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Through Savage Lands: The Bane Of Amstairis
Through Savage Lands: The Bane Of Amstairis
Through Savage Lands: The Bane Of Amstairis
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Through Savage Lands: The Bane Of Amstairis

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After the sack of Amstairis, the rightful heir to the throne must be protected and hidden away from the conquering king.

After the conquering of Amstairis, several of Prince Jasper's inner circle now find themselves fugitives, including Jasper's wife. When it's discovered that Amelia Ravencrest is pregnant, everyone rallies around to get her somewhere safe. King Braydon Chadwick, on the other hand, has a different plan. Hunters are hired to track down Amelia with orders to have her child killed. Now on the run, the exiles of Amstairis must flee from one shelter to another to keep the rightful heir alive, a task made more difficult once the child is born.
Release dateMar 9, 2023
Through Savage Lands: The Bane Of Amstairis

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    Through Savage Lands - Janine Bretz

    Through Savage Lands

    The Bane Of Amstairis

    By Janine Bretz

    Copyright © 2023 Janine Bretz

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the express permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, business establishments, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Printed in the United States of America

    First Edition, 2023

    ISBN-13:  978-1-329-63311-7

    Soli Deo Gloria

    A Fair Warning

    Though this story ends more pleasantly than its predecessor, its contents will still upset some. This is your warning that art sometimes imitates life, even while life imitates art. And in explanation for what follows in these pages, what would you not sacrifice for those you love?

    Chapter 1


    The late morning sun sent a warmth over the open field when the crisp breeze didn't blow. The wind itself held a nip in it, foretelling of a bitter winter. Chester Lochwood sat in the grass about half a mile from the conquered castle of Amstairis. A few feet away, Ryder Mulvine, Liam Chapmond, and Simon Rottmore lounged, resting and catching their breath after the sprint they'd all just run. Sophia Seawin was pressing a piece of cloth she'd torn on the wound on Chester's shoulder that he'd sustained during their flight through the castle, trying to staunch its flow of blood.

    Not far from them, Amelia Ravencrest lay on the ground, curled up as if she were cold, her arms wrapped around her stomach. She didn't say anything, her face a ghastly pale gray. The only ones on their feet were Simeon Moreledge and Roslynn, the former doing his best to escape and return to the castle while the latter continually blocked his path.

    You'll die if you go back there, Roslynn said, her stance like a cat ready to pounce.

    If I can take at least one Madralin scoundrel with me, it'll be worth my death! Simeon snapped. He tried to dodge past Roslynn, but she leapt into his way again.

    We need you here.

    I can do no good here.

    Amelia needs you.

    Simeon glanced at the poor woman lying in the grass. There's nothing I could do for her. The only comfort she could have would be revenge. Again, he tried to scoot around Roslynn, but she drew her sword and pointed it at him.

    She will need you, Roslynn stated firmly. She and her child.

    Chester glanced at Amelia, who didn't seem to be aware of what was going on; then at the others who appeared to be as stunned as he was. Simeon stood quiet for a moment, staring agape at the young woman before him.

    Child? he rasped at last.

    Jasper's child.

    How can that be? Simeon asked incredulously.

    He and Amelia were married some months ago, and now she carries his child.

    Simeon turned towards the others. Is this true?

    Jasper and Amelia were married; we were witnesses, Chester answered. But how did you find out? he asked Roslynn.

    She shrugged. I learn things. But Amelia told her aunt and me she was pregnant after you lot left Lunning to take the castle back. She turned back to Simeon. She's going to need you.

    Jasper's child, Simeon said quietly, as if he was still processing what Roslynn had told him. Slowly he turned and walked over to Amelia, kneeling on the ground behind her. He gingerly lifted her head onto his lap, resting a hand on her forehead.

    For a minute, no one spoke.

