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Alpha's Betted Bride
Alpha's Betted Bride
Alpha's Betted Bride
Ebook263 pages7 hours

Alpha's Betted Bride

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"I’m guessing the meeting wasn't to talk about the food arrangements for when you take over the pack?"
"They’ve arranged for me to marry Gabriella Santos from the Trimoon pack."
"So what, when have you ever backed down from a challenge?"
"How is tying my life to another in marriage, a challenge?"
"The challenge is to make her submit to you."
"We’ll make it more interesting."
"I bet you won't be able to get it done before the end of the year."
"I’ll have her submitting to me by the end of the month,”
"Not just submit. You have to have her wrapped around your finger, hopelessly in love with you by the end of the year."
"Ten grand to whoever wins."

Gabriella is married off to an Alpha by her parents against her will. She is forced to leave her old life behind and move in with the Alpha, who is known for his power and control within the pack. Despite her initial resistance, she eventually comes to accept her new life alongside Alpha Aiden. However, she soon realizes that the Alpha is a cruel and abusive man who uses his position to control her every move. Aiden wanted the title and to receive it , he had to take a wife. As Grabiela is about to enter his life, Aiden decides to make it fun and turn it into a game, with her as the main pond, between him and his friends. When the abuse and lies weigh too heavy she realizes that she has to leave but will he let her go? Or will he tighten his grip and lock the doors?

This is book 1 of the story.

Release dateApr 26, 2023
Alpha's Betted Bride

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    Book preview

    Alpha's Betted Bride - Ms. M

    CHAPTER 1 Prologue

    ~Unknown POV~

    My mother had just told me the news. I was standing in the dining room, and my father was sitting on a chair with his elbow leaning on the table. My mother had her hand on his shoulder and both of them were giving me nothing short of an ultimatum.

    Sweetheart, the title is yours, you will lead your pack but first you must take a wife, My mother said and I saw the pleading in her eyes. She tilted her head down slightly and looked up at me with a certain mix of sadness and guilt. But none of that would change her mind.

    Gabriella is from a good family, her father spoke well of her and they do have a certain respect from other packs around the country. My father said. That was all this was, a good business deal on their end. 

    So do we, we have more respect and more alias than any other pack. I will not be taking a wife, I seethed.

    It’s not a discussion, son. The deal has been made, she will arrive in two days and the wedding will take place right away.

    She’s a spoiled bitch who can't get by without Dady’s money!

    Language! My mom scolded and stepped forward. My dad stood up and heaved a sigh.

    This will be good, for all of us. They need this to keep their pack strong and you will become Alpha. It’s a done deal,

    I was in the den, playing pool and thinking about driving the cue tup through my chest. With enough strength, it should be possible.

    I placed the cue in its position and narrowed my eyes on the ball. The rage that had built in me was surging out of my arms, down into my fingertips, and out into the cue tip. 

    The tip hit the ball and it flew up, over the table, and nearly hit Cole in his face. 

    Whoa! He said and grabbed the ball an inch in front of his face. Too bad, I could've used the laugh.

    I’m guessing the meeting wasn't to talk about the food arrangements for when you take over the pack? He asked and placed the ball down on the table.

    No. It was to talk about the arrangements for my marriage. His eyes widened a fraction and then the laugh came.

    I’ll shoot the ball again and this time you won't be able to grab it. I said and tossed the cue down on the table. It bounced and the balls rolled away.

    I’m sorry but what the hell do you mean with ’marriage? He asked.

    They’ve arranged for me to marry Gabriella Santos from the Trimoon pack, Cole didn't even attempt to hide his laughter and I hoped he’d choke on it. 

    Dude, that spoiled bratty princess? 


    Well damn, I hear she’s hot though,

    Do you think I care? She will do nothing but cause problems and in case you’ve forgotten, I already have a girlfriend. I said and leaned my palms down against the table.

    Cole winced, and for good reason, when Samantha found out about this arrangement, all hell would break loose and I would be the one in the center of the flame. Not just me, but Gabriella as well, probably more so. 

    So what, when have you ever backed down from a challenge?

