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The Nectar of Memories: A Journey of Attachment, Separation and the Intoxicated Memories Left Scattered Behind
The Nectar of Memories: A Journey of Attachment, Separation and the Intoxicated Memories Left Scattered Behind
The Nectar of Memories: A Journey of Attachment, Separation and the Intoxicated Memories Left Scattered Behind
Ebook318 pages3 hours

The Nectar of Memories: A Journey of Attachment, Separation and the Intoxicated Memories Left Scattered Behind

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I looked at the mirror within

to see who looked back at me

I thought for sure I would see myself

who else could it be

but the more I look the more I see

you staring right back at me

Your genuine sweet smile

that which is visible from a mile

the blissful twinkle in your eyes

oblivious to anything else under the sky

your lips beckoning me

the more I look, the more I see

The sunlight reflecting off your hair

like an ocean in which I long to dissolve

the warm glow of your skin

made me forget when it all begin

All reflecting back on me

making my heart warm and soul free

I looked at the mirror within

to see who looked back at me

I thought for sure I would see myself

who else could it be

But the more I look the more I see

your image that seeped into me

Release dateApr 28, 2023
The Nectar of Memories: A Journey of Attachment, Separation and the Intoxicated Memories Left Scattered Behind

Narayan Persaud

Born and raised in Guyana, South America, of an East Indian ancestry, Narayan Persaud moved to Canada, where he had his higher education. Though he has been writing poetry since his early years, it was not until later that he kept his writing as a collection. This collection, which started out as writing to entertain his lover, matured into writing to heal himself from hurt. These poems have evolved as a record of the various emotional highs and lows experienced in the journey. The passage of attachment, separation, and a celebration of the permanence of memories. Connect with the Author: Email:

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    The Nectar of Memories - Narayan Persaud

    About the Author

    Born and raised in Guyana, South America, of an East Indian ancestry, Narayan Persaud moved to Canada, where he had his higher education. Though he has been writing poetry since his early years, it was not until later that he kept his writing as a collection. This collection, which started out as writing to entertain his lover, matured into writing to heal himself from hurt. These poems have evolved as a record of the various emotional highs and lows experienced in the journey. The passage of attachment, separation, and a celebration of the permanence of memories.

    Connect with the Author:


    Copyright Information ©

    Narayan Persaud 2023

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher.

    Any person who commits any unauthorized act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.

    Ordering Information

    Quantity sales: Special discounts are available on quantity purchases by corporations, associations, and others. For details, contact the publisher at the address below.

    Publisher’s Cataloging-in-Publication data

    Persaud, Narayan

    The Nectar of Memories

    ISBN 9781638291114 (Paperback)

    ISBN 9781638291121 (ePub e-book)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2022921809

    First Published 2023

    Austin Macauley Publishers LLC

    40 Wall Street, 33rd Floor, Suite 3302

    New York, NY 10005


    +1 (646) 5125767


    Thanks to my friends for the love, inspiration and encouragement in this book.

    Caresses, expressions of one sort or another are necessary to the life of affections, as leaves are to the life of a tree. If they are wholly restrained, love will die at the roots.

    – Nathaniel Hawthorne

    Author’s Note

    I love writing and have done some poetry since I was a teenager. But never took it seriously until later, when I fell in love, and the emotions flowed. To make her day, I wrote short verses of poetry for her. Later on, when our relationship ended, what started out as writing to entertain my lover, continued as writing to heal myself from a broken spirit. This collection has evolved as a record of the various emotional highs and lows I experienced. The Nectar of Memories is my second collection, following Perceptions of the Heart.

    When I write, I write alone, and when you read, you read independently. In my aloneness, I created stories in my imagination. When you read in your aloneness, I hope you can uncover your own pieces as you try to find my story. I am proud that these poems are not about hate and anger but the exquisite taste and memories of the experience of being in love.

    Readers will gather that there is a common thread that runs through. It is better to have loved and lost than not loved at all. If we fail in love, we should not be angry or feel victimized but be thankful for the blessing of having tasted love. If we cannot be with the one we love, cherish the memories, hold on to them, enjoy them, and live with them. We still walk away with something valuable. A realization that our souls are interconnected not only in this life but also in past and future lives. And that whatever happens in our lives and relationships are part of a flow, a current which we must not go against but allow ourselves to flow with as actors and observers in the drama of life. That life’s events are destined, written by the higher power. Everything is already scripted. The movie of life has already been made and now unveils itself. We can’t change anything, but we can enjoy it.

