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In the Realm
In the Realm
In the Realm
Ebook53 pages52 minutes

In the Realm

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About this ebook

This book is about being yourself. It is about the positive influence people had on my life.

Release dateMay 1, 2023

janet gillooly

Janet Gillooly earned a bachelors degree in Psychology. She also completed a masters level of education in Counselling Psychology. Her three great loves are spirituality, Psychology and writing. These three great loves have helped her find balance. Her writing is a creative gift, but education has helped improve her skills. These three great loves have brought her to full circle in growth.

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    In the Realm - janet gillooly

    In The Realm

    Chapter One 

    My path has led me back to who I am. I was myself as a child, but then obstacles got in my way to become who I was all along. Not that you want all your childish ways, but the foundation. I think it takes a lot of time being alone with yourself. I can live on my own skin and not be afraid to be alone.

    I am not afraid to speak my mind and be honest with myself. Sometimes it's just best not to say anything. I am at peace most of the time. Stress makes me stronger. I take care of my soul which is the most important thing to me. A book without a soul is lifeless.

    I am not into the latest trends and idolize no one except God. I have a few friends but most of them have died. I say simple but humble prayers. I think you must go through a lot of tribulations when you're lost to gain back yourself.

    I know who I am, but I do not look to the future. I am grateful for every day I wake up alive. I have a good life, not always easy, but I know there are some who have it more difficult. I do not have a lot of drama which depends on who you choose as a friend.

    I am sixty-four so I am not looking for a career or to be married. I live with my cat which I enjoy. I have forgiven myself and others. It does not mean I forget. I do not think I can forgive totally because I am not God.

    I try to be positive in a world filled with so much negativity. I am grateful Jesus found me when I was twenty-five. I love people but I dislike them as well. I will never be a saint, but I strive to do the right thing with each new day. We all have troubles which we surmount every day. Life is a hell of a thing to happen to someone.

    It takes a lifetime to finally be at home, the place you belong. Dusk comes and you are still here to make a difference. I ran all my life trying to escape reality. I am now and prefer to be sober. I want to be sane in a world that is full of drunken masses and perversion. Choosing to do right even though the masses do not agree.

    Choosing what the bible says that is ingrained in you, rather than liberals who want to change the obvious meaning. I have traveled many paths, but one thing is certain the Lord led me the whole way. Troubles make you stronger and good times you appreciate. They are both for our own good to help us grow.

    No one understands a soul except God. Though life is short we must spend it in honesty and treating others as if they are ourselves. Many angels intercede that we may not be aware of in this earthly existence.

    My life begins with Christ and may it end with Christ. Those who live without Christ are a mere shell without life inside them. His light can draw many towards him, but the blind refuse to see. I accepted Jesus when he came, but he chose me.

    The dark places I have been in were so difficult I did not think I would make it, but God rescued me every time. The dark places are like a tornado that scatters you all over into pieces. You are left with fear, paranoia and confusion. A deep sadness fills your heart beyond your capability to bear.

    The consolations are an incredible gift from God. Your faith gets fed the grace of miracles. It is a bright sunshine that fills your whole soul. This gives you faith without consolations free from sight.

    The journey is full of calm, trouble and joy. You can claim forgiveness every bright new day!  You are washed clean every day for newness of the soul.

    Surround yourself with holy things such as pictures, statues and books. This will encourage devotion and remembrance. Music can be a prayer as well as a book. You are aware of Jesus every moment and conscience of your wrongdoing.

    You make no conscious decision

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