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Crossroads at Malinalco
Crossroads at Malinalco
Crossroads at Malinalco
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Crossroads at Malinalco

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Although Kathryn McFarland is a successful middle-aged pediatrician, she feels lonely and unfulfilled. When she makes the decision to journey to Mexico to find an ex-lover and learn whether she made a mistake letting him go five years ago, Kathryn has no idea what she will find there. All she knows is that she has to know the answer to her question once and for all.

Michael Johannson is now a physician who runs a clinic in the village of Malinalco. On her way through the hot and dusty desert to hopefully reunite with him, Kathryn receives roadside assistance from a dashing stranger who tells her he is visiting Mexico for work. When she finally finds Michael, they rekindle their relationship and she begins working side-by-side with him to provide medical care to the residents of the village. Although everything seems fine at first, Kathryn soon comes to a realization that complicates her path forward. But is life about to offer her a second chance?

Crossroads at Malinalco is a story of romance, new beginnings, and hope as a middle-aged physician travels to Mexico to reunite with her former love.
Release dateApr 13, 2023
Crossroads at Malinalco

Shirley Gilbert

Shirley Gilbert has always loved stories and has been writing since early childhood. Crossroads at Malinalco is her third book.

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    Crossroads at Malinalco - Shirley Gilbert

    Copyright © 2023 Shirley Gilbert.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4897-4703-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4897-4704-4 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4897-4705-1 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2023905937

    LifeRich Publishing rev. date: 04/06/2023


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Nineteen

    Chapter Twenty

    Chapter Twenty-One

    Chapter Twenty-Two

    Chapter Twenty-Three

    Chapter Twenty-Four




    E ngrossed in her thoughts, Kathryn looked up to see the highway forked here. What am I doing? she asked herself. I must be crazy.

    In Tenancingo she glanced at the gas gauge. Almost empty. She breathed easier when she saw the blinking lights of a gas station. She knew ten miles of gravel lay ahead.

    As the attendant wiped the bugs off her windshield, his bright eyes crossed slightly.

    "You want to go to Malinalco? Oh, senorita, that is too bad. The bus she already gone there this week."

    But you don’t understand, Kathryn said. I have the car. Please tell me how to get there.

    He heaved a sigh and shook his head. "Take the Ford on the crazy trail? No, it would not like it. The burros walk in the ruts, but they can’t break an axle."

    The attendant opened his mouth to say more, but he closed it when Kathryn handed him several bills. His eyes widened.

    You may keep the change, she said.

    Down the road his directions gave her indigestion, or maybe it was the tamale she ate for lunch. When she missed the turnoff she turned around and slowed for an old man with a donkey. He tugged at the animal to pull him down a cow trail.

    Instinct prompted Kathryn to pull up behind them. She choked in the dust when she put her head out the window and saw the Malinalco sign lying in the dirt.

    At first the donkey’s owner ignored the creeping vehicle behind him. Finally he tired of the noise and fumes and retreated to one side.

    Kathryn waved her thanks as the Ford chugged past in a spray of sand. Now the Indian shook his fist and shouted at her in Spanish. She sank lower in her seat and kept going.

    The station attendant had said the road was impossible and now she believed him. Her car shuddered and bolted over wild dips in the trail as mesquite gave way to scrubby pine.

    Wild country, Kathryn thought, but beautiful in its way. Maybe Michael’s life with these people is not as difficult as she imagined. Had it really been five years since she’d seen him?

    An alarming thought struck her. He had no idea she was coming, and he may have left Malinalco. His letters became less frequent as the years went by.

    Kathryn sniffed. An ominous smell preceded the billowing cloud of smoke from the hood. She braked and tumbled out, gasping for breath.

    She backed away in disgust. Why hadn’t she rented a better car for this adventure? Kathryn watched a lizard scurry across her path while she tapped her chin and reviewed her options.

    Tenancingo was at least five miles back. She glanced at her thermos. Maybe a little water would help. She struggled to release the hood and squinted as new bursts of smoke enveloped her. Well, so much for that. She put her hands to her face before she saw the grease on her fingers.

    Malinalco can’t be too much farther, she decided. She would have to hoof it. As she tugged at her suitcase in the backseat, she thought longingly of those carefree walks on the beaches at home.

