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Transformed: Breaking Free from the Thoughts and Words that Bind You
Transformed: Breaking Free from the Thoughts and Words that Bind You
Transformed: Breaking Free from the Thoughts and Words that Bind You
Ebook132 pages2 hours

Transformed: Breaking Free from the Thoughts and Words that Bind You

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The power of thoughts and words—and how they affect our lives.

Our thoughts are frequencies that have the ability to transform our lives in powerful ways. Transformed reveals the potential inside each one of us for greatness, and how we can create a life of personal power and fulfillment. It shares the science and spiritual truths behind our creative words and thoughts, and how we can use them, to break the cycle of destructive thought patterns! With Transformed you will:

Discover the power to be intentional and creative with your thoughts and words.

Become more aware of the spiritual laws of the universe and how to tap into those laws and allow them to work for you rather than against you.

Be the master of your thoughts and intentions by learning to give your brain the right programs until they become automatic responses.

Become more empowered and then help empower others, as you begin to experience firsthand the connection between your thoughts and your reality.

Realize the true power you possess to create a life you love. As your thoughts begin to transform, they will create joyful moments that become joyful days, weeks, months, and years. In turn, you too, will experience a “Transformed life of Joy.”
Release dateAug 31, 2022
Transformed: Breaking Free from the Thoughts and Words that Bind You

Valerie Sumter

Valerie Sumter is from the Pacific Northwest, but has lived and traveled throughout the United States. Coming from an abusive background caused her to develop a victim mentality in her younger life, so she knows the pain of that negative mindset and the destructive patterns it can create. Valerie now works as a life coach and facilitator to teach others the techniques and principles that keep her on a successful path.

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    Transformed - Valerie Sumter


    Breaking Free from the Thoughts and Words that Bind You

    Compiled by Valerie Sumter

    All Rights Reserved.

    Copyright © 2022 Valerie Sumter


    The opinions expressed in this manuscript are solely the opinions of the author and do not represent the opinions or thoughts of the publisher. The author has represented and warranted full ownership and/or legal right to publish all the materials in this book.

    This book may not be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in whole or in part by any means, including graphic, electronic, or mechanical without the express written consent of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Outskirts Press, Inc.

    ISBN: 978-1-9772-5822-9

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021921870

    Cover Photo © 2022 Valerie Sumter. All rights reserved - used with permission.

    Outskirts Press and the OP logo are trademarks belonging to Outskirts Press, Inc.


    Book Dedication

    I dedicate this book to my children:

    Travail, Kriste Gail, and Jazmyne Rose,

    who have each made me a better person than I would have ever been on my own. I love you all so very much. You inspire me everyday with your unique gifts.

    A special thanks to Gayle Hemmann

    who brainstormed with me, to help create the title for this book.

    My heartfelt thanks to Suzy Skegrud along with Perry Rouse

    who helped me edit and encouraged me to keep writing when I felt like giving up.

    Thank you to all my friends, family and mentors who have sown

    into my life to help me develop the fruit of faith and perseverance, that has transformed my life.

    Table of Contents

    1: Invisible Laws

    2: Awareness

    3: Let the Transformation Begin

    4: The Power of Words

    5: The Joy of Receiving

    6: Visualization

    7: Discernment

    8: Standards

    9: Gratitude… a Higher Altitude

    10: Desire to Inspire

    11: Impact

    Conclusion: From Here to There


    Invisible Laws

    Have you ever wished that you could change a situation in your life? I know I have. In fact, when I was a child, Bewitched was one of my favorite TV shows. Some of you may remember this show from the sixties when Samantha would wiggle her nose and she could immediately transform things and situations. Back then, I thought, Wow! What if I had that power? That would be the ideal life! Well…we all know that it was TV and Hollywood, where you can pretend anything, right?

    But what if we really could transform things? What if we had the power to be a transformer in life? Not like the toy transformers or using magic, but a pure, genuine power that we could all experience. It may sound too good to be true, but we really do have this amazing creative power! The hard part for us is becoming aware of it, believing it, and acting on it in faith.

    In quantum physics, scientists have determined that the law of possibility surrounds us at all times. In laboratories they have discovered that an electron exists as a wave of energy until it is observed. Once it is observed, it collapses into a particle of matter. Observing and focusing on it actually changes the wave of invisible potential into a particle of visible reality. It is literally taking what is in the unseen realm and bringing it into the visible realm. So what we focus on can create endless possibilities. We all experience this law working for us or against us, by what we believe and by what we put our intention on, moment by moment.

