for a Special moment.

    I strongly advise you to take the first and most important step right now toward learning everything you can about cultivating deep relationships with people in order to improve your people skills.

    Okay, we're about to embark on the journey; are you prepared for transformative change in all aspects of your interpersonal relationships? I can hear your resounding YES!! Let usherotu007. You can't give what you don't have; we'll make sure you get it right first (building positivity) before teaching you how to build such empowering relationships with others.


    This is a foundational chapter in which a fundamental idea about the nature of relationships is expressed. Have you ever been to a building site? If you have, you have probably noticed that a lot of time and attention was paid to the building's foundation. This emphasis on the foundation is due to the fact that its stability and depth will determine the longevity of the structure.

    If the building's foundation is not strong enough, the structure will collapse and endanger people and property. However, if the foundation is secure and strong, it will withstand the test of time. We are also trying to lay a good foundation with this book with this chapter focusing on you.

    In this first chapter, you will discover the significance of happiness and how it relates to your relationships with others. The chapter also includes suggestions and ideas for becoming intentionally delighted even in the most difficult situations.

    If you have a peaceful mind, you will live a quiet life, which means that if you have a pleasant experience, you will share that with the people around you. We can't talk about cultivating relationships without mentioning how you feel.

    A sad and unhappy person has a bad relationship with himself, so how can we expect him to have the same quality? The relationships you will enjoy on the outside will fail if you don't have unconditional love for yourself.

    Consider this: who would you choose to spend the most time with if you had to? Would you prefer someone who is pessimistic or someone who expresses happiness and joy? Everyone will pick the person who is cheerful, and the question is, are you that cheerful person?

    Please understand that how you feel about yourself determines how you feel about yourself: if you love yourself and are positive about your experiences, you will be happy. But if you smear negativity expressed in sadness over all of your adventures, you will be unhappy. Positive emotions are critical in rediscovering our love for ourselves, which becomes an extension of our love for others.

    We'll talk about the importance of spending time with others in a later chapter, but for now, how happy are you spending time with yourself? If you want to reap the benefits of excellent people skills, you must work on yourself to the point where you cannot tolerate the people you are attempting to avoid.

    Before we get to the practical section of this chapter (where you'll find the steps to take), let's take an introspective look at our lives by answering the following question: are you happy? Now, I understand that society has trained people to quickly say Yes when asked this question, which is why even when someone is in pain and is asked, How are you? they say, I'm fine without expressing their pain.

    Please let go of those societal expectations at this point because we can make progress with this idea, and we must speak the truth on this journey. Are you content? Would you be happy if everything you have right now was taken away from you? Do you get excited about your life when you're alone, or do you wait for someone to come into your life to make you happy?

    Are you content with your life, or do you feel content because you have everything you need? These are important questions to ask because we need to make sure we are in the right mental state before reaching out to others. Consider these questions before proceeding with the book.

    Have you finished answering the questions? What were your responses? Do you have a peaceful heart, or are you troubled by life's difficulties? If you are happy, you have achieved a great height in life; if you are not, don't worry. You will discover how to reactivate your joy in life.

    More so, if you are happy, continue reading because there are ideas you can implement to maintain that state and even do better

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