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Ebook52 pages44 minutes


Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Agent Ignacio Ritter is happy serving the CXO, the Central Xenomorph Organization, from the safety of his desk. He has good reasons for avoiding field work like the plague: his parents died in the field, leaving him to be raised among wolf-shifters. Because of his adopted family, everyone thinks he is a wolf, a lie that protects him from the ridicule he'd face if he revealed the truth.

When the charming and dangerous tiger-shifter Agent Reed Daily chooses Ignacio to help close the book on a gang threatening to tear Chicago apart, Ignacio can’t refuse. Perhaps it’s the chance to avenge his parents, or perhaps it’s the tight fit of Reed’s suit and heat Reed's smile ignites in Ignacio. When the chips are down and whole city's depending on him, will Ignacio prove himself man or ...
PublisherJMS Books LLC
Release dateApr 22, 2023

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Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Whenever some super-secret organization fighting for the good of anyone who is an underdog is mentioned, I sit up straight. Make it a paranormal or otherwise nonhuman group and I become all ears, leaning forward in my seat to make sure I don’t miss anything. So ‘Fieldwork’ pretty much had me at “CXO” – the Central Xenomorph Organization. Then there is Agent Ignacio who insists on doing a desk job and not just because he is great at tracking financial transactions – he keeps the kind of shifter he is top secret. Then pair him with the CXO’s most dangerous, successful, and utterly charming Agent Reed, a tiger shifter who is merciless in his dealings with terrorists and criminals, and you had me hooked before I read the first sentence of the story.

    Ignacio lost his parents to the same criminals he is now helping to bring to justice. The one thing he refuses to do is fieldwork – his parents died during an assignment in the field, and Ignacio believes, due to the type of shifter he is, that he is not suited to working anywhere but in the safety of his office. So when he gets paired up with Reed by a boss who knows his issues, Ignacio is in shock. But his quiet courage, determination to overcome his fears, and mind-boggling ability to save the entire mission prove that appearances are not always the sole deciding factor in someone’s choice of profession.

    Reed is self-confident to the point of arrogance, a top agent, and always works alone. His record is the stuff of legends, and he has the attitude to match. But in this case he needs Ignacio’s help –financial transactions and “computer stuff” are not in his arsenal of talents. He respects Ignacio not just because he thinks his fellow agent is a wolf, but when Ignacio has to reveal what his shifter animal is, Ignacio proves he is a bigger man than his somewhat shallow reputation led me to suspect. Absolutely perfect!

    It is fair to say that my expectations were pretty high, but Charles Payseur managed to exceed them by far. The combination of a somewhat shy agent with one who could not be more outgoing is very well done, and not just based on Ignacio and Reed’s personalities. The way they think, the secrets they keep, and how they work together all add to the atmosphere of the story. The initial mystery around what Ignacio shifts into, if not a wolf, keeps up the tension until the second it is revealed – only to have the entire mission succeed based on Ignacio’s shifter nature. Very well played indeed!

    If you like stories about secret agents and their missions, if you think that two men who could not be more different might just be perfect partners on and off the job, and if you’re looking for a read that is entertaining, full of mystery, suspenseful, and touching, then you will probably love this short story as much as I do. All I can say: more Ignacio and Reed, pretty please!

    NOTE: This book was provided by Dreamspinner Press for the purpose of a review.

Book preview

Fieldwork - Charles Payseur

Chapter 1

Ignacio’s hands fidgeted above the keyboard, fingers typing phantom sentences that never made it to the screen.

It is with great sadness that I tender my resignation to the CXO, but circumstances…He frowned, nose twitching, hands freezing a moment over the keys before once more taking up their dance.

When I joined the CXO, it was to make a difference. But a difference from behind the safety of a desk. I must therefore regretfully…He bit his lower lip, imagined the look on Mama Tasha’s face at seeing him on her doorstep, suitcase in hand. That understanding, that love, but also that disappointment.

Why the fuck can’t you just put someone else on this damn case. I do not do fieldwork! His finger accidentally tapped the keys on the last character, and a lone exclamation point appeared on the screen, in the body of the e-mail addressed to Sofia Martinez, director of the CXO, the Central Xenomorph Organization.

Hey, Nacho, you ready for lunch? came Kev’s voice from behind him.

Ignacio jumped, shielded the monitor with his body, and moved desperately to delete the draft. Fingers fumbling, he clicked at the Discard button only to miss, saw the Send icon depress, and before he could do anything, the message was gone. Ignacio stared at the screen, mouth gaping open.

Hey, Nacho, I asked if you were ready, Kev said.

Ignacio made a sound low in his throat, a squeak mixed with a groan. He took a deep breath and swallowed. In his mind he could picture Director Martinez receiving the e-mail, of course with no subject line, with only a single character. He looked down at the phone on his desk like suddenly it would transform into a spitting viper. He stood jerkily, his chair skidding back against the wall of his cubicle. With a shaking hand, he grabbed his coat, then turned and hurried out of the office, Kev following in his wake.

Chicago had more pizza places than streets, but in his heart, Ignacio only recognized Lou’s Pizza off LaSalle, just a few blocks from the CXO headquarters. New York might be bigger, older, and flashier, but Ignacio was grateful every day he sat down with a Chicago deep dish that the CXO had set up their headquarters in the actual center of the country instead of crammed on the East Coast. Besides, Chicago’s shifter—or Xenomorph, to be proper—population put every other city’s in the country to shame, with almost one in ten shifters in America calling the Windy City home.

Ignacio stared at the steaming pizza that swept out from the kitchen. He tried not to drool on the table. There are certain habits you couldn’t break being brought up in a house full of wolf shifters. Panze, Lou’s daughter and the best waitress at the pizzeria, smiled as she set it between Ignacio, Kev, and Cedes. The three CXO desk jockeys reached forward like a pack of jackals hoping to gorge. Panze clicked her tongue and gave each invading hand a quick tap with the spatula.

I swear, with how you all shovel in every day, you’d think the CXO starved its employees, she said. She expertly carved and served them each a quarter of the pie.

More like they only give half-hour lunch breaks, Kev said, flashing a quick smile before digging into his meal. As a cat shifter, Kev’s favorite time of the day was mealtime, and he was rarely very communicative until his plate was clean.

I think our enthusiasm has more to do with your dad’s cooking than it does where we work, Cedes said, rolling her eyes at Kev. "Though sometimes I think they set up the CXO where they did and not

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