    Now I am awake as I walk this place

    I wonder, who I am

    from where did I come

    where have I walked before

    and with whom did I journey

    what is my mission

    is this life a message, a punishment, or a gift

    is it a projection of my mind, an illusion or real

    am I the one who chooses, or am I being directed

    is everything that happens here predetermined and written

    or do I choose and write my own path

    Her Cup of Life

    Tiptoeing through the dew drenched

    fields of lonesomeness

    soft footsteps like a young deer

    wandering in its quest to leave the edge of the night

    through the thick blanket of mist

    attracted by the lonesome harp of my heart

    carrying a warm glow in her bosom,

    and a cup of sun offering in her hand

    love passion crossed my cold path

    and grabbed me by the rope of my soul

    In the grey, cold, stillness of daybreak

    while nature exhaled its frosty breath

    as the sun torch an opening through the clouds

    perhaps to steal a glimpse of her bloom

    travelling through the depths of time

    with the grace of an angel,

    love gentle steps came upon me

    She looked down upon my limp body

    then turned to the sun god

    offered her gift from the cup she carried

    then she lowered herself to me

    I can see the mist of her breath

    slow breath she exhaled and I swallowed

    each embedded itself deeper into my core

    and strengthened my belief in the realization

    of my destiny

    as I surrendered my body to her

    and she weaved her web around my mind

    Her spirit like the embers of a fresh fire,

    ignited my soul with zest and great desire

    her soft hands of silk brushed my eyes

    her body she offered as my blanket

    Her touch sent waves of warmth through my body

    a sleepy coziness surrounded me

    Her eyes were deep and mystical, held the magic of many worlds

    Spellbound I saw aspirations and places

    that I had never seen outlined before

    except for in the eyes of my mind

    Our eyes locked each in a tight embrace

    her luminous gaze pierced into my soul,

    intimately penetrating my core with intense divine madness

    her quietness enveloped my energy as I sank in her ocean of calm

    wrapped in the secure fold of her arms

    drawn to the innocence of her devotion

    I surrendered to my strong and subtle inner quest

    and journeyed to the depths of her sweetness

    Her perfumed breath mixed with mine

    every breath inhaled anchored me to my stronger self

    exhalation rid me of my fears and insecurities

    Gently rocking me forward in my future,

    and backwards in time of my childhood

    she looked me straight in the eyes

    And in her eyes I was displaced in a new place

    where I saw my future off-springs

    my past ancestors all in one place she bring

    A million candles lit her face

    her glance filled my heart with anticipation,

    her voice was peaceful music

    Cradling my heart in her hands, my head on her breasts

    with incense on her breath, she offered her being to me

    I became drowsy as I let myself go

    dissolved in her being as she seeped into mine

    I found comfort in the fragrance

    peace and reassurances in her touch

    Lost in the allure of her beautiful mind

    loving her was easy to find

    Cast down the straight and narrow lane of love

    unable to see anything else, I was mesmerized by her charm

    and rested in the endearing of her arms

    like a butterfly sitting on a summers crop

    loving her I could not stop

    Not wanting to leave, I was comfortable in her presence

    Nothing or no one else mattered,

    for she became my world, my love, a new life, a rebirth

    a new enhancement to my senses

    lost like a child in a cosmic world

    this blissful experience of setting my eyes on her

    like watching a river as it merges with its ocean

    the impromptu fusion, inspired in its flow

    catering to all the moods simultaneously

    She became my cup of life, from her I drank my fill

    from her I doused all my fires, all my yearnings

    my fears were conquered, my insecurities dissipated

    as I fed of the nectar from her cup of life

    I recall her tiptoeing through the dew drenched

    fields of lonesomeness

    soft footsteps like a young deer, love passion crossed my cold path

    and grabbed me by the rope of my soul

    the impromptu fusion, inspired in its flow

    catering to all the desires simultaneously

    Her gaze made me feel like her eyes just looked for me

    Our eyes locked each in a tight embrace

    her luminous stare pierced into my soul,

    my essence seeped into and mingled with her

    while my mind retreat to the silence

    my senses became oblivious to the surrounding

    my destiny infinitely tied to hers,

    my life filled with her nectar

    as I nurture the thought that my life and love will materialize

    from a mere dream and stretch into reality

    ***********drop of nectar**********

    If you are lucky to find love, hold on to it with both hands. Put your heart, body and soul into it. Be loyal and be ready to make sacrifices. You see, life, love and happiness has its own challenges. So be ready to face the hurdle. They only serve to add dimension to your life and strengthen your love bond.

