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The Little Red Devils
The Little Red Devils
The Little Red Devils
Ebook276 pages4 hours

The Little Red Devils

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This story is about a journey in life, the life of a middle-class English woman called Josette Bennett, who is taken a long way out of her comfort zone. She has learned to work hard, and trusts nobody but herself …until now. Although she runs her own business, a language school for foreign children with centres in different parts of the UK, she is not rich. She lives in her lovely house on her own, and has always had to fend for herself. She is totally focused on her business, working long hours. She has had men in her life, but nobody who every really set her on fire. Each year is spent in planning lessons, and travelling, mostly in France, from one company to another, to secure contracts from large companies. In January of each year, there were the seminars, moving from one part of the country to the other, holding meetings and answering questions. If truth be told, she was becoming to feel very jaded. She had been doing this now for 30 years, and although the youngsters were very enthusiastic in the earlier years, nowadays all they wanted to do was to come to England to fool around. They didn’t want to learn English! All her visits to France were in the cold Winter months.
In the story, it is January. On a whim, she decides to go to Paris on the train, as it was nearly her birthday, and she deserved a few days off. She knew the journey up to Paris would be long, but she would be able to watch the beautiful scenery and relax.
She boards the train in Pau, and sometime later, the train crashes. The carriage is plunged into darkness, and partially topples over. Passengers from parts of the train behind her, fight to get into the carriage to rescue as many people as they can. In this dark awful place, as she is shuffling backwards on her knees, she looks over her shoulder, to be met by the most piercing blue eyes she has ever seen, and at that moment, she falls hopelessly, helplessly in love.
From that day forward, her life becomes entwined with that of Maximillian, the Duc de Beauchamp, a billionaire who has his own pharmaceutical company based in Marseille, but who lives in Monaco. When they go their separate ways, they are unable to concentrate on their own work, as they are each obsessed with the other. In a very short space of time, she blindly goes to live with Max and eventually marries him. She is introduced to a life of luxury she could never have hoped for or imagined. Max has a beautiful home, a wonderful yacht, a plane, and helicopter. He also owns properties in Paris, Megeve, and other countries as investments. Although their life is fraught with accidents and attempts on their lives, bombs planted on their yacht and at the laboratory, they are protected by security officers, who are with them every inch of the way.
Each of them is abducted by two of the shadowy people in the background of Max’s life. However, they love one another deeply, and nothing can keep them apart. They are soul mates destined to be together forever. Who knows what lies ahead for them in their lives?
Novel written by Felice Dupont Email:
Release dateApr 11, 2023
The Little Red Devils

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    The Little Red Devils - Felice Dupont

    © 2023 Felice Dupont. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 04/11/2023

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-8190-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-8191-7 (e)

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    Chapter 1     The Journey

