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Introducing Physics Creativity Research: A New Domain of Physics
Introducing Physics Creativity Research: A New Domain of Physics
Introducing Physics Creativity Research: A New Domain of Physics
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Introducing Physics Creativity Research: A New Domain of Physics

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Here in this book, your author blends the sciences of physics and creativity research.  He derives the new domain of physics creativity research.  Here we will explore discussions on this exciting new branch of physics.  We will explore creative discussions and novelties.

PublisherTim Voigt
Release dateApr 8, 2023
Introducing Physics Creativity Research: A New Domain of Physics

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    Introducing Physics Creativity Research - Tim Voigt

    To students of physics.

    Epigraph page:

    'Physics is a science evergrowing of its branches, discoveries, and new sub-domains of study.  A brand new subject would appear seeing the blending of physics with the science of creativity research.  Here would be founded physics creativity research.  It is overall the application of thinking methods, creativity techniques, and inventing methods to physics ideas.  It would lead to the elucidation and discovery of new physics ideas and ideas in science fiction, futurism, fantasy, and other domains.  It would open a door into a new world of physics discovery, insight, novel thinking, and epic new ideas.  It would be born of the blending of these two sciences forging a new science all its own.  It needs to be explored, annunciated, developed, and elaborated upon.  Physics is always expanding of its knowledge, insights, applications, and domains of study.  This is a new development good for new thinkers in physics, new pioneers, and those ready for a new adventure in discovery in physics.'              -talk on physics

    'Physics advances through the actions of thinkers here and there.  They would discover a law, find an effect, develop a technology, or something else.  Collectively all this combines to make for the science of physics.  It is now a vast collection of laws, arcana, concepts, theorems, and insights born of Man's curiosity into Nature, his want for understanding, and his will to find it.'    -talk on physics

    For some, physics has become its own religion.  It is a way to explore the universe, to find meaning, to know beauty, and to experience truth.  It is a timeless subject for the thinker who wants to understand the world and also to understand oneself.  -physics talk


    Your author would take a degree in physics and study physics for over 30 years.  Various sciences would arise over the ages called physics and creativity research.

    Physics is the study of matter, spacetime, energy, and forces.  It was formally founded with Galileo, but its origin predates this with natural philosophy.  It is now so immense of study, it embraces astronomy, optics, relativity, acoustics, and so much else.  It is taught worldwide and professors to it exist in most any college.  It is now so complicated it seems no one knows it all.  It continues being taught, expanding of its knowledge, diversifying into other sub-sciences.

    Creativity research is an age old study into creativity.  It teaches how to invent, to think creatively, and to use creativity methods as well.  It discusses inventing, innovation, technology, mental thinking, and so much more.  It too is an immense science with many thinkers, theories, and results.

    Here in this book, your author attempts to blend these two sciences to form the new study dubbed 'physics creativity research'.  Overall it is a study into applying creativity methods to physics, exploring how to discover in physics, and exploring physics for new theories, new concepts, and novel insights.  Here in this book, we will explore a discourse and discussion on this epic and novel new development in physics, called Physics Creativity Research.

    Here in this book, we will explore this new study more closely.

    This discussion would arise over 30 years of studying these sciences.  It is an attempt to bridge these sciences, to blend them, to combine them, and to forge something new of study.  Here in this book, we will explore an epic discussion into this epic new study in physics and creativity.

    I am sure there are many mistakes in this work.  Please forgive any omissions, paradoxes, and other problems you may find.  It is a discourse on something new in science and I hope you enjoy this read.  Please share it with your friends and associates.  Thank you for reading.

    Timothy Voigt

    Science Writer


    'Creativity and physics both share something in common.  Both tap into Man's intelligence to think, create, and know.  With physics he can understand the universe.  With creativity he can tap the ability of genius in him.  When both are blended, perhaps Man can know genius with science.'  -talk  on science

    'For all intents and purposes the universe is a great mystery.  Man has been slashing his way through the jungle of ignorance to get to the truth.  He has come far but he has not completed the journey.'              -talk on physics

    Preface:  The Universe

    There is a vast grand reality.  It is unique, vast, everything, all, and immense.  It is the universe.

    It is called by names like:

    -cosmos -Creation -the universe -everything -all -the allness -totality -reality -the physical universe -the 10,000 Things, Nature, and much more.