    The wind breathed across the field, tickling the grass. Nearby, a bird twittered, and overhead a few large, black crows swooped through the air, heading toward the castle of Amstairis. Chester sat there, feeling the cool breeze on his skin, his damp hair on his forehead, the stinging pain in his shoulder. But his soul felt numb.

    What do we do now? Sophia asked.

    It was a fair question. What would the next step be now that their future king had been killed and their lives were in upheaval? They couldn't stay out in the open for long with no supplies and few weapons. Remaining in Amstairis at all would be futile. And Amelia couldn't be exposed to the elements for long. It was strange to work out a future away from everything Chester had known for so long, like it was some bizarre dream and if he could only reach a certain place he might wake up. But where would that place be? Where could they go that was close and would be safe? Chester pondered for a moment until only one realm came to his mind.

    We go to Caidon, he said. King Jethro had made an alliance with Jasper. Let's see if he'll honor it for Jasper's wife and child.

    Everyone rose.

    Simon, Liam, a hand, if you would, Simeon called.

    The two soldiers went over and gently hefted Amelia to her feet. Then Simeon wrapped an arm around her waist as they started off toward the west. Sophia quickly tied the cloth she had been pressing to Chester's shoulder with another strip of fabric before hurrying to walk by Amelia's side.

    Chester remained where he stood for a second as the others moved on. He looked back toward the north, to the high wall and glimpse of the castle of Amstairis in the distance. Something tugged painfully at his heart.

    From a very young age, he had grown up in the guard, with Jasper as his friend. They'd had their whole lives ahead of them, and all the plans Jasper had had to improve the kingdom. And now that was gone and everything had changed.

    Chester heaved a heavy sigh as he turned away from his childhood home and followed his companions to Caidon.

    Leon and Leland Rushlow traipsed into Lunning, weary and worn. The late morning sun climbed high as they made their way to one of the houses off the main road. Leon knocked heavily on the door, Leland leaning on him like he might pass out. The door opened, and there stood a woman with long black hair lazily wound up with a plain pin. For a second, her brown eyes flashed smilingly as they looked on Leon's face; then they grew disquiet and concerned, and a little furrow appeared between her brows.

    Leon, she greeted in her high, soothing voice. She turned to Leon's brother. Lord Leland.

    Hello, Jo, Leon greeted tiredly.

    Josephine Hendly stepped aside, ushering the two men in. She had them sit at a wooden table in her kitchen while she hurried around, gathering things.

    Leon felt drained as he settled into the seat. Leland seemed just as haggard. A small rivulet of blood had dried on his forehead, and dark circles made his green eyes look sunken. Leon's own head was pounding, his limbs stiff and heavy, and a cut on his hand stung.

    In the battle for the castle of Amstairis, Leon had been full of hope, and his drive to take the castle back for Jasper had spurred him on. But when murmurs began spreading that Jasper had been killed again, and Leon had seen Chester Lochwood with Amelia Ravencrest and some others fighting frantically for escape, he had to believe the rumors were true. He had grabbed his brother, and together they had tried to follow Chester out. By the time they'd reached the courtyard, however, it was swarming with fighting.

    Leon and Leland had made a break for the garden, rushing around the castle, through plots to the overgrown azalea bushes. They had scrambled up and over the wall, resting for a few seconds against the cool stone on the other side. Then they had begun their trek toward Lunning.

    The brothers had barely spoken a word to each other the whole journey; and as they sat opposite at the table, Leon was unsure he could bring himself to admit the worst was true. Jasper was dead. They had lost.

    Gingerly, Josephine began cleaning their wounds, patting their foreheads with cool, damp cloths. As she crouched on the floor and dabbed at Leon's brow, he gently grabbed her hand and pressed it to his lips. She placed a kiss on his temple as she stood, removing the things she had brought to mend them.

    Josephine was a healer of Lunning, and had studied some of her craft from Simeon Moreledge. Leon had been fascinated with the way she performed her art. She wouldn't have been considered a beauty by the modern standards; her features were simple and rather plain; but Leon found a beauty in her compassion and tenderness beyond her physical traits.