    There are many other invisible laws at work in our lives such as the law of gravity. While it is true that we can’t see the invisible force of gravity with our eyes, we can definitely see this power at work when we throw a ball in the air and watch as it falls to the ground. We all know the powerful law of gravity keeps us on Planet Earth, and this is a good thing. However, it can also work against us if we drop something heavy and that object lands on our foot. Of course, gravity wasn’t out to get us when our foot got hurt; it was just fulfilling its purpose so to speak, and our foot got caught in the process. Electricity, too, is an invisible energy or frequency we can’t see, but we all know what happens if we touch it! (No placebo effect there!) Yet it provides us with great light and energy that we use daily.

    Another example of an invisible law at work is the law of sowing and reaping. Like other universal laws and energies, it doesn’t take our believing in it to prove its existence. We don’t have to believe that we will reap what we sow in life, but even the gardens that we plant demonstrate this law. When we sow a seed into the ground, the creative law that is within the soil will begin to produce life within that seed, and when we give it our attention by watering the seed, and give it light, it will grow. And soon we will reap a harvest of what was sown. While the seed is in the ground, we cannot see any signs of life at first. However, given time and attention, before we know it here comes the sprout, the blade, and as it continues to grow into a mature plant, we can see the full manifestation of the type of seed that was sown. The law of sowing and reaping is true in our own personal lives as well; we will eventually reap a harvest from the type of seeds we are sowing. For instance, if we sow love and nurture it, we will reap a harvest of love in our life. The same is true if we sow and nurture selfishness, judgements, or constant anger; we will experience that in our lives as well. It’s like we go through our daily lives with a bag of seeds that we are sowing all day long, even when we are not aware. Whether we are aware of it or not, those seeds will grow and manifest through our relationships and circumstances. We can try to blame everyone else for our unwanted harvests or the consequences of what we sowed, but until we choose the right seed package that will produce a healthy harvest, we will keep reaping what we don’t want. These laws are not just manifesting on a personal level; they are also manifesting on a global level.

    Again, don’t be fooled, this process may be invisible for a while, as we do not always see the immediate results of what we are sowing, just like in our gardens, but the sowing and reaping law itself must produce from what is sown. When we know and understand this law, it can help us choose to plant good seeds into our lives that will bring us a harvest of what we want to experience. This is how our Creator so kindly gives us the ability to be co-creators, yet this powerful gift we have all been given can easily be misused.

    The interesting thing about all of these invisible laws is that they are impartial. In other words, they are at work in our lives whether we are good or bad, right or wrong, rich or poor, black or white. It doesn’t even matter if we believe the laws to be true; they are still going to affect all of us. Which brings me to one of the most powerful, invisible, creative forces that we all possess …our thoughts. Thoughts have an invisible energy and force that we don’t see with the naked eye, yet they have a powerful effect, not only on us, but on those around us as well. Newer Science has proven that our thoughts actually create frequency waves.

    The strength of that frequency is determined by how long we stay focused on recurring thoughts, and the emotions they produce. When we either consciously or subconsciously give strong agreement with those thoughts, we give them the power to manifest in our physical world. Many of the dominant thoughts we entertain (approximately 95 percent) are coming from the subconscious portion of our brain where beliefs are formed and the memories that are attached to those beliefs reside. Most of the time we are not even conscious of why we are thinking and believing a certain way. This includes what we believe about ourselves, about life, our relationships, society, and our purpose. The truth is, we have all been programmed whether we want to believe it or not. So how did these programs and beliefs get formed in us? Let’s go back to the day we were born and arrived home from the hospital. From that first day of life, we began receiving information and messages from all those around us: our parents, siblings, teachers, the media, and even society as a whole.

    Some of the messages we received were good and supportive, and some were destructive. Either way, the subconscious part of the brain that stores information went to work filing those messages that were repeated the most for future use. According to Dr. Bruce Lipton (The Biology of Belief, 2009), a child’s brain activity has a lower vibrational frequency called Theta, which is seen in connection with creativity. This is why children can fantasize and play make- believe so easily.

    Children are in this Theta frequency from birth until about seven years of age. Their little minds are busy recording everything around them so that they will know what is expected of them and how to get along in society. The interesting thing about the subconscious mind is that, just like invisible laws, it too is impartial. Even though the function of the subconscious mind is to record the information and messages it receives, it doesn’t know if the information is true or false, right or wrong. It just does what it was created to do: store the most dominant messages for future use.

    This brain function is wonderful and useful while we are maturing, because it keeps us from having to relearn the same information. Those repeated messages and learned behaviors then become permanently filed away much like the default program on our computers. As we grow, those dominant messages that are stored now get played back in our minds over and over again throughout the day. In fact, scientists say that on average we have 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. Of those thoughts, about 80 percent are negative and 95 percent are exactly the same repetitive thoughts as the day before.

    Again, each time we come into agreement with a thought, it becomes more fixed in the subconscious mind. The emotions generated from our thoughts are what create frequency brain waves. The speed of brain-wave frequencies are measured in Hertz cycles

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