    It is a vast reality of all things like:

    -plants -animals -forces -matter -energy -spacetime -objects -theories -people -life -stars -planets -galaxies -moons -effects -laws -states of matter, etc.

    The nighttime sky illustrates the immensity, mystique, and grandeur of the universe.  It is a great expanse of emptiness with stars, galaxies, black holes, and astronomical objects spreading out in a seeming infinity.  It is not known to have an edge, a wall, a surface, nor anything like this.  It is a vast expanse of space, time, mass and energy objects all immense, vast, and almost incomprehensible.  It is the subject of its own study in cosmology. 

    It would baffle all ages, tempting many to try to 'explain' it, absorbing it into religion.  It would grow through so many visions, worldviews, and other dramas.  It would be studied in all ages of history, with people asking questions, and also seeking answers, perhaps making them up.  It is still very mysterious with a lot of mystery, secrets, conumdrums, and more to keep ages questioning it again.

    A worldview is a vision of how the world or universe works.  Virtually all ages seek and conceive one.  It will postulate dramas like a cause, God, the act of beginning, what its features are, what makes things exist, how reality flows, and also how reality ends.  It would result in many epic stories like Genesis, a cosmic egg, a primordial ocean Nun, epic myths of God or the gods, a world tree, and so much else.  A worldview can generate an elaborate mythos or body of teachings, being enshrined in religion, being taught for ages.  Its story defines a religion, an age, a people, and civilization.  Ages have long sought the true vision or true worldview, but for now his understanding suffices with mythology, science, religions, and what more is believed.  Cosmogony is the study of worldviews.

    Ages would postulate an epic and supreme entity, God.  He created the universe, devising a plan, establishing his order, endowing all things, making everything. He created all things, life, worlds, places, and things.  He is the cause, the originator, the origin, and the reason.  He is the life force of all, shaping everything, dictating, commanding, being the force that made it all.  He resides in Heaven, omnipotent, lord of all, supreme above all.  Ages would believe somehow He exists and that He made it all.  Various lines of myth are that He is the lifeforce of all, everything.  Another would be that He made the gods.  He would endow them with lifeforce to make things at His behest.  Out of this would come beliefs on how the universe was made.  Ages would conceive all manner of religion and belief as to saying how it began, but it seems no one really knows just what was the truth.

    Religions would regard the universe as a sacred and mythical thing.  It is a reality so made where Man, God's highest creation can have his life.  In many myths, religion would maintain the universe was this.  The Earth is flat, the center of the universe, the home of Man.  Around it all else revolves, the Sun, the Moon, planets, and the like.  God would populate his universe with Man, his highest creation, but he would also consider other things like gods, spirits, mythological animals, Heaven, Hell, Satan, demons,  and the like endowed with their natures, being given some place to live and fluorish.  It is a reality that fluorishes, unfolds, exists, and just happens after all.

    Various ages would maintain the universe must have a 'meaning' or some cause or reason to exist.  Various causes can be to make Man and give him a place to be, to give God something to do, to provide Him with a hobby to stay busy with for eternity, to make life, to make reality exist, to act out God's Plan and just happen, and more.  It would result in much speculation, religious teaching, questioning, and exploration searching for a meaning to it  all.  Einstein wanted to know God's master plan, His thoughts and not the details.  Einstein could not know God, but others would take up the quest to know God.  For now the universe keeps its mysteries, being its own Great Mystery, baffling all, confusing all ages of Man, often tricking many into believing they knew the 'reason' for it all.

    World myths discuss epic stories called Creation myths.  They are childhood stories of how the universe supposedly began.  Stories would discuss themes like God making all, a cosmic egg cracking, gods suddenly appear and craft Creation, a divine pair breed, crafting Creation, and so much else.  The ancients did not know how the universe began and thus they resorted to mythologizing, pretending stories, and also enshrining such stories in religion as well.

    It is thought it began with the Big Bang.  It is a grand explosion of some kind, immense and total resulting in the creation of it all.  It would expand, accelerate, and cool down eventually making for the real world.  It would create galaxies, moons, stars, planets, and also places for life.  Out of it would come Man, his world, politics, and much more.  It was born and endures to this time as reality itself.