    Chapter 2     A Trip to Nice

    A Special Weekend

    The Right Decision

    Time For A Change

    The Yacht

    Chapter 3     The Union

    Le Manoir

    The Charity Ball

    Wedding Plans

    My Family

    The Explanation

    The Return

    Chapter 4     Paris

    Saturday Night

    Three Weeks To Go

    Chapter 5     My Special Saturday

    Rehearsal Day

    My Wedding Day

    The Honeymoon

    Le Vignoble

    Life From Now On

    Le Club

    La Maison Blanche

    Le Manoir

    Chapter 6     Amber


    A New Trip

    Fears Dispelled

    The Discussion

    A New Trip II

    The Aegean Sea

    Return To Monaco

    Chapter 7     Marseille

    The Aftermath

    Life Goes On

    The Reunion

    The Next Day

    Le Vignoble

    Le Club

    Chapter 8     The Cannes Film Festival

    Arrival In Cannes

    The First Day

    The Second Day

    The Last Day

    Chapter 9     Max

    A Successful Day

    Chapter 10   The Rescue Retold


    Return From Marseille

    La Maison Blanche And Le Club

    Chapter 11   A New Idea Les Creches Nou Nou

    Decision Made For Les Creches

    The Council

    Chapter 12   Trip to St Tropez

    Lunch Near The Harbour

    Night Club In St Tropez

    A Lazy Day On The Yacht

    The Final Day

    Back To Monaco

    Le Manoir


    Chapter 13   The 14⁴th July

    Le Manoir

    The Question

    Chapter 14   Le Manoir

    The New Ventures

    The Wrong Underwear

    The Coffee Shop

    My Brother Arrives In Cannes

    Shattering News

    The Days That Followed

    Getting Back To Normal

    Chapter 15   The Accident

    Transfer To Monaco

    The Slow Road To Recovery

    My Return Home

    Chapter 16   Freedom

    The Christmas Ball Is Coming

    Christmas Lights In Paris

    Christmas Day

    Christmas Lunch

    Chapter 17   New Year Megeve Beckons

    Return To Le Manoir

    The Cannes Apartment

    My Birthday

    Chapter 18   My Birthday Take 2


    The Journey

    I stood by the bedroom door like a rabbit caught in the headlights. As he took my trembling body in his arms, he kissed me gently, slowly at first. Mm, I thought, these lips feel as wonderful as I had thought they would be! I felt weak at the knees, and just managed to keep myself in check, with my good little Red Devil tapping her foot and shaking her head. Then he leant forward and kissed me passionately. My bad little Red Devil was doing a jig, as I responded I felt a frisson of excitement and fear coursing through my body, and nothing else existed but him and me. What are you doing, I said to myself, you’re acting like a brazen hussey. I was both elated and scared, for I had not had an intimate relationship with anybody for over twenty years! He let go of me abruptly, saying I’ll come and fetch you tomorrow, we can have dinner, and then watch the parade. Oh, and wear that outfit again! he said grinning, kissing the tip of my nose and he was gone. I felt bereft.

    But dear readers, I go too fast. We had met on a beautiful cold but very sunny January day. I was tired but content that I had finished my conference and business meetings here in France and was due to fly back to England. As I looked out of my hotel window, I decided I would rather take the train back up to Paris. I could stay there one or two nights and then get a plane to go home. Both my little Red Devils, good and bad, appeared on my shoulder, egging me on, which was strange. They had not appeared for a long time, as nothing had happened to disrupt my life for many years. It was my birthday tomorrow; January 17th and I would be forty nine. I looked in the mirror and thought Not bad. A lot of people thought I was in my thirties. I was feeling restless, after all there was no hurry – what was there at home to go back to. The little Red Devils on my shoulder were cheering me on, take a break.

    The journey by train would be a nice change from all that rushing around at the airports. I boarded the train and settled comfortably into my seat knowing the journey would be long. The view of the beautiful scenery flashing past my window was somehow relaxing. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. Suddenly, there was a huge jolt and a horrendous noise. I opened my eyes - I was in the dark and there were people moaning, and bodies everywhere in a tangle of metal, seats and luggage. I sat there stunned for quite a few minutes. The longed-for peaceful journey had become a nightmare. I was lucky that I had been sitting at a table which had stopped me from being thrown up in the air. I struggled to ease myself out, and apart from cuts and bruises I wasn’t aware of any other injury. Gingerly, I started to crawl backwards on my knees. I was seated about half way up the carriage, and I could see that the front part had almost doubled back on itself. I could hear voices shouting, and people trying to force their way into our carriage. I was suddenly aware of somebody coming up behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see a pair of piercing blue eyes. He held out his hand. Dazed, I took it and I followed him back slowly as he guided me to what I could now see was where a door had been ripped open and he put his arms out for me. My bad little Red Devil was urging me on to jump.

    I was scared, confused and in pain. It was a long way down, but at that moment looking into his oh, so blue eyes I suddenly had no fear. I had complete trust in this stranger and I had no idea why, but as I fell into his arms, I felt a frisson of excitement and fear and it was in that moment I fell hopelessly in love.

    There seems to be a hotel across the field. Do you think you can make it? Suddenly, the enormity of what had happened hit me. I nodded silently. I wearily half closed my eyes and watched as he talked to the young lady at reception who was hanging on his every word, and I was jealous and anxious all at the same time. Hooray! exclaimed my bad little Red Devil with satisfaction.

    He had loosened his tie, and unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt, and suddenly all I wanted to do, was run my fingers through his chest hair! He was expensively dressed, neither young nor old, good looking in a rugged sort of way with a good physique. It was obvious he was used to taking charge, and was quietly and efficiently arranging things.

    They only have a suite of rooms available on the top floor with two bedrooms. I thought it would be for the best if we spent the night. I have asked them to bring some food for us. Despite being so weary and in pain, I looked at him, and said icily I am quite capable of making my own arrangements, and I don’t need to be told what to do by another bossy, arrogant man. In any case, how do I know you’re not an axe murderer? I shook myself, and said, whatever are you doing? This gorgeous, handsome man has just rescued you and you fancy him like crazy! My good little Red Devil groaned, and said you’re being an idiot. He looked at me with amusement. I stood up unsteadily, and suddenly, I heard a rushing noise, and fainted at his feet. He got down on his knees and gathered me into his arms.

