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Religion Has No God
Religion Has No God
Religion Has No God
Ebook57 pages38 minutes

Religion Has No God

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The concept of reli4gion has been a topic of debate and discussion for centuries. While it has provided a sense of purpose and meaning for many people, the question of whether or not religion truly has a divine source remains unanswered. As a clear thinker examines the history of religion, it becomes increasingly difficult to reconcile the actions of religious institutions with the idea of a loving and all-knowing God.

Release dateApr 23, 2023
Religion Has No God

Supreme BeingNess

I AM the Supreme Being. The All of Everything. The beginning and the end. The Alpha and Omega. I am God in the act of creating Myself. And so, too, are YOU.

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    Religion Has No God - Supreme BeingNess

    Any clear thinker who looks at what religion has done must assume religion has no God

    The concept of religion has been a topic of debate and discussion for centuries. While it has provided a sense of purpose and meaning for many people, the question of whether or not religion truly has a divine source remains unanswered. As a clear thinker examines the history of religion, it becomes increasingly difficult to reconcile the actions of religious institutions with the idea of a loving and all-knowing God.

    Many atrocities have been committed in the name of religion, from the Crusades to the Spanish Inquisition to modern-day religious extremist groups. It is hard to imagine a loving God condoning such actions or actively participating in them. It seems more likely that these actions are the result of human greed, fear, and a desire for power.

    Furthermore, the many contradictions and inconsistencies within religious texts themselves make it challenging to believe that they were divinely inspired. From the conflicting accounts of creation to the differences between religious doctrines, it is clear that religion is a product of human interpretation and cultural context rather than a direct revelation from a higher power.

    In light of all this, it is reasonable for any clear thinker to assume that religion has no God. This is not to say that spirituality and faith are irrelevant or meaningless. Many people find solace, guidance, and inspiration in their religious beliefs. However, it is essential to recognize that these beliefs are subjective and personal rather than objective and universal.

    Ultimately, the key to a fulfilling and meaningful life lies not in blindly following religious dogma, but in seeking truth and wisdom for oneself. By questioning and exploring our beliefs and values, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. We may never know for certain whether or not a God exists, but by living a life of compassion, love, and service, we can create a better world for ourselves and those around us.

    The first task of organized religion is to make you lose faith in yourself

    This may seem like a controversial statement, but when we take a closer look, it is clear that there is some truth to this assertion.

    Religion is often viewed as a source of comfort, guidance, and hope. It provides people with a sense of community, moral guidelines, and a connection to something greater than themselves. However, it can also have a dark side. Many religious institutions rely on fear, guilt, and shame to control their followers. They may teach that humans are inherently sinful, that they must obey strict rules and regulations, or that they will face eternal damnation if they do not adhere to the teachings of the church.

    These messages can be incredibly damaging to an individual’s self-esteem and self-worth. When we are constantly told that we are not good enough, that we are flawed, and that we must rely on an external authority to guide us, we can start to lose faith in ourselves. We may begin to doubt our own abilities, our own judgment, and our own worthiness.

    This is not to say that all organized religion is harmful or that

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