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Lesbian Erasure: How To Cope (Black Lesbian Edition)
Lesbian Erasure: How To Cope (Black Lesbian Edition)
Lesbian Erasure: How To Cope (Black Lesbian Edition)
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Lesbian Erasure: How To Cope (Black Lesbian Edition)

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About this ebook

Life can be challenging for a Black girl or woman who is gay knowing that most people don't understand her or won't include her as a member of society. How can she overcome such a huge barrier and face the world at the same time? She does not need to survive or pretend to be nonexistent anymore. She has every right and authority to be herself, but first she must learn how to cope. She is one step closer to being liberated by investing in herself and I wrote "Lesbian Erasure: How To Cope (Black Lesbian Edition)" to guide her through the process of maintaining her identity and authenticity and my hope is to alleviate the pain and struggle, because Sisters work together and not alone.


"Lesbian Erasure: How To Cope (Black Lesbian Edition)" is about the experiences of having three strikes against you for being:

1. Black,

2. Lesbian, and

3. Woman


…in a bigoted, homophobic, misogynistic, prejudiced, religious, and sexist Heteronormative society.


"Lesbian Erasure: How To Cope (Black Lesbian Edition)" addresses Black girls and women who identify as Lesbian not being acknowledged in society. We are often not recognized by anyone who considers Lesbianism as a form of deception, an identity crisis and/or a phase.


Lesbian Erasure is usually displayed in a couple of categories:

1. The first category are people who refer to Black Lesbian girls and women by using stereotypes, terms or phrases that highlight Black, Lesbian girls and women in a derogatory manner, such as, the name calling: "Dyke", "Lesbo", or "Carpet Muncher" or the stereotypical "Macho-Woman" who wants to be a man.

The stereotypes and harsh rhetoric are extremely offensive, cruel, and absurd and the people who are participating in the verbal attacks and nonsense are intentionally referring to Lesbians or Homosexual girls and women unlike people who are in the secondary category,

2. The second category are people opposed to even acknowledging or believing that Black Lesbians or Homosexual girls and women exist.

Whenever Black, Lesbian girls and women are depicted in society as a Group we are often targeted and portrayed in a negative light and treated poorly, marginalized, and degraded by disrespectful women and men due to their Bigotry, Homophobia, and Heterosexual Privilege.

"Lesbian Erasure: How To Cope (Black Lesbian Edition)" was not written exclusively for Black girls or women who are lesbians because the intention of this book is to reach the masses and rectify the crisis of Lesbian Erasure.


We are not designed to be divided or marginalized by society or by any other means, but we are to celebrate the connection between our Lesbian Identity and Spiritual Identity as a whole.


"Lesbian Erasure: How To Cope (Black Lesbian Edition)" is to affirm that no one can remove, replace, or erase our Identity as Black, Lesbian Women.

Release dateApr 11, 2023
Lesbian Erasure: How To Cope (Black Lesbian Edition)

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    Book preview

    Lesbian Erasure - Giselle Wallace

    Lesbian Erasure: How To Cope

    (Black Lesbian Edition)

    By Giselle Wallace



    Copyright Giselle Wallace, LLC, 2023

    All rights reserved. Except for brief passages quoted in newspaper, magazine, radio, television or online reviews, no portion of this book may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    Thank you for downloading this free ebook. Although this is a free book, it remains the copyrighted property of the author, and may not be reproduced, copied and distributed for commercial or non-commercial purposes. If you enjoyed this book, please encourage your friends to download their own copy at, where they can also discover other works by this author. Thank you for your support.

    ISBN 978-1-7370275-4-6

    Manufactured in the United States of America

    First printing April 2023


    Chapter 1 - What Is Lesbian Erasure?

    Chapter 2 - Dealing with Straight Women Who Hate Lesbians

    Chapter 3 - Desperate for A Man/Relationship

    Chapter 4 - Lesbian Sex Is Not Real

    Chapter 5 - She Has Not Met the Right Man

    Chapter 6 - Sexual Abuse Causes Lesbianism is a Myth

    Chapter 7 - She Is Not Attractive to Men

    Chapter 8 - She Has Daddy Issues

    Chapter 9 - Lesbian Identity and Labeling

    Chapter 10 – Lesbianism

    Chapter 11 – Dealing with Heterosexual Men

    Chapter 12 - Being Gay Is Not a Black Thing


    Chapter 1 – What Is Lesbian Erasure?

    1.1: What Is Lesbian Erasure?

    The abusive practices of Lesbian Erasure are often overlooked, ignored, disregarded, indifferent to correction, careless, and unfortunately accepted in a male-dominated, heteronormative society. Lesbian Erasure has negatively affected me and an immeasurable number of women who identify as Black, Lesbian Women. We often experience the negative repercussions of Lesbian Erasure but rarely discuss or process our thoughts, feelings and behaviors resulting from the harsh and repetitive practices of Lesbian Erasure, which has been ingrained in most societal cultures. Various issues develop from being exposed to the inhumane treatment of Lesbian Erasure, such as loss of autonomy, loss of identity and belonging, and declines in mental health, welfare, and well-being of Black, Lesbian Women. These issues become exasperated by the lack of communication, education and/or access to obtaining accurate knowledge and resources about the underlying causes and motives of Lesbian Erasure, the consequences of Lesbian Erasure, and how to cope.

    Life can be challenging for a Black girl or woman who is gay knowing that most people do not understand her or won’t include her as a member of society. How can she overcome such a huge barrier and face the world at the same time? She does not need to survive or pretend to be nonexistent anymore. She has every right and authority to be herself, but first she must learn how to cope. She is one step closer to being liberated by investing in herself and I wrote Lesbian Erasure: How To Cope (Black Lesbian Edition) to guide her through the process of maintaining her identity and authenticity and my hope is to alleviate the pain and struggle, because Sisters work together and not alone.

    Lesbian Erasure: How To Cope (Black Lesbian Edition) is about the experiences of having three strikes against you for being:

    1. Black,

    2. Lesbian, and

    3. Woman a bigoted, homophobic, misogynistic, prejudiced, religious, and sexist Heteronormative society.

    Lesbian Erasure: How To Cope (Black Lesbian Edition) addresses Black girls and women who identify as Lesbian not being acknowledged in society. We are often not recognized by anyone who considers Lesbianism as a form of deception, an identity crisis and/or a phase.

    Lesbian Erasure is usually displayed in a couple of categories:

    1. The first category are people who refer to Black Lesbian girls and women by using stereotypes, terms or phrases that highlight Black, Lesbian girls and women in a derogatory manner, such as, the name calling: Dyke, Lesbo, or Carpet Muncher or the stereotypical Macho-Woman who wants to be a man.

    The stereotypes and harsh rhetoric are extremely offensive, cruel, and absurd and the people who are participating in the verbal attacks and nonsense are intentionally referring to Lesbians or Homosexual girls and women unlike people who are in the secondary category,

    2. The second category are people opposed to even acknowledging or believing that Black Lesbians or Homosexual girls and women exist.

    Whenever Black, Lesbian girls and women are depicted in society as a Group we are often targeted and portrayed in a negative light and treated poorly, marginalized, and degraded by disrespectful women and men due to their Bigotry, Homophobia, and Heterosexual

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