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All Manner of Prayer: Declaring War Against the Wiles of the Devil
All Manner of Prayer: Declaring War Against the Wiles of the Devil
All Manner of Prayer: Declaring War Against the Wiles of the Devil
Ebook292 pages3 hours

All Manner of Prayer: Declaring War Against the Wiles of the Devil

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All Manner of Prayer teaches you how to declare war against the wiles of the devil. The major reason some Believers live mediocre lives is that their spiritual eyes are covered by Satan. Is it not in the book of Hosea that the Bible says, “my people perish for lack of knowledge”? No wonder that, in the first chapter of the book of Ephesians, Paul made a very crucial statement, which was more of a prayer than advice; that God should give us the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. He went further to pray that our eyes of understanding may be enlightened. Why? Because so long as the cloak of darkness hovering over you is not unveiled, the truth or rather mysteries embedded in the Word of God would not be of use to you. The spiritual eyes that are covered cannot appreciate the fact that Satan has a network of coordinated and highly disciplined “disciples” who are empowered to wage deadly attacks on Believers and the promises of God for them. The intent is to either delay or, if they can, completely abort those wonderful promises from God. Believing that Satan does not exist or that Satan is powerless is the greatest deceit of all times. It’s also a sign that you, like many others, are still operating in the dark. This book teaches you how to pray the deliverance kind of prayer and remove the veil and the shackles Satan has put upon your spiritual eyes, preparing you, therefore, to enter the realm of the supernatural with the authority of God to disarm principalities and powers that are lording over your blessings. It is a no-nonsense, no-apologies, power-packed piece of warfare material intended to inflict maximum damage on the enemies sitting on your glory. 
Release dateOct 25, 2022
All Manner of Prayer: Declaring War Against the Wiles of the Devil

Jerry Udoh

Dr. Jerry Udoh, a Certified Public Accountant and a CEO of many businesses, is an accomplished Christian author who has written many books that have given hope and inspiration to many. He is an apostolic and prophetic minister and is currently the founder and the Senior Pastor of Gilgal Christian Center headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina. He is also the President of Gilgal Ministry International, a global non-profit Christian organization devoted to reaching the four corners of the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ by bringing assistance to the less privileged and setting the captives free through the power of intervening prayer. He is the executive producer of Breaking Bread, Moving Mountain Prayers, Upper Room, and Gilgal International Productions TV programs that air on various internet platforms. 

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    All Manner of Prayer - Jerry Udoh

    All Manner of Prayer

    Declaring War Against the Wiles of the Devil

    All Rights Reserved.

    Copyright © 2023 Jerry Udoh, Ph.D


    The opinions expressed in this manuscript are solely the opinions of the author and do not represent the opinions or thoughts of the publisher. The author has represented and warranted full ownership and/or legal right to publish all the materials in this book.

    This book may not be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in whole or in part by any means, including graphic, electronic, or mechanical without the express written consent of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Outskirts Press, Inc.

    ISBN: 978-1-9772-5976-9

    Cover Photo © 2023 All rights reserved - used with permission.

    Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version. All emphasis within Scripture quotations is the author’s own. All definitions are taken from Please note that Gilgal Ministry International Productions’ publishing style capitalizes certain pronouns in Scripture that refers to the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, and may differ from some publishers’ styles.

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    I dedicate this book to the Holy Spirit, my guide, teacher, the source of my inspiration, and the one that makes this book possible.

    I also dedicate this writing to my wife, my First Lady and my Partner, Aniema E. Udoh, and our four precious children - Inyene, Nsikan, Ifiok and Andikan.


