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The Way the Cuckie Crumbles
The Way the Cuckie Crumbles
The Way the Cuckie Crumbles
Ebook59 pages44 minutes

The Way the Cuckie Crumbles

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Greg is locked in nice and tight for his wife Lauren's weekly date night with one of her many lovers. As always, he gets to lay there in agony and ecstasy, wondering who tonight's mystery man might be... while reliving the last week's date as he sucks on the previous man's socks all evening. Greg has much to endure before the end of the night, and Lauren and her date will eventually be back with a special treat, because everyone knows a "cuckie" craves "milk"! But Greg's fate is ultimately in Lauren's date's hands: He only gets off if the man is willing to pay the cost of admission and subject Greg to the ultimate humiliation that earns him his release. That's hard for Greg to secure, and even harder to endure! But that's the way the cuckie crumbles.


This book is just over 6,000 words across five intense chapters, and also includes a "1st person" version of the same story, for readers who like to imagine themselves as the star of the action instead!

Release dateApr 7, 2023
The Way the Cuckie Crumbles

Sierra M. Dawson

Sierra M. Dawson is a communications professional turned novelist, and a lifelong BDSM aficionado. She lives in New York with her husband Mark, their two children, and their two golden retrievers, where she enjoys hiking and gardening with her family, and of course writing erotic fiction :)

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    Book preview

    The Way the Cuckie Crumbles - Sierra M. Dawson

    Chapter 1

    Greg winced as the cold metal of the Cathode poked without warning at his perineum, searching for its mark.

    He knew what was coming.

    His brain scrambled to broadcast a brace yourself signal to every muscle in his body. But it was just a moment too late, and he pulled desperately against his fetters as the lube slicked prong was forced deep into his ass in a single sudden thrust.

    It was purely a reactive struggle, rather than the proactive clench of preparation that he had intended. And he wasn’t sure since it’d happened so quickly, but he thought he might have yelped into the gag, too.

    With that, a fingernail scratched playfully at his inner thigh, as Lauren stroked him momentarily as though tickling a baby.

    Gotcha, cuckie.

    That was the message she was sending him.

    Greg couldn’t see or hear anything through the blindfold and the headphones, of course. But he swore he could feel her smiling with delight.

    Shame warmed his cheeks upon the realization that she had caught his attempt to remain stoic as she skewered him. He shifted in defeat as he acknowledged to himself that her awareness of his hope but ultimate failure to do so would only have made plugging him that much more enjoyable for her.

    In his defense, the Cathode was nearly freezing. The first time she had plugged him with it many months ago, he made the mistake of asking her if she could merely warm the lube in her hands for a minute next time, to make the initial coolness of the metal a bit more bearable for him.

    She had responded by putting both the lube and the metal plug itself in the refrigerator for a few hours the next time around. And she had thoroughly enjoyed the struggle show he put on when she stuffed that up his ass! So naturally, it had instantly become protocol for the plug to prechilled on date nights.

    He had since found that the quickest way to warm the metal was to repeatedly clench his ass muscles around it, but after the humiliation he had just suffered by losing at his own game, he wasn’t about to lie here and fuck himself for her. Instead, he unclenched the muscles in his arms and legs and focused on his breathing as she set to work securing the Cathode inside of him. Or, rather, the anal component of the Cathode... since he’d been wearing the penile portion since before she and her date had sat down for dinner.

    That, too, had become part of the ‘date night’ protocol some time ago. Not only was it quicker for her to fit him with the urethral sound and the corona halo beforehand, but she liked the idea of being able to tease him from the beginning of the evening instead of just for the second half.

    And so, once a week, Greg would lie there in darkness for several hours, listening to whatever Lauren had chosen to stream to his headphones, and enduring the electric tingle of the Cathode on his cock head.

    It wasn’t painful. If anything, he would have to say the sensation was pleasurable. Just a subtle (but unignorable) buzz, on and in his cock. As though the universe were sending his cock head a text message.

    Or rather, dozens of text messages. Randomly and all evening long.

    Of course, they weren’t really text messages. And they weren’t really random, either.

    Technically, the Cathode delivered electrical shocks. It was just that they didn’t feel like electrical shocks the way one commonly imagines them. Lauren kept the setting on a level low enough that the shocks were simply a tingling sensation, as opposed to an

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