    Without a word, Josephine came with two heavy glasses filled with a brownish liquid that smelled sharply of liquor. She set them down before Leland and Leon, but Leland raised a hand.

    None for me, thank you, Josephine.

    Drink it, Leland, Leon said.

    Is my test finished yet?

    As far as I'm concerned, the test is done. Drink as much as you wish. In fact, I think I'll join you. Leon snatched up the glass and drained the liquor in two gulps. As he set it back down, he tried to keep his face from twisting at the harshness of the spirit.

    That's not going to help things, Leland remarked.

    There's nothing that can help. The future of Amstairis is no longer in our hands.

    Josephine planted a kiss on Leon's head, a hand resting on his shoulder. I'm so sorry, Leon, she said, but you can't give up on life yet. You two still have a future.

    She's right, Leland agreed. We could become farmers or tanners; take up some sort of trade.

    Settle down and forget our friends and our kingdom in exchange for a peaceful, boring life? Leon remarked.

    Leland seemed to hesitate. We'd never forget.

    I know.

    But what else could we do? Chadwick has the throne.

    A sharp, sudden rap on the door caught their attention. Josephine hurried out of the room. They heard the door open.

    Leon! Josephine cried.

    Leon sprang to his feet, rushing to the front door of Josephine's house. On the threshold, Josephine knelt on the floor, a bloodied woman Leon recognized as Mary Durish collapsed in her arms. Leon hefted the woman off the ground, then followed Josephine to a spare room and carefully laid Mary on the bed. She had a deep gash along her shoulder, her blouse stained dark with the seeping blood. A few bruises covered her face. Her breathing was labored.

    As Leon took a step back, Mary's hand shot out, grasping his arm tight.

    Lord Leon, she rasped.

    Leon gently laid his hand over hers, trying to coax its grip loose. It's alright, Mary. Save your strength.

    They're alive, she said, a warm glow coming into her pale cheeks. I saw Chester get her out of the castle.

    Leon deduced she must have been talking about Amelia. I'm sure your niece is somewhere safe. Leon tried to comfort her as Josephine ran around collecting the materials she needed.

    I had to come back. I had to tell someone. Mary coughed hard, her fingers digging into Leon's skin.

    And you have. Now rest, Mary.

    No! Leon was sure blood would be drawn if Mary squeezed any harder. She has the heir of Amstairis.

    Leon scrutinized the woman on the bed, her breath coming in rasps, and a mixture of pain and hope etched on her features. What do you mean?

    Amelia's pregnant.

    Enough now. Go back to the kitchen, Leon. Let me work. Josephine gently extricated Leon's arm, urging him toward the door with a pat of her hand on his back.

    It took a moment for him to process what Mary had said as he wandered back to his brother. Amelia was pregnant. That would mean that Jasper would have an heir; the only thing that remained of their friend and prince; and the only person who could claim the throne of Amstairis and challenge Braydon Chadwick.

    Leland rose from the table when Leon entered the room. How is she?

    Jo's seeing to her. Leon could tell his brother was staring at him, so he met his gaze.

    What is it? Leland questioned.

    Amelia's carrying Jasper's child.

    The furrow between Leland's brows relaxed. Is that all? Well, I'm glad for her. She'll have something to remember Jasper.

    "Leland, don't you see? The rightful heir to the throne of Amstairis exists, a piece of him. Don't you want to see his child sit on that throne?"

    Of course I do, but I doubt its current occupant would give it up willingly, even for claims.

    Well, no. Leon pondered for a moment. How could they remove the conquering king? He has to be ended, he said quietly at last. One of us has to go back to the castle and be on the inside with Chadwick.

    Leland squinted at Leon. You're saying one of us returns to the castle and convinces Chadwick to trust us, only to kill him at the first opportune moment? Leon nodded. You realize that's a pretty far-fetched plan?

    I know, Leon admitted. "But what else are we going to

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