    In the Big Bang, it is thought it would cool and leave behind an energy presence of itself.  Scientists would theorize that perhaps this energy presence akin to ash or embers of a fire may still exist.  It would touch off efforts to find it.  Two radio astronomers named Penzias and Wilson would discover it and win the Nobel Prize.  It would so stun physics that it was discovered at all.  It settled an age-old debate.  Its debate discussed whether it was born or that it always existed.  It would answer that the universe was born, but it did not solve the problem in how it was created.

    Its thought the universe created four forces.  They would be electromagnetism, two nuclear forces and gravity.  It is thought at the beginning, they were all unified as one force, but somehow they broke apart.  Physics cannot explain how they broke apart, it only believes faithfully they were once all joined.  For now it is known the forces broke apart, now scattered into its constituent forces.  Somehow the forces make up for all things in Nature, emitting energy, causing the manifestation of matter, and much more.

    The universe would be born and then somehow start obeying natural laws.  Suddenly it starts obeying the laws of motion, conservation laws, force laws, and so much else.  How it came to be that the universe does this no one knows.  Its thought at the beginning of time all forces were joined as one.  They broke apart ending their symmetries each acting a domain of Nature.  Theories like relativity and quantum mechanics are born, thus accounting for their phenomenas.  The universe goes on to be the epic reality it is discoverable to science, following physics, unfolding, and shaping reality ever after.

    The universe would create an energy field.  Out of this energy would come mass, following the laws of physics.  Mass would go on to manifest as subatomic particles, chemical elements, planets, asteroids, life, chemicals, rocks, flesh, wood, plants, air, water, liquids, gases, galaxies, and anything else.  There would be born the star, the Sun and a planet, the Earth.  Here would emerge life, animals, and also Man.  Man would fancy himself God's greatest creation, his highest life, something somehow chosen by God.  Out of this would come Man diversifying, manifesting, becoming what he is in all the ways he is.

    The universe would create all manner of object, force, effect, field, and thing like:

    -star -gravity -electricity -magnetism -motion -atoms -nuclei -particles -light -heat -sound -nuclear forces -physical effect -radiations and energies

    -matter -antimatter -space -time -past, present, and future -cosmic rays -galaxy -planet -comet -asteroid -moon -ring -black hole -superconductivity

    -gas -fluid -plasma -ice -aurora -continents -islands -cosmic expansion -cosmic acceleration -electroweak force -quantum mechanics -relativity, and much more.

    The universe would create something called life.  It is different from rocks, dust, mud, fluids, and gas.  It moves, it seems to have awareness, it can think, and it can manifest as anything like:

    -plant -animal -Man -bacteria -virus -viroid -fungus -blue green algae -algae -plankton -microbe, and much more.  Sciences would be invented to discuss and study life like botany, zoology, biology, anthropology, medicine, virology, bacteriology, and so much else.

    It is thought it will end some day.  Theories range from it collapsing into a black hole to expanding forever in a dead waste.  It is known to be expanding, but it is not known how it will end.  Research probes how it might end, but so far they seem lost as to how it will be.

    It is known the universe can be described according to physics theories.  They are bodies of belief into philosophy, matter, energy, and spacetime.  They seem elegant, powerful, predictive, and explanatory on Nature.  There would develop two monumental ones called relativity and quantum mechanics.  Seeing beyond them is a passion in science.  Joining them is a dream as well.  For now they are predictive and powerful, monuments of learning bewildering physics even now.  There exist others called by names like BCS theory, electroweak theory, QED, classical physics, and much more.

    The universe is studied according to many subjects like:

    -cosmology -science -physics -astronomy -astrophysics -Big Bang cosmology -eschatology -Creation mythology, and much more.  These subjects are esoteric academic studies with intense discussion.  They shed light on discussing the universe, but somehow fall short in explaining it.

    Man has sought to explain the universe, but he cannot.  He tries to do with religion, but somehow he falls short.  Science says one thing and religion says another.  It is a baffling conflict and controversy that continues on.  How to explain the universe?  Man doesn't know how.

    Physicists since Einstein wold believe in an ultimate theory describing the universe.  Its nature would be that it unifies the forces, discusses constants, predicts phenomena, and it can account for all Creation.  It has been sought after by legions since Einstein so far with no success.  Its quest continues on.  To have this theory would in some sense explain Creation itself.

