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Inferno Mosquito
Inferno Mosquito
Inferno Mosquito
Ebook121 pages1 hour

Inferno Mosquito

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A scientific experiment gone wrong caused the sudden change instant by a mosquito which in turn will be repeated thousands to create a new breed of giant mosquitoes and offensive virulent mutants who will become fatal to humans in the contaminant irreversibly to a point. Final result, giant mosquitoes and contaminated invade the city, total chaos. The government and the army deployed all their resources to find a solution. Non contaminated must at all costs cope to go to shelters set up by the government for them. En route, between eradicate the contaminated or risk his dangerous presence in the knowledge to protect him, Jeffrey and his companions will to choose to stay alive until the final victory.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateApr 20, 2023
Inferno Mosquito

Evens Gustama

Evens Gustama is a husband and a father of four. He’s a former karate,taekwondo and self defense instructor. He a pianianist specializes in classical music. He’s a truck driver, he participate in Caribbean tank truck Roadeo two times and he won the first place twice.

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    Inferno Mosquito - Evens Gustama

    Copyright © 2023 by Evens Gustama.

    The Scenario write by Evens Gustama

    Film Project of Evens Gustama

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

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    Rev. date: 04/19/2023






    Fade In


    A SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENT A new mosquito repellent product that is more powerful than the one on the market, and more effective in exterminating all kinds of mosquitoes gone wrong caused the sudden change in mosquitoes, which will be repeated thousands of times to create a new breed of giant mosquitoes and offensive virulent mutants that will become fatal to humans in the contaminant, irreversibly to a point. Final result, giant mosquitoes and the contaminated invade the cities, total chaos. The government and the army deployed all their resources to find a solution. The uncontaminated must, at all costs, cope to go to shelters set up by the government for them. But those who are contaminated by giant mosquitoes will perish with the mosquitoes, when the army launches the powerful product against mosquitoes, others who are contaminated by humans will live normal again thanks to an antidote.

    Jeffrey and his companions will have fight. . . until the victory.

    Film Project of Evens Gustama


    Writing of the Scenario



    The sky is clear.

    The forest is green. Under the trees, birds fly and sing.

    A large number of mosquitoes is flying above a puddle of water.

    A few meters away is a house with electric installations and antennas.

    A sign that indicates it is a laboratory.

    Mosquitoes flying around.

    Here is one big plan. It disappears in the shadow of the house.


    A laboratory room. Three scientists work. One looks in an electron microscope, and the others consults some mosquitoes lava he holds in his hand.


    Another laboratory room. Everything is fully installed and the room is well lighted. A sort of window glass can see across the room.

    There, the scientist, Frantz, works. He is conducting a test on a mosquito placed in a jar in front of him. On the table full of containers filled with chemical compounds, Frantz holds a small glass container containing a green liquid covered with a spray head. He looks.


    The color is slightly changed! Should I try anyway . . .

    I think it is there. Let’s See what it will give.

    He sprays a few drops on the mosquito.


    And voila. Let’s see now.

    It is the mosquito in the jar.

    A few seconds later, the mosquito begins to grow disproportionately to the size of a bird of prey and its eyes were as green as phosphor

    Frantz, taken by fear, begins to decline.



    Holly cow! what have I done?

    The mosquito begins to fly evrywhere, reversing everything within reach.

    Receptacles fall. The liquid pours on the electronic objects of the laboratory. Sparks and steam rise and fill the room.


    Both scientists work. Hearing the bustle, one turns to the other.



    But what is this happening?

    They are seen through the windows of the room. They saw a giant mosquito flying in all directions in the production room, the worst the mosquito is getting bigger and bigger, they panic and start to leave the place



    Frantz . . .

    They are opening the door into the smoke.

    The mosquito bites one of the scientists. It sucks the blood and finally injects a green virulent liquid substance in the body of victim.

    The other scientist tries to find Frantz. It steps back outside, leaving the door open behind her. Frantz takes his breath. Looking in the windows through the glass,he sees nothing because the smoke is invading the room.



    Anthony . . . Anthony . . . Anthony let’s leave the room now let’s go

    Frantz is panicked, the situation becomes serious more and more, but no flame

    The smoke is rapidly spreading other room


    We must go, Frantz. Everything is burning. "Frantz

    reply" there’s no flame it’s just smoke but it’s weird to

    see that, let’s not stay here otherwise we’ll all ascie

    They run out of the laboratory. Suddenly Frantz stops and get back to the laboratory their colleague does not know why he returns to the laboratory risking his life, but Frantz knows how What he does.


    I must get something. Do not expect. Save yourself.

    Frantz returns to the room and gets his pen drive, and fled.

    A few minutes after he fled, the mosquitoes escape.

    This is the beginning.


    The smoke spreads in the forest until the puddle of water where mosquitoes populated and mosquitoes flying above the puddle of water.


    A forester arrives in his 4x4 truck. It think it’s a fire and trying to enter to go rescue any survivors.


    With his gun in his hand, the ranger inspected the scene. A monster like a death a little dried hit him and biting him.

    The Police and firefighters arrived quickly on the scene, they framed the area with security tape, passers-by wanted to know what was happening by stopping their vehicles on the side of the road in the dangerous zone, they are very curious to know what is going on because they see smoke, but no flame, then the smell of smoke is undesirable, it still pushes them to push their curiosity by asking the police what ‘is it? But the police prevent them from stopping in the danger zone for their safety.



    The forester goes inside the laboratory, without knowing what he is waiting for, he continues to look for survivors, to his great astonishment, he sees

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