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Freidheim and Farenda's Campaign: The Council of Strangers: Freidheim and Farenda's Campaign, #1
Freidheim and Farenda's Campaign: The Council of Strangers: Freidheim and Farenda's Campaign, #1
Freidheim and Farenda's Campaign: The Council of Strangers: Freidheim and Farenda's Campaign, #1
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Freidheim and Farenda's Campaign: The Council of Strangers: Freidheim and Farenda's Campaign, #1

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About this ebook

Following the events of the Glass Empires, Age of the Third Arcon, and Populla's Shadow, Dawn of the Sun Panther, and the Pinnacle of the Winged Serpent, this book charts the course of familiar champions; thoughout their struggles across the Greater Continent, and beyond. Here, they will compete against many rival forces, all while attempting to keep the shadows at bay. This book charts a continuation of the stories of the Molinese General Farenda, the Crown Prince of the Hohen, the crystal ship from the Pinnacle of the Winged Serpent, and another special guest to join in their combined cause. Who will prevail, and who will succumb? Read further to find out…

PublisherS. C. Coleman
Release dateMar 18, 2023
Freidheim and Farenda's Campaign: The Council of Strangers: Freidheim and Farenda's Campaign, #1

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    Book preview

    Freidheim and Farenda's Campaign - S. C. Coleman


    Following the events of the Glass Empires, Age of the Third Arcon, and Populla’s Shadow, Dawn of the Sun Panther, and the Pinnacle of the Winged Serpent, this book charts the course of familiar champions; thoughout their struggles across the Greater Continent, and beyond. Here, they will compete against many rival forces, all while attempting to keep the shadows at bay. This book charts a continuation of the stories of the Molinese General Farenda, the Crown Prince of the Hohen, the crystal ship from the Pinnacle of the Winged Serpent, and another special guest to join in their combined cause. Who will prevail, and who will succumb? Read further to find out...

    Chapter One

    A Diamond in the Storm

    Astorm had arrived at the once desolate and ruined city of Lunskar, only this was no storm of rain and water. Instead, this wild weather that had come to Lunskar was comprised of mostly wood and cloth. It was a storm of ships, as fleets of large Sea Hunter boats flocked to the once dark city; all sailing from those rough northern shores of the Lesser Continent. With the support of Sea Hunters from the Lesser Continent, Lunskar had come to dominate the vast expanse of Wide Mouth Bay, virtually suppressing all enemy ships that attempted to sail from Hoheim. Also, due to the presence of these new allies, Lunskar had become the dominate sea port of the northern coast of the Greater Continent. None could contest Lunskar’s dominance, but dangers were gathering to oppose the Port City’s new position. Something would need to be done, and plans would need to be made. There was a great conflict that was brewing for the future; despite the already rampant destruction and death that was sweeping through every corner of the Greater Continent.

    The once great sea port and city of Lunskar had become great again; as the once dark city now bustled with moving lights. Nearly every building was bright, burning a candle, or decorated by shining lanterns, as hot braziers blazed throughout the once desolate streets. However, the city still showed extensive signs of decay, heavily caked in sea salt and the extretions of sea birds; which painted the city’s sea walls in a sickly white. Unfortunately, Lunskar had no solid docks built, as any were destroyed many ages ago; and the original visage of this city had been forgotten. In rectifying this problem, a situation similar to the one at Laene had developed at Lunskar. A floating market of many merchant ships had collected along the lower beach of Lunskar, a rocky launch that was protected by the menacing guns of the sea cliff above. Lunskar looked down upon this market, threatening any that sought to bring harm to the suddenly burgeoning commercial trade. This market was estabilished through a series of mechanisms, but was physically built from mostly planks, which were fastened between moored, and anchored, ships. Together, the ships supported one another, creating a sort of floating dock. All were anchored and moored together. One ship did not move without the assistance of the other, while anyone on land would have to be ferried to the floating market.

    It was not only this market that crowded the harbor of Lunskar, as fleets of Sea Hunters from the Lesser Continent came to put into port. Lunskar was the only one that was friendly to these Sea Hunters; at least, along this stretch of the northern coast. This ensured that the covered ships of the Lesser Continent flocked to Lunskar like so many migratory sea birds, riding low in the water; built with a curve as delicate as the neck of a swan. However, these were no delicate vessels, capable of ranging vast distances of water, traversing the dangerous Serpents Straight; while harrying any rival ships that might cross their path.  Naturally, any sea-going enemies of Lunskar had become the primary prey of these Sea Hunters. This storm of ships, with Lunskar at the epicenter, meant the no place along the coast was safe for vessels of the Royal Stag Company; only recently the dominating force in the region. Lunskar had united a great deal of seafaring allies, from nearly every coast, people, and culture. Boats from the mountains of Kugum and Ulgar could even be found here, along with some vessels from that distant island realm with the Pinnacle of the Winged Serpent. Alternatively, no boats from the storm islands were present, and the only Xebecs in the harbor had been captured from the Xelmese. Of course, in this state, it would be folly to attempt an attack on Lunksar from the sea.

    Therefore, most of the citizens, otherwise known as refugee inhabitants, and defenders, were worried about an attack from the land. Of course, where there is one crowd, another always comes; as travelers continued to arrive from the inland realm, collecting into pockets of squatters throughtout every corner of Lunskar. Due to the rampant chaos on the continent, Lunskar had become a refuge to many. Yet, the situation was becoming precarious; since such a crowd of incomers would prove a detriment to a static defense, instead of a benefit. Fortunately, for now, all mouths could be fed through incoming produce; arriving from the sea, carried on the arriving ships of trade. Prices were low, no taxes were levied, and trade goods were moving in great volume. New life had been breathed into the dark city, but many worried about the continuous threat of the Royal Stag Company, the White Swan, and the Star Mercenaries; which had all entered into a sacred alliance against life on the continent, it seemed. Facing such a strong opponent, this new life at Lunskar could be easily snuffed out, just as quickly as it had sprung up. Naturally, this precarious position at Lunskar had become a great worry. While the many traveled minds at the city contemplated their future fates, a number of notable travelers continued to come; all seeking the same thing, allies in their individual fights against shadows of death; that ever creeping force that still threatens to permanently cover every area of the continent, and beyond. None could escape the darkness of death, and the extinguishing of the lanterns that burned less every day, at the doors of household, taverns, inns, and every of the place in this city.

    In fact, in the state that it was in, Lunskar had become overabundant with life. It was overflowing with the smell of excrement, and the lack of an effective waste elimination system. The majority of the buildings in Lunskar were ruins, but all had become over occupied, as the streets had become filled with tents, wooden shacks, and any number of ramshackle buildings. In addition, the newly bustling populations had spilled out of the city, into the surrounding landscape; even up to the tree line of the northern forest. Strangely, most having had enough of death and despair, there was little activity of the criminal sort at Lunskar. There were little robberies and murders; nor any other sort of mischief common to such overcrowded places. However, this was not expected to last, as the spies of the Royal Stag Company were certain to have infilitrated the sprawling crowds. Anyone, from anywhere, could come to Lunskar. They were all unknown, and all could be enemies. On the other hand, those that had recently re-estabilished Lunskar as a coastal hub were of a hardy sort. They would not cower at

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