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    Table of Contents


    Section A: Prayers For Power and Authority

    Chapter 1: Prayer For a Closer Walk with The Lord

    Chapter 2: Praying for Divine Empowerment

    Chapter 3: Invoking The Lion of the Tribe of Judah

    Chapter 4: Prayers For Empowerment Based on the Blood of Jesus Christ

    Chapter 5: Prayer Using the Power in the Word of God

    Chapter 6: Prayers Using the Power of The Cross

    Chapter 7: Prayers Using the Resurrection Power of Our Lord Jesus Christ

    Chapter 8: Prayers Using the Power of Ascension

    Chapter 9: I Erect the Staff of Moses

    Chapter 10: Prayers for the Power and Spirit of Daniel

    Chapter 11: Prayers for the Power and Spirit of David

    Chapter 12: Prayers For the Power and Spirit of Moses

    Chapter 13: Prayers For the Power and Spirit of Elijah

    Chapter 14: Prayers For the Power and Spirit of Elisha

    Section B: Praying The Passion of Christ

    Chapter 15: Praying against the Crown of Thorns

    Chapter 16: Praying For a Simon of Cyrene

    Chapter 17: Praying Against the Bitter Wine

    Chapter 18: Praying For the Blood and Water

    Chapter 19: Praying Against the Garment of Mockery Upon Christ

    Chapter 20: Praying Against wicked Nails upon the Hands and Legs of Jesus Christ

    Chapter 21: Praying Against the Whip of Crucifixion

    Section C: Prayers Against Specific Demon Spirits

    Chapter 22: Prayers Against Demon spirits of perversion and whoredom

    Chapter 23: Prayers Against the Spirit of Divination & Witchcraft

    Chapter 24: Deliverance Prayers Against the Spirit of Witchcraft

    Chapter 25: Prayers Against Demon Spirit of Bondage and Captivity

    Chapter 26: Prayers Against the Demon Spirit of Poverty

    Chapter 27: Prayers Against the Demons of Familiar Spirits

    Chapter 28: Prayers Against the Demon Spirit of Infirmity and Death

    Section D: Prayers Against the Spirits Behind Specific Evil Personalities

    Chapter 29: Waring Against the Spirit of Jezebel

    Chapter 30: War Against the Spirit of Herod

    Chapter 31: Prayers Against the Spirit of Pharaoh

    Chapter 32: Prayers Against the Spirit of Saul

    Chapter 33: Prayers Against the Spirit of Haman

    Chapter 34: Prayers Against the Spirit of Laban

    Chapter 35: Prayers against the Spirit of Ichabod

    Section E: Prayers to Disconnect from the Past Deeds and Foundation

    Chapter 36: Deliverance Prayers to Disconnect from the Past

    Chapter 37: Deliverance Prayers Targeting Your Foundation

    Chapter 38: Deliverance Prayers Against Satanic Curses and Covenants

    Chapter 39: Deliverance Prayers Against Satanic Altars

    Chapter 40: Deliverance Prayers Against Demonic Spiritual Marriage

    Chapter 41: Deliverance Prayers Against Satanic Soul Ties

    Section F: Prayers Against Satanic Embargos

    Chapter 42: Prayers Against Satanic Embargoes (Day One)

    Chapter 43: Prayers Against Satanic Embargoes (Day Two)

    Chapter 44: Prayers Against Satanic Embargoes (Day Three)

    Chapter 45: Prayers Against Satanic Embargoes (Day Four)

    Chapter 46: Prayers Against Satanic Embargoes (Day Five)

    Chapter 47: Prayers Against Satanic Embargoes (Day Six)

    Section G: Prayers Against the Rage and Tumult of Your Enemies

    Chapter 48: Where Are My Accusers?

    Chapter 49: It Shall Not Stand Neither Come to Pass

    Chapter 50: Prayers Against Evil Wisemen

    Chapter 51: Prayers Against the Rage and Tumult of the Enemies

    Chapter 52: The Prayers of King Jehoshaphat

    Chapter 53: The Prayers of King Asa

    Chapter 54: Jonah, Get Out!

    Chapter 55: Every Uzziah in My Life, Die!

    Chapter 56: Prayers Against a Jacob State (Oh God, Command Deliverances on Me!)

    Section H: Prayers Deploying the Weapons of God’s indignation

    Chapter 57: Praying For the Weapons of God’s Indignation

    Chapter 58: Prayers Against Evil Market Transactions

    Chapter 59: Praying For the Chariots of Fire of the Lord

    Chapter 60: Calling For God’s Instruments of Destruction

    Section I: Prayers For Divine Open Doors

    Chapter 61: Prayers to Activate the Light and Glory of God

    Chapter 62: God, My Protocols Breaker!

