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My Best Friend and the Honeymoon Game: Trouble in Love Series, #2
My Best Friend and the Honeymoon Game: Trouble in Love Series, #2
My Best Friend and the Honeymoon Game: Trouble in Love Series, #2
Ebook141 pages1 hour

My Best Friend and the Honeymoon Game: Trouble in Love Series, #2

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Get married, fool everyone, and claim the prize money. No problem. What's the worst that could happen?

Jared and Judy are childhood friends. They know everything about each other, plus some. The problem?

Judy loses her scholarship and cannot afford the tuition for the college they've always talked about attending together. As they grapple with the idea of going their separate ways, a sliver of hope comes on TV--The Honeymoon Game. And who knows more about each other than Jared and Judy?

The generous prize would be more than enough to get Judy through school, and Jared from under his parents' controlling grip. The plan is simple--they get married, fool everyone, claim the money, and problem solved. What's the worst that could happen?

You'll love this friends to lovers romance novella because the fun banter will keep you laughing until the last page.

Get it now.

PublisherJessie Cal
Release dateApr 18, 2023
My Best Friend and the Honeymoon Game: Trouble in Love Series, #2

Jessie Cal

Jessie lives in a small southern town with her prince charming, still falling in love with each passing day. When she's not visiting family, getting together with friends, or volunteering in the community, she's either watching romantic movies, reading romantic books or writing her next sweet romance novel.  Join Jessie's Exclusive VIP Group at and chat about all things romance! You'll also get exclusive sneak peeks on new releases, behind the scene bloopers and much more!  Connect with Jessie on:  Facebook: Twitter: @JessieCal3 BookBub: @JessieCal Goodreads: @JessieCal

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    My Best Friend and the Honeymoon Game - Jessie Cal


    Judy heard her father’s footsteps coming up the stairs, the wood squeaking under his weight. It took her brain a few seconds to register that her father had arrived from the night shift.

    Sweets? her father called out, and she sat up on her bed in a frantic panic.

    Jared! she whispered loudly. Jared was sleeping on her carpeted floor, and she lunged toward him. Jared, wake up! Her legs got tangled on the sheets, and she fell on top of him. My dad’s home!

    What? Jared replied, barely able to open his eyes.

    My dad!

    Her words finally struck his brain, and he jolted upward, throwing her to the side. He staggered to his feet but wasn’t sure where to run. The window! she urged him, but he stopped, looking lost and groggy.

    My sock... he said, looking around the room. I’m missing a sock!

    Who cares! She reached for the window and slid it open. The fresh smell of pines floated in the room, but it did little to ease her panic. Hurry! She grabbed Jared by the shirt and pushed him out to the roof. He rolled to the edge then jumped onto a tree.

    Sweetheart? Her father knocked on the door. In hearing his voice, Jared lost his footing, falling to the grass with a loud grunt.

    Judy turned around just as her father pushed the door open. Morning, Daddy! she cheered, sitting on the ledge of her window.

    Her father watched her skeptically. You’re up early.

    Couldn’t sleep, she said, and it wasn’t entirely untrue. She and Jared had spent all night watching reruns of The Honeymoon Game and talking about their plans for the rest of the year. Jared was already in his second year of college, but Judy took a year off and went to Europe to try to make it in a professional soccer league. It was just as hard as she thought it would be. Being the best player in a high school team was a whole different ball game. Good thing her coach got a job at Hawksworth College and offered her a spot on his team. I gotta get ready.

    Are you sure you don’t want me to drive you? her father asked, taking a seat on her bed.

    I’ll be fine, Dad. It’s just practice. What she didn’t tell him was that Jared had already offered to swing by and pick her up.

    Why do you have to move to campus? her father grumbled. You’d save money by staying home.

    Forty-five minutes is a long time to be driving back and forth every day.

    He shrugged as if he didn’t think so. I’ve just missed you. That’s all.

    She grabbed his face and looked into his tired eyes. I missed you, too. And I’m going to come visit every weekend.

    He smiled then touched the back of her hand. Just promise me you won’t do anything stupid.

    How else will I get the full college experience? she teased, but he didn’t think it was funny, which made her laugh even more. Relax. If I do anything stupid, I could be kicked off the team. So, you have nothing to worry about.

    I know that, honey. I just don’t like you hanging around that boy. His family has done nothing but cause trouble for us.

    Is that why you were okay with me going to Europe? Judy asked. And when he didn’t answer, she realized his hatred for Jared was a lot stronger than she thought.

