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Mr. Darcy's Garden of Delight
Mr. Darcy's Garden of Delight
Mr. Darcy's Garden of Delight
Ebook65 pages1 hour

Mr. Darcy's Garden of Delight

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When love blooms in unexpected places, will marriage sown in scandal lead to Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy's happy ending?

Join Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy in a thrilling game of flowers and flirtation. As they search for flowers in the gardens of Rosings Park, Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy find themselves irresistibly drawn to each other. But when their playful banter turns into a fiery kiss, scandal quickly follows.

With Elizabeth's reputation at stake, Mr. Darcy must act quickly to protect her from ruin. He proposes marriage, and Elizabeth, torn between her head and her heart, accepts. Follow the passion and drama as they navigate a forced marriage and discover a passion – and love -- worth fighting for.

As their love deepens, Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy face new challenges and obstacles. Can a marriage sown in scandal blossom into true love? Find out when you enjoy an intimate evening with Mr. Darcy's Garden of Delights, a sensual Pride and Prejudice variation with a touch of humor.

Release dateApr 11, 2023
Mr. Darcy's Garden of Delight

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    Mr. Darcy's Garden of Delight - Maria Dashwood


    On Elizabeth Bennet’s second visit to Rosings Park, Lady Catherine droned on about pruning roses. The spring day was overwarm, the scent of flowers oversweet, and Lady Catherine’s advice overwrought. Charlotte nodded along dutifully, while Mr. Collins, as always, fawned at his patroness's side. Elizabeth swallowed a yawn. Had she been home, she would have taken her bonnet off and fanned herself with it. As it was, she was forced to stand at attention like a nodding child’s toy while Lady Catherine’s voice blended with the buzzing bees.

    Elizabeth's gaze drifted to the tall, dark figure conversing with Anne at the far end of the garden. Even from this distance, Elizabeth could discern the hint of a smile softening Mr. Darcy's austere features. An unexpected pang of interest — no, desire — threatened Elizabeth's composure. She looked away hastily, only to find Lady Catherine's hawklike gaze upon her, as if the older woman had sensed the direction of her wandering attentions.

    Elizabeth flushed, heat creeping up her neck.

    Miss Bennet, Lady Catherine declared imperiously, her voice cutting through Elizabeth's mortification like a well-sharpened garden shear. I propose a diversion to enliven our spirits and entertain my dear Anne! The Garden Game, which is all the rage among genteel society, shall immediately commence. Mr. Darcy, escort your cousin hither.

    Elizabeth raised an eyebrow, a hint of bemusement rising to chase away her earlier discomfiture. She had never heard of such a game and suspected the august lady had invented it on the spot to thrust Mr. Darcy and her sickly daughter into closer proximity.

    Capital idea, Lady Catherine! Mr. Collins exclaimed with a fervor bordering on the absurd. His eyes shone with a zeal reminiscent of a particularly puffed-up pigeon as he launched into one of his signature convoluted speeches. Why, I've always held that a wholesome pastime such as this unites not only our hearts but also our minds in shared merriment, forsooth solidifying the bonds of kinship and - Mr. Collins arrived at last at his point, - fostering delightful flirtations betwixt eligible parties!

    Exasperation warred with amusement as Elizabeth glanced at Charlotte, who could barely contain a wry smile. They each understood the ridiculousness of the situation, but Charlotte's resigned practicality cautioned against outwardly mocking their hostess.

    Very well, Elizabeth said, attempting to muster some enthusiasm for the game. Pray tell us the rules of this grand diversion.

    Simple enough for even you to follow, I trust, Lady Catherine replied with a sniff. You shall each choose a botanical specimen from my esteemed garden, and by analyzing its characteristics, divine the character of the person holding it.

    With varying degrees of reluctance, the assembled guests complied. Mr. Darcy approached with a rather exquisite red rose. Elizabeth suspected Lady Catherine would have approved of such a flower for Anne, who instead clutched an unassuming daisy.

    Grinning, Elizabeth brandished her chosen blossom, the Clementis. Lady Catherine glanced at the riot of purples and pinks and her gaze narrowed. Humph.

    Then Mr. Darcy interjected, Mischief is it? His eyes sparkled with suppressed laughter.

    Elizabeth gave a start. She had not expected Mr. Darcy, of all gentlemen, to have a detailed knowledge of the language of flowers. Perhaps I intended wisdom, Elizabeth retorted with affected solemnity, But in truth, aspiration is the center of the matter.

    An aspiration for wisdom? Mr. Darcy quirked an eyebrow. Or mischief?

    Elizabeth felt her entire body warming at the force of his gaze. She was enjoying the interchange. Rarely did she meet a gentleman who met her barb for barb. Most did not even recognize her jests at all.

    Miss Elizabeth?

    Can it not be both? Elizabeth blurted out. Wisdom. Mischief. Travel?

    I suppose, Mr. Darcy replied with a wry smile that reached his eyes, sending an unfamiliar flutter through Elizabeth's chest.

    Foolishness! Lady Catherine’s harrumph broke the festive atmosphere as she sought to regain control. Let us proceed to the second round in our exploit of botanical amusement!

    Second round? Likely Lady Catherine had not felt the first round sufficient for her own purposes.

    Capital idea, Lady Catherine, Mr. Collins interjected with enthusiasm, his head bobbing up and down like a ball on a string.

    Lady Catherine glared at him, and Mr. Collins paled. Indeed, she said, and explained the game, which seemed a rather erratic botanical scavenger hunt. For this, let us break into pairs.

    Shall we draw lots then? Elizabeth suggested, her tone all sweetness. Perhaps she had chosen too accurately in her flower, she mused as she noted the expression of discomfiture

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