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Bloodline Affairs: Elemental Shifting
Bloodline Affairs: Elemental Shifting
Bloodline Affairs: Elemental Shifting
Ebook247 pages4 hours

Bloodline Affairs: Elemental Shifting

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When Davie Rivalent set out on her travels, she hoped to find the answers she always wanted when she was a child. On the edge of the Burgeon Evolution of the Elementals and Fae, she sought to find her place amongst the rapidly growing species of the realm. Unexpectedly, Davie finds herself pregnant and returns home as she begins to notice unusual aspects of her pregnancy. The clock begins to accelerate on the baby's arrival, throwing Davie into a whirlwind of power surges that she struggles to contain. As Davie begins to fill her worried mother in on recent events, she senses the presence that she's been running from, causing Davie to speculate that maybe she had stumbled into the middle of the lore she had grown up on. One that was turning into more of a nightmare than any bedtime story she remembered.
Release dateJun 22, 2021
Bloodline Affairs: Elemental Shifting

Lilith Kahleen

Lilith Kahleen has always had a pen and notepad nearby, writing everything that would catch her attention. She found passion in all the stories read through her childhood and excelled in her English classes, especially when it came to the short stories. So when life threw her some unforeseen curve balls, she turned back to what comes naturally to her; pouring her heart and soul into the paper. She resides in the Midwest with her family and often refers to her writings as her own (Therapy Session.-NF)

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    Bloodline Affairs - Lilith Kahleen


    Eons ago, when the world lived in a constant state of war, a powerful neophyte creature emerged. Birthed from the elements and indigenous Daemons of the realm. Legend says that this creature had the ability to harness the four main components of the realm; Air, Water, Fire, and Earth.

    Believed with those abilities, this creature was rumored to change physical form. Living in secret among the wildlife was its preferred way of life; watching the destruction and chaos of the indigenous Daemons for thousands of years. Watching, never mingling with those like itself yet, so different.

    Successfully hiding and protecting the wildlife, one Daemon stumbled upon the creature. Witnessing what it was capable of, it grew envious and vowed to, one day, have those abilities for itself.

    The Daemon brought others to learn the creatures’ behaviour. After months of stalking and hunting it, they set out to capture the creature and take it to the facility that they had built to house themselves as they conducted their experiments to learn its secrets.

    The troop set out to capture the object of their darkest desires with ominous glee. Upon their arrival at the creatures den however, they screamed in outrage as the creature they sought, lay at their feet in a state of decay which should have been impossible, for it was alive just a day prior.

    Powerful storms began after that, many of which had leveled countless countries and returned the land to the natural inhabitants, removing almost every single piece of evidence of the Daemons interactions. Weeks later the first of many similar creatures were born, marking a massive change in the Daemon that lived in the realm. Many feared the unknown and just as many embraced it.

    The old Daemon and new Daemon inhabitants of the planet began dividing themselves in an attempt to protect themselves. Wars erupted all over as coexisting became difficult for those who saw these neophyte creatures as threats to their way of life. Families turned on one another and strangers took in one another as long as they shared the same view point. No one is the wiser of them all, because history always repeats itself, but this time, the realm was awoken, causing a cosmic ripple in the universe. Later on these neophyte creatures would don the names of Fae and Elementals for themselves individually and the Transcendental Community that would form shortly after their arrival.

    Chapter 1

    Death comes knocking on everyone’s door and the thought of the more you’re exposed to it, the effects of it will lessen, is nice and all but it’s far from accurate. At least that’s my own two cents for that topic and my experiences with it only solidify my thoughts. Not everyone reacts the same or has the same exposure but the biggest factor is your own personal relationship with those who die. You also never forget the day you find out either; it becomes painfully etched into your memory, haunting you. Most people don’t know the amount of times that death has had an impact on them for the simple fact that counting the times doesn’t do much good, so why bother, right? I thought the same thing, until I actually counted. I learned that death can come in phases oddly enough. To have to watch someone you once loved and adored, transform into something of nightmares, kills off the version of them you loved, leaving yourself to mourn the person they once were while watching the new version, well more like the authentic person they truly are, continues on with their life. That’s a different kind of pain, that’s a hurt that doesn’t get better over time and in my experience it only ever got worse. People normally don’t return from the grave, now that’s not to say that they don’t, but should that happen, those that return are not the same as they once were.

