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Salem and Other Short Stories
Salem and Other Short Stories
Salem and Other Short Stories
Ebook40 pages26 minutes

Salem and Other Short Stories

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About this ebook

Salem and Other Short Stories is a compiled collection of some of Lilith J. Hale's favorite stories written by her throughout the years.


"Salem". Is the first story featured in the collection. It is about a young woman who is imprisoned in Salem for witchcraft. The story follows a day in the life of a convicted witch who is the only possible savior for the town of Salem.


"How I became a Myth" is a story that follows Olivia, a woman struggling with mental illnesses. Olivia decides to clear her mind on a hike through the woods and discovers a strange magical secret that only she is privy to.


"Amelia" is the story of a librarian's daughter. She is depicted lying in a library reading her favorite book when something horrific occurs. She is faced with saving her grandfather's library, but she required the help of an unlikely savior.


"Double Life" follow the story of Detective Smith as he searches for the answers surrounding some recent vigilante killings. However, Detective Smith learns a dark secret about the vigilante serial killer that may just leave him in a heap of trouble.


"The Unwanted House Guest" is a silly retelling of a story that happened in Lilith's on life. However, there are both magical and paranormal elements added in. The main character of the story, Adam, finds that he has a house guest that refuses to leave, and even after he finally does, he keeps reappearing until strange and impossible circumstances.


"The Unlikely Savior" follows a young reporter who has been given the task of covering a story on their country's princess. However, the reported is not a fan of the princess at all. He asked to be put on any other assignment. Though, as the story progresses, the reporter finds himself trapped in an elevator with none other than the princess, herself.


"The Grave Mistake" is a funny bit, focused on a demon possession. Though, there are a couple of twists involved. What happens when a demon is possessed rather than doing the possessing.


"Intergalactic Thief" is a story about a young girl who finds herself in possession of a very strange and old extraterrestrial artifact. Follow along to learn what happens when an alien learns that you have come to hold their lost artifact.

Release dateApr 30, 2023
Salem and Other Short Stories

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    Book preview

    Salem and Other Short Stories - Lilith J. Hale


    To all of those who have helped me get to the point where I am finally ready to publish my first piece, I love and appreciate you the most!

    Wade, I wouldn’t be where I am without you. You’ve shown me nothing but unconditional love and support.

    Mariah, you’ve been so good about dragging ass through class and experiencing misery right along with me. You’re amazing.

    Jolly, you’re the shit. You’ve been awesome through everything and have given me all of the best advice.

    Dean, thank you for being you. Your goofiness is most of what gets me through all of my writing, as well as my good days, my bad days, and all the days in between.


    Iopened my eyes as I listened to him approach: my ticket out of this hellhole. I sat up, positioning myself in a sitting position against the grimy walls of my cell. Upon glancing through the barred door, I realized something must have gone wrong. 

    What do you want from me, Sir? You’ve already thrown me in jail. Is that not enough for you? 

    The man looked shaken up, disturbed even. 

    W-we need you, Ma’am. The man’s voice was weak. 

    How do I know this isn’t a trap? I’m a witch, as you determined so publicly. A witch living in Salem, nonetheless, during the Witch Trials. What could you possibly need from me? 

    The man trembled as he cowered before me, hiding his face in shame, no doubt. 

    We have a problem, Miss. There’s something happening out there. We don’t know what it is. The fear in the man’s voice was so think it was nearly tangible. We need your help. It’s not of this world.

    What are you speaking of? And why should I help you after you’ve thrown me away so carelessly and thoughtlessly? 

    "Y-y-you were doing no harm to out town. I admit I was wrong in imprisoning you, Miss Good. There’s something out there. The town needs your help. We’ve no clue how to combat it. Our weapons

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