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A Real Life Story
A Real Life Story
A Real Life Story
Ebook127 pages1 hour

A Real Life Story

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A REAL LIFE STORY A Journey of faith – Believing in the impossible! CHAPTER 1 – Far from the truth Year 1990: Mozarilma Maurício Maia, she was better known as Moza. At the time, he dreamed of marrying a rich, handsome man and spending his honeymoon in the Caribbean islands. On the other hand, as time went by, part of his family, as mentioned above, entered the process of conversion to Christianity, where first his mother and then part of his sisters. Anyway, in the face of all this movement that began with his family, it could be said that it was already God s work; In fact, there was already a kind of pride about Moza s life, if not an excessive conjuncture of the false appearance of grandeur, so the feeling of contempt for family and friends became apparent, since she only wanted to be close to people that had a better financial condition. During this period, Moza had been working for some time in a company called - Duarte & Representações Ltda. “DUCOR”, however, his behavior became such a boundless and unprecedented vanity, rose to his heart more than arrogance and arrogance, something much greater, because his particular world was only a small closed cycle of less of ten people, which could not be called friendship. But Moza also observed that one by one of his family members were converting to the Gospel of Christ. Thus, when she is at home, living together becomes increasingly difficult with her family, that is, both the sisters and her mother, because, constantly, during domestic or personal chores, gospel music was common”. And also sang along, and that would make Moza apparently angry and angry, first, because she didn t accept it, and second, because he believed it was a way to provoke her. So, motivated by the cause of the indifferent situation, Moza decided to spend as little time as possible at home, choosing, therefore, when it came to Fridays, that is, after the end of working hours used to schedule several outings with her friends from the most often Benair and Manair.
Release dateMay 10, 2020
A Real Life Story

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    Book preview

    A Real Life Story - Pastor Moza Barroso

    Chapter I

    Far from the Truth 11

    Chapter II

    First Visit (Prison) 18

    Chapter III

    Dating-Engagement-Marriage-Pregnancy 34

    Chapter IV

    Son - God's Blessing 45

    Chapter V

    Penal System (Effects) 52

    Chapter VI

    Choice (life opportunity) 76

    Chapter VII

    Freedom (A Dream!) 81

    A Journey of Faith 95

    Believing in (the impossible) 95

    Message 98

    Comment 101

    Notes 102

    Author 102


    A Journey of faith – Believing in the impossible

    Pastor Moza Barroso


    Beloved Husband

    To the husband, Pastor Geovaldo Barroso, for the affection, love and understanding in the face of all the difficulties faced by the trials, being true, so that by the word of life the name of God may always be glorified, and finally, the birth of our son, beloved Luke.

    To my beloved mother, Rita Maurício Maia, my brother and my sisters who helped and persevered by my side.

    To my mother in faith, Pastor Eunice (...), for her dedication and wisdom in presenting the kingdom of God in my life.

    To the pastors, Leonilda Torres and Maria Aparecida, who discerned God's plan for my life.

    And, the lawyer, Dr. Sáskia Camilo, for her commitment, research and dedication to her work.

    ... but there is a close friend than a brother. (Proverbs 18:24b) 5

    A Journey of faith – Believing in the impossible

    Pastor Moza Barroso


    Jesus - Alpha and Omega

    To the Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent, living God Who being that is eternal and subsists by itself, the Alpha and Omega.

    He is absolute and Unshakable. He is the radiance of all glory, the author and finisher of life. To you, O Lord, we have redeemed grace through the Excellency of the gift of salvation, when it was revealed through the Son: JESUS CHRIST!

    Jesus is the one who plants the excellence of love as the bond of perfection between God and man, and still remembers that love to those outside this union; that’s why we surrender our lives, our thoughts and our future, before the Altar of God.

    I thank You, O Lord God, for the excellent opportunity of the wisest choice, which is revealed to us for the announcement of His Kingdom to those lost in chains, because only You, O Lord!

