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Prayer And Holiness: Prayer Power Series, #22
Prayer And Holiness: Prayer Power Series, #22
Prayer And Holiness: Prayer Power Series, #22
Ebook209 pages3 hours

Prayer And Holiness: Prayer Power Series, #22

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The holiness of God demands that anything that Jesus would not have prayed about is not prayed.

The question then arises, how does a child of God know for sure what to ask for in prayer that will receive divine probation? Secondly, who is qualified to pray?

The author, Professor Z.T. Fomum, goes into great depth to provide not only a succinct answer to these questions but also outlining the basic prerequisites to prayer. He states that:

  • Prayer and Holiness are two sides of the same coin.
  • Prayer is holy business with a Holy God.
  • In prayer one touches the holiness of God and the God of holiness.
  • Praying with sin in one's life is self-destruction and far worse than prayerlessness.

Prayer and Holiness is an outstanding down-to-earth university-level course on prayer. In it, the author brings to light the difference between obeying God and pleasing God with regards to prayer, highlighting what goes into pleasing God.

As you pick up this book, be prepared for deep transformations and a rerouting in what you have practiced as prayer thus far.

Welcome to the sphere of practical spiritual warfare with guaranteed answers to all your prayers.

Release dateApr 7, 2023
Prayer And Holiness: Prayer Power Series, #22

Zacharias Tanee Fomum

For FREE books from Zacharias Tanee Fomum: Professor Zacharias Tanee FOMUM was a man of uncommon spirituality, a leading voice for revival, a workaholic, a prophet-teacher, and a world-shaping spiritual genius. He was a bestselling Christian author (with over 350 books, over 10 million copies in circulation in over 100 languages) and a professor of Organic Chemistry (with over 160 published scientific works of high distinction (earning him the award of a Doctor of Science degree from the University of Durham, Great Britain). His books and the millions of people he influenced in more than 40 years of Christian ministry continue to impact the world with the Gospel today. He founded Christian Missionary Fellowship International (CMFI), a missionary movement that has planted churches in more than 120 nations on all continents. He believed in a life of simplicity and with the support and dedication of his wife and their seven children, his all—time, money, heart, and soul— was dedicated to spreading the Gospel. He carried out exploits for God through the making of disciples for Christ, planting of churches, building spiritual leaders according to the model of the Bible, and serving the body of Christ, especially as a teacher on prayer. Learn more and read exclusive excerpts at:

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    Prayer And Holiness - Zacharias Tanee Fomum


    This book, Prayer and Holiness is a compilation of messages delivered by Dr. Z.T. Fomum during the first School of prayer which was held in Yaounde in 1999. This period was particularly marked by the inauguration of the World University of Prayer in Yaounde and the appointment of its Vice chancellor, sister Emilia Tendo.

    The title of the book suggests that Prayer and Holiness are two sides of the same coin, one does not go without the other, for prayer is holy business with a Holy God. Prayer, he affirms, is a celebration and a production of the holiness of God, hence praying with sin is throwing feaces at the holiness of God. He adds, In prayer one touches the holiness of God and the God of holiness. He concludes by saying that unless there is a commitment to total holiness, not only prayer should be forsaken but the whole Christian life must be forsaken, for praying with sin is self-destruction and far worse than prayerlessness.

    Since the event in which these messages were delivered was a School of prayer, the prayers and responses of the participants have been retained with little editing done to the original content.

    We send out this book with prayer that the Lord would use it to produce men who qualify to pray and move the hand that moves the universe.



    To pray in the Holy of Holies means that:

    One hour of prayer is like ten hours of prayer in the external court.

    One hour of prayer has a ten-fold building effect on the Kingdom of God.

    One hour of prayer has a ten-fold devastating effect on the kingdom of the enemy.

    One hour of prayer leads me through into God’s heart.

    One hour of prayer will do great exploits for my God.

    One hour of prayer will lead me to the heights of prayer.

    One hour of prayer will lead me to explore the depths of prayer.

    One hour of prayer will lead me into intimacy with God.

    One hour of prayer will lead me into communion with God.

    The holy executor is the one who receives things from the Lord, prays them through and then executes them.

    The religious activist is the person who, immediately he has received a thing from God, runs and does it without transforming it into a form that is executable through prayer.

    When there is sin, there cannot be praying until the sin is removed.