    Lifting my eyes from the rapidly filling notebook, I found my gaze following the passing clouds that were casting myself in shadows as the moon disappeared behind the clouds. Stars twinkled in the indigo sky as a warm breeze shook the leaves from the surrounding trees, dancing with the breeze before falling to the ground. I couldn’t sleep, my mind wasn’t allowing it for some reason and it’s not that I hadn’t tried. So I turned to my almost fool proof system, grabbing my latest notebook and pen. Propping myself up in bed and began to move the ceaseless thoughts to paper, maybe it was the fact that the french doors were letting in unfiltered moon light. I would have to look into some curtains.

    Idly tappin my pen, I stared as the full harvest moon cleared from behind the wispy clouds. Setting my things on the mattress and sliding myself off the edge, I stepped to the tempered glass, listening to the whispers of the world outside. Sorrow filled winds echoed from somewhere in the world, a constant state no matter where I went. What else would you expect when there is irradical fighting and death being dished out? No Justice or peace, just fear and anguish. It was enough to drive the sanest person to the brink of insanity. Sliding my grip over the door handles, seeking out the tiny lock holes on the back and lined my nails over them. Almost effortlessly my nails extended, sliding into the exiguous slits, disengaging the locks as a gust of wind hit the doors, slamming the edges into my face.

    "Damn it,’’ I muttered, rubbing my now tender nose.

    Instantly my temperature rose with my temper, it was an automatic reaction that I was struggling with recently. Thankfully, another burst of cold air hit my face, freezing my rising temps as I focused on getting myself centered once again. Stepping out onto the balcony, the rolling landscape was breathtaking, as it always had been. It’s been some time since I had been here, although it felt like just yesterday I was packing everything I had into a single car. One thing I was taught as a child and perhaps learned a little too well, was to never look back. At least it was easier to do so when I was younger, hell I was too busy running from my life to question that, it made running so much easier. What doesn’t get told are the bonds that form, especially the unintentional ones.

    Shaking that train of thought from the tracks, I exhaled a soul deep sigh, watching the cloud of fog form instantly from it. The little sparks of fire and ice combustions always fascinated me growing up, it was one of my favorite things to ask him to do and he was always more than willing to do so. Now they just remind me of a dark place and time. My muscles bunched, damn it. I scolded myself as the memories tried to flood my mind, I was only getting angrier with each day it seemed and it was wearing on me heavy as of late. I swore to myself that I would never become him, but honestly I feel like I’m not that far off. The surge washed over me like a tsunami as the tears flowed down my face and the pain exploded inwardly in my heart and soul, tearing the wounded cries from my lips in an agonising roar. Backing myself against the house just in time as my legs gave out. Quickly I slid down the walls, each hard jab from the rough outer stone work barely a blip on my radar. The pain tore through me like a rabid dog with a fresh bone, each cry that tore through me was met with a response of vibrations crackling throughout the world around me.

    The thin wispy clouds began to accumulate into dark, thunderous storm clouds that rapidly filled the sky, accompanied with moderate gales. The howls floated on the wind’s tail feathers as the animals seeked shelter. Bolts of lightning jumped horizontally within the clouds, brightening the area. Curling in on myself, my souls tore each other apart, the act becoming uncontrollable anymore. His memory continually haunts me, leaving me no peace, even with his death. Another agonizing rip to my psyche and souls forced a scream so powerful past my lips, I watched the soundwaves push away from me, slamming my head into the wall while the rain became distorted as the sound passed by, punching a hole through the trunk of the giant pine tree some yards away. Lightning began to rapidly fire into the ground, plunging deep into the watery soil, sending out spiderwebs of electricity and ice. The lightning stalked its way closer, taking the form of a creature descending from within the storm clouds. My breathing hitched, causing the ground to shake with each choking cough that overlapped every step of the creatures.

    Bulbs in the light posts down below me began to implode, increasing the darkness while illuminating the creature that follows me everywhere I go. The courtyard and gardens became engulfed by the encroaching darkness as it began to snuff out the exterior lighting of the house as a sound echoed to life, signalling an external malfunction with the house’s wiring set up. Great! If the storm I was creating hadn’t drawn the attention of those in the house, the alarm sure would. Another clap of thunder shook the entirety of the house, running deep into the foundation as it radiated away with each stomp of frustration in me. The urge to up and run mingled with sitting frozen creates an excruciating game of tug a war, with you as the rope.