    How is tying my life to another in marriage, a challenge?

    We have all heard the stories. The spoiled princess who is her daddy’s pride and joy, always gets what she wants and never takes a no for an answer. The challenge is to grab her feet and pull them back down on the ground. Break her, clip her wings so she doesn't soar in the clouds, you will be her Alpha, make her submit to you. I tilted my head back, rolled back my shoulders, and listened to what he said. The light from the lamp was flickering, it annoyed the shit out of me and I grabbed the cue and lifted it. 

    We’ll make it more interesting- he said and grinned.

    - I bet you won't be able to get it done before the end of the year,

    I’ll have her submitting to me by the end of the month, I said and tightened my grip on the pool cue. 

    No no, not just submit. You have to have her wrapped around your finger, hopelessly and utterly in love with you by the end of the year, I clenched my jaw and Cole stared at me, he leaned forward, the dude was an asshole by a long shot but he was challenging me.

    How much?

    Ten grand to whoever wins,

    I get her to fall for me, you give me ten grand? I said and raised a brow.

    Or you fail, which you will, and you owe me the ten grand. I leaned forward, he reached out his hand and I grabbed it, squeezing a little harder than necessary and grinning as he groaned from his bones crushing under my grip. It’s important for people to know their place, especially when their ego is as inflated as he was. 

    The lamp continued to flicker and as I leaned back, I raised the cue and smashed the lightbulb. The glass shards fell down on the table and Cole and I grinned as we both thought about our new game, and the game was arriving in two days. 

    CHAPTER 2.

    Gabby, please look at me, I was watching my three brothers outside, Edmund jumped in the new Benz that dad bought him for his first car. Nick was swinging his arm around his girlfriend and they walked off and Noah left with his friends. Me? I was being told that I had to marry a man I had never met, one who wasn't my mate, because my father and the Alpha of the red moon pack decided it was a good idea.

    Sweetheart, I promise you that it is for the best, for all of us, except me. 

    He sighed and walked away. The door closed and I could finally let the tears fall. They slid down my cheek and I blinked a few times, helping them run faster.

    When had arranged marriages for the sake of power ever made the couple happy? None that I had ever heard of. My dad found his mate, and so did everyone in our family. My brothers would have the same privilege. They would be able to play around, go on dates, and wait until they found the one before they settled down. 

    I got up and shook my head. Crying wasn't going to help me but it was nice getting the feelings out. We weren't a very emotional family, except for my mom. I was raised with three boys but was never allowed to be boyish. My dad always saw me as his little girl and we would talk about my wedding, how he would walk me down the aisle and he always told me that no man would ever be good enough for me. I guess the question of whether or not he was good enough was more about the power our pack would gain from the marriage.

    I pulled out my suitcase and tossed it open on my bed.

    Dad said he could have the Omegas come and do my packing for me but that would mean other people in my room and I wanted this last day for myself. They still hadn't told my brothers about the arranged marriage and they forbade me from saying anything until the day I leave. Tomorrow would show how they reacted to the news. 

    The door opened up and I knew he was standing behind me. I continued packing my clothes, everything that fit anyways, whatever I couldn't fit I would just buy. 

    I brought you another suitcase. It’s Chanel like your other one, I know you like that brand, he said and came over to me with it. 

    He graced my arm with his hand and I jerked it away. 

    You’re still my little girl, Gabby, I turned around and looked into his eyes, hoping he could see the resentment I had for him. 

    Really? Because if I had a little girl, no matter her age, I would never hand her over to a complete stranger. Regardless of the power I would gain, I talked slowly to make sure he heard every word.

    My father normally listened to what he wanted and closed out anything he deemed unnecessary.

    It is for the good-

    Of our pack, yeah you told me. I finished and walked into my closet.

    Whatever he had to say, nothing would ever make up for what he had done. I wasn’t even asked to marry this stranger, I was told to. 


    I’m not marrying anyone! My mom was pinching the bridge of her nose as though I was being unreasonable. My father sighed and shook his head. He scratched his stubble and stood up. 