    Suddenly she heard a noise down the road and looked up. To her amazement a pickup truck churned up the dust and clattered toward her.

    Absurdly, Kathryn fought an urge to hide in the brush. She blew the hair from her face. Alone in the middle of no where. What was she thinking? Her shipmates on the cruise thought she went to Mexico City to see the hospital there.

    The shadows crept over the crags on the mountain as the truck jolted to a stop. The driver sat for a moment surveying the scene. Kathryn’s stomach muscles tightened. Like a heroine in a novel, she reviewed her choices. Fight or flight? She picked up a large stone and backed away.

    Finally a masculine figure sauntered toward her. Well, well, what have we here? The voice sounded oddly familiar. Looks like you have a problem.

    Not sure what happened, she stammered. It just started smoking.

    As the stranger peered into the Ford, Kathryn studied his high cheekbones and oversized sunglasses.

    He looked up and grinned. Butterflies.

    Kathryn stared at the perfect white teeth. The man who flirted with her on the cruise ship? How on earth--?

    Yep, butterflies. They’ve clogged the radiator. A rented car I suppose?

    Yes, I had trouble finding one. Sort of a last-minute thing.

    Rick Daniels pulled a nail file from his pocket and leaned over to brush at the mess of dead insects. Well, it’s obvious they didn’t clean it up first. Hand me the keys and let’s try it.

    The engine gasped and smelled like burnt feathers. He swung out to jiggle the radiator. Better give up on this crate. It’s so crammed you could wreck the motor. His nose wrinkled. Not a pretty picture.

    Abruptly he yanked his hand away. A crimson stream trickled down his arm.

    Oh! You’re hurt. Kathryn ran to grasp his wrist. It looks deep. You may need stitches. Here, we’d better clean that up.

    He watched with mild surprise as she hauled a black case from the rear and propped it on the fender. Rick whistled threw his teeth.

    That looks like a portable drugstore. Are you peddling drugs?

    Deftly Kathryn cleansed the wound and applied a butterfly dressing. That will do for now. So sorry this happened.

    A hint of amusement showed in Rick’s eyes.

    Well, what do you know, a lady doctor. Who would’ve thought?

    Kathryn glanced up the road and frowned. I’m in a jam. Could I hitch a ride to Malinalco?

    Are you kidding? Malinalco is just a village. I’d better take you back to town, little lady. He looked her over. You’ll need a place to stay.

    Malinalco is where I’m going. She tugged at her suitcase. I’ll walk if I have to.

    Hey, sure, glad to oblige. He reached for her bags and tossed them into the rear of the truck. Only too happy for the company.

    When he held the door open Kathryn climbed in with his arm at her elbow. Thanks for your trouble. I didn’t expect this stupid car to give out on me.

    Rick swung in and glanced at the pained expression on her face. Don’t mention it. Just a little curious what you expect to do with yourself there. He grinned. It’s not a resort, you know. No tennis courts, that sort of thing.

    Kathryn almost struck her head on the side window as the truck hurtled down the crazy excuse for a road. She scooted closer to him and braced herself. I have a friend there. He’s a physician and runs a clinic. She ignored the smirk on Rick’s face.

    Ah, he said, should have known, a man in the picture. Is he expecting you?

    Kathryn looked away. I don’t have long. He can take me back to town this evening. What if Michael is away? she wondered. What then? Now she lapsed into silence and stared out the window.

    Suddenly a roadrunner darted across the road and Rick slammed on the brakes. He reached to break her fall against the dashboard.

    Hey, I’d like to get there in one piece, Kathryn sputtered. How she wished this man would keep his eyes on the road!

    Rick held the wheel steady and slowed a bit. Sorry, that little varmint came out of nowhere. The name’s Rick Daniels. And yours? You know, for insurance purposes.

    At last his maddening grin unhinged Kathryn, and she swung to face him. I’m Kathryn McFarland. But aren’t you a little far from the fun and games? She bit her tongue. What I meant to say was….

    I know what you meant to say. You think you have me pegged. He gestured over his shoulder. Actually, this is a working vacation.

    Kathryn turned and saw the camping gear in back. What do you mean?