    He was not prepared for the mixture of desire and passion that coursed through his body. I opened my eyes to see those oh, so blue eyes looking at me anxiously. I was very confused with all the different feelings and thoughts that my brain and body were experiencing, part excited and part scared. Are you in a hurry to get anywhere? I looked up at him. I swallowed and stuttered No, I was here on business, I have finished my meetings and had decided to spend some time in Paris before travelling back to my home in England. He looked at me quizzically. Nobody anxiously waiting for you to come home? I shook my head. I’m sure I saw a slight smile of what seemed like satisfaction pass across his face. He was evidently French, and spoke excellent English with a very slight, sexy accent. I stood up slowly with his help, and we went over to the lift. The suite was luxurious. I knew I couldn’t afford to stay here, and I told him so. Don’t worry, the insurance companies will take care of all the expenses. I went into one of the bedrooms, and ran a warm bath. I slipped into the water and it stung my body. I put on my underwear and a dressing gown, and joined him in the lounge. He opened his briefcase, taking out ointment and dressings. Tending to my wounds, smoothing the ointment on slowly and gently, each stroke of his hand was exquisite. I was shocked that my body and my mind were saying don’t stop, and yearning for his long beautiful fingers to carry on for longer. My little Red Devils were looking at me questioningly. He stopped and covered the wounds with sterile dressings, and then he slowly guided me back to my bedroom. I think you may have cracked ribs he said quietly. I got into the bed gratefully and slid between the cool cotton sheets. I couldn’t keep my eyes open. I heard him say good night as he softly closed the door. The next morning, I opened my eyes and it took me a moment to be aware of my surroundings. Then, every minute detail of yesterday came flooding back. I couldn’t believe what had happened. It was like some nightmare, and maybe I was going to wake up in a moment. I shuddered as I slowly eased my painful body off the bed, got dressed, and went through to the other room. He was fully dressed and looked immaculate. I flushed red with embarrassment at the thought of what he had done to help me. He was already sitting at the table. There was a substantial breakfast laid out for us. Good morning. Come and sit down and have something to eat. There he was again, telling me what to do. I snapped at him I’m not hungry. The coffee smelt wonderful, Sit he said sharply. He started to pour my coffee. That was a surprise. He was so good looking I thought to myself, I wonder what he was doing on the train? I felt guilty. I couldn’t believe that I had survived and the lives of some of the other passengers had been so cruelly taken. I sat down and helped myself to breakfast, but my body was so racked with pain I just toyed with my food. He was watching me closely. I think you need to go to a hospital. I shook my head, and adamantly said NO. Thank you. I’ll decide what I should do. Are you deliberately trying to drive him away, said the good little Red Devil. I suspected my injuries were only superficial. Will you at least let me strap up your ribs? he asked. He put a small pack down in front of me Painkillers. Will you be, OK? I nodded. The phone rang. He answered, and when he turned back to me, he said. There are two policemen downstairs waiting to speak to us. Are you up to facing them? I suppose we have to do it sometime I sighed. Two hours later and they were gone. I was so exhausted I could barely stand. At least I had my brief case and handbag back, and my case was safely with the concierge at the hotel. We went back up to the suite in silence.

    I sat down and suddenly found a glass thrust into my hand. Drink he said. I was going to tell him to stop ordering me around, but when I saw the stern expression on his face, I took the glass. I hate spirits but I gulped it down in one with a grimace. We looked at one another. Well, at least we now know one another’s name. As I stood up, he said Good morning my name is Maximillian de Beauchamp. Call me Max. I’m a business man working in pharmaceuticals. I replied I’m Josette Bennett and I’m a business woman working in education. I held out my hand and he took it, but didn’t let go. I suppose I had better get moving and continue with my journey, but I don’t relish the idea of getting back on a train I said with a shudder and withdrew my hand from his warm grip, but as I did so, my knees gave way, and I slumped into his arms.