    Physics believes there is an ultimate theory of physics.  It would start with Einstein and represent in some sense an explanation for the universe.  Its quest goes on and no one knows how it will end.  It is a fabulous mystery haunting science, consuming many to solve the riddle of the universe.

    'Physics is a science about probing Nature, seeing its truth, trying to explain it, seeking to describe it.  It would begin in the Stone Age in its journey.  When it ends belongs to another world, someone else, some other time and place, but not this time and place.'  -talk on physics

    I want to know God’s thoughts.  The rest are details.  -Albert Einstein

    Introduction:  The Idea of the Grand Unified Theory.

    Albert Einstein, the legendary thinker and titan of 20th century physics had a curious and profound dream he bequeathed to physics.  He dreamt that the universe obeyed a single master theory of physics with its own set of fundamental equations.  This theory would have a single master equation, a basic principle, the ability to derive mathematically any other physics theory, and an explanation for Nature’s laws and diversity.  He sought to find this theory and spent years fruitlessly searching.  However, he had a deep and abiding confidence bordering on physics faith that this theory did exist.  However, he died in 1955 failing to achieve this one last service to physics.

    This mythical physics theory Einstein so feverishly believed existed is today called by many names.  Examples are the master theory, the super theory, the grand unified theory, the one theory, the master theory, the fundamental theory, the unified theory, the unified field theory, the God theory, the theory of everything, the theory of the universe, and last but not least the theory of the universe.  Its existence is a kind of fantasy in physics, a dreamy thing many believe exists, but no one can prove exists.

    Einstein would spend much of his life looking for this mythical theory.  He would make history discovering theories like special and general relativity.  He would be a founding father of quantum theory.  He would believe a grand unified theory could be had by uniting relativity with electromagnetism.  He would spend his years trying to do this, but his research would go nowhere.  Einstein would make mistakes by discarding with the quantum theory and the two nuclear forces.  He would have graduate students exploring things like hidden variables, black holes, nonlocality, wormholes, and more.  He would labor in futility.  His genius would give so much to physics, but somehow he ran out of genius in trying to find this theory.

    Todays physicist would pick up the quest where Einstein left off in death.  Here they would postulate the graviton, a particle of gravity, extra dimensions of space, quantum foam, the universe beginning as a bubble or black hole, small particles called axion, Higgs boson, neutrino, W boson, J/psi, and others.  Whatever they would find would win a Nobel Prize, whatever they didn't would vanish away.  Since Einstein gave the world a new theory of gravity, they would probe the theory looking for signs of the theory's downfall or phenomena beyond what it is.  So far they haven't found this, but efforts continue nonstop to probe, to question, and hopefully see beyond today's physics.

    It is thought general relativity and quantum theory are not the end all of physics.  They cannot explain the Big Bang, they cannot unify the forces, they cannot explain nonlocality, and there are clues that something exists beyond today's vision of physics.  In all there is a physics beyond physics, physics undiscovered and also unknown.  Whoever can see beyond can solve these mysteries and see what cannot be solved for today.  In all physics goes on and no one knows where it goes nor where it ends.

    Physicists would think up another kind of mystery.  Here they would want to join quantum mechanics with general relativity.  Here they would postulate a mythical theory called the 'quantum theory of gravity' or just quantum gravity.  It would see efforts to tinker with relativity, to postulate a particle of gravity the graviton, and to devise hard mathematics to forcibly join the theories.  It would spawn research efforts like:

    -loop quantum gravity -canonical quantum gravity -twistor theory -supergravity -altered general relativity, and so much else.  So far it would yield anything for now.  For now it remains as a curious quest, a pursuit of another mythical kind of supertheory akin to the grand unified theory.

    There is a belief there may exist a subatomic entity called the string.  It somehow twists and turns, vibrates, undulates, and more.  From this would come all particles, forces, nuclei, and the like.  It would inspire a research fad called superstring theory.  It would become the fad of today's physics with theorems, research paths, theories, and more all hoping to find the grand unified theory.  It hasn't proven anything testable as of yet, but its hoped something comes of this for now.  Other kinds of fad going are supersymmetry, Peccei-Quinn theory, supergravity, M theory, and so much else.