    Mixing business with pleasure, as they say. I plan to look over the ruins at Malinalco. A jackrabbit scooted ahead of them. They aren’t usually on the tourist’s itinerary. Do you know of them?

    I don’t. What sort of ruins?

    Fascinating stuff. Old cliff dwellings, even the remains of an ancient temple have survived the ravages of time. Experts say the natives carved it out of solid rock.

    Really? That is so interesting. Kathryn wondered why Michael never mentioned them. Are these ruins far from the village?

    Rick took his hand off the wheel and pointed. The truck lurched sideways. About a mile up the side of that mountain. I’m determined to see them.

    But that climb looks dangerous. Can you really get up there? In spite of herself, new respect for this stranger made her curious. So are you an archaeologist?

    No, anthropology is my field. Some times they overlap of course.

    Rick smiled. "Are you interested in such things?

    Kathryn stiffened. This man was much too attractive. Her defenses came up. Just wondered what you hope to learn there. Were these people the famous Aztecs?

    No, the Toltecs preceded the Aztecs. Mystery surrounds their demise. Their cultural catastrophe rivaled the fall of the Romans. He glanced sideways. Sorry, I can be a bore.

    Not at all. A valuable link to Mexico’s past, I suppose.

    He had slowed to a stop.

    Kathryn looked away and saw the lights of the village ahead. Why have you stopped?

    His hand rested on hers. And you, Kathryn, what do you expect to find in Malinalco?

    She pulled away. I can’t tell you that.

    Why not?

    Because…I don’t know. Please. Can we go on?

    The fleeting moments of civility between them had passed. Sure, why not? Neither spoke again until they pulled into the village.

    Chickens scattered as the pickup slowed to a stop. A clamorous train of barking dogs surrounded them when Rick yanked on the handbrake. He leaned back in his seat and stretched.

    This is it, my lady, the end of the line.

    Or perhaps, Kathryn thought, a new beginning. Here she would learn if she made the right decision those many years ago. Or will she be more confused than ever? All those questions she faced in the past came back now to haunt her. She frowned in the sunlight.

    Rick glanced at her. You look pale. Kind of a bumpy ride, wasn’t it? Are you all right?

    Kathryn nodded and stepped out of the car.




    V illagers turned to stare at the strangers who clattered into town in the pickup. While Rick grinned on the sidelines, Kathryn questioned a shawled matron in stilted Spanish. She stopped when a tall figure ambled toward her in the twilight. His moustache and long hair threw her off, but his gait gave him away. Michael! It is you isn’t it?

    At first he approached uncertainly, but a jubilant cry escaped him as he broke into a run. Kathryn! Why didn’t you tell me you were coming? He hugged her tightly until he saw the stranger beside the truck. Immediately he dropped his hands. You’ve not come alone?

    Excuse me. This is Rick Daniels. My car broke down and he gave me a ride. Her hand flew to her face. I must be a sight. That darned car I rented— Kathryn glanced at Rick. Doctor Johannson runs the clinic I told you about."

    Michael’s face relaxed. Much obliged, Daniels. Glad you happened by.

    My pleasure, Rick said, extending his bandaged hand.

    We’ll have to stitch him up, Michael. He cut himself trying to fix my car.

    Rick waved the incident away. It’s nothing. Forget it.

    Sorry, Michael said. We can’t take that chance. Tetanus isn’t pretty. Come along.

    He led the way, stopping once to murmur instructions to a dark little boy who tagged behind. The boy responded with a smile and raced ahead.

    Night settled on the village now, a fairytale world with tiny houses all in a row. The soft glow from their windows cast flickering shadows on their path as they walked. Kathryn shivered, glad when she saw a fire greeted them in Michael’s home, its warmth equaled by the smile of a large woman who clasped her apron in the center of the room.

    Michael said, "Amelia, this is Doctor McFarland and Senor Daniels. And to his visitors, My friend and favorite cook, la senora Amelia Valdez Pena.

    Kathryn nodded and smiled. When Rick addressed the woman in fluent Spanish, she glowed with pleasure. He tousled the hair of the small boy who clung to her skirts. And this young gentleman?

    Michael gestured. That’s our Benito. I call him Benny. He was the same child to

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