    Brings freedom, which was once captive!

    If therefore the Son shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

    (John 8:36)


    A Journey of faith – Believing in the impossible

    Pastor Moza Barroso


    Love and affection

    The third daughter of a family of six sisters; born on September 29, 1966, in the city of Fortaleza, state of Ceará.

    Coming from a lower-class family, Mozarilma, she went through all these basic, relevant, recurring difficulties of a poor, humble childhood, like any surviving child of her day.

    From her parents, part of the love and affection she received only from her mother, Rita Maurício Maia, because she grew up without the presence of the father figure and, as an inheritance, by the abandonment of her father, a painful childhood came to her, as if she were missing a child complementary part, that is, the presence of the father.

    In 1986, at the age of 20, he finished his studies at a college in the capital of Ceará. Therefore, that same year, he started working at Duarte & Representações Ltda., Called DUCOR.

    It was during this period that, far from everything and everyone, Moza came to think himself better than his fellow man, became an arrogant, selfish, exhibitionistic and proud person; though his soul was becoming sicker and sicker, he lacked the vision to contemplate that at that time part of his family already belonged to Jesus.

    Faced with the fact, she was growing disgusted and not knowing how to get around this situation, which made her increasingly 7

    A Journey of faith – Believing in the impossible

    Pastor Moza Barroso

    angry, to the point of not understanding that she had only one way out of this dilemma, but allow Jesus to become the director of your life. But that was not so easy, because if she had to go through disappointment and humiliation, then she would find the true peace of Jesus.

    I leave you peace, my peace I give you; I do not give it to you as the world gives it. Do not be troubled your heart, do not be afraid. (John 14:27)

    In that company there was a certain employee who usually bore witness to the name of Jesus for all, and her name was Eunice.

    The truth is that there were not few or rare opportunities, where, among the evangelized, one was still so young Moza, who, in turn, wasted no time in ridiculing and mocking the Gospel that was announced to her.

    Certainly, these attacks against Eunice, who was also his co-worker, seemed more like a demonstration of the enormous poverty of spirit inside him, as a sample of a suffering and empty heart, trying in vain to defend himself against the greatest hunter of lost souls, the Holy Spirit.

    And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

    (Romans 8:28)

    Directed only by a kind of stereotypical view of spiritual things, as being by the younger parts, if not through past and present times; and without faith in God man always sought only to please 8

    A Journey of faith – Believing in the impossible

    Pastor Moza Barroso

    himself, wanting part of the opportunities, which was not as different as the life that the Lady wanted to live.

    Now without faith it is impossible to please him; for he who comes to God must believe that he exists and that he is a rewarder of those who seek him. (Hebrews 11:6) In this faithless journey, she herself did not know that her throbbing, unbridled worldly career was about to receive a final flag, for, Jesus, issued the decree of the Throne of Grace of God, against its unlimited freedom, being transformed into limited by the Holy Spirit.

    The year is 1991. By February of that year Moza was no longer reacting so much, but he could see that some of her families were already converting to the Kingdom of God, that is, they accepted Christ Jesus.

    Perhaps there was no reaction, even because of the frequent attacks of evangelism by Sister Eunice, who ministered on the life of Moza, so she decided to visit some evangelical churches in this capital.

    On the other hand, after attending some services, I understood that such events were not unwelcome; indeed, preachers set forth principles for life that would be of great use to him in the practical application of the daily life of human life while here on earth.

    Fortaleza-CE, on April 27, 2018.


    A Journey of faith – Believing in the impossible

    Pastor Moza Barroso


    Life changing

    Today the foundation is interpreted to the point that the Bible, that is, the Word of God transforms character and heals soul, saves eternal death and liberates sin; To be sure, we are all testaments of the Kingdom of God. What is certain is that all of these fundamentals can generate several reflexive benefits, which point to recurrent spiritual freedom

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