    Today, physicists the world over are searching for this theory, the grand unified theory.  It is the passion of thousands of thinkers who labor to solve the mystery that even the great Einstein could not solve.  It represents in some sense physics’ equivalent to the Holy Grail, a magical treasure waiting for some hero to stumble upon.  As of now, its issue is discussed in all kinds of places ranging from colleges to corporations.  As of yet no one has found it and it is quite possible it does not exist.  However, this does not stop the worldwide ‘army’ of researchers, hobbyists, and physicists from trying to find it.

    For the time being, the quest to find the grand unified theory represents a kind of scientific treasure hunt.  Its prize is none other than the discovery of the basic laws of the universe and insight into why Nature is what she is.  The journey to find this theory goes on and nobody knows how it will end nor with whom.  It represents an achievement that may forever remain unsolved and if that is so, represents a kind of futility that scientists for ages will dwell upon.  However this adventure finishes, it represents in some sense a last, great, and ultimate fantasy journey to end the journey begun by our primitive ancestors ages ago.  For now, the grand unified theory remains just a fantasy, somewhere in the netherworld of the unknown of science waiting for its champion to find this prize.

    Physicists after Einstein would conceive almost anything to unify the theories.  They would postulate things like the string, a subatomic entity, new forces, deeper symmetries, new particles, and anything else to unify the theories, all to no avail.  They would postulate gravity having a particle, new forces existing, and much more.  It would lead physicists to originate research paths like quantum gravity, supersymmetry, supergravity, M theory, GMD, and so much else.  It would lead physicists down a path trying anything, hoping for any breakthrough, trying to solve the greatest mystery of physics.

    Physicists will go to the ends of Creation trying to solve this puzzle.  They will  use partice accelerators to probe the very small.  They will use telescopes to see to the end of space.  They will probe to the beginning of time.  They will dabble anywhere, looking anywhere, whatever it takes for any clue to see the unseen.  It would lead to outlandish ideas like particles going faster than the speed of light, to cooling matter to near Absolute Zero, to look into the heart of the Sun, and to probe the nature of space.  They are hoping for any clue, any glimpse of light in the darkness, to see, to find this theory, to solve the grand mystery.

    To whosoever solves this greatest of physics mysteries, a special place in the science of physics will go.  Such a person will join the ranks of Newton and Einstein as some of physics’ greatest thinkers.  Nobody knows who will live this future chapter of physics, but it is sure to be one of the great stories of history and perhaps the greatest story of physics history. 

    Every age has sought to explain the universe.  However no age could really do that since many ages were just too primitive, superstitious, and unscientific.  Despite this many societies would create for themselves an explanation for the universe.  It sufficed for 'science' in their time, but in reality they had believed in a fantasy.  All these fantastic stories would in some sense all contribute to the founding of mythology.  -physics talk

    'History has known many epic adventures.  There are the efforts to land men on the Moon, to visit the poles, and to dive beneath the sea.  Such adventures would consume men for ages driving them, captivating them with thrill, beckoning them in pursuit of glory.'    -talk on history

    Introductory comments:

    This book would begin in studying physics for over 30 years.  It is a blending of the sciences of physics with creativity research.  Here we will annunciate, discuss, and explore its hybrid study, here called 'physics creativity research'.  Overall it is the study of physics with reference to creativity, being creative with physics, exploring the unknown of its science.  Here we will discuss this epic new development in physics more closely.

    We begin discussion with talks on the parent sciences of this, we will now discuss physics.

    'Physics imitates religion in that it tries to explain the universe, to explain how it began, to discuss God, and so much else.  It is only a science, a body of learning of equations and principles appearing over the ages, shaping how Man thinks on everything.'      -talk on physics


    'Physics represents Man's age-old dream of understanding Nature.  It would begin in the Stone Age and continues into the Modern Age.  It is a journey that is not yet over as Man has not finally understood the universe.'        -talk on physics

    Chapter 1:  Discussion on the Sciences, Physics and Creativity Research

    Physics Creativity Research (PCR) has its origins in physics and creativity research.  It is overall a blend of these sciences, combining their teachings, applying their methods to the other.  Its birth is in these sciences and here we will briefly discuss these sciences.


