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The Lost Files: The Lost Files, #1
The Lost Files: The Lost Files, #1
The Lost Files: The Lost Files, #1
Ebook73 pages48 minutes

The Lost Files: The Lost Files, #1

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About this ebook

The Lost Files are a collection of stories geared for the teenage audience that can help them find themselves when lost as well as when they are lonely. It is generally FOR ANYONE who has lost their way in the world and is searching to find themselves once more.


Inside this book you will find a collection of 9 stories and 2 poems.


Jacob the Lost Man – who finds himself lost and alone in the world when a stranger walks by and just when Jacob believes himself down on his luck, a life change and challenge takes him beyond what he ever thought possible.


There are many other stories in this collection that will entice and engage the senses as well as being able to help those who need a hand take hold of one.

PublisherWilliam Truax
Release dateApr 23, 2023
The Lost Files: The Lost Files, #1

William L. Truax III

William L. Truax III is a disabled veteran; father and author. 

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    Book preview

    The Lost Files - William L. Truax III

    Jacob the Lost Man

    It was a cold and dreary night in the city, and Jacob wandered aimlessly through the empty streets. He had lost everything that had once given his life meaning - his job, his home, and his relationships. He felt like a shadow of the man he used to be, lost and adrift in the world.

    As he walked, Jacob thought about his life and how he had come to this point. He had always been an industrious worker, but it seemed like no matter how much he tried, he could never catch a break. His relationships had crumbled, and his once-promising career had hit a dead end. He had been left with nothing but his own thoughts and regrets.

    Jacob found himself drawn to a small park on the edge of town. The park was deserted, and he sat on a bench in the dimly lit corner. As he sat there, lost in thought, he noticed an old man walking towards him. The man was dressed in a simple suit and carried a worn leather briefcase.

    Good evening, my son, the old man said as he approached.

    Jacob nodded, unsure of what to say. The old man sat down on the bench next to him, and they sat in silence for a moment.

    You seem lost, the old man said after a while.

    Jacob looked up at him, surprised. How did you know?

    The old man smiled. I've seen it before. Many times. You're searching for something, but you don't know what it is.

    Jacob nodded, feeling a lump form in his throat. Yes. That's exactly it.

    The old man opened his briefcase and pulled out a small book. I have something here that might help you, he said, handing the book to Jacob.

    Jacob opened the book, and inside was a list of destinations - places all over the world that the old man had visited during his long life.

    These are all the places I've been, the old man said. Each one is special in its own way. Maybe one of them will speak to you.

    Jacob flipped through the pages, reading about the ancient ruins of Greece, the bustling streets of Tokyo, and the serene beaches of Bali.

    As he read, Jacob felt a glimmer of hope. There was a place out there for him, a place where he could start over and find meaning again.

    Thank you, Jacob said, handing the book back to the old man. I think this might be just what I need.

    The old man smiled again. It's my pleasure, my son. Just remember, the journey is often more important than the destination.

    With those words, the old man stood up and walked away, disappearing into the darkness.

    Jacob sat on the bench for a while longer, lost in thought. But for the first time in a long time, he felt a sense of purpose. He had a direction to follow, and he was determined to find his place in the world again.

    As he got up and walked away, Jacob felt a sense of gratitude towards the old man. He did not know who he was or where he came from, but he had given him a gift that he would never forget - the gift of hope.

    As Jacob walked back to the city center, he could not help but feel a sense of excitement. He had always dreamed of traveling and exploring unfamiliar places, and now he had a chance to do just that. He felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders, and he was ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead.

    Over the next few days, Jacob poured over the pages of the old man's book, researching the different destinations, and planning his itinerary. He had saved up some money from his previous job, and he knew that he would have to be frugal, but he was determined to make it work.

    Finally, he decided on his first destination - a small village

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