    When someone prays with sin in his life, he is not only wasting his time, he is destroying himself.

    Praying with sin is a greater evil than not praying at all.

    Praying with a sin is like a Judas’ Kiss. It is praying to betray God. It is praying to dirty God.

    The one who prays with sin is doing greater harm than the one who never prays.

    Prayer is a holy business with the Holy God.

    Prayer is first of all, a preoccupation with the holiness of God.

    Priority number one in prayer is the holiness of God.

    Prayer is the celebration of the holiness of God.

    Prayer is the proclamation of the holiness of God.

    Prayer is the exaltation of the holiness of God.

    Prayer is an imposition of God’s holiness on God’s world.

    The first utterance in prayer is a proclamation of the holiness of God.

    Holiness is the key to prayer.

    The door into a prayer life has this inscription: Hallowed Be Thy Name!

    In prayer, a man touches the holiness of God and the God of holiness.

    Prayer is intimacy with the all-holy One. Prayer is intimacy with the All Holy One.

    Prayer is a life overflowing with the holiness of God.

    Prayer is the proclamation of a heart captivated by the holiness of God.

    Prayer is the believer’s life. And the believer’s life is the life of holiness. Only the holy can pray.

    Prayer is coming into the presence of the holy God to transact holy business with God.

    The holiness of God demands that anything that Jesus would not have prayed for is not prayed for. The holiness of God condemns all that is not holy. It eliminates all that is not holy.

    Prayer is the execution of holy business with God.

    The believer who will make progress in the ministry of prayer must get rid of every sin in his life. He must be pure in spirit. He must do this first of all by being observant and confessing any sin that is manifested in his life, and secondly by labouring to enter into the sanctified life.

    Pray that the holiness of the Lord may be manifested to you and in you.

    Pray that the holiness of the Lord may be manifested in the church.

    Pray that the holiness of the Lord may be manifested in the world.



    God’s child can conquer everything by prayer. (Andrew Murray)

    Every real revival in the Church has been the result of prayer. (R. A. Torrey)

    There has never been a mighty revival without mighty praying. (R. A. Torrey)

    A revival where there is mighty praying and wonderful displays of the convicting and converting and regenerating power of the Holy Spirit is always in answer to prayer. (R. A. Torrey)

    The greatest need of foreign missions today is prayer. (R. A. Torrey)

    It is true that as far as foreign missions are concerned, missionaries are needed, money is needed, but prayer is needed far more. (R. A. Torrey)

    When we pray as we ought, the men and women will come, and the money will come. Even though men came in crowds, without prayer they would be of no use; they will be of no use whatsoever unless they are birthed by prayer. (R.A. Torrey)

    In this country, men of great force, character and mind have greatly stirred students to an interest in foreign missions, and have gathered large number of men and women for the foreign field without much prayer: and these men and women, though gifted, some of them greatly talented, have often times been an actual curse to the work. It is my conviction, founded upon quite a little observation, that the work of foreign missions would be far better off today if these men had gone into secular work and left missions alone. The result of their work has been most sinister. I have seen much of it with my own eyes in China and elsewhere, and I am convinced that one of the most discouraging problems that face mission work has arisen from the large number of men and women who have gone into the foreign work not because they were sent of God in answer to prayer, but because they were stirred up by a man of attractive personality and rare power. (R. A. Torrey)

    What we have said of man is just as true of money. No matter how much money may be put into foreign missions, the money will be of no real use unless the men and women whom the money sends out are backed by prayer. Indeed, without prayer, money will be a curse rather than a blessing.

    Every Christian at home should have some definite missionaries in the field for whom he is praying definitely, constantly, persistently, and intensely. The man or woman at home who prays often has as much to do with the effectiveness of the missionary on the field, and consequently with the result of his labours, as well as the missionary himself. (R. A. Torrey)

    Meagreness of results in the foreign field are often a result of the prayerlessness at the home field. (R. A. Torrey)

    We can increase the blessed and glorious results of the work in foreign fields by giving more time to real prayer here at home. (R. A. Torrey)

    I have always felt that there was something abnormal about David Brainerd. (Park)

    When we begin to pray, we ought to go on and on until we get the thing we desire of God. (R. A. Torrey)