    'The ages would believe in people like witches, wizards, and sorcerers.  Somehow they would possess magic, being able to cast spells, to magically control the forces of lightning, gravity, magnets, weather, rain, life, space, time, and energies.  The ages would find magic did not exist and thus they could not exist.  In their place there arose a person able to understand these things, to wield some kind of control over them, and in some sense simulating in science what others thought magic could do.'                -talk on history

    ——-Before Physics

    Physics as a science was born in the time of the 16th century with thinkers like Kepler and Galileo.  However before it was born, there would be thinkers and movements that would somehow anticipate it, leading to it, and helping to inspire it.  It would know many epic thinkers and dramas inspiring it like:

    -Greek philosophy -schools of atomism -Pythagoreanism -Hindu philosophy -philosophical Taoism -alchemy -Creation mythologies -astrology -Copernicus

    -religious mythologies -attempts at a philosophical theory of everything -Buddhist cosmology -Eastern Philosophy, and so mch else.  Many of the teachings of these movements would be overthrown, debunked, and disbelieved, at times being considered heresy in religion.  Despite this somehow this would inspire science and also physics later on.

    'Every age has wanted to know how and why the universe worked as it did.  It would lead people to invent myths, to go bard, to rationalize something, somehow explaining what it is.  It would lead people down a path to probe motion, energy, space, time, matter, atoms, hot, cold, light, heat, and Earth.  Out of this would come an accident called physics.'          -talk on history


    Physics is an ancient science having its origin in Greek philosophy, natural philosophy, and other subjects.  It would change and evolve in time becoming an epic science studying the nature of the universe.  It would become a study concerned with issues like:

    -motion -spacetime -mass -energy -astronomical objects -the universe -states of matter -friction (colliding surfaces) -laws -equations -theories

    -heat -light -gravity -electricity -magnetism -force -field -temperature -the Sun -planets -orbits -lasers -chemicals -atoms -particles -waves, etc.

    It would evolve and manifest into two great theories called relativity and quantum mechanics.  Relativity would begin with Albert Einstein.  Quantum mechanics would begin with Planck, Bohr, Heisenberg, and many other thinkers in the early 20th century.  The two would form the present era of physics discussing the various regions of Nature.

    Physics would know many epic thinkers.  They would discover laws, theories, equations, and more defining the subject.  It knows many famous names like:

    -Aristotle -Newton -Galileo -Einstein -Faraday -Tesla -Wien -Hooke -Feynman -Hawking -Wheeler, and many others.  Today there are many thinkers into physics appearing here and there, arising from colleges, manifesting, doing research, and hopefully making memories for the physics textbook.

    Physics has many sub-branches.  All branches discuss some feature of Nature using physics teachings in some way.  It is now a vast labyrinth of other subjects like the following:

    -optics (light) -thermodynamics (heat) -cosmology -solid state physics -electronics -photonics -relativity -quantum theory -classical mechanics

    -acoustics -astronomy -horology -laser science -planetary science -high pressure physics -cryogenics -particle physics -astrophysics -atomic physics, etc.

    Physics would teach many basic ideas called concepts.  They are thoughts refined with definition, nature, content, and more.  They are taught throughout physics, being an introduction to the 'language' of the science of physics.  Physics knows many epical ideas like:

    -space -time -mass -energy -light -force -field -universe -cosmos -motion -past -present -future -theory -gravity -electromagnetism -weak force

    -strong force -acceleration -velocity -condensate -atom -fluid -solid -gas -superconductivity -magnetism -electricity -weather -power, etc.

    Physics teaches 'teachings' called 'theories'.  They are bodies of learning consisting of equations, laws, principles, ideas, effects, descriptions, philosophy, and more to make for an elegant body of teachings.  Physics knows many and teaches them like:

    -BCS theory -special relativity -general relativity -quantum mechanics -QED -QCD -atomic theory -nuclear theory -classical mechanics, etc.

