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The Power of Pantyhose
The Power of Pantyhose
The Power of Pantyhose
Ebook44 pages43 minutes

The Power of Pantyhose

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During their routine girls night, Jackie admits to her friend Emily that the heat has died down in the bedroom between her and her husband Mark. After a little interrogation, Emily hints that Mark may be hiding a fetish for pantyhose and feet, and encourages Jackie to have fun with it. After diving into a world she never knew about, the once sexually shy woman becomes a powerful seductress and vows to tease her husband mercilessly until breaks down and admits his secret. And in the meantime, she has a little fun with Emily.

PublisherJ.T. Peters
Release dateApr 20, 2023
The Power of Pantyhose

J.T. Peters

J.T. Peters is the naughty alter ego of an established writer. He wanted an outlet for his erotic writings, and wanted to contribute to an area of the fetish world that seemed to be lacking in erotic material that satisfied his particular tastes. As a foot and pantyhose fetishist himself who is in a healthy and wonderful relationship with his wife of many years, he wants to share his stories with like-minded folks.

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    The Power of Pantyhose - J.T. Peters

    The Power of Pantyhose

    J.T. Peters

    Copyright 2023 J.T. Peters

    All Rights Reserved

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author

    No portion of this publication may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of the author.

    Author's Note

    All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.

    It took a second glass of cabernet for Jackie to finally admit to Emily just exactly what was weighing on her. She let out a sigh and sank backwards into the soft couch, absently brushing a whisp of light brown hair from her face. I'm not even sure what the actual problem is, she said, looking at her nearly empty wine goblet. "It just feels like he's… I don't want to say hiding something, but… maybe keeping something from me. Does that make sense?" She glanced over at her best friend.

    I think so, Emily said, studying her while slowly swirling the remnants of her own wine. What's making you think that, though?

    Well, we… We used to have a really good sex life, Jackie answered, feeling slightly self-conscious talking about it, even though Emily was one of her closest friends. Sex wasn't something she talked about with anyone, ever. "But it seems like lately he's… I mean, he still… performs. It just… It almost feels like he's doing it… I don't know, half-heartedly I guess."

    When did it start? Was it like a sudden change, or did it happen gradually?

    It seems pretty sudden, Jackie said, taking a moment to think about it. Maybe a couple of months ago.

    Hm, Emily said, furrowing her brow and narrowing her dark eyes in thought. Wasn't that when you switched jobs?

    Jackie paused to think about it. Well, yeah, but I don't see what that would have to do with anything.

    Did anything else change around that time? What changed with the new job?

    I don't know. I get home a little earlier. I don't have to dress up anymore. That's it, really.

    Hmm, Emily said, interrupting Jackie's thoughts.


    How do you dress now as opposed to then?

    Oh. Well, for the law firm job I had be professionally dressed. Now I can be a little more casual. She looked at her friend inquiringly. Do you think that's it?

    Maybe. Maybe something more. What's the makeup situation like?

    I still wear it, although some days a little less.

    Showing less cleavage?

    Jackie laughed. I wasn't showing that much at the other job. Too self-conscious. Besides, Mark isn't much of a boob guy.

    What kind of a guy is he?

    A leg guy I guess…? The wheels started slowly turning in Jackie's mind, producing things she hadn't really considered before. But Emily beat her to the punch in voicing them.

    So are you showing less leg with your new dress code?

    Yeah… Yeah, I am. I get to wear pants, sometimes even jeans, a lot more than I used to.

    Hmm… Emily said, a slight smirk stretching one corner of her mouth.

    "That can't be it,

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