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Women’s Easy Career Reinvention: Eleven Fun Steps to a Passion-Based Career or Small Business by a Cpa, Mba, Phd—Neuroscience Focus
Women’s Easy Career Reinvention: Eleven Fun Steps to a Passion-Based Career or Small Business by a Cpa, Mba, Phd—Neuroscience Focus
Women’s Easy Career Reinvention: Eleven Fun Steps to a Passion-Based Career or Small Business by a Cpa, Mba, Phd—Neuroscience Focus
Ebook153 pages1 hour

Women’s Easy Career Reinvention: Eleven Fun Steps to a Passion-Based Career or Small Business by a Cpa, Mba, Phd—Neuroscience Focus

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About this ebook

Dealing with constant financial anxiety and career insecurity can be overwhelming for anyone, but especially for women struggling to keep food on the table.

Merry McNutt leans on her diverse experience as an entrepreneur and founder of a global nonprofit to share a fun, eleven-step roadmap that guides women to identify their passion, lean into a career based on that passion, and let go of limiting beliefs that often stand in the way of success. Women wishing to reinvent their careers will learn how to determine their purpose, value the freedom of time, make money with ease, gain self-love, start and structure a business, discover what small business life is like, maintain a suitable income, develop a financial freedom day plan, and resign from a job. Included are helpful exercises and valuable information regarding heart and nervous system functions that provide the energy and motivation needed for peak performance as well as lessons on quantum physics that help transform stress and provide support in key areas of life.

Women’s Easy Career Reinvention is a transformational guide that shares valuable insight and an easy eleven-step roadmap to living a purposeful life with abundant joy, health, peace, and affluence while making a difference in the world.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateApr 11, 2023
Women’s Easy Career Reinvention: Eleven Fun Steps to a Passion-Based Career or Small Business by a Cpa, Mba, Phd—Neuroscience Focus

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    Book preview

    Women’s Easy Career Reinvention - Merry McNutt MBA PhD CPA-Retired

    Copyright © 2023 Merry McNutt, MBA, PhD, CPA-Retired.

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    ISBN: 979-8-7652-4049-6 (sc)

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    ISBN: 979-8-7652-4050-2 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2023905559

    Balboa Press rev. date:  04/10/2023



    1. Discovering your purpose

    2. Freedom of time

    3. Making money with ease

    4. Gaining self-love

    5. Prosperity consciousness training

    6. Starting a business

    7. Business entity structuring basics

    8. What small business life is like

    9. Financial Freedom Day plan

    10. Keeping your income

    11. Quitting your JOB (just over broke)

    Simple. Easy. Fun.

    Consciousness Education. Stress Transformation. Career and Financial Reinvention.

    Topics this book will share with you:

    Easy, fun steps to reinvent you, while reinventing your career based on what you love to do.

    Simple, small business preparation to start leaning into a passion-based career, one client at a time.

    When you love what you do, you will never work again: Passion-based career plan for any age from 16 to 116.

    Easy neurocardiology (heart and nervous system functions) information to encourage coherence and love frequencies from the little brain/neural network in your heart; this gives you the energy and motivation needed for peak performance.

    Easy lessons on quantum physics and being the CEO of your biological-hormone-producing factory; neural networks, as electromagnetic field generators, from energy enhancing heart-brain coherence, for stress transformation and most of all, for financial and career reinvention support.


    Money and career stress need be no more. This book is designed for a fun and easy look at finding your passion, leaning into a career based on that passion, and examining your limiting beliefs to keep them out of the way of your success.

    My back was burning with stress over finances: I didn’t have any money, and there were lots of people to pay. Nerves were firing off along my spine, all over my shoulders, and in my brain.

    As a business owner, certified public accountant (CPA), and MBA (master of arts in business administration), I had spent years intimately involved in helping with other people’s money, taxes, career ambitions, lots of great business successes, along with some people—in tougher times—with financial struggles.