    He looked at me and grinned. You’re getting into the habit of doing this as he held me in his arms. Why don’t we stay here one more night? If you give me all your details, I’ll make arrangements for us to both get back to where we were going. Do you really think you’re fit to travel onwards at the moment? It felt warm and comforting to be in his arms, and my little Red Devils were jumping around on my shoulder saying Stay, stay and as I stood there, I looked up at this oh so sexy man, and wondered what kind of lover he was. I was shocked that I could have such wanton thoughts. Before I met this man, it would have been inconceivable for me to have let somebody else make any of my travel arrangements, but now…. Perhaps it was the pain or the fatigue that had taken over. Was I doing the right thing? I pushed my doubts to the back of my mind. After all, so far, he had taken charge and arranged everything to perfection. I nodded in agreement, and my little Red Devils were jumping up and down with glee.

    Why don’t you go back to bed and lie down for a while, you’re in shock and exhausted, and I do think you should let me strap up your ribs if you’re not going to the hospital he added. He let go of me and as my knees started to give way, he swung me up into his arms and took me into the bedroom. He pulled the covers back, placed me on the bed and left quietly closing the door. My brain was all over the place and I yearned for him to come back and take me in his arms, I felt safe there. A little while later, he came back and saw I had fallen asleep. He gently removed most of my clothing, leaving me just in my lacey black bra and panties. He sucked in his breath, and pulled the covers over me again, trying to push away the thoughts of wanting to have me in his bed, right there, right then. He leant over and gently brushed his lips across my forehead, inhaling the scent of my expensive perfume.

    The next morning, we had breakfast together in the salon. I was trembling, with shock, fear and desire, and trying not to let him see how much my ribs hurt. We just kept looking at one another, and barely spoke a word. He went out of the room and came back with what looked like bandages. So, are you going to let me do this, or do I have to take you to the hospital? I looked at his face, and decided I had better give in, especially as I was in so much pain. When he had finished, I was far more comfortable, but still hugely embarrassed! We went downstairs to the gently restrained hustle and bustle of this very expensive hotel in the middle of nowhere. It was obviously well known. I was surprised that they had managed to accommodate us at such short notice. After a light lunch in the conservatory Max suggested we got ourselves ready as our transport was due to arrive. There it was again; he was organising MY life. A tall man in a grey suit entered and whispered in his ear. Thank you, Turner. He turned to me and said Shall we go? Our ride is here. A little distance away a helicopter was waiting. I stared at it, and turned to look at Max. This is our transport? You own this? I asked. He simply nodded. I looked at him in a new light.

    This man didn’t work for the company – it appeared he WAS the company. Do you want to go to Paris or home to England? he asked. Home please. Later he lifted me out of the helicopter, and as I walked away, I felt bereft.


    A Trip to Nice

    I felt lost and restless. I had been home two weeks and was trying to catch up on my paperwork. My phone rang. Hello a familiar voice said. My two little Red Devils, were whirling round in excitement. A frisson went up and down my spine, my insides were jumping around and a warm feeling spread through my body. How did he know my number?

    Hello Max I replied in a whisper, my mouth was dry. How would you like to play truant and come over here to see the Flower Festival in Nice. It’s on for a fortnight I can’t just drop everything and leave. What are you doing, said my good little Red Devil, you’re going to blow this Why not? Have you got any important meetings, or people you have to see? No I said feebly. I can’t just take a fortnight off. Well, could you come for the last few days? Max, you don’t give up do you. No more than four days then, but I don’t know which days I am free. I’ll come, and ring you to let you know which days I am coming to Nice I said trembling with anticipation.

    I’ll make a reservation at one of the hotels on the Promenade des Anglais, just let me know which dates. See you soon then. I put the phone down and sank on to a chair feeling weak at the knees. I spent the next few days in fear and anguish. My sensible side and good little Red Devil kept saying are you mad, my flirty side kept saying what’s the harm and my naughty little Red Devil was jumping with glee. I threw caution to the wind and e-mailed Max to let him know I was coming from the Friday, and leaving on the Sunday morning. He replied that that wasn’t 5 days!

    I arrived at Nice Airport on the Friday morning trembling in anticipation. Max was waiting in the Arrivals Hall. He was much more handsome than I had remembered. Turner took charge of my luggage. Max gave me a hug and a peck on the cheek. He smelt wonderful, a mixture of expensive aftershave and maleness! He checked me in at the hotel. The bedroom was so elegant, and had a wonderful view of the promenade and the sea. I have made a booking for dinner at a restaurant for 7 o’clock. What would you like to do in between? I looked at him, with my imagination and my little Red Devils running wild, and visions of running my hands through his hair, and kissing his mouth. I steadied myself and said Would you mind if I had the afternoon to myself? I am sure you have booked an expensive restaurant and I would like to go to a hairdresser and then titivate. What does that mean, titivate? "It means change

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