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Mental Health My Way: Mindfulness, breathwork and meditation for mental health
Mental Health My Way: Mindfulness, breathwork and meditation for mental health
Mental Health My Way: Mindfulness, breathwork and meditation for mental health
Ebook45 pages34 minutes

Mental Health My Way: Mindfulness, breathwork and meditation for mental health

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About this ebook

Learn new ways of creating calm in your life. Get skills to self soothe and heal the parts of you that feel broken. Find love in your own being through watching your breathing, learn simple ways to sit in meditation and practice mindfulness techniques. All you have to do is follow along through the book and choose which calming skills you want and then practice them in your free time. They will then help you through your every day life as you remember that you can self calm, you can self heal and you can be free of anxiety and depression.
Release dateMar 3, 2023
Mental Health My Way: Mindfulness, breathwork and meditation for mental health

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    Book preview

    Mental Health My Way - Susan Roy

    "Basically when we are talking about mindfulness, we are talking about awareness – pure awareness.

    It is an innate human capacity that is different from thinking but wholly complementary to it. It is also bigger than thinking, because any thought can be held in awareness, and thus looked at, known, and understood.

    Awareness in its purest form thus has the potential to add value and new degrees of freedom to living life fully and wisely and thus, to making wiser and healthier, more compassionate and altruistic choices." Jon Kabat-Zinn

    Copyright © 2017 Susan Roy              Self  Published in 2017

    No part of this booklet may be reproduced, by any means, be they mechanical, photographic, electronic or digital for private or public use, excluding fair use, without written permission of the author.


    Note from the Author


    Correct sitting posture

    Article: Breathing and Your Brain: Five Reasons to Grab the Controls by David Di Salvo


    Alternate Nostril breathing

    Ujjayi breathing

    Kapalabhati or Skull Shining breath

    Bee breath

    Dandelion breath

    Belly breath

    Article: Why meditative practices create wellbeing

    in our bodies and minds


    Mindfulness of breathing

    Mindfulness of body

    Mindfulness of pain in the body and mind

    Mindfulness of gratitude


    Candle gazing

    Heart Breathing

    Loving Kindness meditation

    Zen meditation

    Note from the Author

    Dearest Reader,

    This little booklet has been designed to give you some ideas and practices for breathing, mindfulness and meditation techniques with the wish that you will discover for yourself why meditation and breathwork are so important. I want you to fall in love with the feeling that you have when you breathe deeply and sit in silence. I want you to know the peace and tranquillity that these practices can bring to you and your life experience.

    Expect to be able to deal with difficult situations more easily. Expect to be able to choose what is best for you and those around you with less confusion or upset. Expect to be able to move through your day, more awake and aware after practicing the breathing exercises and one of the mindfulness techniques in the morning. Expect to sleep more peacefully when breathing yourself to sleep. And then drop all expectations and just notice what shows up in your life and your relating with others.

    The gratitude I feel for the breath and these practices is immense and has truly been the driving force behind sharing them with you both through Mental Health My Way and this little booklet. I hope that you find as much pleasure in them as I have.

    On a practical note: All of the techniques can be recorded by you and played back to yourself to allow you to more easily move through them. And if you have any questions or want to share your experiences with me, feel free to email

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