    The darkness laid at my feet as it crept up the walls around me, reaching into it everytime and grabbed hold for dear life. Pulling it down, I cloaked myself in the embrace, the rhythm of the darkness flared to life, never failing me in my hours of need. To be together yet physically apart, I felt it everywhere I went. Throwing my hands over my ears as the alarm wails mixed hazardously with the screams in the winds like needles in my eardrums. Everyone was now awake in the house, confused and alarmed by the unexpected storm that was growing. Soon they will find that none of their electrical systems will return to proper programming despite all their best efforts, then they just might have the idea to have the storm assessed by the most qualified available.

    Shit, shit, shit! I screamed as a blow hit my psyche once again.

    What’s it like? Let’s imagine it this way shall we, my mind is an accordion that has had its edges fastened together, only to have it ripped open. A pain so intense that the fastest relief comes from physicality; sometimes it’s hysterical crying, throwing things, self harm, ect. Mine started with lighters and rubber bands, snapping my wrists raw or holding a flame in order to burn myself with the metal cap and on my worst mental rips, I started hitting walls and screaming. I hate it with a passion, the throbbing pain that runs temple to temple, signalling the approaching rip has me pressing on the spots with immense force, as if the pressure would prevent it from happening, but a voice in my mind says smashing my head into a wall will help with the pain.

    Oh, then there’s the impulse to dig my nails slowly and deeply into my arms and slice through my skin. The worst part of all though? Feeling the multiple shifts in my mind as it’s being ripped, followed by the cold burn as my mind folds back down on itself. Can you imagine a burn so cold, it produces its own form of heat?

    I had to calm down, yet I was only losing control as my mind burned cold. I hate this, I hate this, I hate this! The thought screamed in agony, amplifying the urge to physically last out, which only started another round of tug of war with my sanity being torn. Of course none of these people know this, otherwise I can guarantee a few of them would look at me differently. For so long I thought I had come to terms with it all and laid it to rest, turns out I only buried it all alive. Oh little Merrowness. Come now. The vocal vibration hit my psyche and souls with a blast of comfort and familiarity. I was on my feet before I realised I had even moved, keeping myself pressed into the rock wall, feeling every cut and scrape as I moved. Are you trying to level the surrounding thousand acres or… the vibration cut off mid sentence as something dropped from the roof. The impetuous landing of the object forced me back and up the walls as the balcony cracked, crumbling the sharp stone edges. Squinting through the sheets of rain I pulled as much focus to my eyes as I could, struggling until my mind shifted bringing Lilliputian strength needed.

    Effortlessly my visions overlapped and locked together, sharpening my focus as the strength spread through my limbs, sending my talons deeper into the polymeric sand in the walls. Lifting myself forward I breathed in deep, hoping to get some clues as to what had just scared the hell out of me. Gathering an air pocket, expanding my lungs as I focussed my mind on what I wanted to do, waiting for my cue to exhale and pushed my air pocket towards the motionless figure. Immediately I sensed an almost non beating heart once my air connected, followed by a smell that hit my nose unexpectedly, accompanied by images of a willow tree and a tiny trickling creek… and there went most of the composure I had managed to regain. My heart rate doubled, quickly approaching tripled, as my nostrils filled with a long, lost scent that has been haunting my memory with no origins. Withdrawing my pocket of air from around the being just a few feet away from me, the urge to run was beginning to take control as I began to slowly stretch towards the awning up above me. I had better chances of completely falling off the side of this house than I did of making it to the roof and into the trees.

    Don’t run Merrowness. The vocal vibrations drew my attention down below me to find a tall figure staring up at me. Why the hell does it keep calling me that?! Frustration built within me once more as I bounced my palms off the rough stones, slowly pulverizing the material. I was beginning to get agitated with myself over the urge to stop running and approach that thing; I couldn’t even tell what it was. It stood on two legs, a good six foot, even hunched over on itself the way it was. How much taller would it be if it were to straighten out? As if it had heard my thoughts, it suddenly straightened, obscuring the few windows that were behind it as it came nearly eye level with myself. The spacious balcony was rapidly becoming cramped, causing me to look down and realise I was a few good feet off the floor. Why did that strike me as odd? Twisting my upper body, I looked above me, the roof about an equal distance. Numbers began to fly through my mind as quickly as they could, searching for the answer. My eyes fell back to the creature across from me and took a slow hard look at it.

