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The Great Guide To Treasure Hunting
The Great Guide To Treasure Hunting
The Great Guide To Treasure Hunting
Ebook89 pages1 hour

The Great Guide To Treasure Hunting

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Treasure is the idea of sudden wealth lying in the ground waiting for its lucky finder.  It captivates the ages, compelling hunts, arounsing expeditions.  In this book, we will explore the activity of treasure hunting more closely.

PublisherTim Voigt
Release dateApr 8, 2023
The Great Guide To Treasure Hunting

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    The Great Guide To Treasure Hunting - Thomas Jonesmith

    To treasure hunters.


    'Throughout the ages, men would be moved by tales of gold, lost treasure, pirate booty, and the like.  Tales like this would arise from ages like the Mongols, Wild West, Spanish Main, the 18th century, the Victorian era, world wars, etc.  Man would get fascinated with the exploits of gangsters, outlaws, pirates, Mongols, Nazis, and the like.  They would leave behind stories of intrigue, treason, lost treasure, sex, adventure, and crime.  It would captivate treasure hunters to search for lost treasures based on legend, rumor, faded maps, and persistent myth.  Many would go on to find a fortune, while others would meet death.  In all treasure has gripped men through ages to search for it, find it, and being fascinated by it as well.'    -talk on treasure hunting

    'Treasure is for anyone, just go out and seek it.  But beware its hunt can be consuming, twisting, and tempting.  Treasure does strange things to people, what will it do to you?'                    -talk on treasure hunting


    Treasure is a fascinating idea.  It implies notion of greed, sudden wealth, lust for gold, tantalizing, and much more.  Many people live lives of despair, poverty, starvation, and hopelessness.  Lives like this are consumed with the despair of this and they seek to end this with gaining wealth.  A way out tends to be treasure hunting or seeking treasure in some form.  This leads people to engage in activities like:

    -gambling -playing the lottery -investing -making and selling art -home business -studying for higher paying jobs, and much more.

    In this book, we will explore the issue of treasure, its nature, treasure hunting, curio, and much more for a deeper experience.

    Overall this book is dedicated to anyone who wants to be a treasure hunter.

    'Much treasure has been found in the world, but much remains as well.  Where is it?  It is underneath the ground, underneath the sea, hidden in caves, stashed in unknown places.  It is wherever it will be awaiting a finder who will be its keeper.'      -talk on life

    'Treasure is a strange word that enchants, grips the imagination, and tantalizes with greed.  Many would get consumed with it.  It is a word that changes Man, shapes him, and unfortunately treasure also has the ability to twist Man too.'        -talk on treasure hunting

    Introduction:  Treasure

    Throughout the ages many societies would exist on Earth.

    There would be ages like Rome, ancient Greece, ancient Egypt, the Aztecs, the Inca, ancient China, the Moguls, the Mongols, etc.  Their ages would make treasures, value gold, construct elaborate tombs, make household tools, make coins, and much more.  These ages would go extinct, leaving record of themselves to ground and history.  Time would pass on their ages, their worlds, and unique manifestations of civilization.  All thats left is artifacts, ruins, history, myths, leftovers, skeletons, and curious monuments that such eras ever were.  Archaeologists would attempt to understand these ages and they would study artifacts to that end.

    In later ages, leftovers of these eras would be called 'treasure'.  Overall treasure is something material to be valued.  It can be valued at a price, be collected, be put in a museum, or be dealt on a collector's market.  Treasure would be accorded a value and be given a price.  Much of the leftovers of these eras are lost to ground, sea, beach, ruin, or what.  Later ages would collect their remnants and then value them as treasure. 

    The planet Earth would produce things like:

    -gold -silver -oil -coal -agate -gemstones -turquoise -exotic wood -furs and pelts (animal skins) -rhino horn -elephant tusk (ivory) -whale remnants -dinosaur fossils -amber -pearl -decorative shells -coral -nodules -exotic foods, and much more.

    People through ages would value these things according the designation 'treasure' upon them.  In so doing people would express an emotion for them called 'greed'.  They would value the treasure, hoard it, deal it, covet it, and do many acts for treasure.  It would lead people to do all manner of thing for treasure, hoping to get rich, hoping to make a better life because of treasure.

    People through ages would do a lot for treasure, hoping to gain it.  They would go on expeditions, go treasure hunting, use metal detectors, dig, and try to recover treasure.  They would attempt to convert treasure into money, hoping to make themselves rich.  They would realize if they worked their lives for wealth they would go nowhere.  Instead if they could gain a treasure they could leapfrog to wealth.  This would inspire people to treasure hunt, to go after treasure, and search for ways to gain treasure.  In all the pursuit of treasure would become some kind of dream, gripping people, becoming something that would compel them to treasure hunting, greed, and seeking fortune in what way they could.

    Many people live a life in poverty and despair.  They know the cruelty of what lack of money, hope, and direction mean.  People like this starve for food, experience thirst, cannot pay rent, and may be forced homeless because of poverty.  It is a cruel reality of the world that all cannot be rich.  To free themselves from poverty people resort to searching for ways to get rich.  In this they turn to trying to acquire treasure.  They may turn to gambling, metal detecting, investing, archaeology, gaining high paying jobs, and more to getting rich.  People in desperation for wealth will try almost anything, and in this they will do what they see is an opportunity to gain treasure.

    Treasure can be almost anything, having different meanings to different people.  It can mean anything like having gold, silver, business interests, stocks, and more.  People want wealth and will do almost anything to get it.  If people find out ways to get rich, this can generate a phenomena among people called a 'rush' or 'boom'.  This can manifest in dramas of history like a gold rush, a silver rush, tomb excavation activities, gold panning expeditions, efforts for gold mines, and much more.  Dramas like this happen in history manifesting in places like California, the Klondike Mountains, Australia, and

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