    Judy’s father used to be business partners with Jared’s dad when the company first got started, but at some point, they had a falling out and Jared’s family ripped everything away from her father. It must’ve been bad because Judy’s mother not only left him, but took Judy with her, then abandoned her at a fire station in another state. She was less than three years old when she was put into foster care. That was how she met Anne-Marie, Michelle, Faye, and Victorine. They were all older than her, so they took her under their wing, and in time they became so close, they considered themselves to be sisters.

    It wasn’t until Judy turned eight that her father finally found her. According to him, he had no idea what her mother had done. But as soon as he found out, he moved Heaven and Earth to find his little girl.

    Although she was happy to be back home with her father, parting from her foster sisters left a void in her heart. That was when she met Jared. He was living next door at the time. He was goofy and funny, and he knew just how to distract her from her sadness. But he would only come over when her father was at work.

    During the nightshift, Jared would sneak in through her bedroom window and sleep on the floor to keep her company. The nanny had an annoying habit of inviting her boyfriend over, but Judy didn’t mind because she preferred to hang out with Jared than with some teenaged nanny.

    Her father said something which she didn’t fully hear, but it was enough to snap her back. She glanced at her watch and gasped. Oh no! I can’t be late again!

    She hurried to her closet and began ransacking her clothes like a crazy person. She threw aside the clothes that didn’t interest her but hung on her shoulder the first soccer shorts she could find. Where’s my jersey?

    You mean the one hanging on your computer chair? her father asked. When Judy examined it, she was tempted to smell it but didn’t want her father to know she’d skipped laundry again. Are you sure you don’t want me to drive you?

    I’ll be fine. Though the truth was Judy felt nervous every time her father watched her play. She always felt a strong sense of duty to impress him. Maybe, subconsciously, she didn’t want him to regret bringing her back home. Not that he had ever made her feel that way. On the contrary, he assured her that he had no idea what her mother had done. It was dumb and childish to think her father would give her back to the foster care system, but it was a thought that haunted her every time she felt like a failure.

    Jared, on the other hand, always knew how to lift her spirits. He may not have said it, but he was also nervous about his football practice. New scouts had their eyes on him, and he was starting to really feel the pressure. It made her smile to think he wanted her there for support, too. Football was a competitive sport at Hawksworth College. But Jared wasn’t just good. He was great. No, better than great. He was the best quarterback in Musk County. And Judy wasn’t the only one to think so. Those were the exact words on the school’s website, right above the picture of the trophy they won last year.

    As she was about to head to the bathroom, she leaned in and gave her father a kiss on the cheek. Thanks, Dad.

    For what?

    For just being the best dad, ever.

    Her father gave her a quizzical look. You mean the kind of dad who doesn’t make you clean your room?

    She laughed. See? You are the best.

    Judy jumped into Jared’s convertible, throwing her bag in the backseat. It wasn’t until she fastened her seatbelt that she noticed he was listening to his rock playlist. He only played rock when he was upset. And he was usually upset when he was angry with his parents.

    How are things at home? she asked, lowering the volume just a tad.

    I’m just glad the weekend is finally over. I cannot hear one more fight about money.

    Why did you move back home? Judy asked. You had already moved out and were living on campus.

    He shook his head. Just one of the many stupid decisions I made while you were gone.

    Okay, enough with all this depressing talk, Judy said, turning in her seat to face him. How do you feel about the scout coming to watch you practice today?

    The truth?



    Judy put a hand on his shoulder and rested there until he let out a breath. Don’t think about your dad, she said. You’re not doing this for him. You’re doing this for you.

    When he didn’t respond, she nudged him. Say it.

    I’m doing this for me.


    I’m doing this for me!

    She turned up the volume on the radio, and a rock song blared from the speakers. I can’t hear you!

    He laughed, and as his grip softened on the steering wheel, so did the tension in his shoulders. I’m doing this for me!

    Judy smiled. Now, that’s the spirit.

    As they pulled into a parking spot, the car hadn’t even come to a full stop and the soccer coach was already standing on Judy’s side of the door.

    Hey, Coach.

    Why didn’t you tell me? he demanded with a scowl. Judy stared at him in confusion. She had no idea what he was talking about. You have a smudge on your record.

    My record?

    He handed her the folder he was holding, and she took it. She had no idea what she was looking for, but surely something had to be wrong.

    The charges were dropped, Jared cut in, coming to stand next to Judy.

    The coach took the folder back then rolled it up. Let me make some calls and see what I can do.

    What is that supposed to mean? Judy asked, and the coach shook his head.

    They’re just not lenient about these things, Judy.

    I still don’t follow, she said, hoping she was wrong about where things were headed.

    Like I said... let me make some calls and see what I can do. He looked down

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