    It was alive for sure, its heartbeat strong and quick, as if it were anxious. The scent coming from it was playing with my mind, drawing me towards the nearest chasm of my psyche and souls; maybe it had an origin after all. The storm had calmed around us except for the rate of rainfall, leaving me soaked to my bones with a chill that sliced through my now painted on clothes. Damn it! Now wasn’t the time to become self-conscious about my appearance. Really, what about your lack of clothing then? My own psyche vibrated, drawing my attention back to the thin tank top and shorts I had tossed on before bed. Groaning internally, my head bounced off the stones once again, accompanied by a vibrating purr that slid its way through my mind as a sound resembling a deep growl drew my eyes to the creature. Seems you’ve learned a few new tricks since our last encounter. I know you’re on this balcony, please reveal yourself.

    The vibration sounded once again, a soft glow from the eyes began to illuminate the darkness encasing us, revealing facial features that made my heart stutter as the familiarity of him hit me. I watched with hesitant eyes as one arm extended out, his hand formed with grizzly sized talons and even that didn’t do accurate sizing. As it moved closer to my neck, the talons retracted, reversing to the more secondary state of his hands, stopping just inches from my bare skin. Thunder cracked with the ferocity of boulders being slammed into the earth, sending aftershocks out in ripples, radiating through my body. The biggest issue with natural reverberations and myself, if I’m not anticipating it then I experience the full electrical current that blazes through me, which propelled me right into his touch.

    His eyes shone an iridescent green as my shroud dissipated as his arms locked around my waist, tugging me reluctantly off the walls. An amiable sensation seeped into my skin where ours overlapped, pushing back the coldness in me. I hadn’t been cold out in the storm, not until a warmth began to build between our skins, rapidly reaching a soul soothing temperature that began to transude within myself. Suddenly I felt the freezing winds and rain, causing my muscles to retract painfully, starting the wonderful spasms that now plague me. He stepped backwards, placing his back to the french doors as his shoulders began to flex and roll, extending the coracoid bones that housed the full body length elytras that had been conformed to him. Unfurling the material that instantly made me think of scales, he used them to encase us as he carried my trembling self back inside. When the hell had he picked me up I thought once it dawned on me that my feet weren’t touching the ground. How about when he peeled you out of the corner moments ago? My psyche snapped back.

    Lovely, I thought as my eyes rolled, of course now would be the time I start arguing with myself. A rumbling chuckle against my chest snapped me out of my own mind and back into the world around me. The sound of water dripping onto wood filled my ears as my mind shifted back in time. My visions overlapped, bringing my past and present together, allowing my past to speak to me. Focussing on the past vision, the images clear to reveal a classroom as familiar long forgotten faces materialised around me. I knew these kids from another life, but that didn’t tell me why I was seeing it now. A paper wad bounces off my desk, making me jump and lift my eyes from the test, scanning the room for who threw it at me. Across the room the same green iridescent eyes flashed to the surface as a warm sensation flooded my system at the caress of the vibration that circled my thoughts as they danced to the music playing in my ears. Tears filled my eyes once more as the double vision faded down to one while the memories stayed present in my mind.

    While the green iridescent eyes were the same, I couldn’t understand how they were here now as the faces housing them from back then and now were not the same. I knew the guy from back then and would trade just about anything to have him present as opposed to this stranger. I promise, I’m making my way back to you. The vibration came slowly, almost cautiously through my mind. There was something odd about that comment that pulled me away from him, the embrace breaking instantly on my movement, stepping away slowly into an empty room.

    Dropping the wet clothes down onto the floor and drying off, I snagged a new set of shorts and shirt before returning to my bed. Placing the smoke between my lips, I watched the flame erupt from a fingertip before inhaling, creating a slow burn through the herb that released a pleasing aroma. Closing my fist on the flame, it ate at my flesh until it ran out of oxygen. Slowly my fingers uncurled, showing a partially red palm with no real signs of the flame that was just feeding. An issue for another day I told myself as I took a long hit and held the smoke within my lungs and plucked my notebook

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