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Enchanted Fresh Fairy Tales
Enchanted Fresh Fairy Tales
Enchanted Fresh Fairy Tales
Ebook41 pages30 minutes

Enchanted Fresh Fairy Tales

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About this ebook

Introducing "Enchanted Fresh Fairy Tales: A Collection of New and Original Fairy Tales" - an ebook that will take you on a magical journey through captivating stories filled with wonder, adventure, and unforgettable characters.

Whether you're looking for tales of courage and bravery, or stories that teach valuable life lessons, "Enchanting Fresh Fairy Tales" has something for everyone. Discover the power of love and sacrifice, the beauty of self-acceptance, and the strength of friendship and teamwork.

Get ready to be swept away on a journey through enchanted forests, mysterious kingdoms, and magical realms, where anything is possible. Experience the magic of "Enchanting Fresh Fairy Tales" and get lost in a world of fantasy and wonder.

Release dateApr 14, 2023
Enchanted Fresh Fairy Tales

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    Book preview

    Enchanted Fresh Fairy Tales - Muhammad Hamza

    Isabella's Magical Awakening

    Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom, there lived a beautiful princess named Isabella. She had long golden hair, sparkling blue eyes, and a smile that could light up a room. Isabella was adored by all who knew her, except for one person - her step-sister, Serena.

    Serena was jealous of Isabella's beauty and popularity. She was determined to become queen and believed that kidnapping Isabella was the only way to achieve her goal. So one day, when Isabella was out for a walk in the palace gardens, Serena and her henchmen ambushed her and dragged her away to a secret location.

    For days, Isabella was locked up in a dark and dingy cell, with no food or water. She was terrified and didn't know what would happen to her. Meanwhile, Serena was busy plotting her next move, and she was getting impatient.

    But just when things seemed hopeless for Isabella, a handsome prince named Alexander arrived in the kingdom. Alexander had heard of Isabella's kidnapping and had come to rescue her. He searched high and low, but he couldn't find her.

    That's when Alexander had an idea. He disguised himself as a servant and infiltrated Serena's palace. He kept his eyes and ears open, and before long, he overheard Serena's plans. She was going to execute Isabella and blame it on a rival kingdom.

    Alexander knew he had to act fast. He snuck into Isabella's cell, and together they made their escape. But as they were leaving, they were caught by Serena's guards.

    As Serena's guards closed in on them, Alexander drew his sword and engaged them in a fierce battle. He fought bravely, but the guards were too many, and he was soon outnumbered.

    Just when it seemed like all hope was lost, a group of soldiers from a nearby kingdom arrived. They had received word of Isabella's kidnapping and had come to help. Together, Alexander and the soldiers defeated Serena's guards and rescued Isabella.

    Isabella was overjoyed to be free, and she thanked Alexander and the soldiers for saving her. She couldn't believe that someone would go to such lengths to keep her from being queen. But she was also grateful that she had loyal friends who would risk their lives to help her.

    As they made their way back to the kingdom, Isabella couldn't stop thinking about how close she had come to losing everything. She knew she had to be more vigilant in the future and be prepared

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