    Sweetheart. This is for the good of the pack and as Alpha, it is my duty to make sure I do what is best for everyone.

    By throwing your daughter into the arms of a stranger? 

    By making a deal with one of the most powerful packs in this country. 

    Give them money, warriors, land, or anything. Why the hell do I have to go be somebodies wife?! 

    LOWER YOUR VOICE. My father roared.

    This is the final decision. It is not a choice that we are giving you, it is information about a deal that has been sealed. You will marry Alpha Aiden and that is final! He said and slammed his fist down on his desk.

    My mom finally rose her head and looked at me. 

    You will still have the same comfortable lifestyle. We’ll send money to your credit card all the time, you’ll be able to buy whatever you want. We can even raise your allowance by a few thousand a month, she said and smiled, thinking that would make everything better. 

    Money isn’t the issue. My voice had lowered and I couldn't talk louder of fear of my voice betraying me and shaking.

    Oh honey, it might not be the issue but some retail therapy will help. She came up and placed some strands of hair behind my ear. I bit down and clenched my jaw. 

    Do you want help packing your bags? I could help you, she said and smiled softly.

    End of flashback…

    Your brothers will be told tomorrow, I don't want you holding out for the hope of them changing this. It’s already been done. He said and I heard the light tremble in his voice. 

    He placed a wallet on my bed as I walked out of the closet.

    The credit card will be refilled every week. There’s also cash and emergency numbers for your car and such, he put his hands in his pockets and turned uncomfortably in his spot. 

    Maybe you wanna buy a new car? I thought we could do that before you left, I'll go with you, Something twinkled in his eyes.

    He wanted to make it easier on himself, this family had always been controlled by material possession. Whatever I pointed at, I got, the same with my brothers. 

    My father always thought money could solve every problem in the world. If I cried, he bought me a gift, if I was upset in school, he bought a gift, one month ago when I didn't pass a test in school he bought me my first car. 

    No. I said and placed the clothes in the suitcase.


    Can you just leave! I screamed as I turned and faced him. My face was burning up from the anger I felt and at the same time, I wanted to cry. I was an emotional mess and wanted to say a lot of things that were way worse than telling him to go. 

    I just need you to understand-

    I will never understand, dad! I will never in my life understand how you can hand over your daughter to a stranger in marriage, against her will. But that’s where we are now and you've made it perfectly clear that I don't have a choice. But I'm not going to make it easier on you, I’m not gonna forgive you or make peace with this just so you can have a clear conscience. I said and walked closer to him. 

    His eyes fell and he nodded his head. 

    I will see you at dinner,

    Have an Omega bring it up, I don't see a reason as to why we should pretend to be a family for one last night. I said and closed my suitcase.

    I saw the pain in my father's eyes, his cheeks turned red and his lips were parted. It didn't matter if my words hurt him, if they pierced his heart or caused him agonizing pain, he would never undo what had been done. 

    I walked into the bathroom and grabbed all of my makeup products, perfumes, lotions, and creams.

    I put them in different necessity bags and tried squeezing them into my suitcase.

    I heard my brothers coming in laughing and boasting about the day's events. There had been some party they went to where another kid said something and Edmund had punched him in the face. I smiled and pulled my legs up to my chest, hugging them as I listened in on their conversations.

    And Omega came up with dinner around eight and told me that my brothers had asked why I didn't join them. My father had told them I felt sick, which wasn't entirely a lie. 

    Tomorrow was the day I left, nobody knew except for my parents. I was about to marry a complete stranger, a guy who wasn't my mate, and goddess knows what he’s like.


    A knock on my door woke me after my two hours of sleep, barely.

    I turned around and rubbed my eyes before looking at the door being opened. My mom poked her head inside and had a wide smile on her face, showing of her pearl-white teeth.

    Hi, honey, sleep well? She asked and I rose a brow. She stepped inside and closed the door behind her. I looked at the floor by the bed and my brows hunched together when I saw my suitcases had been taken. 

    They're waiting downstairs, She said and walked over to my bed. The bed dipped down as she sat and I jerked my head away as she tried to cup my cheek. 

