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The Perversion of the Workplace
The Perversion of the Workplace
The Perversion of the Workplace
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The Perversion of the Workplace

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People need to go to work and make an income.  Here in this book, we will review kinds of workplace.  We will also explore the nature of crime, perversion, and corruption that haunts such things.

PublisherTim Voigt
Release dateApr 8, 2023
The Perversion of the Workplace

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    The Perversion of the Workplace - Thomas Jonesmith

    To all who work in tragic workplaces.


    'Man would in his societies devise a reality called the workplace.  It is a situation where workers and managers come together to do a job, to render a service, to make a product, or otherwise run a business.  The managers run the operation and the workers work to make the operation happen.  A workplace can be anything like a store, resort, construction site, farm, factory, office, or anything.  It is there to do something to make money.  Many a person has become dedicated to a workplace becoming something of life, making for a livelihood, and doing something to make a business operate.'  -talk on business

    'Light and dark are twins of each other.  Because light is absent, there is dark.  Because light exists, darkness is absent.  They are mirror opposites, one makes the other, they are also reflections and insights into human nature.'         -talk on psychology

    'The workplace is by no means a safe place.  It is analogous to a minefield.  You need to beware your speak, your breath, and your deeds.  Having a job is fine, losing it is not.  Beware always as your paycheck, livelihood, and life all depend on maintaining your place as a good employee.'  -talk on work


    This book would have its inspiration from many sources.  It would result from studying the science of economics, from studying business administration, and also working in many workplaces.  It is the culmination of over 30 years experience dealing with companies, business issues, and workplace realities.

    Workplaces can manifest as most anything from factories to restaurants.  They are complex domains established to perform functions to make a business run.  They also tend to suffer from all manner of problem like the following:

    -incompetence -slander -libel -love affairs -abuse -accident -crime -embezzlement -murder -suicide -nepotism -cronyism -graft and greed -employing illegal aliens -drug abuse and drug dealing -lying -coverups -conspiracy -unsafe conditions -recklessness and negligence -tardiness -power outage -equipment failure -government overregulation -theft -price gouging -job abandonment -workplace sleaze -slackers -government shutdown and interference -management corruption -fights -arguments out of control -insubordination -disobedience of orders -management incompetence -theft of company property -lying on job application -child labor -threats and intimidation -harassment -sexual harassment, sexual assault, and rape -mafia incursions -loan sharking -snitching -trespassing -backstabbing -infighting -turf battles -waste -reckless debt -love triangles -tax evasion -identity theft -falsification of records -abuse of resources -conflict of interest -scab workers -union corruption -strikes -racism -discrimination -sexism -ageism, and much more.

    Problems like this haunt and make many businesses suffer.  They can suffer so much that they can be made incompetent, lose money, and then go bankrupt.  Problems like this if left unchecked can ruin a business from the inside out.  They can and do afflict many businesses almost like a disease, born of the deeds of the workers who make their staff.  Curing such diseases tends to be tough and opposition to cure can come from workers and even management.  Fighting such things tends to be tough, but it can also be quick.  Many a business suffers from these problems and its cancers tend to haunt any business.

    In this book, we will study the nature of businesses and their workplaces.  We will explore and discuss the nature of its many problems, how to combat them, and what happens if they are left unchecked.  Overall we will study the nature of darkness and perversion in a workplace.

    Your author would have over 30 years of experience in workplace situations.  He would work for businesses like the following:

    -motels -factories -government agencies -restaurants -ski resorts -national park concessionaires -gold mine business -airplane conventions -security -food stands -college departments -call centers and mail order -hotels -desert resorts -temporary agencies -housing departments, and more.  I would experience the good and evil, the light and dark, and the ups and downs of many workplaces.  Here in this book, I will discuss the many abuses of power and privilege that happen in many workplaces.  This book does not claim to cover all kinds of corruption, but it will cover most of the 'classic corruptions' found in workplaces.  Any omissions are purely the author's fault and please forgive any inaccuracies.

    I hope you enjoy the labor of this read.  I hope your workplace does not have these cancers, but it is probable something nefarious is lurking within.  Overall I have experienced much of the 'darkside' of workplaces and I now labor to bring their issues into 'the light'.  Please enjoy this book and share it with your workplace.  Best wishes.

    Thomas Jonesmith

    Author, Employee


    'Work has shaped the lives of countless.  Man knows how to do it and make it happen, in so doing he makes his life.'  -talk on work

    Preface:  The Workplace

    Throughout history people would invent businesses and operations for profit.  They are dramas where people (workers) do something to make a product or render a service for money (profit).  Overall it is an organization that would be overseen by managers and be operated by workers.  It would be an organization that would manifest in many societies serving as a means to make a living and much more. 