    In history physicists would devise the ideas of force and field.  Here they would believe most anything in Nature was somehow the result of a force and field.  Theorists would believe in all manner of force like:

    -heat -light -vital force -electricity (lightning) -thunder -centrifugal force -Coriolis force -atomic force -nuclear force -material forces -energy forces

    -phlogiston -caloric -frigoric -N rays -radio force -cosmic force -Earth energy -chi -prana -mana -kundalini -Unruh radiation, etc.  They would discover many of these forces did not exist and also they would find many were illusions of still more fundamental forces.  Here they would reduce things down to just four fundamental forces called:

    -gravity -electromagnetism -weak nuclear force -strong nuclear force.  There would be a suspicion all these forces were born of more fundamental forces.  Its thought these forces can be unified to being more fundamental forces still.  A discovery would see electromagnetism and the weak nuclear force be unified as the electroweak force.  There are suspicions still that the forces can be unified further, but presently physicists don't know how to do that.

    Physics would take mathematical teachings called equations and apply them to physics, crafting the physics equation.  It too is a kind of math equation.  Here physical ideas are manifest as variables and related in equations.  Here the physicist teaches them, applies them, and hopes for some result.  He would know many epic equations like:

    -Maxwell's laws -Kepler's laws of planetary motion -Newton's laws of motion -the field equations of general relativity -quantum mechanical laws

    -energy laws -equations of motion -Hubble's law -equations for lens and mirror -gravity laws -the law of weight, and so much else.

    Physics would create for itself many epic institutions, organizations, labs, colleges, and institutes for its science.  It would lead physicists to develop epic places for the science like:

    -observatories -particle accelerators -nuclear reactors -neutrino observatories -space telescopes -space stations -science institutes -atom bomb test sites

    -laboratories -physics colleges -departments of physics -cosmological institutes -private companies -institutes to quantum computing, etc.

    The activity of physics would go on for ages with many epic thinkers.  It would see epic discoveries, new theories, new particles, and new technologies.  The science would give much to the world in discoveries like:

    -atom bomb -lens -mirror -particle accelerator -ovens -fire technology -fans -automobiles -engines -magnets -compass -rockets -missiles -guns

    -bombs -cannon -Geiger counter -microscope -electron microscope -computer -radio -television -superconductors -electricity, and so much more.

    Institutions would invent many kinds of award to honor the physicist in exploring Nature.  There would appear epic awards like the Gruber Prize, Vetlesen Prize, Dannie Heineman prizes, honorariums, honorary doctorates, awards, medals, election to the academy of sciences, and much more.  In the 19th century, an inventor of dynamite, Alfred Nobel would invent science prizes bearing his name.  After his death, his fortune was consecrated to endowing these prizes as well as one for physics.  His awards, the Nobel Prize would gain fame as the highest and most prestigious prizes to win.  It would be given to all manner of thinker who would shape physics and make for grand discoveries.  Winning its award is thought to be the highest achievement of physics.

    Physics is taught worldwide, has many professors, sub-branches, and teachings.  It continues to evolve and expand, becoming something new, exploring the unknown of Nature producing new theories, findings, technology, and teachings.  It takes years to study and is a grand, fundamental science to learn.

    ———Sub-Branches of Physics.  Physics is an epic and vast science.  It was born over ages beginning in discussions of science, natural philosophy, and Greek philosophy.  It would be forged as a science through the actions of epic thinkers like Galileo, Kepler, Descartes, Liebniz, Copernicus, and many others, mainly Renaissance thinkers.  In time it would diversify into many epic sub-studies, also so it would absorb into its canon of teachings other sciences like astronomy, cosmology, optics, and acoustics.  It is now grown so immense, it has an immensity of sub-studies more than is taught in any physics college.  Epic studies absorbed into its canon of teaching is:

    -Acoustics.  This is the study of sound, vibrations, sonic boom, and sonic technology.

    -Thermodynamics is the study of heat, heat technology, and arcana.

    -Optics.  This is the study, its behavior, technology, spectrum, etc.  It has many sub-branches of study like:

    -laser science -optometry and opthalmology (medicine) -opticianry -microscopy -telescopy -spectrography -spectroscopy, etc.

    -Cosmology.  This is the study of the universe as a whole, its nature, Big Bang, fate, inflation, etc.

    -Cosmogony is the study of worldviews, creation myths, and arcana.

    -Big Bang cosmology is a discussion into the Big Bang, how it happened, when, and arcana.

    -Eschatology is the study and discussion on the end of the universe.

    -Astronomy is the study of stars, galaxies, black holes, and

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