    Chapter 63: Prayers to Attract Strategic Destiny Helpers

    Chapter 64: Prayers To Pursue, Overtake and Recover All

    Chapter 65: I Refuse to Bow to Poverty

    Chapter 66: Shake off Into the Fire

    Chapter 67: Prayers Using the Whip of Cords

    Chapter 68: Prayers Against the Power of the Grave

    Chapter 69: Prayers For Continual Open Gates

    Chapter 70: Prayers to Invoke the Chief Corner Stone

    Chapter 71: I am Immovable and Unstoppable

    Chapter 72: Prayers Against the Wisdom of My Enemies

    Chapter 73: Invoking The Names of God


    THE MODE OF prayer, the style of prayer, the time for prayer and the efficacy of prayer are commonly misunderstood principles in the Body of Christ. These principles may be applied differently depending on the purpose for your prayer, which could be praise and thanksgiving, supplication, or warfare. Some do supplication when they are supposed to do warfare. Some warfare at a wrong hour. A prayer that would dislodge satanic powers is a warfare one. In warfare, you step into the supernatural to wage war against Satan and his agents to release your promises that have been withheld. Waging war means exercising your authority in the name of Jesus Christ. Satan only obeys command, and when issued through the Power in the Name of Jesus, it becomes even more effective. That is why Jesus commanded, get behind me Satan. And the Angel of God exclaimed, the Lord rebukes you, Satan. It takes revelation to know what to do and at what time.

    The major reason some Believers live mediocre lives is that their spiritual eyes are covered by Satan. Is it not in the book of Hosea that the Bible says, my people perish for lack of knowledge? No wonder that in the first chapter of the book of Ephesians, Paul made a very crucial statement, which was more of a prayer than advice; that God should give us the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. He went further to pray that our eyes of understanding may be enlightened. Why? Because so long as the cloak of darkness hovering over you is not unveiled, the truth or rather mysteries embedded in the Word of God would not be of use to you. In the Book of Isaiah chapter sixty, the Bible confirms that darkness covers the earth and thick darkness the people. This is the fact of life. Satan is the ruler of the darkness of this world. Satan personifies darkness, and this darkness hinders the light of God from bringing revelations of truth to people as to make the promises of God to be of use to them.

    The spiritual eyes that are covered cannot appreciate the fact that Satan has a network of coordinated and highly disciplined disciples who are empowered to wage deadly attacks on Believers and the promises of God for them. The intent is to either delay, or if they can, completely abort those wonderful promises from God. Believing that Satan does not exist or that Satan is powerless is the greatest deceit of all times. It’s also a sign that you, like many others, are still operating in the dark. The revelation most importantly, would also give you a glimpse of the power of God in your life and the authority you have as a child of God. If you can balance these two scenarios, what would happen next is that you would have a better understanding of where to go in the Word of God to pick Words you can apply to your situation to generate the desired effects.

    This book teaches you how to pray the deliverance kind of prayer and remove the veil and the shackles Satan has put upon your spiritual eyes, preparing you therefore to enter the realm of the supernatural with authority of God to disarm principalities and powers that are lording over your blessings. It is a no-nonsense, no-apologies, power-packed piece of warfare material intended to inflict maximum damage on the enemies seating on your glory.

    War victoriously, in Jesus Mighty Name!

    Dr. Jerry Udoh

    Section A

    Prayers For Power and Authority

    MUCH IS NOT known nor appreciated by many Christians about the power that works in them through the Holy Spirit. Just because one is a Minister does not make his or her ministry effective. Just because one knows the principles of the Word does not make his or her counseling effective. Just because one is a dynamic or charismatic prayer warrior does not make his or her ministry effective. Education, knowledge, and experience are important, but none of these make one’s ministry effective in the kingdom. Human wisdom cannot heal emotional wounds. Human knowledge cannot set free those who are spiritually bound. Traditions and church rituals can’t cast out a demon spirit. Human whit cannot restore those who have emotional bruises. However, the power in you through the Holy Spirit can heal all those who have been oppressed of the devil.

    Anointing reinforces that presence of God in you. It reinforces that authority of God upon your life. It’s what disarms your adversaries and breaks satanic bondages off your neck:

    And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing (Isaiah 10:27).

    The door to the anointing is open to all Believers, male and female, both young and old. Knowing this therefore, you will not rush to be laid hands on every time you encounter situations in your life. Micah declares in the book of Micah 3:8,

    But truly I am full of power by the Spirit of the Lord, and of judgment, and of might, to declare unto Jacob his transgression, and to Israel his sin.

    Chapter 1

    Prayer For a Closer Walk with The Lord

    Psalm 51, 18, 121, 110, 91

    O Lord, forgive me where I have rebelled against your Spirit in Jesus’ name.

    O Lord, restore me to fellowship with you in Jesus’ name.

    Holy Ghost, fill me with your fire of revival in Jesus’ name.

    I challenge every stronghold of sin in my life with the fire of the Holy Ghost in Jesus’ name.

    Fire of God, burn to ashes every altar of sin and idolatry in my life in the name of Jesus.