    In 2006, my husband and I tried to expand our savings and investments for retirement planning, buying a fourplex and a single-family rental property, adding landlord and rental maintenance to our list of work to focus on.

    After the great recession of 2008, we tried for as long as we could to make our sinking rental property investments survive the recession, using every penny we had to cover the bills when renters were not paying us rent. We invested a lot of time and money into making our rental properties as nice as possible, hoping to inspire our tenants to pay rent and respect the property.

    By 2010, after years of missed rent payments from our string of bad tenants, we too became some of the people in a long-term financial struggle when our rapidly devaluing rental property investments nearly bankrupted us.

    I was stunned at the turn of events leading to the dire financial situation before us. I was supposed to know not to have money problems.

    But there I was, after years of great credit and a very responsible work history, just staring at our online banking accounts. Nearly all of them were empty. And mortgage payments were due.

    We had used any profits from our other businesses to cover the cost of the rental properties when our tenants were not paying their rent. We were borrowing from Jack to pay Jill. I became a master juggler of moving money from one checking account to the other to make sure no checks bounced. Sometimes I could not even help that when auto payments went through and expected payments did not manifest to us from many of the five rental units each month.

    Our starter rental properties were filled with tenants using rent money for drugs and failing to pay us. That and our other two slowing businesses during the great recession of 2008 left us scared about our ability to keep the businesses open, and eventually we even worried about keeping food on our table.

    Thankfully, we were able to stay afloat after getting rid of those rental properties and with a lot of struggle and years of paying debts related to that rental real estate. There are plenty of success stories about owning rental properties; we just had horrible timing and empathic hearts that allowed people to live there that perhaps should not have been there, and trying to make the properties so nice in a rather bad neighborhood just added to the costs involved without return on those investments.

    I felt so much shame and blame for getting us into this mess as the financial person in the house. How could a CPA and MBA make such terrible financial decisions just before the real estate crash? And why did I keep letting people move into the rentals with bad history, just to be nice? My self-judgments went on and on.

    The shame did not pay their rent. We were financially strapped. Paying mortgage and other bills late would only cost more fees and more stress on our credit. I stared at my screen for the tenth time that morning, hoping one of our businesses or rental tenants would send a check. I felt sick to my stomach, worried, and ashamed.

    I truly felt like an exploding firecracker, with all my stressed nerves firing off in my back, shoulders, neck, grinding my teeth and clenching my jaw. In a little book of tips for simplifying life, I had read that when you are stressed out, you can destress by breaking old light bulbs or beating pillows. But I had no old light bulbs to break.

    I shoved my office chair away from the table and my computer screen broadcasting my empty bank summary. I got up out of my chair, went to our bedroom, climbed up on our bed, and grabbed two little red decorative pillows. We live in the woods, so no one could hear what I was about to do, thank goodness.

    I started beating the pillows, yelling, screaming, and crying my eyes out. I was letting my rage out over missed rent from tenants coupled with bad economic turns for businesses and my late payments ruining my financial security and investments. I was angry that I feared losing our own home. I was angry that I believed rental investments were a good investment without accounting for so many skipped rental payments. I was angry we spent so much on fixing up properties that were losing value and being vandalized.

    I beat the pillows more and more and screamed to the universe, I hate being broke! I hate worrying about money! I am sick of worrying about money! I do not want to live like this anymore!

    The tears rolling down my face turned to full-blown sobbing and sobbing. I lifted my fist for one last punch of my little red pillows.

    Suddenly, the loud screaming turned to gentle blubbering until I collapsed to my bed, lying there in a bit of stunned aftermath.

    And then it went silent, still, quiet.

    I lay there, feeling a bit of relaxation for the first time in months. And then this feeling of peaceful, unshakable resolve flushed throughout my every cell as I thought, I am never going to let fear of money take over my body like this again. It is not worth it. I know there’s potential out there, and I am just going to choose that. I’d rather live

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