    Endless Boundary

    I entered your life abruptly

    my eyes fell on you and I saw

    that which before was only a figment of my imagination

    I saw the world in a new way

    in an instant all thing of the universe reflected light

    all the colors became provocative hue

    as grace abounded from your unearthly elegance

    I held your hand, and felt the caring

    and the warmth of your essence immersed in a spread of love

    though soft and gentle, yet firm and robust

    I looked into your eyes

    and saw the missing pieces of my being

    At night when I lay my head down

    thoughts of you envelope my mind

    and brings restful contentment

    In the mornings when I awake,

    your memories are the first remnants of the night’s dreams

    the first brilliant rays of the morning light

    breaking through the fruiting orchard of my desires

    The warmth of my morning coffee

    reminds me of your touch

    you linger on the rim of my cup

    and eagerly kiss my lips with every sip

    You enter into my world like a divine

    your smile, like soft rustle of the autumn wind,

    brings peace

    Your simplicity bring definition, contentment and purpose

    your spirit, like a beacon shows the path

    through the harsh terrain of life

    you became my companion on this journey,

    you eased my pain and banish my worries

    you lighten my load, released my shame

    fuel my spirit as you sounded my name

    You are the breath on the tune

    of the music that I sing along to

    the drums that shake the fibers of my body

    the flute that calms the seas of my mind

    You became the reward of my living,

    the garden through which I wander

    the blooming wild flower that captivates my eyes

    and their perfume which permeate my breath

    Your tears like innocent snowflakes

    that fall in the dead of a winter’s night

    shimmering as it passes the light of the streetlamp

    your voice like serenity after a winter’s snowfall,

    cold yet warm and secure

    You are the shadows that walk with me on a moonlit night

    the stars that wink and flirt with me from afar

    the memories of childhood and the fantasies of my youth

    You are all that matters, everything in my world

    my endless boundary that I am contained within

    My eyes found you and I saw the world in a new way

    in an instant all thing of the universe reflected light

    and the colors became bright

    even I saw the real colors of myself

    awash in your hue

    ***********drop of nectar**********

    We must remind ourselves that life and love is not only about receiving. It is also about giving. In relationships, we have to learn to give. If both parties give, then logically both will receive, and both will be happy. Focus on giving.

    In the Garden of My Mind

    In the garden of my mind you often sit and spend your time

    sitting on a bench a smile on your face

    fascinated by the songs of the birds

    arms outstretched, inviting the butterflies of our love

    Letting your hair down in the warm sunlight

    strolling lazily through the lush green of my life

    bracing your cheeks to the gentle wind

    as the clouds of our romance sail across the blue sky

    Dipping your feet in the pond of my thoughts

    making ripples across my mind

    playing hide and seek with the frogs that leap

    from the water lilies

    of this endless floating garden of time

    You caress my heart with kind tenderness

    cheer for me with such passion

    you care for me with all earnest

    as you sway to the rhythm of my heart

    In the garden of my mind where you dwell

    your presence nurtures the flowers that bloom

    their perfume emanates only from your breath

    their colors from your gaze

    In the garden of my mind where you reside

    you are the main attraction, the centerpiece,

    the most desirable

    the source of light and energy for all that is there

    I fill you and you fill me and nothing else matters

    Without each other we are nothing

    and when you are not in my thoughts

    I would have died for those brief moments

    for you are my life,

    the other half that makes me whole

    the water that nourishes, the air which sustains

    the thoughts which set me in motion

    the flame that keeps me warm

    you are that which is beautiful within me

    In the garden of my mind

    you often sit and spend your time

    sitting on a bench a smile on your face

    fascinated by the songs of the birds

    arms outstretched

    inviting the butterflies of our love

    ***********drop of nectar**********

    When two people are in true love, space becomes irrelevant. It does not matter if their physical bodies are separated by an ocean or by a mountain range greater than the Himalayan. Because they dwell in each other’s heart, they are always together, no matter the distance in-between.

    You Are

    Who am I

    am I lost or am I finding my way

    what am I doing here

    where have I been and where am I going

    is this an illusion or is it for real

    should I try to figure the answer to these questions

    or will the answers come to me

    I walked into your life and my life dissolved

    my arbitrary identity diffuse, my beliefs reconditioned

    the impure parts of me burnt by your fire

    my dullness rendered irrelevant

    the colors refreshed in your mirror

    you are the one in whose arms I sleep

    and dream the dreams that you dream

    the sleepy gap between waking out of a dream

    and falling back to dream again

    You have been the nourishment for my soul

    the warmth in my hands as I cup my morning coffee

    the anticipation of the first sunlight on a warm spring day

    the moist that comes to the eye at the movies

    You are the smile on my face after a lovely dream

    the lone canary, perched high in the tree

    taunting nature with its song

    distant inviting waves of the ocean,

    mixed with the wind in the palms

    You are the contrast of a cluster of flowers

    in full bloom by the wayside

    confidently holding your head high

    giving of your colors for all to see

    swaying your hips at me

    dancing to the tune of the breeze

    finding a niche in the wild by the sea

    you are the gasp of fresh breath after a deep kiss

    the calm after the love fire has settled

    the tenderness after desire has met content

    the joyful pleasures of rules broken

    You are the serenity of lover’s footprints

    in the fresh snow cut across the open lazy field,

    walking hand in hand

    conversing in silence on a cold frosty morn

    finding warmth in each other’s soul

    You are the shifting sands under my feet

    as the waves break on the shore

    and spreads itself out like a fresh blanket

    caressing my feet and washing away the sand beneath


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