    As I said to dad, we don't have to pretend, I said and removed the covers. 

    She cleared her throat and fixed her dress. 

    I thought maybe you wanted some help to get ready. I could straighten your hair, or maybe help you with your makeup. Let’s make you pretty, She said in a nauseatingly gleeful voice. My veins grew cold and I resisted the urge to tell her everything that was on my mind. I couldn't believe them, they had sold their daughter off to another pack and they acted as though this was the happiest day of my life.

    Make me pretty? What makes you think for even a second that I give a damn about how I look? She rose her brows and looked mighty offended.

    It’s your wedding day, how can you not care about how you’re gonna look in front of all those people, his family and him? She said and shook her head. She honestly couldn't believe it. 

    I sighed and couldn't help but smile at the stupidity.

    I don’t care, mother, I never did. I'll go up there, looking how I look and not giving a flying fuck about what his family or he thinks, I said articulately to make sure she caught every word. 

    My mom took a step closer, she rolled back her shoulders and pressed her lips together.

    I will not let you make a fool of this family. You will get ready and you will be presentable as you marry Alpha Aiden. His entire pack will be welcoming you as their Luna, his parents will be watching and so will we. 

    Just to get this right, I have no say in anything regarding this wedding, including my appearance? I asked and lifted a finger.

    She came up to me, her eyes softened and her bottom lip stuck out in a pout. She placed some hair behind my ear and cupped my cheek. 

    Oh honey, the short answer is no. you have no choice but the good news is that when I'm done with you, you’re going to look like a princess, She said quietly and stared in awe as she looked at her canvas.

    I clenched my jaw knowing it was done, there wasn't anything I could say or do to get out of this. 

    Come on, I sat down on the chair next to the makeup table. A few Omegas came in and delivered the makeup, hair products, and the dress. The urge to gag was getting harder to control. There were three layers of makeup on my face, false lashes, and my hair was straightened. My mom never liked my curly hair, I was the only one out of my siblings who had it and I got it from my dad. She said that it suits boys and some girls but not me. 

    After everything was done she skipped over to where the dress was hanging on the rack. She pulled the zipper down and revealed an all-white lace dress with thick straps and a sweetheart neckline.

    How beautiful is this, imagine how gorgeous you will feel walking down the aisle, She said in awe and dragged her hand over the fabric. 

    WHAT?! I jumped in the chair as Edmund's growl sounded throughout the entire house. 

    I opened the door and ran out. He was standing in the hallway, his eyes were glowing and his chest was raising and falling with each heavy breath he took. His nostrils flared as he picked up my suitcase and tossed it onto the wall. 

    Gabby, will you tell your brothers that it is okay. My father said with a sigh. I looked between him and the three raging men in front of him. 

    No but I can tell them the truth that I haven't been allowed to say until now, I said and shrugged a shoulder. 

    Edmund growled and picked up the other bag, tossing it across the house. 

    YOU SOLD YOUR DAUGHTER? He growled and walked toward our father. My mom ran down the stairs and up to him. 

    More to the point- Noah said and walked closer.

    -You sold our sister. He said in a low growl and looked up at my father through hooded eyes. 

    My mom was staring wide-eyed at her sons and all I could think was; How on earth did they expect this to go? 

    My mom turned her head and looked at me. I was leaning against the railing and couldn't help the little smile that crept up on my face as I saw the fear on hers. Maybe this was it, perhaps they could talk my parents out of this and I wouldn't have to marry that man. 

    They would see how my brothers reacted and have second thoughts.

    Just like everything else that had proven hope to be a cry for help that was never answered, so was this.

    THAT IS ENOUGH! My dad roared and anything that wasn't glued to its spot shook from the sound. My lips sealed shut and so did my brothers. Their wolves stepped back as my father's Alpha aura filled the entire house.

    The deal has been made and whether or not you like it, this will happen. Any more of this nonsense and you will not be allowed to accompany us to your sister's wedding. They lowered their heads and cast saddened glances up my way. I clenched my jaw and stormed back into my room, slamming the door shut behind me. 

    I didn't know what to do, I

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