    Workplaces would have their origin in ancient times.  Barbarian ancestors would settle in civilizations.  They would renounce hunting and gathering and instead settle into villages and in time cities and nations.  They would form places like farms, villages, artisanal places, temples, quarries, and more.  In so doing they would create businesses and operations later to become workplaces.  Out of this would grow complicated domains where workers operate a place.

    Money would be invented as a means to handle payment.  It can manifest as paper, coin, credit, product, or what.  It is created by nations, backed by a government, and serves as a medium of exchange.  Operations would be invented to generate money called a business.  Its goal is to make profit or excess money, of which it can be used for other purposes.  Profits make a business run.  If it is run efficiently it can make huge profits.  If it is run just barely competently, it makes enough to pay its bills and taxes.  If it loses money, it is need of serious reform and it can be ended due to incompetence.  The flow of money, its use, and other functions dictates how many a business operates.

    A business operates in a larger reality known as an economy.  It is a vast fabric of entities and issues like government, stock markets, suppliers, trade, debt, banks, unions, consumers, law, regulations, regulatory agencies, and much more.  It is a thing within a larger reality of all this, operating, functioning, out to make money, to render a service, and much more.  Its reality needs to be understood as part of a larger world of economy.  A science would be founded to study all issues of business, economy, finance, and more, this is known as economics.

    A business can manifest as anything.  It can be a factory, a store, a foodstand, a farm, a restaurant, a department store, a gas station, or what.  It is there to render something for profit.  It is serves a community in the service it provides.  It exists because of money, the flow of it, the use of it, the need of it in society.  It is a complex reality shaping an economy and society it operates in.

    Workplaces have their realities.  Managers run it as their boss.  Workers serve it as cogs in a machine getting needed activities done.  A workplace will have all manner of issue like safety, drive, payroll, attendance, production, costs, equipment, and much more.  The overall reality is complicated and it operates like the organism of Man it is.

    A workplace has various fundamental issues.  It is a place where business is conducted.  It needs workers to operate its functions.  It will employ managers to overall control the operation.  It will have issues like attendance, safety, roles, accountability, performance, and much more.  It may be its own self-sufficient entity or operate within a larger business operation.  It can manifest as anything acting out its nature as a workplace.

    People would be chosen to run a business, they are called managers.  They are employed to be both a ruling mind and to be powerful.  They serve as the power elite of a business.  They can hire workers, give commands, spend money, make decisions, discipline workers, and even terminate workers.  They serve to rule the business, telling it how to perform, observing it for performance, and commanding the inferiors to obey directives.  They tend to seem like royalty in a business, operating above directing the workers below.

    People would be chosen to be a business' workers.  They are recruited off the street and are hired on to serve a function.  They are assigned to serve in roles that can be anything like a cashier, server, production worker, agent, janitor, security, desk staff, counselor, or what.  They do a function and report to management.  They are held inferior to the management and act as lowly servants making the operation run.  If they did not exist, an operation would most likely fail.  They are needed for businesses, but they must endure issues like low pay and regimented inferiority to management.  They are always prone to losing their job and many a manager often acts to replace a worker expelled from a business.  Despite this the worker is the backbone to a business, a needed cog to make the machine of it all run.

    Workplaces are found throughout the world.  They are institutions set up to make money in a way.  It needs employees to staff its positions and it needs to recruit them for service.  A workplace is an extension of a business.  It is overseen by management.  It has subsidiary wings in security, maintenance, purchasing, human resources, and other departments.  It all coordinated as an operation needing to make money, to run efficiently, and operate according to rules and law.

    Places like this are social situations.  Here people enter in as hires and assume a position.  They will work to produce something or act a role in service to the company.  Employees must meet goals like attendance, achieving something, obeying orders, and more.  Here employees can be men and women, elder and junior, above and below, meeting each other.  Out of this can come relationships, employee events, and other dividends.  Because a workplace is a social situation, all kinds of drama can happen like marriages, friendships, relationships, parties, and cohabitation.  Businesses produce what they will and employ whomever would become its servants.

    Many people make a life out of a workplace.  They will get hired on early on life.  They will learn a skill and do a job for pay.  The habits of it often become a life for people leading many to serve a lifetime for a business.  They walk into a life of routines going to work, getting paid, working overtime, calling in sick, and doing a job for years.  People like this may get married, have a family, and make a life, often making this a career.  Dramas like this consume countless and make for a livelihood, a life, and a lifetime.

    Workplaces have many dangers.  There are power equipment, accidents, slips, noise, chemicals, moving parts, and so much more.  Workers constantly are at risk of anything like slips, trips, falls, injury, collision, and more.  Workers need to know the hazards of their workplace and take precaution to work safely.

    Workplaces manifest throughout society often serving as the anchor of communities.  From them whole towns may grow and a region gets developed.  They serve as

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