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Lucifer by Moonlight: A Modern Fable
Lucifer by Moonlight: A Modern Fable
Lucifer by Moonlight: A Modern Fable
Ebook87 pages1 hour

Lucifer by Moonlight: A Modern Fable

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According to ancient scripture, Lucifer was cast out of heaven as a result of his disobedience, gaining freedom for mankind in the process. In Spain, local legends tell that the fallen archangel appeared in an earthly body, thousands of years ago. As the Child of Light, he was rocked on a mysterious stone cradle by a woman from the East.
Seeking to uncover secrets held for centuries, Patrice Chaplin's research into her book The Stone Cradle evolved naturally into Lucifer by Moonlight. From the material she discovered, the rebellious archangel surfaced into the modern day – treading his way down dark streets, forever trying to make sense of his destiny. In London, he is seen as a man of exquisite taste and blinding charisma, habitually breaking hearts. Alternatively, as Lucie Fur he is a high class hooker, walking the streets of Kentish Town whilst trying to avoid his old enemy, the Elysium Fox from Thebes.
Chaplin – celebrated novelist and memoirist – takes us to the timeless Stone Cradle, where the old red-headed trickster, absorbing beams from the moon to feed his brilliance, lies waiting for his obligatory earthly reappearance. But could things turn out differently this time? Might his veneration of children and unexpected care for others change his fate? As Lucifer returns to the Stone Cradle with his dying friend, the morning light reveals the glories of Venus, the place for which he yearns. Will there be atonement – or even redemption – for the tired archangel's past misdeeds?
Illustrated with colour pictures by Melissa Scott-Miller, this imaginative new work is a thought-provoking fable for our time.
Release dateSep 18, 2017
Lucifer by Moonlight: A Modern Fable

Patrice Chaplin

PATRICE CHAPLIN is an internationally renowned author and playwright who has published more than two dozen books. Her most notable works include Albany Park, Siesta (which was made into a film starring Jodi Foster and Isabella Rossellini), Into the Darkness Laughing, Hidden Star, Night Fishing and Death Trap. Her stage play From the Balcony was commissioned by London’s National Theatre in conjunction with Radio 3. As a Bohemian in Paris during the 50s and 60s, Patrice spent time with Jean Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir. Married to Charlie Chaplin’s son, Michael, and living and working in Hollywood, she was friends with everyone from Lauren Bacall and Miles Davis, to Salvador Dali and Jean Cocteau, who gave her a starring role in one of his films. In her trilogy City of Secrets, The Portal and The Stone Cradle, Patrice opens the door to entirely new and compelling elements of the Rennes-le-Château mystery involving the enigmatic Catalan capital of Girona. Patrice is the director of The Bridge, a non-profit organization that leads workshops based in the performing arts as a new and unique way to help fight addiction. She resides in North London.

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    Book preview

    Lucifer by Moonlight - Patrice Chaplin

    PATRICE CHAPLIN is an internationally renowned playwright and the author of more than two dozen books. Her most notable works include Albany Park, Siesta (which was made into a film starring Jodi Foster and Isabella Rossellini), Into the Darkness Laughing, Hidden Star, Night Fishing and Death Trap. Her stage play From the Balcony was commissioned by London's National Theatre in conjunction with Radio 3. As a Bohemian in Paris during the ‘50s and ‘60s, Patrice spent time with Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir. Married to Charlie Chaplin's son Michael and living and working in Hollywood, she was associated with Lauren Bacall, Miles Davis, Salvador Dali, Marlon Brando and Jean Cocteau, who gave her a starring role in one of his films.

    In her books City of Secrets (2007), The Portal (2010) and The Stone Cradle (2017), Patrice opened the door to entirely new and compelling elements of the Rennes-le-Château mystery involving the mysterious Catalan capital of Girona. The material uncovered resulted in Lucifer by Moonlight, the fallen angel's journey in the modern day.

    Patrice is the director of The Bridge, a non-profit organization that leads workshops based in the performing arts as a new and unique way to help fight addiction. She resides in North London.




    Illustrated by Melissa Scott-Miller


    Clairview Books Ltd.,

    Russet, Sandy Lane,

    West Hoathly,

    W. Sussex RH19 4QQ

    Published in Great Britain in 2017 by Clairview Books

    © Patrice Chaplin 2017

    Illustrations © Melissa Scott-Miller

    This book is copyright under the Berne Convention. All rights reserved. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, electrical, chemical, mechanical, optical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Inquiries should be addressed to the Publishers

    The right of Patrice Chaplin to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988

    A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

    Print book ISBN 978 1 905570 91 1

    Ebook ISBN 978 1 905570 92 8

    Cover by Morgan Creative featuring door image © Sergey

    Typeset by DP Photosetting, Neath, West Glamorgan


    Dramatis Personae



    1970, LONDON

    Lucie Fur by Moonlight, Kentish Town

    2010, LONDON

    Dole Queue, Kentish Town

    Cemetery, Highgate

    Cinema, Camden

    1999, NORWAY


    1989, NORWAY


    1999, NORWAY


    2017, LONDON

    Gloucester Place

    Prof.’s Study

    2017, NORWAY


    2017, LONDON

    The Palisades

    Prof.’s Study

    Holland Park


    The Boudoir

    2017, LONDON

    The Ritz

    Mornington Crescent

    The Pallisades

    Kentish Town: Time Running Out

    Kentish Town Station

    2017, SPAIN

    The Stone Cradle



    Stephen Turoff, the well-established psychic surgeon, finished my treatment and was about to leave the room. I was surprised when he paused. With a full clinic, he usually worked swiftly and always skilfully and pauses were rare. Putting a hand on my shoulder he said, ‘An angel is going to visit you in the next two days’. That didn’t sound too good. Was I being taken, as one puts it in the healing world, ‘over to the other side’?

    ‘Am I going to die?’

    Amused, he replied, ‘I was just told an angel will visit you. You are not afraid of death?’

    He flicked his fingers and laughed. It was no big deal. I tried to look as though I agreed. Stephen does amazing work by channelling surgeons and doctors in spirit, who through him perform the surgery. I have seen amazing results and in my case undeniable progress.

    During the following two days I did consider Stephen's prediction and expected the visitation would happen at night. Something would appear in my dream-state. I was relieved when the two days were up. Nothing had happened.

    Why didn’t I notice that on the second day I had suddenly, out of nowhere, started writing about Lucifer? I was finishing editing my new book, The

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