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The Book: Poems, Short Stories and Essays
The Book: Poems, Short Stories and Essays
The Book: Poems, Short Stories and Essays
Ebook145 pages57 minutes

The Book: Poems, Short Stories and Essays

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About this ebook

Lupe Duron Dunn learned through her lengthy teaching career that writing provides a person a sense of self and creates a positive outlet. Her own writing is inspired from viewing the world through colors, movements, people, shapes, and other influences.

In a collection of poems, short stories, and essays, Dunn begins with free verse shared to lift spirits and encourage souls while reflecting on past moments, present events, and everything in between including the Navajo people, the beauty of Old Glory, the ravages of time, and the goodness of mankind. In eight short stories, Dunn’s characters each reveal a moment when life showed them a new way of viewing their experiences. Dunn concludes by sharing personal essays that detail the emotions that accompany visiting sites of old battles, a novice actor as he struggles to find his way, and much more.

The Book shares poetry, short stories, personal essays, and illustrations that transcend culture and time to soothe the soul, provide clarity, and remind of the magic of the pen.
Release dateApr 25, 2023
The Book: Poems, Short Stories and Essays

Lupe D. Dunn

Lupe Duron Dunn, a first-time published author, was born in Mexico. Her family migrated to the United States in 1950, where she, her sister, and her brother attended public schools. Lupe received a full scholarship to the University of La Verne in La Verne, California, where she completed a bachelor’s degree in Liberal Arts. Years later, she returned to receive a master’s degree in Public Administration. Her career began with teaching elementary school children. After ten years, she moved on to teach incarcerated youths and incarcerated adults for another ten years. Before completing her teaching career, she returns to elementary grades to teach the shelter and homeless children of Orange County School District in California. Mrs. Dunn said, "A person does not go into teaching for the money. Your heart leads you, and the rest will follow." Through her teaching career, she found that writing gives a person a sense of self and creates a positive outlet. She believes writing short stories just for fun or writing an extended essay profoundly affects expressing and encouraging students not to be fearful of the writing process. Each individual has a voice in expressing themself through the magic of the pen. We bring our uniqueness to the printed word, and our inspirations come from different sources, such as nature, environments, spirit, and other writers. Therefore, thoughts and expressions result in written words; these words transition from empty spaces into a sea of knowledge. Mrs. Dunn, what inspired you, "My inspirations come from seeing the world in which we live: colors, movements, people, shapes, and whatever surrounds me." Finally retired from her extensive educational career, Lupe enjoys traveling with her husband and family in the states and abroad. James Mario Doiron was born and raised in Southern California in the 60s. His love for arts started in early childhood. He enjoys sketching during his free time. His choice of medium is acrylic paint, and he loves experimenting with color. The inspiration for his art comes from travels and family experiences. His favorite artists are Monet and Van Gogh.

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    The Book - Lupe D. Dunn

    Copyright © 2023 Lupe D. Dunn.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Archway Publishing

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    Interior Image Credit: James Mario Doiron

    ISBN: 978-1-6657-4162-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6657-4163-7 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2023905855

    Archway Publishing rev. date: 05/22/2023




    Let Your Light Shine

    The Cliffs and Rocks

    The Ferris Wheel

    The Winds

    Mighty Warrior

    A Navajo

    When I See You

    The Mighty Winds

    The Saddest Day in Our Nation

    The Mermaid and Her Seashells



    What Could Have Been

    Human Dignity

    Mere Shadows

    The Ravages of Time

    The Ocean

    Angelic Music

    The Mexican

    The Mexican Flag

    Stand Up for Justice

    Elliott Jones

    The Firefighter


    Our Cowboy

    The Beggar of Time

    A Time to Heal

    The Goodness of Mankind

    A Letter to the Lord


    Broken Bridges

    The Little Mouse

    The Old Man


    The Rain

    No Coverings

    The Vision of the Sky People

    Just Imagine



    For Mothers

    The Old Train

    The Man and his Motorcycle

    The Farmer

    Songs and Chants

    As Night Falls

    A Triumphant March

    The Rocky Terrain

    Oh, Mighty River

    The Land of Milk and Honey

    Tallest Forest Trees

    The Man in the Plaid Jacket

    Soldiers and Heroes

    A Man’s Shadow

    Working Men

    The Rains Came 1

    The Setting Sun


    The Ride

    What We Breathe

    A Beacon of Hope

    Holding Back

    Out of Danger

    Our Great Ancestors


    A Healing Place


    The Majestic River

    My Little Milo

    The Dark Sleep

    The Rains Came 2

    Day’s End


    In the Forest

    The Whispering Wind

    God Bless Our Truckers

    My Dear Lady

    My Mama Lola

    The Queen Bee

    My Thoughts

    The Crows versus the Hawk

    Betting on Horses

    The Voice

    The Gift

    Planets and Stars

    Another Day


    The Mountain Goats

    The Pillar


    Future Generations

    Human Nature

    A Smile

    The Majestic Eagles

    The Hot Air Balloon

    The Trojan Horse

    The Classroom

    Today’s Thoughts

    The Fog

    Walking Into the Forest


    The Quiet Faith

    Brother, I Have Your Back


    Short Stories

    The Wise Old Navajo Chief

    The Wedding Day

    What is Death?

    A Precious Son

    The Local Restaurant

    The No-Fuss Son

    The Present with a Bow

    Mexico Lindo


    The Ferris Wheel

    The Battle of Gettysburg

    Extra, Extra!!

    Sedona, A Firsthand Experience


    About the Author

    About the Illustrator


    I dedicate this Book to the memory of four significant people in my life.

    The first two are my parents: Adolfo Lomeli Duron and Dolores Estrada Duron, who, through their effort and determination, immigrated to the United States for a better future for their family. I am grateful for my parent’s guidance, nurturing, and love which produced the person I am today.

    The third person is my brother Carlos Estrada Duron who taught me how to study effectively while pursuing a higher education.

    The fourth person was my son Jimmy Nino Marino, whose laughter, bear hugs, and funny jokes taught me to slow down and enjoy the moment, plus the true meaning of patience.



    Let Your Light Shine

    May you be the stars of tomorrow and the ashes of the past be no more.

    May you rise with great expectation and soar above the clouds of yesterday.

    May you see the bright future with each sunrise and be bathed by the sun’s warm rays.

    May you breathe the freshness of freedom that comes with the knowledge of success.

    Face the future, for tomorrow will hold and embrace you as you desire.

    Go forward with dignity, stand tall, be wise, and love all mankind.

    Remember, you are the future, not the past!


    The Cliffs and Rocks

    The cliffs and rocks speak of the injustice that is awaiting the nation.

    The inhabitants of this nation have long forgotten to speak the truth and instead surround themselves with lies.

    The truth is vital for survival, not only for today but for the nation’s future.

    Greedy lies and selfishness have taken their place.

    Could it be that its inhabitants are asleep in their dream world, that they’re playing the part so rehearsed that they no longer know the truth and have forsaken it for lies?


    The Ferris Wheel

    Let’s go ride on the tall Ferris wheel. We can

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