    Anything in my life that will grieve the Holy Spirit, depart now in the name of Jesus.

    Any besetting sin hindering the move of the Holy Spirit in my life, be washed away by the blood of Jesus.

    Let the voice of God thunder against all the enemies of my salvation in Jesus’ name.

    Let the voice of the Holy Spirit speak destruction unto every darkness in my life in Jesus’ name.

    I arise out of darkness into light by the power of the Holy Ghost in Jesus’ name.

    I arise out of weakness into strength by the anointing of the Holy Ghost in Jesus’ name.

    Holy Spirit, incubate my life in Jesus’ name.

    Fire of God, burn in my altar in the name of Jesus (Pray out 100 times).

    Fire of God, saturate all my body organs (21 times).

    My life receive fire, become fire, in the Name of Jesus (21 times).

    Any satanic deposits in my life resisting the power of God in my life, burn to ashes, in Jesus name.

    Every plantation of darkness in my life, die now by fire, in Jesus Name.

    Evil attachment in my life, melt now by the power of God, in Jesus Name.

    Evil deposits in my life resisting the power of God, melt now by the power of God, in Jesus’ name.

    My glory arise; shine, in Jesus Name (21 times).

    Oh Lord, let the power of the Spirit of God move unhindered in my life in Jesus Name.

    By the power of the Spirit of God, let every bondage in my life break, in Jesus Name.

    By the power in the Blood of Jesus, let every burden in my life be removed, in Jesus Name.

    O Lord, let your gift of discernment begin to manifest in my life in a powerful new way in Jesus’ name.

    O Lord, break me, remold me and fill me with your power for exploits in Jesus’ name.

    Father Lord, help me to live a clean and holy life before you in Jesus’ name.

    Father, help me to be addicted to your Word every day in Jesus’ name.

    Father, create a thirst and hunger in my soul for the deep things of God in Jesus’ name.

    O Lord, inflame my heart with a love and passion for you in Jesus’ name.

    O Lord, give me physical and spiritual stamina to arise each day and do exploits for your kingdom in Jesus’ name.

    Lord, help me to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit clearly in Jesus’ name.

    Father, open my spiritual eyes to see your glory in Jesus’ name.

    Chapter 2

    Praying for Divine Empowerment

    Isaiah 10: 27; Romans 8:11; Zechariah 4:6-7

    I receive a touch and die anointing now, in Jesus Name.

    By this anointing, I command:

    Every satanic weapon against me, backfire to your senders, in Jesus’ name.

    Every evil hand that stretches against me, wither and die, in Jesus’ name

    I receive the anointing of a King now, in Jesus Name.

    By this anointing, let:

    Every word I speak come out with power and authority, in Jesus’ name.

    Every word I speak be established against the enemies, in Jesus’ name.

    Satanic agents obey as I command, in Jesus’ name.

    I receive the anointing for fame now, in Jesus Name.

    By this anointing, let:

    My territory be expanded, in Jesus’ name.

    God push me to the top, in Jesus’ name.

    Promotion come upon me suddenly, in Jesus’ name.

    The light of God come upon me that will translate me from obscurity into limelight, in Jesus’ name.

    My divine connectors be attracted to me for promotion, in Jesus’ name.

    I receive the anointing to overtake now, In Jesus Name.

    By this anointing, I receive the power to:

    Come out of the pit of Satan, in Jesus’ name.

    Make meaningful progress in life, in Jesus’ name.

    Overtake my enemies, friends, and contemporaries, in Jesus’s name.

    I receive the anointing for service now, in Jesus Name.

    I receive the anointing for compassion now, in Jesus Name.

    Let the power of the cross rest on me now, in Jesus’ name.

    Let the power of the cross disarm principalities in my life, in Jesus’ name.

    Let the power of the cross break chains and shackles hindering my destiny, in Jesus name.

    By the power of the cross, I command:

    Anything good in my life that has been destroyed by the enemy, receive life by fire, in Jesus’ name.

    My marriage, receive life, in Jesus’ name.

    My finances, receive life, in Jesus’ name.

    My body organs, receive life, in Jesus’ name.

    Let the power that raised Jesus from death engulfs me now, in Jesus Name.

    By the power of resurrection, I command every dead situation in my life to receive life, in Jesus’ name.

    By the power of resurrection, I command all my dead virtues to receive life Now, in Jesus’ name.

    By the Power of resurrection, I command my dead body organs to

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