    There are times when it is not made clear the first time, nor the second time, nor the third time, that the thing we ask is according to His will, and that therefore, the prayer is heard and the thing asked granted; and in such a case, we ought to pray on and on and on. While doubtless, there are times when we are able through faith in the word, or through the clear leading of the Holy Spirit, to claim a thing the first time that we have asked it of God. Nevertheless, beyond a question there are other times when we must pray again and again and again for the same thing before we are answered. (R. A. Torrey)

    "Those who claim that they have gotten beyond praying twice for the same thing have either gotten beyond our Master, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, or else they have not gotten up to Him; for we are told distinctly regarding Him in Mathew 26:44, … And He left them again, and went away, and prayed a third time, saying the same words. The truth is, they have not yet gotten up to the Master, not that they have gotten beyond Him." (R. A. Torrey)

    When the strong man of action starts out to accomplish a thing, if he does not accomplish it the first or the second, or the hundredth time, he keeps hammering away until he does accomplish it. Until he prays through and obtains what he seeks. (R.A. Torrey)

    It is the prayer that the Holy Spirit inspires that God the Father answers. (R. A. Torrey) ¹

    If we would do much for God, we must ask much of God: we must be men of prayer. (Payson)

    Nothing is beyond the scope of prayer which is not beyond the will of God and we do not desire to go beyond the will of God.

    Faith needs a life of prayer in which to grow and keep strong. (Andrew Murray)

    Prayer needs fasting for its full and perfect development.

    God rules the world by the prayers of His saints. (Andrew Murray)

    Prayer is the power by which Satan is conquered. (Andrew Murray)

    Of all the mysteries of the prayer world, the need of persevering prayer is one of the greatest. (Andrew Murray)

    When one’s faith has taken its stand upon God’s word and the name of Jesus, and has yielded itself to the teaching of the Spirit to seek God’s will and honour alone in its prayer, it needs not be discouraged by delay. We know from Scripture that the power of believing prayer is simply irresistible; real faith can never be disappointed. It knows how, just as water, to exercise the irresistible power it can have; it must be gathered up and accumulated. Until the stream can come down in full force, there must often be a heaping up of prayer, until God sees that the measure is full and answer comes. It knows how, just as the ploughman has to take his ten thousand steps, and sow his ten thousand seeds, each one a part of the preparation for the final harvest, so there is a need for repeated persevering prayer, all working out some desired blessing. It knows for certain that not a single believing prayer can fail of its effect in heaven, but has its influence, and is treasured up to work out an answer in due time to him who persevered to the end. It knows that it has to do not with human thoughts or possibilities, but with the word of the Living God. (Andrew Murray)

    It is in persevering, not unbelieving, but confident and praising prayer that the soul grows up into full union with its Lord. As a result, the praying man can experience the blessing that Christ bestows. There may be in those around us, there may be in that great system of being of which we are part, there may be in God’s government, things that have to be put right through our prayer, and the answer can fully come. The Faith that has according to the command, believed that it has received, can allow God to take His time; it knows it has prevailed and must prevail. In quiet, persistent, and determined perseverance, it continues in prayer and thanksgiving until the blessing comes (Andrew Murray, paraphrased).

    Persevering prayer appears to be the school in which the soul is strengthened for the boldness of Faith. (Andrew Murray)

    Although sin has for time frustrated God’s plans, prayer shall remain what it would have been if man had never fallen, the proof of man’s Godlikeness, the vehicle of his intercourse with the Infinite Unseen One, the power that is allowed to hold the hand that holds the destinies of the universe. (Andrew Murray)

    Prayer is not merely the way of the suppliant for mercy; it is the highest putting forth of His will by man, knowing himself to be of divine origin, created for and capable of being in king-like liberty, the executor of the counsels of the Eternal. (Andrew Murray)

    He that would do the will of Jesus must pray in His Name. (Andrew Murray)

    He who would pray in His Name must work in His Name. (Andrew Murray)

    It is in prayer that the power to work is obtained. (Andrew Murray)

    Prayerlessness is evil.

    Prayer in the heart that covers sin instead of confessing and forsaking it is greater evil.

    Prayer moves the word from that which is in the head into the word in the heart.

    Prayer changes the word into that which is dissolvable and absorbable.

    Prayer changes the word into a form that is digestible.

    Those who want to succeed in the ministry of the word move God through prayer before they labour to move people

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